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I can't really think of any times CN has helped me out, but I definitely find things in real life that remind me of it, mostly acronyms. The CN Tower, the Trans-Siberian Orchestra (TSO), people wearing shirts from the band Tool, etc. Looking for alliance acronyms on license plates is a great time waster on long car/bus rides. For a while I did a double-take whenever someone mentioned "karma". And I once heard someone say that the British Empire ascended by the unjust path.


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[quote name='Mathias' timestamp='1294539957' post='2569141']
[font="Georgia"]Your cousin is bad at CyberNations.

I've never been helped by CN, but I'm reminded of it sometimes. [/font]

You have no idea, I had to explain to him why to get rid of his CMs and how to deal tech.

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[quote name='Facade' timestamp='1294534515' post='2569079']
*waves to TheListener*


On another note, I seem to see alliance acronyms everywhere. Though Tarikmo, I am sincerely displeased by your lack of SDI knowledge. :(

I don't go to the same University as you... my ex girlfriend does xD

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i probably have met around 20 or 30 CN players on my alliance regular Gathering (yes, they're all my alliance members :P )
the gathering it self usually involved a lots of alcohol and Hookers, idk if that helped me in RL or not, but i am sure as hell thats fun :P

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I saw a cactaur once. Or what I thought was one. In a dorm room window. I always wondered if it was a RIAer.

[quote]When I walk through the halls @ school I like to run by someone, steal their calculator and yell TECH RAID! [/quote]

I considered doing this but was always afraid of starting a nuclear firefight in the hallway :(

Edited by Penkala
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[quote name='TheListener' timestamp='1294527501' post='2568943']
I go to a smaller university and I can name 2 other players... one of which is actually allied to me and the other I formed an alliance with, granted I've never met them IRL...
I went to the same university as one of your alliance members. And with three of ours (Invicta at the time, mind you); they were the ones who brought me into the game. One in TPF, probably more elsewhere. I can't say CN has ever helped me, but I notice acronyms here and there.

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[quote name='supercoolyellow' timestamp='1294533358' post='2569065']
I was once filling out a job application where it asked if I had experience handling difficult people. I smiled, but I couldn't bring myself to cite CN.


During one of my job interviews I got asked the same thing and I gave them my CN experience just because I thought the interview took a nose drive so I had nothing to lose. I ended up getting offered the job a few days later.

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[quote name='wickedj' timestamp='1294529058' post='2568977']
Awhile back rsox made the remark that he had heard on TV the US was in DEFCON 3 or something and that he had muttered something about only needing DEFCON 1 or 5

Personally i see Invicta all the time because of [url=www.invictawatch.com/]Invicta Watches[/url] its on some billboard near here(yes, i do wonder if the watch sucks :P)

There is actually a car in my area (I think it is an IROC-Z) which has the plate "WICKEDG" and naturally every time I see it I think of your name. Also one time at an interstate gas station I saw two cars in front of me, one with the plate 2BROS and the other said ARCHON

[quote name='Bob Janova' timestamp='1294537613' post='2569119']CN might be only a superficial simulation of national politics but then again, so is real life sometimes)[/quote]

Wow for the second time in as many days...must resist urge to sig this quote..... :lol1:

[quote name='BamaBuc' timestamp='1294542501' post='2569173']people wearing shirts from the band Tool, etc. [/quote]

Hehe I think of that all the time when I see such, or a mario shirt, or every time I see a damned Orange!

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[quote name='Tarikmo' timestamp='1294539038' post='2569137']
I don't know what's weirder, what you just posted, or me agreeing with you.

To be honest, I had just finished off my last Long Island iced tea and was about five minutes away from crashing into a drunken slumber. What I posted is quite interesting to me as well. :blink:

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CN has actually helped me loads of times lol. I've written essays in history on the Treaty of Versailles and the effects of reparations that were too big, and on how treaties don't have the effects that nations plan for. My history teacher raised an eyebrow when I was the only person who knew what a viceroy was too. I've also learned a lot about materialistic philosophies, mainly from discussions with commies on IRC, but also from reading about Francoism back when I was interested in that stuff.

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CN hasn't always helped me. In my keyboarding class (which I was taking as a filler in high school), there was a sentence that we had to type that had a name that was very similar to a friend of mine who had been in TOOL's government with me for 3 years and my mind kept auto replacing his name when I typed it. It took me about ten tries to get the sentence correct the first time and I had to type it about three more times. That is the slowest I ever was in keyboarding class. <_<

I also messed up a news quiz once by replacing someone's name who was similar to Ivan's IRL with Ivan's name, the worse part was I didn't understand why I received a point deducted for the first five minutes that I stared at the quiz.

CN has helped me though with my layout skills as an editor back when I was in high school and I also found HTML understandable and boring after so many years of using BBcode to format things in my introduction to computer science class. CN also has made me understand politics and pay attention to the news more than I used to to keep up with the education on here. The debates on here have educated me but also exposed me to a broader side of opinions.

It is a crash course for younger people I agree but the better we learn, the better for the future? CN helped me oddly enough with my communication class on how teams work (similar to alliances) and helped me ace my midterm. :P

Edited by Salmia
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Like many here, CN pops into my mind when I see license plates, store names and so on. Otherwise I don't think about it very much when not sitting at my computer.

If I were to come out of retirement, I can imagine putting 'Former Kaiser of Nordreich' on my resume, if only to see if someone actually read the whole thing.

The real question is: Would I put that under 'previous employment', 'volunteer experience' or 'hobbies/interests'? Given the amount of work I've put into my alliance on various occasions, a case could be made for at least two of these. (I admit....'previous employment' would be a bit of a stretch.)

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[quote name='TheListener' timestamp='1294546474' post='2569248']
I don't go to the same University as you... my ex girlfriend does xD

Yes you do. I've blocked out the fact that you go to a !@#$%* one and have transposed you into your ex-gf. Though that would ake for some awkward conversation. :v

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[quote name='Left_Behind' timestamp='1294562968' post='2569599']
During one of my job interviews I got asked the same thing and I gave them my CN experience just because I thought the interview took a nose drive so I had nothing to lose. I ended up getting offered the job a few days later.

It's official then!

CN = Job experience

Sponge is going to have fun putting his title everywhere.
[quote name='nippy' timestamp='1294567447' post='2569636']
To be honest, I had just finished off my last Long Island iced tea and was about five minutes away from crashing into a drunken slumber. What I posted is quite interesting to me as well. :blink:
Don't know why, but I lol'd

[quote name='The MVP' timestamp='1294587679' post='2569738']
Oh, whenever I play basketball and I see someone going up high for a dunk or I set up an alley-oop I always silently say to myself, "Ascend."
I'll one up you here, I've used not accept and who not in regular conversations. Needless to say many people were confused.

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