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Alliances destined for eachother

Ryan Greenberg

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[quote name='Willaim Kreiger' timestamp='1297551763' post='2630643']
It has certainly turned out that way recently, though I hold no real ill-will toward either of the FOKs. They've been pretty cool people and pretty challenging fights across the board. I'd still wait maybe one more war before I declared us destined for eachother though :wub:
We fought each other in 3 of the last 4 major wars. I don't know why it keeps happening, but maybe we can change the habit after this war. :P

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Guest Mike Oldfield

[quote name='VladimirLenin' timestamp='1297409805' post='2629120']
Mandatory Athens v. Sparta. :awesome:
That's about as likely as MK vs ODN or FAN vs MK or ODN vs INT or Vox vs HoG, you get the point :P

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[quote name='MikeTheFirst' timestamp='1297558488' post='2630735']
We fought each other in 3 of the last 4 major wars. I don't know why it keeps happening, but maybe we can change the habit after this war. :P
I'm afraid most of your friends don't like us very much :ehm:

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Guest Mike Oldfield

[quote name='Exige' timestamp='1297565157' post='2630819']
in a neutrals recruitment race
GPA/TDO/WTF (attacking) vs MK/ODN/Athens (defending)

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[quote name='Zoomzoomzoom' timestamp='1297392547' post='2628735']
PC vs DT? Seems a little exaggerated.
Though the two have had their differences, I'd suspect they'd have a lot of fun duking it out. Then there would be a great making-up party . . .

[quote name='James IV' timestamp='1297443773' post='2629430']
DT and CSN. :awesome:
[quote name='shahenshah' timestamp='1297553754' post='2630664']
CSN and DT.
I wouldn't call these two enemies just yet, though it is amusing that the three StarCraft clans that they drew members from (two in DT, one in CSN) hated each other . . .

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[quote]NoR vs. TPF[/quote]

Nope. We worked all that out not long after our reformation.

[quote]NoR vs. TGE[/quote]

Who? I could swear you mean an alliance of some kind, but none with the initials 'TGE' exists.

[quote]NoR vs. Commies[/quote]

While there are no doubt many lolCommies who feel that way, the fact is that we worked with them not long after our reformation to root out various spies etc. who were trying to goad us into a war with each other.

On an alliance-to-alliance level, our relations are somewhere between 'limited interaction' and 'cordial'.

[quote]NoR vs. GOD[/quote]
This is a one-way hatred, fueled by Xiphosis' inability to put the past behind him.

This becomes especially apparent when he spins fantasies about Nordreich having 'the same people in control as in NoV', Nordreich possessing some kind of 'stranglehold on Black' or, my personal favorite, that NoR allied with RoK for the sole reason of getting closer to (or possibly neutralizing) SuperFriends.

Then again, we've known for some time that his relationship with reality is tenuous at best. Thus we don't 'hate' him, per se, although we do point and giggle a lot.

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[quote name='jerdge' timestamp='1297466254' post='2629740']
IRON vs MHA would be more in the direction of fair/interesting.

Although from my time in the MHA I remember that we hadn't any special enmity with IRON and fighting against them in every darn war was starting to be annoying (at least to me). I imagine that both would love another bit of a change.
[quote name='HellAngel' timestamp='1297551443' post='2630639']
I can attest to that. The displayed animosity actually only stems from Ramirus and his followers for whatever reason i never caught a clue of.
Agreed with the Two Above. We hitchhikers do seem to end up fighting IRON quite a bit but there's no hostility or ill will between us two at all.

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