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[quote name='We Are Not Alone' timestamp='1294266410' post='2564776']
This is very upsetting to myself if this is found to be true. I wholeheartedly don't see why NoR didn't just put TGE in their place and declare war on them.

Two reasons, WANA: FOK and INT.

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[quote name='Adam Suttler' timestamp='1294266243' post='2564767']
Personally, I find this to be yet another misunderstanding, blown somewhat out of proportion by Nordreich, as a deep-seated hate for TGE still roams the community any time they are even remotely mentioned. In all honesty, I highly doubt that The German Empire has any reason to put have Nordreich defamed or whatnot; hell, even K-Fred and Martens are on rather good speaking terms (as compared to the explosive hate that they had for each other in the early days of TGE). They have no reason to do so, and have no want to do so, and yet these allegations from Nordreich keep popping up whenever they find it convenient.

I've been a member of both alliances, and I can easily say that TGE has moved on, while Nordreich grits her teeth, all the while attempting to find an 100% certain opportunity in which to end TGE once and for all. Granted, this is a rather big accusation, but I am sure that several Nordlanders can recall my Althing election campaign, where a main focus of my opposition was my outright diplomatic approach, as well as my reconciliatory efforts between the alliance and Nordreich (it was like force-feeding a stubborn child, but to no avail. But a number of members did realize the point of this, and I thank them for their understanding). Is it so wrong to try and promote progress rather than regression, to abandon old grudges and to move on, trying to repair and recover what has been broken, in order to achieve a greater tomorrow?

To err is human. Mistakes are made. Details are overlooked. Ambiguous accusations are made and revealed to be false. But the truth remains that TGE has moved on. Nordreich has not managed to do so, and still lingers, attempting at every turn to put a knife in their backs. And to be brutally honest, it serves Nordreich no great purpose in doing so. I advise that you find another scapegoat for your problems, because we won't play that role anymore.

PS: For the record, Flinders, you have little to talk about when it comes to honor. As I recall you were once part of TGE (and a good, active member, in fact), and you were ultimately booted for your treasonous plot to overthrow Kaiser Fred (you may recall that the majority of your scheming did in fact take place on StormFront, which was also a great reason to have you booted). Kettle pot much, Weiss?

The whole speech and not once do you touch on the real subject: how long did TGE hold on to incriminating evidence before bringing it to light? NoR's involvement in this is minimal... they're simply there. It's you who waited until someone left your sphere of influence before outing them. And after all the !@#$ that I've seen coming from you guys with regards to Nueva Vida's own allies, I'm not the least bit surprised.

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[quote name='Adam Suttler' timestamp='1294266243' post='2564767']
In all honesty, I highly doubt that The German Empire has any reason to put have Nordreich defamed or whatnot[/quote]
TGE specifically said that they would go public with their evidence. If that's not an attempt to defame us and our allies, I'm not sure what is. We don't involve ourselves with TGE. They involve themselves with us. Your over sized post is clearly compensating for a lack of relevant or accurate content.

[quote]PS: For the record, Flinders, you have little to talk about when it comes to honor. As I recall you were once part of TGE (and a good, active member, in fact), and you were ultimately booted for your treasonous plot to overthrow Kaiser Fred (you may recall that the majority of your scheming did in fact take place on StormFront, which was also a great reason to have you booted). Kettle pot much, Weiss?
Man, are you way, way off. I did my scheming against the flawed kaiser, yes. Something many since myself have attempted mind you. But it was all done on the TGE boards. Do not attempt to distract from the announcement at hand by tarnishing my character.

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From my understanding, TGE held onto these logs for months before deciding to say something, then when Nordreich treaties The Kingdom of Italy as a protectorate... all of a sudden these logs surface. What about when TGE was friending TKoI and seeking be partners with them? My my... I guess those logs didn't matter then did they?

Such contradictions TGE, such contradictions. Tsk tsk.

I am done here.

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[quote name='Mussolini the Great' timestamp='1294265921' post='2564753']
This just in: TKoI drops TGE and goes to Nordreich, and all of a sudden, mysterious, elaborate logs pop up of us all being racists. Coincidence? I don't think so, but I will let you decide on that one.

I still respect NoR, and I completely understand why they did what they had to do. Thing is, these logs are super elaborate, and we just have no means of proving their fabrication. Prop's to whom ever made these, because they certianly are elaborate.

Nordreich are the coolest guys iv met in Planet Bob, and I hold nothing up the upmost respect for them. TGE, however, has proven it's self to be a snake entity once again, I am sad to say.

These logs have also put me in a very bad position, so it is my deepest regret that I must step down as King of TKoI. I wish NoR and TKoI the best of luck. TGE? Heh.

o/ NoR
o/ TKoI
Why yes, its all one big ole conspiracy just to screw you over. Shame on NoR for that

NoR, remove TGE please?

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[quote name='Adam Suttler' timestamp='1294266243' post='2564767']
I know how you feel about TGE and, yes, there is a small group, mostly from NoV, who hates TGE for their roll in the destruction of NoV. I have tried to put an end to this fued myself and put out a request to be respectful to TGE members and gov, back in september 2009. Since then, several incidents occured, all tracking back to TGE. This last blackmail attempt ("I respect NoR, so have a look at these logs" quickly changed to "drop the treaty or I'll put this on the OWF") was just another attempt to smear NoR's reputation. It is Nordreich that has moved on, while TGE keeps trying to get that wooden stick between our wheels. And this time, the stick richocheted back into TGE's face. Or, as one of my colleagues said: "We took the hand grenade they threw and shoved it down their throat."

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Have I got this right, TGE knew about this and said nothing but then planned to to discredit Nordreich? How do Nordreich know this?

ooc: choosing the odal as your logo ( a neo nazi symbol used by groups from the UK to South Africa) and people are going to think your a bunch of ravers whether you are or not

Edited by Sabcat
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[quote name='wickedj' timestamp='1294267551' post='2564811']
Why yes, its all one big ole conspiracy just to screw you over. Shame on NoR for that

NoR, remove TGE please?

Oh no It wasnt ment as a slide against NoR in any way.

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[quote name='Mussolini the Great' timestamp='1294265921' post='2564753']
This just in: TKoI drops TGE and goes to Nordreich, and all of a sudden, mysterious, elaborate logs pop up of us all being racists. Coincidence? I don't think so, but I will let you decide on that one.

I still respect NoR, and I completely understand why they did what they had to do. Thing is, these logs are super elaborate, and we just have no means of proving their fabrication. Prop's to whom ever made these, because they certianly are elaborate.

Nordreich are the coolest guys iv met in Planet Bob, and I hold nothing up the upmost respect for them. TGE, however, has proven it's self to be a snake entity once again, I am sad to say.

These logs have also put me in a very bad position, so it is my deepest regret that I must step down as King of TKoI. I wish NoR and TKoI the best of luck. TGE? Heh.

o/ NoR
o/ TKoI

I have been out of circulation due to illness and holidays in the Kingdom of Henry. However, I feel compelled to state that I as Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Italy, and upon original plans of sucession, hereby assume the position of both Head of Government and Head of State for the Kingdom of Italy.

I ask that all parties with information pertaining to this problem please contact me, and an official statement will be forthcoming very soon.

I will, however, categorically state that the Kingdom of Italy, has and will always continue to be 100% opposed to racism and it will NOT be tolerated in any form within our membership.

King & Prime Minster
Kingdom of Italy

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[quote name='wickedj' timestamp='1294267551' post='2564811']
Why yes, its all one big ole conspiracy just to screw you over. Shame on NoR for that


I don't believe he was implicating NoR in the fabrication of the logs.

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[quote name='Sabcat' timestamp='1294267871' post='2564818']
Have I got this right, TGE knew about this and said nothing but then planned to to discredit Nordreich? How do Nordreich know this?[/quote]
You'd know if you'd read.

[quote name='Sabcat' timestamp='1294267871' post='2564818']ooc: choosing the odal as your logo ( a neo nazi symbol used by groups from the UK to South Africa) and people are going to think your a bunch of ravers whether you are or not[/quote]
Another example of 'missing the point'. The odal has nothing to do with it.

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[quote name='hizzy' timestamp='1294266530' post='2564780']
The whole speech and not once do you touch on the real subject: how long did TGE hold on to incriminating evidence before bringing it to light? NoR's involvement in this is minimal... they're simply there. It's you who waited until someone left your sphere of influence before outing them. And after all the !@#$ that I've seen coming from you guys with regards to Nueva Vida's own allies, I'm not the least bit surprised.
I'm not the best person suited to talk about this situation. I recently came back from a 4-month hiatus for school studies, and cannot give an accurate rendition of what has happened here. Hence, I did not touch on a subject that I know little about. While it doesn't shock me that NV comes to NoR's defense, I am a little worried by the animosity that we experience from that sphere, but hey, assumption is the new god.

[quote]TGE specifically said that they would go public with their evidence. If that's not an attempt to defame us and our allies, I'm not sure what is. We don't involve ourselves with TGE. They involve themselves with us. Your over sized post is clearly compensating for a lack of relevant or accurate content.[/quote]
In this case, direct your anguish and malcontent at the officials who refused you this info. The majority of TGE, including a good number of the government, have no wish to further deteriorate NoR-TGE relations (as jagged as they may be, they exist). So please, don't generalize, and help us determine where we are wrong. In that, we can strive to learn from Nordreich's greater experience in the conduct of affairs, and get on with our lives. Why waste time in a !@#$fest of verbal battle?

[quote]Man, are you way, way off. I did my scheming against the flawed kaiser, yes. Something many since myself have attempted mind you. But it was all done on the TGE boards. Do not attempt to distract from the announcement at hand by tarnishing my character.[/quote]
Am I that way off? Nobody is perfect, Weiss. This is why we must all rely on each other to accomplish the goals at the end of the day. And while several such attempts may have been made in the past, none of them were orchestrated on StormFront forums. You can try and excuse yourself however you wish, but at the end of the day, you're really lying to yourself. In any case, I'm sure we can dig up the old KillerTomato screencaps from when you were booted, but that's not the route I want to take. While I understand your anger with TGE and that they have jilted you on many an occasion, you honestly could have just posted a cancellation with tKoI, instead of making a huge drama out of it. However, life will go on, I suppose.

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[quote name='Sabcat' timestamp='1294267871' post='2564818']
Have I got this right, TGE knew about this and said nothing but then planned to to discredit Nordreich? How do Nordreich know this?

ooc: choosing the odal as your logo ( a neo nazi symbol used by groups from the UK to South Africa) and people are going to think your a bunch of ravers whether you are or not

Well the fact that they didn't expose TKoI until it was politically damning to NoR says something.

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[quote name='Adam Suttler' timestamp='1294268450' post='2564839']... you honestly could have just posted a cancellation with tKoI, instead of making a huge drama out of it.
He could have. It was only when we were told that those logs would get posted on the OWF if nothing happened soon, we decided to play it differently. We didn't appreciate the blackmail attempt.

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[quote name='Mussolini the Great' timestamp='1294265921' post='2564753']
This just in: TKoI drops TGE and goes to Nordreich, and all of a sudden, mysterious, elaborate logs pop up of us all being racists. Coincidence? I don't think so, but I will let you decide on that one.

I still respect NoR, and I completely understand why they did what they had to do. Thing is, these logs are super elaborate, and we just have no means of proving their fabrication. Prop's to whom ever made these, because they certianly are elaborate.

Nordreich are the coolest guys iv met in Planet Bob, and I hold nothing up the upmost respect for them. TGE, however, has proven it's self to be a snake entity once again, I am sad to say.

These logs have also put me in a very bad position, so it is my deepest regret that I must step down as King of TKoI. I wish NoR and TKoI the best of luck. TGE? Heh.

o/ NoR
o/ TKoI
[/quote]Interesting Mussolini, last night you spilled the beans and put certain people in a very bad light, now you attempt to save face. Well, you were the one who admitted you knew from the outset that certain people were from Stormfront, but thought it was only a 'nationalist site. Part of the deal was you would remove those that were part of stormfront. Yet you still have this individual [url="http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=430115"]WITH ns[/url] in his name, which of course is the abbreviation for National Socialism. You were also clear about the fact that your alliance connections were linked directly to Stormfront when you signed up with Nordreich and that no objections came from them.

I agree that perhaps we were a little tardy about releasing information, however we did expect an Alliance with Nordreich's history to be aware of such abbreviations, titles and links, also we wanted irrefutable proof first.

So TGE wholeheartedly apologises for not not telling, spelling and pointing out in minute detail that a NS nation or a ruler called Germania88 may be bad or that openly advertised links to stormfront could cause embarrassment to any protector and that fascists may not necessarily be the politically correct people wanted by Nordreich.

Either way I thoroughly enjoyed both our conversation and the logs that transpired thereof.

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[quote name='Nemhauser' timestamp='1294268781' post='2564848']
He could have. It was only when we were told that those logs would get posted on the OWF if nothing happened soon, we decided to play it differently. We didn't appreciate the blackmail attempt.
I know nothing of this blackmail attempt, and would again reiterate that such an action could not be the fault of the entire alliance, but the individual(s) that initiated such a deplorable action, in which case some name-dropping would be great right about now.

I'd just like to point out that had it not been for these idiotic squabbles between our alliances (generally due to extenuating circumstances and lapses of reason), relations would be in a different place right now. In other words, things need not continue in such animosity, and I, for one, would like to move off of this deathly collision course.

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[quote name='CnaedmacAilpn' timestamp='1294269170' post='2564860']
Interesting Mussolini, last night you spilled the beans and put certain people in a very bad light, now you attempt to save face. Well, you were the one who admitted you knew from the outset that certain people were from Stormfront, but thought it was only a 'nationalist site. Part of the deal was you would remove those that were part of stormfront. Yet you still have this individual [url="http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=430115"]WITH ns[/url] in his name, which of course is the abbreviation for National Socialism. You were also clear about the fact that your alliance connections were linked directly to Stormfront when you signed up with Nordreich and that no objections came from them.

I agree that perhaps we were a little tardy about releasing information, however we did expect an Alliance with Nordreich's history to be aware of such abbreviations, titles and links, also we wanted irrefutable proof first.

So TGE wholeheartedly apologises for not not telling, spelling and pointing out in minute detail that a NS nation or a ruler called Germania88 may be bad or that openly advertised links to stormfront could cause embarrassment to any protector and that fascists may not necessarily be the politically correct people wanted by Nordreich.

Either way I thoroughly enjoyed both our conversation and the logs that transpired thereof.

Germania 88 is an in game recruit, and not from anywhere but CN. I enjoyed our conversation too. Especially the part where you threatened me in real life if we didnt kick everyone from the alliance you thought were Nazis, or just disband. As for NS Germany, a message has been sent to him, asking him to leave. If you notice, GErmania88 is gone. Even though he was an in game recruit, I did so because of your badgering.

Edited by Mussolini the Great
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Here's what I can discern:

TGE and Nordreich have some serious bratwurst (read: BEEF)

For TGE to come to Nordreich with any kind of into about tKoI means either they are fabricating it or attempting to turn the two against each other. If TGE was doing it as a service, they would have not waited so long. If TGE was doing it because their hatred for tKoI exceeded their hatred for Nordreich, they would have done it on the OWF to maximize impact.

I am still interested in reviewing the logs, but until then,

o/ Nordreich

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