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CN Alternate History

Ryan Greenberg

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[quote name='Azaghul' timestamp='1292288383' post='2538947']
Unjust Path winning the Unjust war would have changed the game a lot, especially if NPO remained neutral and became rivals with the UJP.

this, IMO had UJP won. things would have been very different

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[quote name='Dochartaigh' timestamp='1292287471' post='2538940']
Frankly, i would like to see what would have happened if the UjP won against ~. That would be the largest change i could think of that would affect the game and still have people be interested without having NPO be the center of the universe. my prediction would be a UjW 2.0 a year or so later and a much different future from now. possibly no Umbrella or remake of GOONS or \m/.

See, I think the spirit of this thread is thinking of smaller, more specific changes rather than broad, general changes such as "What if X giant coalition somehow won against Y giant coalition instead of the reverse?"

I quote your post specifically because I find myself wondering what would have happened in the Unjust War if NPO had, instead of cancelling on GOONS, had actually decided to cut ties with Polar instead and actively support GOONS and the Unjust Path in the war.

If we change that then there's a bit more to consider. How would that have changed the sides? Would the UJP have still lost? Had UJP won with NPO's support, how would the world be different now? Would there have been a "Karma War"? Would GOONS and NPO have split over the war or would they have remained allied and then both be targeted for their alleged "crimes"?

Edited by LegendoftheSkies
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NAAC goes nuclear in GWII, wins the war.

EDIT: actually that alone probably wouldn't have done it. But if they had gone nuclear, and Legion and ODN joined the war, The League probably would have won. The entire world would be different.

Edited by General Scipio
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[quote name='Antoine Roquentin' timestamp='1292293206' post='2539034']
I don't know. It would have been a pyrrhic victory but I think supercomplaints would have come out on top anyway like Delta has said or maybe a draw. The alliances on the TPF side for the most part weren't prepared and the strategy relied entirely on TOP. I don't think it would have ended with them in a position to demand reps.

This sounds reasonable to me, since the vibe from the TPF side was not really positive, but they were going to fight regardless. The interesting what-if for me is would the Bi-Polar War have happened, or would it have run a different course?

Speaking of Bi-Polar, how that turns out without the flip flop might have been interesting. TOP & friends were able to do great damage, so if NpO still fights on their side, does that war go to a settlement, or was it still too unbalanced? I also wonder what things would be like if Frostbite had not fallen apart and there were still around 4 different poles for aliances to gravitate too. Keep in mind this is all pre-FB thinking though.

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[quote name='Branimir' timestamp='1292296290' post='2539074']
Things would be pretty similar as they are now.
Doubt it. UJP was all about as much war as possible. D.V. setting up coordinated small alliance rollings on a weekly basis just because at one point being an example.

UJP winning would have been a fun result, but either they would have been overthrown quickly by a ticked off coalition, or they may have literally broken the game much like a certain CN player broke a certain other game that existed around that time.

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[quote name='Wu Tang Clan' timestamp='1292293476' post='2539039']
NpO not being founded... and instead NPO's sister alliance is started on the Orange team. May not have caused a drastic change altogether, but think, no BLEU, a possible rivalry with IRON over sphere control... Hell, maybe even avoiding the wars with NAAC.

The NPO-NAAC wars were prior to the founding of Polaris and were one of the main reasons Polaris was founded on blue.

[quote name='LegendoftheSkies' timestamp='1292301234' post='2539207']
See, I think the spirit of this thread is thinking of smaller, more specific changes rather than broad, general changes such as "What if X giant coalition somehow won against Y giant coalition instead of the reverse?"

I quote your post specifically because I find myself wondering what would have happened in the Unjust War if NPO had, instead of cancelling on GOONS, had actually decided to cut ties with Polar instead and actively support GOONS and the Unjust Path in the war.

If we change that then there's a bit more to consider. How would that have changed the sides? Would the UJP have still lost? Had UJP won with NPO's support, how would the world be different now? Would there have been a "Karma War"? Would GOONS and NPO have split over the war or would they have remained allied and then both be targeted for their alleged "crimes"?

Well i figured it was more for specifics but as Delta pointed out there are so many things one could alter in that war that i figured i would just get the ball rolling since most of the posts before mine centered on something changing with NPO.

for me, it would be split between TPF staying in and the rivalry between GGA and Polaris getting in the way of a more unified ~. if the rivalry took over between GGA and Polaris we could have seen a splintering of the ~ that could have seen some alliances surrendering or giving white peace to leave the war on ~ side due to said rivalry. TPF staying in though i don't honestly think would have made much of a difference though it could have allowed morale to stay up for the UjP and caused \m/ and Genmay to continue fighting on possibly to not win but to at least get terms and survive the end of the war instead of disbanding. Genmay surviving would be another possible change as who knows if they would have turned into an Umbrella-esque alliance or stayed as a more mass alliance.

Edited by Dochartaigh
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[quote name='The Holyone' timestamp='1292307194' post='2539302']
Alternate History?

Alright, I wouldn't have acted the way i did when i first started and held off on my loud mouthed comments towards the NPO. NPO and NAAC don't get into the oxygen war and end up friends? NAAC still exists today and CN is vastly different.

this one would be quite interesting as it would most likely mean that Almighty Grub did not lead Polaris since Polaris would not have been created. also, i would have most likely ended up in NAAC had that happened. :o

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[quote name='Feanor Noldorin' timestamp='1292307868' post='2539311']
This. It was a damn shame it turned out like it did. We'd have won that war which would have prevented the BiPolar (or whatever it's being called) War.
Completely agreed. Biggest missed opportunity really. Citadel and Cit+ were all on the same page which basically meant that the entire rest of the world would have needed to go against us for us to lose.

RIP Kronos, you deserved better.

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[quote name='Sandwich Controversy' timestamp='1292300678' post='2539198']
Not [i]quite[/i] accurate.

[quote name='Feanor Noldorin' timestamp='1292307167' post='2539301']
Even if we did not pre-emptively attack CnG I still think we would have lost that war.

You wouldn't have even been involved.

As for me, I wonder what the game would have been like had Athens never existed.

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[quote name='Londo Mollari' timestamp='1292309316' post='2539326']
You wouldn't have even been involved.

As for me, I wonder what the game would have been like had Athens never existed.

What are you talking about? Of course they would have been involved. They were committed to entering on the Polar side of the war when it started. It probably would have been through IRON. They were the only reason Grub's crusade ever stood a chance of succeeding.

Edited by Antoine Roquentin
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[quote name='Dochartaigh' timestamp='1292307298' post='2539304']
The NPO-NAAC wars were prior to the founding of Polaris and were one of the main reasons Polaris was founded on blue.

Oh no, I know. What I'm saying is if the NPO-NAAC wars ended and instead NPO tried to colonize orange and control the orange sphere. You look and ODN, IRON, and TOP were all around and on orange and were growing powers. That could have changed everything from then on. 1V wouldn't be the same without IRON, who knows what happens in the UJW, or even GWII for that matter. I think that would have one of the biggest overall impacts on the game... as far as changing the world as we know it. An NPO-IRON rivalry around the time of ~ would have been fun to watch. I think it'd also force IRON to become a major player in politics and who knows what they could have done had they not avoided the spotlight the way they did in 1V.

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[quote name='Antoine Roquentin' timestamp='1292311206' post='2539341']
What are you talking about? Of course they would have been involved. They were committed to entering on the Polar side of the war when it started. It probably would have been through IRON. They were the only reason Grub's crusade ever stood a chance of succeeding.

Polar and \m/ ended the war right around when they went in. IRON never entered to defend NSO. And it was a trap all along by Polar. Had IRON simply continued to stay out the war would have been over pretty soon, I think.

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Here is an interesting what if question, what if the alliance system that we have now never took shape and the color spheres were the bodies with which everyone owed their allegiance instead of just being a tool for trades it became the basis of all conflict between the game.

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What if I had never been banned?

I likely would have taken refuge in MK (I had attempted to but my ban complicated things so I gave up) and who the hell knows what would have happened after that? I'd have never rerolled into Vox or joined the Liquor Cabinet, the disbandment of which triggered me taking a chance on Bel Air, which would turn into \m/. The thing about that is that leading \m/ for those few months and especially during the BiPolar war was a learning period for me where I learned about what is actually important behind all the OWF noise. That paradigm I developed in January and February affects nearly everything I post and every decision I make in CN. It wouldn't have any noticable impact on CN history but any major points of divergence I think about have been covered. And who knows, maybe if Comrade Goby had been representing \m/ in the BiPolar crap, the lunacy might not have stopped on January 28th.

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