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Best and Worst Military Alliances (2010 Edition)



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[quote name='Delta1212' timestamp='1283174446' post='2435733']
Well, he was fighting me. After I got snowed out of that one update, missing a day's worth of attacks and being unable to block my opponents', I was pretty much left struggling to tread water the rest of the week instead of putting up any kind of fight.

Delta, it was all you and me baby. It was a fun war but I wish you hadn't gotten left out at first. My infra didn't mind but war is fun and should be enjoyed by all :smug:

back on topic....

Up to 2010 would imply of all time, and that's too subjective even for the OWF. So..i'll say Umbrella for best because I wub them and honestly they have it where it counts :nuke: . As for worst....honestly it's too hard, so much potential that goes wasted i'll say that there are many terribad alliances of many shapes and sizes.

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[quote name='Batallion' timestamp='1283148666' post='2435565']
I'm the leader of AcTi and in charge of Recruitment, and I don't think Sparta is the worst, and I know why Yew Gate was kicked out of Sparta. We actually have at least 3 or 4 Spartans in AcTi. They are very dedicated guys and have contributed much to the growth of AcTi. Trust me when I say that Wolfpack is definitely the worst military alliance ever. Maybe even Menotah, it's a close call.

Does Yew Gate still hug his infra? He did two years ago when I was in Sparta.

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[quote name='HisK Owns You' timestamp='1283176912' post='2435755']
Does Yew Gate still hug his infra? He did two years ago when I was in Sparta.

He was kicked out of Sparta for failing to fight in every major war they had ever been in. So the precedent is there to believe he will continue to be another hippy playing cowboy.

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[quote name='Kryievla' timestamp='1283124925' post='2435120']
I can't decide between Umbrella and Nordreich. There are alliances with larger militaries and ones that are capable of dishing out more damage, but pound for pound, these are the best I've seen.

Can't recall any stagger slips, def5 attacks, or any other common newb errors. Both alliances were very professional as well as courteous. Both had high levels of skill.

Umbrella has some truly fantastic fighters. When we fought them, they were well-prepared, active, & coordinated well with each other and with their allies (Kronos). They made excellent use of tactics at the alliance level as well as individual levels. They also have the ability to cover upper tiers rather nicely.

Nordreich though...

We've fought some really good alliances, and I have NEVER seen such coordination as Nordreich showed. :hivemind: It was consistent through all the tiers, even the lower ones. In addition, they didn't let up & get bored after fighting for a while, & their next waves were just as fresh & fierce as their initial ones. They were relentless, precise, and still had time to exchange banter & all that.
Amazing how we seem to draw these opponents every time isnt it Kry :P

Ill agree with her here on all counts but dont forget Kronos either, very skilled and coordinated.

[quote name='KingEd' timestamp='1283137642' post='2435355']
Based on your recollection, I look forward to fighting alongside Nordreich or Umbrella in a future war. Would hate to fight against them tho. :lol1:

Ill support what you have just said with the following phrase: Purple Fails---with the exception of B.A.P.S.
I think ill go with OMFG on this i think i may be a bit offended here.

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[quote name='KagetheSecond' timestamp='1283141073' post='2435436']
We take offense to this statement.

With due reason. Don't feel offended, BAPS was just the first of top of my head. Lets be reasonable, not many Purple alliances are known for their Military abilities.

[quote name='Teddyyo' timestamp='1283173941' post='2435727']
Yes, AcTi has Yew Gate. It has other Spartans too, as Batallion pointed out. We have former Viridians, former TOOL, former every alliance under the sun. These members don't fly the Spartan flag, nor VE flag, nor the TOOL flag. AcTi members fly the AcTi flag. They live and die for it. AcTi was renowned on SC because of the extent to which it was run like a [i]real[/i] clan, and under that philosophy, we prospered there. We believe it to be a recurring theme.

I'm sorry but I for one hate "deserters, Infra-hugers, neutrals, and people like Yew-Gate". I know Sparta had a few Yew-Gates and to my knowledge have gotten rid of them over the past few wars and with good reason. Why AcTi wants them in their alliance is a mystery to me---hopefully it's not for the dead NS/stats. Good luck in the next war, hopefully they don't chicken out.

[quote name='Buds The Man' timestamp='1283183104' post='2435835']
I think ill go with OMFG on this i think i may be a bit offended here.

Answered this above.

Edited by KingEd
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[quote name='Swanfield' timestamp='1283111444' post='2434849']

Anyway, voted for Umbrella as the best military alliance and MHA as the worst.


id say the complete opposite but there not on the other lists. :awesome:

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It was really a toss up for me between FAN, NoR, Umbrella, MK, GOONS, and NPO for best military because at one point in time each of these alliances was the best military in the world, and none of them have ever consistently been the best up until 2010 as the title is asking (either due to not existing or just letting themselves go).

If I had to pick one though...probably NPO. They invented blitzing and pretty much laid the ground work for how to run an army for everyone since the second Polar War. I can only imagine what Bob would be like if they kept that prowess for the following four years.

Edited by Hyperion321
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[quote name='GeoLauzier' timestamp='1283182276' post='2435822']
I feared this poll could be biased but it seems its not when you look carefully at the results so far. Statistically it fit with the real facts.

You obviously mistake opinions for fact. I fear that many make that mistake.

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[quote name='adzzz' timestamp='1283184059' post='2435851']
id say the complete opposite but there not on the other lists. :awesome:

lol, someone's a little bit butthurt about not getting his protectorate I guess. Expected but I wonder how many times you've actually witnessed us fight?

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By adding ODN to the worst military alliances side, I think you mixed up the concept good/bad military alliances with faithful/unfaithful to their commitments. I only heard good things about what they did last war (and only in 3 years almost) they actually fought.

I might be wrong though, or this might have already been said.

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[quote name='Lusitan' timestamp='1283192155' post='2435930']
By adding ODN to the worst military alliances side, I think you mixed up the concept good/bad military alliances with faithful/unfaithful to their commitments. I only heard good things about what they did last war (and only in 3 years almost) they actually fought.

I might be wrong though, or this might have already been said.

I heard pretty good things but this is more of a popularity contest than a real poll imo (like all owf "which alliance is best at [i]x[/i]?" polls).

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Voted BAPS/Sparta.

IRON did a good job taking down Grämlins, but really it was a show of discipline rather than great military ability.

TOP gets disqualified due to putting LiquidMercury in charge of war strategy. Their war effort was good, but horrendous strategy is horrendous.

Wanted to vote FOK as worst military alliance, as TheThirdMark is the only FOK/iFOK nation I've ever fought that knew what he was doing, and I've fought several, but strangely they're on the best military alliance list and getting votes. Maybe I've just been lucky. I remember the guy with 15K infra, 0 navy, and about a 400M warchest that I fought in the last war still as a source of great comedy. He triple-teamed himself on me and two ML guys, and got annihilated.

Sparta however has the legendary screwed staggers from Karma to live down, so I guess they'll have to do.

Nueva Vida was pretty good, but generally warchest light. At least they knew how to launch attacks.

Molon Labe should be on the best alliance list as well.

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[quote name='Haflinger' timestamp='1283194318' post='2435956']

TOP gets disqualified due to putting LiquidMercury in charge of war strategy. Their war effort was good, but horrendous strategy is horrendous.


Best argument against TOP I've seen ITT. Still think they're the best military though.

I see a lot of hate against Sparta here. They probably under perform a bit for their NS, but I've heard glowing reviews on the help they gave CnG, so I would think that some of the critique given to Sparta may be a bit outdated.

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[quote name='supercoolyellow' timestamp='1283194539' post='2435959']
Best argument against TOP I've seen ITT. Still think they're the best military though.

I see a lot of hate against Sparta here. They probably under perform a bit for their NS, but I've heard glowing reviews on the help they gave CnG, so I would think that some of the critique given to Sparta may be a bit outdated.

But why argue about today when you can fall back on prejudices from two years ago?

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[quote name='Mr Damsky' timestamp='1283194845' post='2435966']
LM had a !@#$ strategy but you're all almost as !@#$%* for going along with it.
You say that like there was a choice.

The only reason Purple came in was because FAN bandwagoned on to IRON in exactly the same way as TOP/IRON bandwagoned on to C&G.

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[quote name='Haflinger' timestamp='1283194318' post='2435956']
TOP gets disqualified due to putting LiquidMercury in charge of war strategy. Their war effort was good, but horrendous strategy is horrendous.
I wouldn't put that into it, personally. This is about military strength and ability not necessarily how it is applied. The pre-emp has also been very over-dramatised when the reality is that, while it was a mistake, it wasn't nearly as significant as people make it out to be. Far more significant events were Polar switching sides and MHA joining in after telling us they would remain neutral.

Not to mention our military strategy many times in the past has been pretty good even if I do say so myself.

What alliance would you say could beat us 1 on 1 during the peak of our power (pre-bipolar but end of 09 for the sake of this poll)? Our TOP tier was on the same level as IRON and NPO's at the height of their strength (prior to the karma war) and after they got knocked down a lot in the karma war, we had about a year to strengthen even further until bi-polar. Even if you assume we are a bunch of retards at strategy, all the military genius in the world can only over-come so much tech, warchest and military wonder advantage.

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[quote name='Blue Lightning' timestamp='1283195621' post='2435978']
I wouldn't put that into it, personally. This is about military strength and ability not necessarily how it is applied. The pre-emp has also been very over-dramatised when the reality is that, while it was a mistake, it wasn't nearly as significant as people make it out to be. Far more significant events were Polar switching sides and MHA joining in after telling us they would remain neutral.

Here's my issue with that argument. Sure NpO switching sides, and MHA coming in hurt your effort in the war, but both of those, especially NpO, were likely the result of your preemptive attack.

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[quote name='Haflinger' timestamp='1283195556' post='2435977']
You say that like there was a choice.

The only reason Purple came in was because FAN bandwagoned on to IRON in exactly the same way as [b]TOP/IRON bandwagoned on to C&G[/b].
Really? Because I thought TOP/IRON just aggressively attacked C&G with no treaty being activated with with this CB, "We don't like them. And they might attack one of our allies in the future."

[quote name='Blue Lightning' timestamp='1283195621' post='2435978']
Not to mention our military strategy many times in the past has been pretty good even if I do say so myself. [/quote]
Like cutting non-nuclear deals with your enemies, so they can nuke your allies?

Edited by Steve Buscemi
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