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Pandora's Box


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[quote name='supercoolyellow' timestamp='1286200552' post='2474184']
Where's my guy running from the steamroller?

As the person who made that image as a joke, I have to say I have no idea who you are. Hence why you didn't make it.

Also if you look at that graphic, and then go through this thread, you'll see I managed to predict a good 11/13 who would either show up to bawww, bemoan,or condemn, and wish to see us rolled (read: isajeeps). Certain people are simply all too predictable.

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[quote name='Haflinger' timestamp='1286199874' post='2474179']
Yep, there could be no other reason why DK might hate the bloc.


Nice propaganda.
OMG, that's awesome. :awesome: I finally made some hateful propaganda. Does it come bumper sticker size so I can hook it to my presidential limosine?

I actually hadn't seen that or heard of the bloc due to having been devoting more time to enjoying retirement activities in Organized Chaosia than paying attention to what's happening in the world for the last several months. So I freely admit that this is the first that I've heard of both the bloc and the propaganda image.

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[quote name='LJ Scott' timestamp='1286201189' post='2474192']
I'm wondering how long until someone posts the Ground Zero Mosque flags and sigs I made, thinking that that is the real name :3

I'm going to leak that later this afternoon LJ, k?

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[quote name='Haflinger' timestamp='1286199874' post='2474179']
Yep, there could be no other reason why DK might hate the bloc.


Nice propaganda.
If anyone takes this picture seriously they have serious issues. I did laugh out loud when I saw it though.

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[quote name='Stumpy Jung Il' timestamp='1286201644' post='2474202']
If anyone takes this picture seriously they have serious issues. I did laugh out loud when I saw it though.
It's pretty much the best Cyberverse-related image I've ever seen.

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[quote name='King Chill I' timestamp='1286202868' post='2474214']
Sorry but we are committed to our stat rich diet.
Look at your girth, its pushing poor PC off the roller! Good thing those Special Ed GOONS are up top

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[quote name='Banksy' timestamp='1286184087' post='2474102']
There are several main reasons, aside from that fact that Pandora's Box is a collection of some of the finest alliances in CN. These are alliances who have been through hell and back and lived to tell the tales, who have seen other blocs crumble in the past and have set out to create a new kind of bloc, one that stresses many key qualities. Those qualities are excellence, unwavering loyalty, and total unity.

Pandora's box strives for Excellence. PB will be the biggest bloc in the game, have the most impressive top, mid, and low tiers in CN, and have long histories of military excellence. They also have the political experience to know how best to use that military might.

They stand for Loyalty. PB's members will be uncannily loyal to each other, and will stress the defense of the body first and foremost, and ensure that our bloc, as well as our direct allies, will always have the support of CN's premier military machine.

Pandora's box means Unity. PB will act as a communication hub for all information gleaned from the cyberverse, and will be a conduit for that information to be used to present as unified a front as possible in foreign matters. They will talk as a bloc, they will fight as a bloc, they will succeed as a bloc.

These are the qualities that will enable them to be as successful a grouping as any other in CN history, and will lead to greater times ahead for ourselves and their allies.

These are some of the best alliances in the game. Any one of Umb, VE, or FOK would bring instant credability to any bloc they founded or joined. To have the chance to bring all three together is what will make this the preeminent bloc in the game. Each alliance has a history with each other, longstanding positive feelings and trust, and have shown a willingness to help further each other individually through economic dealing, or fighting alongside in war.

Alliances disenchanted with the current SF/C&G structure and perhaps looking for friends who are still on the same side but maybe don't have the negative connotations associated to each would have a new pole to embrace, and we could end up putting ourself in a position to make many strong friends.

Woah, that was trippy.

[quote name='DarkMistress' timestamp='1197092129' post='244136']
Today, many alliances have united under a common goal and banner. Friends have united for the common good of all. We have sought the infinite reaches of the future and formed the Continuum.

IRON is pleased to be part of this honorable group of alliances. We have different faces but very similar goals and in signing this treaty, choose to walk similar paths with these alliances. Each has shown to be honorable, loyal, respectful, and strong. We know that our bonds will grow stronger through this treaty

Following our proud tradition, we will strive to support and work with our new and old allies to ensure our collective stability, and create a better and more wonderful cyberverse for our posterity and future generations. We shall work toward peace and mutual concord, and we believe that this treaty shall lay a solid foundation and framework for the future.

Secretary of State
IRON Council

o/ The Continuum

[quote name='Epik High' timestamp='1197092142' post='244142']
o/ the arrival of a new epoch.

Sparta is honored to be a part of this organization, and we could not have asked for better allies. We will do our part in ensuring its stability and unity. There is not much that can be said, as the treaty and our signatures on it speak for themselves.

A sincere thank you to all who have put the extra effort into making this treaty a reality.

Here's to the continuance of the Continuum. [img][/img]


[quote name='Saber' timestamp='1197092152' post='244144']
It's been an honor and a pleasure for me to work in forming this bloc. It has been a challenge on multiple levels and I am very happy to see it finalized. For a long time world was divided and unstable. Alliances did not know where to turn to, looking for protection. Thankfully such time is now over, and The Continuum is here to serve the world as defender of peace and stability. This bloc is a result of mutual wish shared by all the signatories to achieve a new age of stability and peace.

I don't know about you, but I am celebrating tonight.

[b]Long live Continuum[/b]
[b]Long live Age of Peace[/b]

[quote name='Reyne Mordigan' timestamp='1197092187' post='244153']
Old Guard is honored to be a part of this historic bloc, formed during peace, to insure peace, and to further friendship among the signatories. I'm so tickled, I could tinkle. We've been close to a few of the alliances within this bloc for a while, but we look forward to expanding our friendships with our other bloc sisters and brothers.

[quote name='Ejayrazz' timestamp='1197092191' post='244154']
My alliance is more than ecstatic about this and is excited to see the future happenings ahead. May all alliances prosper. Congratulations to all parties involved, as well as to the hard working members whom helped create this wonderful document. Truly, this is the new beginning to a wonderful future.

[quote name='chefjoe' timestamp='1197092191' post='244155']
This is the beggining of a new and great era here in CN.

o/ Continuum

o/ Valhalla

o/ Reichstroodles!

[quote name='Slayer99' timestamp='1197092200' post='244157']
It's the Final Countdown

o/ The Continuum!

[quote name='Alan Shore' timestamp='1197092208' post='244158']
I'm glad to see this bloc has finally been announced. Those of us working on it have been waiting a long time, and it is glorious when that labor comes to fruition.

Since the fall of the Initiative, many had speculated upon and celebrated our isolation on the world stage, supposing we might be vulnerable or alone. While false kings on plastic thrones patted their backs and parts below, self-assured in their brilliance and the assumed irrelevance in the larger world of the Order and her allies, we were hard at work building new relationships, new allies, new friends. Many took great comfort in the idea our allies had been dismantled. Some even took unwarranted pride in it, thinking that through one short war they had surpassed their betters.

What these people never understand is that the individual alliances of the Initiative were never the strength of the Initiative. GOONS was never the strength of the Initiative. FAN was never the strength of the Initiative. TOP was never the strength of the Initiative. No, not even the NPO was the strength of the Initiative. The strength of the Initiative was not one alliance but what one alliance was willing to do, what one alliance was willing to endure, to challenge, to overcome, and to die for in service to the rest. Those who leech upon the Order, who leech upon the friends of the Order, those who work behind closed doors to exploit, to undermine, or to ruin only end up leaving or falling before the rest. It was only when that central pillar of service to one's friends was cracked through treachery and deceit that the Initiative collapsed and those responsible were destroyed.

Those who act in good faith, who act with fairness, with charity, with respect, with kindness to their friends will never lack for them. I am proud to belong to such an alliance and am no less proud now to be allied to these twelve alliances who share that ideal. That is why these alliances, like ourselves, will never be alone, never isolated, never irrelevant.

Angry little men who believe we can be controlled, contained, defeated, or dominated by isolating us from other alliances are doomed to fail. The self-deluded "masterminds" of the CyberVerse who think their schemes will leave us at their mercy make fools of only themselves. Dirty dealers and crooked politicians cannot touch us; we are beyond you, we are above you, far exceeding your limited reach. We have true friends, true allies, true partners; and they will always be with us because we will always be with them. You can never hope to overcome that.

Today is a good day. Today the camaraderie that brought us together has brought forth this promise between friends. A promise that we will let no harm come to our fellows. A promise that in their hour of need we will be there. A promise that no alliance among us shall be left wanting what we can provide. A promise that when crooked claws inch our way out of the shadows, we will not be alone. A promise that in brightest day and darkest night, a friend is at my back. With that promise between friends, between comrades, between allies, I will sleep fearing nothing and know they are doing the same.

Glory to the Continuum!
Peace to the Continuum!
Hail the Continuum!

[quote name='Raunchero' timestamp='1197092257' post='244165']
Nations and alliances of Planet Bob, our friends and allies, our brothers in BLEU, and now, our compatriots in the Continuum, The Multicolored Cross-X Alliance is proud to confirm our support of the Mobius Accords, and would like to offer our sincerest congratulations and appreciations to those alliances that will be joining us in the Continuum, the organization that those accords created.

For ages, these eleven other alliances who we are now partners with have stood up for us, and we have been honoured to stand up for them.Our alliance would like to extend our most genuine hopes for peace, security, and prosperity in the time to come to the New Pacific Order, the Order of the Paradox, the Mostly Harmless Alliance, The Phoenix Federation, FOK!-Alliance, Valhalla, Grämlins, Old Guard, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, the Independent Republic of Orange Nations, Sparta, and to all of our other colleagues in the Cyberverse.

Sam, MCXA Co-Chancellor
Ololiqui, MCXA Co-Chancellor
The MCXA High Council
Gopherbashi, Designated member who Olo kicks around when he wants an announcement.


Blocs formed in absence of any threat are in and of themselves a threat.

Edited by Schattenmann
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[quote name='LJ Scott' timestamp='1286200948' post='2474189']
Also if you look at that graphic, and then go through this thread, you'll see I managed to predict a good 11/13 who would either show up to bawww, bemoan,or condemn, and wish to see us rolled (read: isajeeps). Certain people are simply all too predictable.
11/13? Really?

Your list is:

[quote name='Tygaland' timestamp='1286156380' post='2473717']
STA's suggestion as !@#$ Alliances United but on the proviso it included GOD and Valhalla. Whereby the first word means guano.
[quote name='Schattenmann' timestamp='1286145306' post='2473520']
Who do the people claiming that this bloc is going to get rolled presume is going to roll it? Frostbite? Citadel? Unless there's another bloc that is actually a secret being formed, are we saying that the other half of the world is going to get together out of the blue?

I can't say how this bloc will act. I can say how the alliances in this bloc act, but the next statement is not a prediction about this bloc. What we can say is that blocs don't get rolled for existing by disparate groups of alliances. Blocs roll disparate alliances, not the other way around. Any rolling you see in a unipolar world will not be of this bloc.
[quote name='Corinan' timestamp='1286134192' post='2473312']
I don't care much for any of those alliances.
[quote name='Methrage' timestamp='1286135301' post='2473333']
[quote name='Moridin' timestamp='1286129635' post='2473173']
An extraordinarily awful collection of alliances.
Pretty much my thoughts, although considering they're already allied to each other this bloc being formed won't really change anything except make those already allied to and helping GOONS stand out more.
[quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1286129487' post='2473163']
[color="#0000FF"]I hate all six alliances involved.[/color]
[quote name='The MVP' timestamp='1286129910' post='2473181']
I often felt that one day that a collection of fail would assemble. Such a strong force of fail it'd need to be organized into a bloc...

and here it is.

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Duncan King
[quote name='Duncan King' timestamp='1286157752' post='2473737']
Wow, it's like all the alliances I hate were giftwrapped together. I look forward to rolling them later.

/me is disappointed to see Viridia here. They've come a long way from being a respectable, straight shooting alliance. Note: associating with scum makes you scum too.

Nice graphic, though.
[quote name='Alterego' timestamp='1286138266' post='2473393']
I hate it.
Vladimir, D34th, Hal and Bigwoody
No posts.
I only posted your image. Otherwise I wouldn't have posted.

If you think that any of those posts are bawwing, you really need to work on that whole sensitivity thing. Only DK posted about dreams of rolling.

I also think it's hilarious that you listed the leaders of two long-term MK allies. And you wonder how you get a reputation as a traitor, hmm, LJ?

[quote name='Bob Janova' timestamp='1286141251' post='2473461']
Signing and unsigning treaties without making an announcement makes maintaining the MDP web hard <_<
Considering the drek that passes for posting in Alliance Announcements nowadays... Well this is one initiative I can get fully behind. :)

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All blocs stand, to a large degree, for the ideals of mutual security, protection and the advancement of mutual interest. You could take similar quotes from the announcement of C&G, SF, One Vision or any other bloc in history. If your own interests are in opposition to the mutual interests of a bloc, then I guess that bloc is a threat to you. But the alliances in this proposal aren't really interested in making threats where there are none and being 'Hegemony 2.0'.

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[quote name='Haflinger' timestamp='1286199874' post='2474179']
Yep, there could be no other reason why DK might hate the bloc.


Nice propaganda.

People should at least spell my name in the right form :((

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[quote name='Chief Savage Man' timestamp='1286211073' post='2474270']
Or perhaps you're making !@#$ up as you go along? Don't presume to tell me about my ideals.

I don't need to tell anyone about your "ideals" you tell us all about them every time you celebrate your time in Vox.

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