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[quote name='Mathias' timestamp='1292215129' post='2538097']
[font="Georgia"]Generally, when people say things like that, they're actually relevant themselves.

You're nobody.[/font]

And you are?

So a former leader of a sanctioned alliance is a nobody? That's news to me!

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[quote name='Sabcat' timestamp='1292214928' post='2538092']
If you bold part of his post and tell everyone Zyvexal is MoFa then the thing you don't like is sure go away.
Hmm? I sure hope it doesn't, where else could I go for this sort of comedy gold if someone competent was in charge of your FA?

On a side note, can we all assume that it was Polaris who told legion to drop BAPS/Valhalla now?

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[quote name='Emperor Whimsical' timestamp='1292215513' post='2538107']
Its news to me that a "former leader of a sanctioned alliance" doesn't know who chefjoe is. :/
Actually, you're probably a nobody yourself if you think that he was actually serious.

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[quote name='Mr Damsky' timestamp='1292212708' post='2538030']
Holy !@#$, I am quite literally dying of laughter. Bravo sir, you are comedy gold.

If I was an ally to Polaris, and they didn't inform me they were treatying the worst alliance ever, an action that could potentially put my alliance at risk if Legion $%&@s up, I'd drop them tonight.
Oh come off it. Legion hasn't $%&@ed up in a looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong time. They haven't done anything.

Man, hating Legion was fun, but now you guys are just making it stupid.

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[quote name='justavictim82' timestamp='1292215440' post='2538106']
And you are?

So a former leader of a sanctioned alliance is a nobody? That's news to me!

It's been the case in the past. Does everyone remember all the former leaders of other sanctioned alliances? Every GM of TOP? Every TDO High Senator? Every President of IRON? Hubb has never been a very public figure. Just because someone has their signature on announcements doesn't mean they're a somebody. Does anyone know anything about watcher except he's imperator of Legion? His signature is on the document but few can tell you much about him. Hell, I'm a nobody myself, so I'm not being too critical but saying that by default a leader of a sanctioned alliance is a somebody is wrong.

Edited by Antoine Roquentin
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[quote name='Confusion' timestamp='1292208798' post='2537890']I honestly hope this is a joke... I still love Polaris but this is just... :facepalm:[/quote][quote name='chefjoe' timestamp='1292214718' post='2538087']in case you missed it, the 'angry' people are polar's [i]allies[/i]

everyone NOT a polaris ally seems very very happy you allied yourselves together.

maybe you should pause a moment and ask yourself 'why?' :rolleyes:[/quote]
So much for purple love

[quote name='Chimaera' timestamp='1292209175' post='2537908']
Well, that's news to me.
Well hey, you didn't mind being indirectly tied to them when we signed the Invicta MDoAP. :P Though this one has a supremacy clause, which I suppose is more worrisome.

[quote name='Sandwich Controversy' timestamp='1292210312' post='2537947']
The paying off has only just begun!
Sticks and stones may break our bones, but treaties will cost you 12mil/250 tech. :awesome:

[quote name='Schattenmann' timestamp='1292210593' post='2537965']
Congratulations, guys. I'm glad you're into each other.

Do you BobSanders still around? I haven't seen you in forever, hey.
Your new colors scare me.

[quote name='pezstar' timestamp='1292211111' post='2537977']
I cannot believe two things here.

1.) NpO would sign this treaty.

2.) They would do so without so much as speaking to STA about it first.

Yeah. We love you too.
I'm laughing so hard right now.

[quote name='Ardus' timestamp='1292211869' post='2538002']
I don't understand why everybody is so shocked.
Indeed. I'd expect them to make something of their PIAT, though the aforementioned supremacy clause does surprise me a bit.

[quote name='Zyvexal' timestamp='1292214006' post='2538063']
When we signed this treaty, the treaty web was about the farthest thing from my mind. I believe a firm alliance is based on strong friendships between the members of the parties involved, and our two alliances have spent months getting to know each other. So please, I don't mind if you do not like the implications of this treaty, but at least respect the sanctity of friendship.

Thank you.
A noble sentiment, but not one that always works; I can say that from experience. Friendship is all well and good, but it had better one damn good friendship that can withstand anything you throw at it, or it's just going to hurt you later.

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[quote name='Banksy' timestamp='1292215518' post='2538108']
On a side note, can we all assume that it was Polaris who told legion to drop BAPS/Valhalla now?
To do that, we'd have to assume that Legion actually did something right. That itself is giving them too much honor.

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[quote name='Earogema' timestamp='1292215697' post='2538116']
Oh come off it. Legion hasn't $%&@ed up in a looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong time. They haven't done anything.

Man, hating Legion was fun, but now you guys are just making it stupid.
I take offense to being grouped with Mr. Damsky.

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[quote name='Earogema' timestamp='1292215697' post='2538116']
Oh come off it. Legion hasn't $%&@ed up in a looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong time. They haven't done anything.

Man, hating Legion was fun, but now you guys are just making it stupid.
I'm not a Legion hater myself, actually, but I seem to recall some little hiccups around the time of Bipolar.

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[quote name='Emperor Whimsical' timestamp='1292215513' post='2538107']
Its news to me that a "former leader of a sanctioned alliance" doesn't know who chefjoe is. :/

Oh he most definitely knows. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to know that a leader of an alliance would know an ally;s gov't. But then I shouldn't have to point that out now should I?

Anyways I for one am glad to be allied to another alliance with a rich history on Bob.

Ave Polaris!

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[quote name='justavictim82' timestamp='1292216096' post='2538135']
Oh he most definitely knows. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to know that a leader of an alliance would know an ally;s gov't. But then I shouldn't have to point that out now should I?

Anyways I for one am glad to be allied to another alliance with a rich history on Bob.

Ave Polaris!

Legion and Val aren't allies, that ship sailed months ago. Doesn't mean it's like the old days where we'd go out of our way to make each other miserable, but we aren't allies.

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[quote name='justavictim82' timestamp='1292216096' post='2538135']

Anyways I for one am glad to be allied to another alliance with a rich history on Bob.

Ave Polaris!

Heck yeah!

I electrocuted 13 sponges today just for ol' times sake.

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Everyone keeps laughing at Polaris for allying the "WORSTEST ALLIANCE EVAR", but yet I fail to see why. Legion has not $%&@ed anything up in a long long while. In fact, I see some of the people doing the mocking in much worse alliances than Legion.

Congratulations Polaris and Legion!

Edited by youwish959
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[quote name='youwish959' timestamp='1292216684' post='2538140']
Everyone keeps laughing at Polaris for allying the "WORSTEST ALLIANCE EVAR", but yet I fail to see why. [b]Legion has not $%&@ed anything up in a long long while.[/b] In fact, I see some of the people doing the mocking in much worse alliances than Legion.

Congratulations Polaris and Legion!

So one could say they're due.

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