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Ninja Election Announcement


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[quote name='Boywunda' timestamp='1285738117' post='2467841']
When do we call our "victims" weak or cowards?
[color="#0000FF"]Are you really this self-deluding into thinking that you're not bad guys? GOONS has frequently been among the most unnecessarily abrasive, hostile, and abusive to tech raid victims, out of all raiding alliances. You simply have no class, and you quite like demeaning your victims. Face, you're guilty of that and so much more. Time to man up and take what you've earned.[/color]

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[quote name='Bob Ilyani' timestamp='1285738180' post='2467845']
I don't think you understand. An 11 nation alliance is asking you guys to at least attempt to pummel them by yourselves. You'd think you could even do that favor for them, but no. You guys are cowards because you shy away at a challenge to prove yourselves otherwise.

You want us to stop? Call off your allies. Finish it yourself. Come on, it's 280 nations vs. 11. Getting your allies help just seems like your scared.
[/quote]Oh, we can and will finish it ourselves. But understand, we are for the most part an alliance of small, bloodthirsty piranhas. You'll stop seeing our allies on the war screen when they enter the water.

We provide a unique service in warfare for our allies, and our role does not change even when we are defending ourselves.

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[quote name='kulomascovia' timestamp='1285737875' post='2467825']
You make belligerent and provocative comments and actions to others while hiding behind your allies. That is cowardly.
Funny. I was under the impression that the cowards were the GOONS haters who come here making belligerent and provocative comments towards GOONS while sitting passively as others actually "do something about it".

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[quote name='Boywunda' timestamp='1285738013' post='2467835']
How are GOONS the bullies, when we're the ones getting declared on?

[i]Bullies never fight that way...they goad you into fighting, then call in their buddies the moment you throw the first punch.[/i]

It's a pretty straight forward statement. No, you're bullies. Actually, your leadership knew what was coming. Didn't they tell you? <_<

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[quote name='Raider' timestamp='1285738394' post='2467860']
Funny. I was under the impression that the cowards were the GOONS haters who come here making belligerent and provocative comments towards GOONS while sitting passively as others actually "do something about it".
[color="#0000FF"]There's more than one way of "doing something about it." If you think otherwise than you're even more deluded than I though you were.[/color]

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[quote name='JT Jag' timestamp='1285738363' post='2467856']
Oh, we can and will finish it ourselves. But understand, we are for the most part an alliance of small, bloodthirsty piranhas. You'll stop seeing our allies on the war screen when they enter the water.

We provide a unique service in warfare for our allies, and our role does not change even when we are defending ourselves.

I'd hardly consider it defending yourselves. To suggest that you haven't seen something like this coming it absurd.

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My apologies, but this is an aggressive action against us without a legitimate CB. How are we not defending ourselves?

The precedent some of you are trying to set, that inviting someone else to fight you is a CB, is a dangerous one indeed. I'm sure every alliance here has at one point had a member invite another alliance to fight them over whatever grievance the two might have with eachother.

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[quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1285738459' post='2467865']
[color="#0000FF"]There's more than one way of "doing something about it." If you think otherwise than you're even more deluded than I though you were.[/color]
Yes I am aware there's far more then one option in that regard. I was in Vox Populi you know, I recognize that some people are trying to wage the same kind of PR battle that Vox waged against NPO against GOONS. Yet here is a person telling me that GOONS are cowards because our friends are helping us. Now I do not understand his logical, help = cowards, really? Does it now? Since when has friends helping friends been deemed a cowardly act?

It is mere PR that the people who don't like GOONS are trying to pound into the mind of Planet Bob's nation ruler by repeating it over and over and over. It will not work my old Almost GATO leader.

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[quote name='JT Jag' timestamp='1285738452' post='2467863']
The day I conceed that we are an alliance of cowards is the day we need help to deal with an alliance of 10kNS nations.

But that will never happen.

So today is the day you are admitting that you are an alliance of cowards, I see.

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[quote name='JT Jag' timestamp='1285738927' post='2467879']
My apologies, but this is an aggressive action against us without a legitimate CB.
[color="#0000FF"]I don't know about you, but I can think of quite a few good reasons to hit GOONS. Mainly your prickly and arrogant attitude towards others. Karma's a pain, eh?[/color]

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[quote name='JT Jag' timestamp='1285738927' post='2467879']
My apologies, but this is an aggressive action against us without a legitimate CB. How are we not defending ourselves?

The precedent some of you are trying to set, that inviting someone else to fight you is a CB, is a dangerous one indeed. I'm sure every alliance here has at one point had a member invite another alliance to fight them over whatever grievance the two might have with eachother.

Indeed, it's dangerous to think that one might declare war over repeated antagonistic comments however it is perfectly acceptable to attack anyone smaller than you with no CB right? Typical GOONS logic.

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[quote name='ktarthan' timestamp='1285738832' post='2467877']
Those are not two mutually exclusive concepts. You fail to convince.
And yet the "we're innocent" card is still played.

[quote][color="#1C2837"][size="2"]Thus begins the They Were Big Meanies War. [/size][/color][/quote]

[quote][color=#1C2837][size=2]My apologies, but this is an aggressive action against us without a legitimate CB. How are we not defending ourselves?[/size][/color][/quote]

Don't kid yourselves, you should have seen this coming a long time ago. Which makes it more interesting to note that you leave your allies to do the heavy lifting for you.

Edited by Bob Ilyani
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[quote name='Sal Paradise' timestamp='1285739118' post='2467889']
So today is the day you are admitting that you are an alliance of cowards, I see.
[/quote]The Ninja are 30k NS and above so I don't really understand what you're trying to say here.

Edited by JT Jag
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[quote name='kulomascovia' timestamp='1285739189' post='2467892']
Indeed, it's dangerous to think that one might declare war over repeated antagonistic comments however it is perfectly acceptable to attack anyone smaller than you with no CB right? Typical GOONS logic.
Examples please. Don't just throw out accusations.

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