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Peace is a Lie


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[quote name='Varianz' timestamp='1296501927' post='2613238']
Yes actually, you caught onto our super-sekrit plan- have [i]one [/i]nation declare [i]one [/i]war on [i]one [/i]member of VE, thus tipping the balance of power on that front. There's no hiding from you is there?

Hint for the peanut gallery before they drool too much: one of our members, an ex-member of VE, declared on a friend. As far as I'm aware, no damage was done- it was simply a joke between friends. Peace was made, end of story.

Indeed - I unleashed a fury so strong it corrupted even my own vision and I opened the wrong envelope.

Even the best get bested :smug:

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[quote name='abdur' timestamp='1296493997' post='2613113']
It evidently does piss you off, if it didn't you wouldn't have bothered correcting them after the first few times.
I think I've only ever corrected someone about it on the OWF once, so I don't know what you're talking about.

Edited by Feldheim C
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[quote]As far as I'm aware, no damage was done- it was simply a joke between friends[/quote]
Actually damage was done, and since you're acknowledging it was a mistaken attack, perhaps the usual procedure for mistaken attacks on allied nations should be followed here?

As for the DoW ... seriously? You guys are piling [i]another[/i] alliance onto GOONS, and leaving the rest of the attackers completely free to keep hitting the main target? None of you needed to bother 'defending' NPO at all if this is all you're going to do. (Or NpO for that matter, since they have done the same thing with iFOK and not defending against FOK and VE.)

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If Doomhouse really believes that this strategy of piling onto GOONs is going to help them win, why are they complaining? Don't they want to win this war? And if they are complaining because they want more targets, why don't they just declare on NSO and TPF and whoever else themselves like they did on the NPO?

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[quote name='Bob Janova' timestamp='1296504104' post='2613285']
Actually damage was done, and since you're acknowledging it was a mistaken attack, perhaps the usual procedure for mistaken attacks on allied nations should be followed here?
If you would like to discuss the situation I'd be more than happy to help you via PM or on IRC; I can be reached in #NSO, just query Tiberius12.

Edited by Varianz
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[quote name='lakerzz8' timestamp='1296504210' post='2613287']
If Doomhouse really believes that this strategy of piling onto GOONs is going to help them win, why are they complaining? Don't they want to win this war? And if they are complaining because they want more targets, why don't they just declare on NSO and TPF and whoever else themselves like they did on the NPO?

quoted and sigged for truth.

Edited by Guffey
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[quote name='lakerzz8' timestamp='1296504210' post='2613287']
If Doomhouse really believes that this strategy of piling onto GOONs is going to help them win, why are they complaining? Don't they want to win this war? And if they are complaining because they want more targets, why don't they just declare on NSO and TPF and whoever else themselves like they did on the NPO?

It gets boring when every time there's a war with reasonably even sides, the other side completely throws away any chance of victory with their hair-brained strategies.

I mean, not only is the (assumptions incoming!) effort to cripple GOONS or take them out of the war unlikely to succeed (due to the vast number of unchallenged high-tier nations that are available to fund them), even if it did it would mean very little on the larger scale.

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[quote name='lakerzz8' timestamp='1296504210' post='2613287']
If Doomhouse really believes that this strategy of piling onto GOONs is going to help them win, why are they complaining?

You so easily mistake ridicule for complaining. Or perhaps, since we're on the opposite sides of this conflict (albeit on different sub-conflicts/fronts, take your pick), it's just more convenient to portray it a certain way.

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[quote name='Krunk the Great' timestamp='1296502753' post='2613261']
Uncle Mike. You're on the [i]other[/i] side of the family tree remember?

I emancipated myself from this family long ago. Hmpf.

[quote name='Ashok' timestamp='1296502783' post='2613262']
NPO is not our Daddy! Krunk is.

Gosh, sorry to hear.


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[quote name='SirWilliam' timestamp='1296505525' post='2613312']
You so easily mistake ridicule for complaining. Or perhaps, since we're on the opposite sides of this conflict (albeit on different sub-conflicts/fronts, take your pick), it's just more convenient to portray it a certain way.

I guess what separates complaining from ridicule in this situation is that the ridicule would have stopped a while ago because declaring on GOONs is no longer new or funny. However, since it has continued it seems more like complaining. Though it is still probably funny for your side. Fair enough.

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[quote name='Lord Brendan' timestamp='1296504887' post='2613299']
It gets boring when every time there's a war with reasonably even sides, the other side completely throws away any chance of victory with their hair-brained strategies.

I mean, not only is the (assumptions incoming!) effort to cripple GOONS or take them out of the war unlikely to succeed (due to the vast number of unchallenged high-tier nations that are available to fund them), even if it did it would mean very little on the larger scale.

How often have there been wars with even sides (especially in the last 3 years)? And if it is as boring as you claim, why doesn't DH declare on whoever they want...AGAIN? If fighting some more alliances would make it more interesting, they can easily make it happen. However, (assumptions incoming!) I seriously doubt they care too much about an interesting war. They are probably more concerned with crippling their enemies and winning this war. That is why there are almost never any even wars and the winning side in a curb stomp never (read: almost never) complains of boredom.

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[quote name='lakerzz8' timestamp='1296506421' post='2613335']
How often have there been wars with even sides (especially in the last 3 years)? And if it is as boring as you claim, why doesn't DH declare on whoever they want...AGAIN? If fighting some more alliances would make it more interesting, they can easily make it happen. However, (assumptions incoming!) I seriously doubt they care too much about an interesting war. They are probably more concerned with crippling their enemies and winning this war. That is why there are almost never any even wars and the winning side in a curb stomp never (read: almost never) complains of boredom.

Karma (less so) and BiPolar were both relatively even wars when compared to the wars that occurred in the preceding two years, and although admittedly the side opposite myself would probably have lost both even with good strategy and preparation, they would have been a hell of a lot closer. The current war of course is the most evenly-matched large conflict I have ever witnessed (joined just before the Unjust War).

I imagine the main reason that Doomhouse hasn't declared in defense of GOONS is (as has been stated in this thread I believe) that most of the alliances attacking GOONS have their upper-tier in peace mode, and since Umbrella and MK are very much upper-tier alliances, their contributions would be negligible.

In any case, there is a difference between hoping for a challenge (i.e. that your opponent employs a good strategy and puts up a good fight) and purposely handicapping yourself or employing bad strategy to give your enemy a chance.

Edited by Lord Brendan
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[quote name='lakerzz8' timestamp='1296506215' post='2613330']
I guess what separates complaining from ridicule in this situation is that the ridicule would have stopped a while ago because declaring on GOONs is no longer new or funny. However, since it has continued it seems more like complaining. Though it is still probably funny for your side. Fair enough.

If we're the bullies people make us out to be why would we stop ridiculing others after such a short period of time?

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[quote name='Lord Brendan' timestamp='1296507170' post='2613356']
I imagine the main reason that Doomhouse hasn't declared in defense of GOONS is (as has been stated in this thread I believe) that most of the alliances attacking GOONS have their upper-tier in peace mode, and since Umbrella and MK are very much upper-tier alliances, their contributions would be negligible.

That would be it.

As for our other allies, their present wars and (nuclear) anarchy prevent their involvement. But they'll be along once their enemies fold.

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[quote name='lakerzz8' timestamp='1296506215' post='2613330']
I guess what separates complaining from ridicule in this situation is that the ridicule would have stopped a while ago because declaring on GOONs is no longer new or funny. However, since it has continued it seems more like complaining. Though it is still probably funny for your side. Fair enough.
The last section is right. We make fun [i]because[/i] it's so ludicrous that people keep piling on. My personal prediction was 5 alliances would counter us, including people who had no real reason to. We're up to 11, with several who have no reason to. It's really hilarious who all seems to want a piece of us. :awesome:

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[quote name='mattski133' timestamp='1296501784' post='2613234']
1) $15,000,000 is more than enough to keep our little guys out of bill lock for 10 days. It's almost enough to keep me out of bill lock and I have around 5k infra and a nice pile of nukes/navy.

3) You will find nations that are well-prepared, and nations that are not, in all alliances. I'm fighting a guy in NPO who started with $7,000,000 and has not retaliated since day one. But you don't see me spouting off about how terrible NPO's warchests are or how bad they are at fighting, because the other guy I'm fighting has over $1,000,000,000 and has been doing pretty well for being totally on his own. When you make assumptions based on a couple of the worst nations in an alliance, you look foolish to everyone.

I guess we'll know how this all turned out in a month or two.

1) Excellent, 15m every 10 days? Our lower tier is going to be swimming in money once they steal that from you in GAs and DAs. :smug:

3) Where's the fun in not making sweeping generalizations? :ehm:

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