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SkyNet and you, A possible future scenario for your Alliance

New Reverie

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[quote name='Jay Z' timestamp='1291146110' post='2526656']
First and foremost I would like to say welcome back. I doubt you know me, as I am a new face to the game, as is my alliance, for the most part, World Federation.

We are currently the 27th largest alliance (based on score) that is on the verge of passing Nueva Vida in both score and total strength despite being founded well-after you downgraded the amount of time you have spent in the public light. We have excelled on all fronts, from recruiting to foreign affairs to growth (going from 10k avg NS to 30k avg NS in a year). Not to mention we [url=http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=11169&view=findpost&p=2506930]beat out[/url] 177 other alliances in the [url=http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=11169&view=findpost&p=2485740]2010 nuclear armament race[/url] when we were criticized for our low nuke count for our size. A testament to the fact that our community can and will rally against any threat or critic.

But that is not why you want to join World Federation, you want us for the reason we were able to achieve all of this. The community. Off the top of my head I can easily name half of the alliance, and I am just a member. I am sure our government can do much better.

One critic some may have of World Federation is that we are isolationist treaty wise, but I assure you that is not the case. We are methodical in our perfection, and we are upon the verge of stepping onto the World Stage in a big way, and we [u]will[/u] be [b]the[/b] alliance.

If you want to become part of something great, [url=http://worldfed.net/index.php?id=apply]click[/url].

Based on the comments in this thread, I believe the strongest contenders for you at this time are the Random Insanity Alliance, Mushroom Kingdom, Nueva Vida, and The Order of the Paradox. While they are all great alliances, I assure you World Federation is a better fit for you.

The Random Insanity Alliance is inactive as shown by the fact that their [url=http://www.cybernations.net/search_spies.asp?searchstring=Declaring_Alliance,Receiving_Alliance&search=World%20Federation&anyallexact=exact]member has spied[/url] on one of our government members. Because they are an ally of our ally, VE, we were benevolent. They have taken over 100 hours at this point for their government to get back to us as an testament to their inactivity.

Mushroom Kingdom has already blown you off as you seem to imply in the OP.

Nueva Vida has regrettably become inactive. While I have no facts to link you too, I get this information from [url=http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=286001]a member[/url] of World Federation that used to be a part of Nueva Vida. He left because of their inactivity.

The Order of the Paradox already has a system similar to yours in place. After you have put so much hard work into the system, why would you allow it to go unused?

If you do not choose World Federation, I understand, and I wish you the best of luck wherever you end up. Are there any questions you have about World Federation at this time?

He said he wanted an alliance he could be active in... so WF must be omitted. :v:

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[quote name='Jay Z' timestamp='1291146110' post='2526656']
The Random Insanity Alliance is inactive ... Because they are an ally of our ally, VE, we were benevolent. They have taken over 100 hours at this point for their government to get back to us as an testament to their inactivity.

Someone once told me its not wise to badmouth allies of your ally. Not sure who it was, but it does apply to this.

That said, best of luck to wherever you choose to go NR. Hoping someone can utilize your abilities to the fullest extent. Very promising stuff.

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[quote name='Jay Z' timestamp='1291147063' post='2526668']
I left out some details. It was [url=http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=238964]this nation[/url] that spied on wF, RIA then accepted him to their alliance, something they have not confirmed but we can see he has a full membership mask on their forums.

100% or nothing :awesome:

Edit: I [OOC]just got online for the day and[/OOC] may not be up to date on the RIA situation, for this reason and other obvious ones, I do not want to continue discussing this in this thread. PM me if you want to discuss it.

You're a bit late Jay Z, considering you ALREADY made it public here.

Also hilarious irony, look at the bottom of [url="http://www.cybernations.net/search_spies.asp?searchstring=Declaring_Alliance,Receiving_Alliance&search=World%20Federation&anyallexact=exact"]your own link[/url].

Edited by James Dahl
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[quote name='James Dahl' timestamp='1291148643' post='2526686']
You're a bit late Jay Z, considering you ALREADY made it public here.

Also hilarious irony, look at the bottom of [url="http://www.cybernations.net/search_spies.asp?searchstring=Declaring_Alliance,Receiving_Alliance&search=World%20Federation&anyallexact=exact"]your own link[/url].

That situation was handled in a timely fashion and reps were paid to RIA within 24 hours iirc.

[size="1"]Sorry for bringing it up here btw :(:blush: [/size]

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[quote name='Jay Z' timestamp='1291146110' post='2526656']
Based on the comments in this thread, I believe the strongest contenders for you at this time are the Random Insanity Alliance, Mushroom Kingdom, Nueva Vida, and The Order of the Paradox. While they are all great alliances, I assure you World Federation is a better fit for you.

The Random Insanity Alliance is inactive as shown by the fact that their [url=http://www.cybernations.net/search_spies.asp?searchstring=Declaring_Alliance,Receiving_Alliance&search=World%20Federation&anyallexact=exact]member has spied[/url] on one of our government members. Because they are an ally of our ally, VE, we were benevolent. They have taken over 100 hours at this point for their government to get back to us as an testament to their inactivity.

Mushroom Kingdom has already blown you off as you seem to imply in the OP.

Nueva Vida has regrettably become inactive. While I have no facts to link you too, I get this information from [url=http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=286001]a member[/url] of World Federation that used to be a part of Nueva Vida. He left because of their inactivity.

The Order of the Paradox already has a system similar to yours in place. After you have put so much hard work into the system, why would you allow it to go unused?
:blink::blink::blink: /facepalm......if only you weren't allied to VE.....


good to see old timers returning to the game with a renewed interest, i am hoping many more do the same in the near future

i was always curious what skynet was and how it worked, at least the basics are clear now. Just for the heck of it, i would like to give it a whirl if possible....since some of my alliance mates are already wooing you :D

[b]Question:[/b] Can it modified to send reminders in-game at prescribed dates ?? Also can it keep track of sent mail or notes posted and notify the user when the mail / note / reminder has been read ??
That would be a very helpful tool for moderated tech deals, the kind that we conduct at Nueva Vida.

also, since you are an old timer, i am sure it would be better if you asked your buddies regarding which alliance would be most suitable. We currently have far too many alliances starting from 100k NS right upto 20mill NS....can get quite confusing....

all the best wherever you go mate...i just hope none of Nueva Vida or AZTEC's enemies get their hands on skynet :P

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I remember test driving this for C&G. :ph34r:

It was very good, with a couple minor kinks in it. It's best use is for attacking multiple alliances (like in Karma) to confuse the opposition into an effective and timely defense (like Karma).

I see you've added new features, well done. Also, please run for Red Senate again. First join LOSS.

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Welcome back!

Wow awesome idea and project. Looks great.

Should go to NPO, they are the only alliance big enough and capable enough to use it to its fullest potential.

If you're looking for an alliance that will appreciate you, support you and in turn support us, TIO would be honoured to have you. Otherwise go to LoSS, IAA or GATO.

Edited by Scorponok
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Good to see you still interested in CN, old timers add something to the mix.

I'm enjoying watching alliances fall over each other trying to recruit you for this tool, heh. It does seem to be pretty good from what I've seen of it, so I'm sure you'll be valuable to whichever one you decide to join.

I wonder how many of these toolkits there are in CN, heh.

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Welcome back New Reverie, long time no see. I'm fairly certain you don't remember me, but we've talked a few times in the past. I'm fairly certain that R&R could use SkyNet and would welcome you with open arms, love you, and some other stuff. If you want to check us out you can at www.rnr-allaince.com or stop by our IRC on Coldfront at #RnR.

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[quote name='Bob Janova' timestamp='1291161348' post='2526840']
Good to see you still interested in CN, old timers add something to the mix.

I'm enjoying watching alliances fall over each other trying to recruit you for this tool, heh. It does seem to be pretty good from what I've seen of it, so I'm sure you'll be valuable to whichever one you decide to join.

I wonder how many of these toolkits there are in CN, heh.

There are at least 5 and probably more now

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[quote name='Timberland' timestamp='1291155773' post='2526770']
Just wanted to say welcome back NR.

Quick question can you get me a red senate seat. ;)
just kidding but good to see old timers returning.
You have to be a red nation for me to do that.... I could get you an orange one maybe?

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Welcome back NR. Have not seen you in these parts in a long time. Exodus is far to new for such a system so I would suggest Nueva Vida they have nice bloc going with Aztec. IAA or Valhalla would be good choices as well. No matter where you go welcome back. Planet Bob needs every little bit of life it can get if it is going to survive.

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[quote name='bros2' timestamp='1291087467' post='2526244']
NR, join us in MK.

We have been working on a few coding projects and your work would be recognized, as it has been in the past. Also, we compensate programmers.


(It's a bummer though, NR, that this didn't progress more (better?) with MK.)

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[quote name='Sarmatian Empire' timestamp='1291086557' post='2526234']
Wow NR....I havent seen you in years...youd be ashamed of what this game has become :( I was in ACID back in the day :smug:

Oh hey, I remember ACID. I announced your admission into the League. Good times :v:

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