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Best future alliance. (no poll)


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[quote name='Politician' timestamp='1283850928' post='2445101']
GATO beat UPN's recruitment in 2009 :P

Edit: But sure second best. Go DRAGON!
No, that was in 2010(and I was no longer the leader of the UPN recruitment team). 2009, UPN was soundly whooping ODN around the court :P
I honestly think that DRAGON, Europa, tLW, Gondor, and a few other alliances have great potential, and will become one of the best in the next few years.

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[quote name='abdur' timestamp='1283860557' post='2445176']
No, that was in 2010(and I was no longer the leader of the UPN recruitment team). 2009, UPN was soundly whooping ODN around the court :P
I honestly think that DRAGON, Europa, tLW, Gondor, and a few other alliances have great potential, and will become one of the best in the next few years.
Oh, my bad, forgot what year we're in :wacko:

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[quote name='Captain Flinders' timestamp='1283854184' post='2445120']
Damn, I feel weird with all the NoR love in here. I'd say iFOK looks to be continuing steady growth. And to ignore GOONS potential for huge growth would be ridiculous.

Big things are poppin' over at DT, homie.

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[quote name='Politician' timestamp='1283850928' post='2445101']
GATO beat UPN's recruitment in 2009 :P

Edit: But sure second best. Go DRAGON!

You know, in a completely separate contest not so long after the one your referring to, I remember The Phoenix Federation putting up numbers through the first part of that competition that made GATO's look puny.

I guess I'll also name TPF as an alliance thats seeing a resurgence, they aren't new, and they've been near the top before, I don't think they'll ever be sanctioned again, but I'm pretty confident that thats not their goal, under new leadership they definitely appear to be thriving and growing well enough that they'll be somebody to watch out for before too long.

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[quote name='General Ozujsko' timestamp='1283888918' post='2445614']
Big things are poppin' over at DT, homie.
I felt like saying DT and NV but the ally bias is strong with this one so I tried to keep it objective. Plus, you guys seem content with your rather impressive, elite corner of the world. Why go anywhere when the place you're at is so awesome :awesome:

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[quote name='Captain Flinders' timestamp='1283897416' post='2445754']
I felt like saying DT and NV but the ally bias is strong with this one so I tried to keep it objective. Plus, you guys seem content with your rather impressive, elite corner of the world. Why go anywhere when the place you're at is so awesome :awesome:

Haha. Yeah, we do well when compared to similarly-sized alliances. Just need to work on our tech imports a bit more. Always can use more tech.

In all seriousness though, you guys are doing awesome.

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[quote name='commander thrawn' timestamp='1283570830' post='2441071']
My pick is The Basketball Ninjas. They bring huge activity and coordination to the table (as anyone who has played TE and fought PS will know) an agressive build plan and very high quality requirements for members. They will be a huge force to reckon with once they have time to get to the upper tiers.

This. You've got to admire what BN have done, it takes a lot of discipline and hard work to build an alliance in that manner and they're looking good for it. One day, someone's mid range is going to get hurt. :D

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[quote name='abdur' timestamp='1283860557' post='2445176']
No, that was in 2010(and I was no longer the leader of the UPN recruitment team). 2009, UPN was soundly whooping ODN around the court :P
I honestly think that DRAGON, Europa, tLW, Gondor, and a few other alliances have great potential, and will become one of the best in the next few years.

If DRAGON manages to have economics and IA on par with the recruiting abilities of Abdur and Ragwing, then you will definitely achieve success.

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[quote name='memoryproblems' timestamp='1283556066' post='2440820']
...alliances that people expect to be rising quickly, I was quickly disappointed by a poll asking which one of the existing powers would have a good year.

Asgaard has done great and I expect that to continue over the next year. Asgaard has skilled leadership who excel in complimentary areas and, from what I can tell, work well as a team. They also get involved in world politics, which both increases their name recognition and their influence in politics. They have a good core of active membership which is key as good leadership needs a solid base of support. In the area of "most likely to succeed" in the traditional sense of growing large and strong, I'd rank Asgaard high. It will be interesting to watch in what direction(s) they go in the future as they gain power/influence.

One alliance that has not been mentioned yet that I expect will be very successful is the Green Old Party. They also have competent leadership, an active base and they also do a very good job of keeping their membership interested in being active. Even though they take a "soft neutral" stance in politics, they have areas where they will take a stand. If any of these are threatened, I expect them to "suddenly" appear on the scene and be a major player - especially in the area of public opinion and politics.

Basketball Ninja's will probably remain in the background, as that is how we like it. We focus on slow and steady building and having solid, active membership as opposed to numbers. However, like the GOP, we have our areas of interest and if those are seriously threatened I expect that we will create waves, and people will be asking, "who is this group?" - resulting in the Asgaard leadership having the pleasure of saying "I told you so" to the rest of Planet Bob :P Until that time, we're happy cheering on our individual nations fantastic (OOC: fantasy) basketball teams :D

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[quote name='White Chocolate' timestamp='1283960525' post='2446610']

One alliance that has not been mentioned yet that I expect will be very successful is the Green Old Party.


Hmm.. for a neutral alliance, I really like them and they do seem to grow quite well. But I'm not sure how influential can they get with their current political stance.

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Tbh iam saying this not just because iam in Legacy but come on Legacy has to be one of the hottest favourites and has the potentials to become a great alliance in the future.

i mean only 1 month and abit of existence and we have reached 66members without the students that have applied and our NS is 2,5million .

and activity on forums is massive so for that i would say Legacy.

Edited by oOoMidooOo
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[quote name='ratonbox' timestamp='1283964814' post='2446648']
Hmm.. for a neutral alliance, I really like them and they do seem to grow quite well. But I'm not sure how influential can they get with their current political stance.

Depends on how you define "influential." I find the "soft neutral" (i.e. we have our areas that we will support on a military basis) stance to be rather innovative, especially for Planet Bob. If that were to "catch on" - it could have a large affect on politics just due to it becoming more common.

Also one of their members is constantly elected to a green senate seat. Regardless of what one thinks of that in terms of direct power granted to senators, it shows the member has popular support because a GOP candidate is not going to get enough votes to win based only on his or her alliance members. I think the GOP already has an impressive amount of "soft power" (defined as the ability to obtain what one wants through co-option and attraction) due to their connections and good leadership/strong active base.

Edited by White Chocolate
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[quote name='Aeternos Astramora' timestamp='1283976691' post='2446830']
What is "soft neutral"?

The GOP holds no (IC) political favorites or treaties. Instead of aligning ourselves to relatively amorphous bodies (i.e. alliance with leadership that is constantly in flux), we've decided to align ourselves with concrete features of Bob (namely Conservatism, Neutrality and the Green Sphere). We're neutral in the sense that, irrespective of what players or alliances move in or out of our spheres of interest, our foreign policy stays the same.

So, for example, if VE left Green for Purple today - our economic ties with VE would be cut, as would be our standing offer (that's extended to all Green sphere alliances) to help them with rogues or ghosts. Conversely, if the NSO (who we had a tift with about a year ago) came to Green, we would extend to them the same courtesies and favors we grants all Green sphere alliances.

Taking soft(line) neutrality a step further, we declared in our "Don't Tread on Me" doctrine that we reserved the right to defend any perceived or actual attacks on our spheres of interest (i.e. Green Conservatism, or Neutrality). This doesn't mean that everyone who is Green or Neutral or Conservative is protected by us, it simply means that we reserve the freedom to involve ourselves if someone is being attacked [i]because[/i] they're Green, Neutral or Conservative. So, for exampple, if someone attacked the GPA because they think "neutrals are an easy target." We'd likely involve ourselves, whether the GPA wanted us to or not. Conversely, if VE were attacked because one of their leaders insulted the leadership of another alliance, that's a political affair that doesn't concern us.

tl;dr: We're (IC) politically neutral.

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[quote name='Rooman33' timestamp='1283979642' post='2446900']
You guys [i]did[/i] just have a pretty awesome growth spurt!

o/ Green

Or The Centurion Brotherhood merged into them.


I would like to suggest you watch out for TCU and TKTB.

Edited by Scorponok
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There are a whole lot of micro alliances out there that never get any recognition for their hard work and stability. Most of those alliances you probably never hear much about because they dont do stoopid things or cause any problems. I was hoping this thread would recognize some of those, but, as always this seems to be more of a popularity contest. Micro alliances will continue to be overlooked and under appreciated.

My shout out goes to Imperium Romanum. I have yet to get to know these guys, but, they seem to doing things right and I see a bright future ahead for them.

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[quote name='Hellbilly' timestamp='1284041873' post='2447637']
Most of those alliances you probably never hear much about ... but, as always this seems to be more of a popularity contest. Micro alliances will continue to be overlooked and under appreciated.
If we don't know they even exist, we obviously can't claim they are the best future alliance.

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[quote name='oOoMidooOo' timestamp='1284045611' post='2447673']
There are some alliances that don't interact much in the Cyber politics or release announcements or press releases those alliances won't succeed as much as the others.

Depends on your definition of success. I mean if they are happy, growing, active etc they are succeeding. As for being the best alliance (as the thread is titled.) I would have to say they wouldn't fit the bill.

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