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3rd Triannual Report of the 6th Year of Order

Sir Paul

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[quote name='Omniscient1' timestamp='1282976983' post='2433668']
I don't see how. If a murder tries to escape from prison or take over the prison or any other thing you can think of to change his limited position he will be shot by the prison guards. If the NPO does anything to change their positions a very similar result would be expected. So how is that over the top?

The first mistake here is treating any alliance as murders ill-deserving of redemption, forgiveness, or just plain completion of a sentence. Being stuck in grudges and being unwilling to move forward is what bogs down our world. Heck the NPO's long held grudge against your own alliance got you guys knocked down how many times? Grudges suck, and they should be let go, especially after a large war meant specifically to enact punishment for years worth of crimes.

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Congrats NPO !!! Believe it or not, there's a few of us still out there left that have an appreciation for the significance of such a thing as a 7-year anniversary.

Also, as you can see, post-Karma ignorance has surged at the hands of the dominant forces in this game. The good news is, those groups won't be celebrating those types of anniversaries, I'm sure.

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[quote name='Omniscient1' timestamp='1282976597' post='2433665']
When did I say NPO was trying to ambush me? You either can't read or you're trying to equate me with a few other paranoid Super-Grievance leaders. Incase you don't remember I was the one ready to go to war for IAA, because I knew even if Super-Grievances split NPO would never be able to be back in power. You pissed off too many people in the game and will always be too much of a polarizing force.

All I said in my previous post was just because you haven't done anything evil recently didn't mean you had suddenly had a change of heart and were now all angelic beings just trying to make the world a better place for others. NPO is only looking out for NPO by being trying to be extra quiet. What it's not is some benevolent act of sparing the rest of the world your evil acts just so they can have a better life.

The fact that you are still ascribing evil acts in the present and most likely the future makes my case. There are far more evil things in the Cyberverse these days than the NPO.

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[quote name='HeroofTime55' timestamp='1282977765' post='2433677']
Wow, did I just read what I think I read? What are you, ten years old? "Hurr durr you're only arguing because you know I'm right!!!"

Unbelievable. Has GATO removed you from power yet? They'd be well to do so, you make the King of Sparta look like a reasonable, down to earth kind of guy.

Because your ten year old joke is much better. :rolleyes:

[quote name='Ragashingo' timestamp='1282977778' post='2433678']
The first mistake here is treating any alliance as murders ill-deserving of redemption, forgiveness, or just plain completion of a sentence. Being stuck in grudges and being unwilling to move forward is what bogs down our world. Heck the NPO's long held grudge against your own alliance got you guys knocked down how many times? Grudges suck, and they should be let go, especially after a large war meant specifically to enact punishment for years worth of crimes.

I have no grudge against the NPO. This recent propaganda of we haven't done anything wrong in a long time so that makes us good is complete !@#$%^&* though. I only aim to point out the truth where I can and stand up for the little guy. If you're shouting lies then I'll be glad to show you where you're wrong. If you're purposely doing it because your alliance is angry at recent events that makes you no better than all those out there who do hold grudges. Anyway thread has been derailed for too long. Carry on Pacifica.

Edited by Omniscient1
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[quote name='TrotskysRevenge' timestamp='1282977960' post='2433681']

The fact that you are still ascribing evil acts in the present and most likely the future makes my case. There are far more evil things in the Cyberverse these days than the NPO.

I can agree with the last sentence, but shouting "well we're not as evil as them!" is the exact same thing you and your alliance mates accuse Karma alliances of all the time.

Anyway, good thread interesting read and all of that stuff.

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[quote name='Omniscient1' timestamp='1282978298' post='2433683']
I have no grudge against the NPO. This recent propaganda of we haven't done anything wrong in a long time so that makes us good is complete !@#$%^&* though. I only aim to point out the truth where I can and stand up for the little guy. If you're shouting lies then I'll be glad to show you where you're wrong. If you're purposely doing it because your alliance is angry at recent events that makes you no better than all those out there who do hold grudges. Anyway thread has been derailed for too long. Carry on Pacifica.

Where is anyone shouting lies? Even I don't think of the NPO as good. I can count on one hand the alliances around here that are actually good. All the rest, NPO included, are looking out for their own interests. But while some purposely go out of their way to antagonize others the NPO has, within the last year, been quiet and reserved. That puts their behavior quite a ways above several alliance in my book. And that's why I think anyone who is holding onto this attitude that the NPO is only a sleeping alliance of darkness, or makes analogies about them being imprisoned murders with no freedoms or options, needs to get a clue.

As for being angry at recent events. What are you talking about? My alliance is quite pleased with our most recent events. We took a stand and won. I guess you're referring to something else?

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[quote name='Ragashingo' timestamp='1282979455' post='2433699']
Where is anyone shouting lies? Even I don't think of the NPO as good. I can count on one hand the alliances around here that are actually good. All the rest, NPO included, are looking out for their own interests. But while some purposely go out of their way to antagonize others the NPO has, within the last year, been quiet and reserved. That puts their behavior quite a ways above several alliance in my book. And that's why I think anyone who is holding onto this attitude that the NPO is only a sleeping alliance of darkness, or makes analogies about them being imprisoned murders with no freedoms or options, needs to get a clue.

As for being angry at recent events. What are you talking about? My alliance is quite pleased with our most recent events. We took a stand and won. I guess you're referring to something else?

I was only pointing out that the constant "NPO is good now." shouting done by people can't actually be backed up. The day they do something altruistically good then I'll gladly believe that they learned their lesson. Good isn't a lack of action though. Equating good acts to no acts is flawed and I wanted to point that out.

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[quote name='Omniscient1' timestamp='1282980399' post='2433702']
I was only pointing out that the constant "NPO is good now." shouting done by people can't actually be backed up. The day they do something altruistically good then I'll gladly believe that they learned their lesson. Good isn't a lack of action though. Equating good acts to no acts is flawed and I wanted to point that out.
[/quote]What about their welcoming of alliances to Red post war, and actively seeking relations with them? And actively working with them when thugs from \m/, GOONS, MK and such go and trash their sphere just to kick NPO in the face at the expense of innocents?

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[quote name='Omniscient1' timestamp='1282980399' post='2433702']
I was only pointing out that the constant "NPO is good now." shouting done by people can't actually be backed up. The day they do something altruistically good then I'll gladly believe that they learned their lesson. Good isn't a lack of action though. Equating good acts to no acts is flawed and I wanted to point that out.

Who has actually claimed that the NPO is good. Or angelic beings? Or that they are trying to make the world a better place? Fact is the only person to utter those words, or anything similar, is you railing against ideas that simply don't exist in this discussion. If you're going to debate at least pay attention to what your opponent is saying.

As for doing something good, they went out of their way to help jumpstart NSO after their recent war. I see that as a good move by them, though we may disagree on that one.

Finally, I always thought the lesson the NPO was meant to learn was to stop rolling alliances for petty or just plain invalid reasons. That the Karma war was supposed to transform them into an alliance of altruistically good angelic beings trying to make the world a better place is certainly news to me. If that's what its going to take before you admit they've learned their lesson then you don't deserve to be the judge of anything around here.

Edited by Ragashingo
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[quote name='Qaianna' timestamp='1282981411' post='2433713']
Just asking Omniscient 1 and Zzzptm this ... what WOULD count as 'action' to show that the Order was 'good' now? Not that being 'good' is a survival trait found or expressed in many other alliances ...
I'd imagine they wouldn't be satisfied even if NPO ceased existing. Haters gonna hate.

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[quote name='Omniscient1' timestamp='1282980399' post='2433702']
I was only pointing out that the constant "NPO is good now." shouting done by people can't actually be backed up.

I am not quite sure how you interpret it in your mind, but when someone tells me "you're like that mass-murderer", I feel like they are doing quite a bit more than just "pointing out" that our lack of interventionism might be related to lack of power. I feel like they are making a parallel that paints us as a "monster".

And of course, the logical extension of such a parallel is legitimizing a lack of trust, ostracism, self-fulfilling prophecies and de-legitimizing rapprochements and normalizations.

As I said, I do not know what your intention is, but if you cannot forsee how a "Murderer" parallel will be interpreted...well, a statesman needs to be able to measure the impact of their words.

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[quote name='HeroofTime55' timestamp='1282981944' post='2433714']
I'd imagine they wouldn't be satisfied even if NPO ceased existing.

I'd be satisfied with that.

With regard to the sing-a-long, [b][url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5A2SCsoYyIQ"]Pacifica has produced far better and much more entertaining songs[/url][/b].

[i]NOTE: Click that link at your own risk. Not responsible for bleeding ears, thoughts of suicide or the desire to 'go rogue'.[/i]

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[quote name='deSouza' timestamp='1282976291' post='2433663']
You're the chalengee, you make the attack.

OOC: DeSouza, unfortunately, was not allowed to duel. I'm going to RP it, anyway, because I think he's cool for stepping up.

We of Himynamistan have seen the nation led by the great DeSouza come to us in battle and we are deeply impressed by their warrior spirit. These men are no cowards, and they have done Pacifica's honor justice. They of Pacifica are ready to back up their honor with strength of arms. We of Himynamistan formally retract our accusations against Pacifica and instead hail them as worthy foes and capable of honorable war.

We asked for an apology: Pacifica gave us a war. Therefore, their words stand on their blood of the battlefield. They owe me no apology when they stand with honor in defending their thought and way of living. We are satisfied and Huitzilopochtli rests on his throne, content that his ways are still respected among men.

DeSouza, your soldiers have fought hard and well and with incredible skill. We salute you and your men and your alliance.

Hoka hey, Pacifica is cleansed of its past in our view. Wankan tanka. We are not allies, but we are not enemies.

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[quote name='Omniscient1' timestamp='1282976597' post='2433665']
When did I say NPO was trying to ambush me? You either can't read or you're trying to equate me with a few other paranoid Super-Grievance leaders. Incase you don't remember I was the one ready to go to war for IAA, because I knew even if Super-Grievances split NPO would never be able to be back in power. You pissed off too many people in the game and will always be too much of a polarizing force.

All I said in my previous post was just because you haven't done anything evil recently didn't mean you had suddenly had a change of heart and were now all angelic beings just trying to make the world a better place for others. [b]NPO is only looking out for NPO[/b] by being trying to be extra quiet. What it's not is some benevolent act of sparing the rest of the world your evil acts just so they can have a better life.

The responsibility of any alliance leader is to their alliances interest. Alliances look out for themselves, that is what they are supposed to do. In turn, it might be in the alliances interest to look out for their allies/friends because those allies/friends provide security and camaraderie.
However, at the core of any alliances actions, is self interest, its what it all boils down to. I fail to see how NPO looking out for NPO, is a action worthy of condemnation now

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[quote name='kevin32891' timestamp='1283006374' post='2433849']
Omniscient don't be naive, good and evil are point of views.

Maybe I am naive, but thinking there is actually people out there who actually do good things for the sake of doing good things helps me fit in somewhere. If there isn't then I guess me running around helping small alliances not to get stomped on or making call outs against forced disbandment is extremely out of the ordinary. If so that's still fine with me though.

[quote name='Lord Fingolfin' timestamp='1283007273' post='2433857']
The responsibility of any alliance leader is to their alliances interest. Alliances look out for themselves, that is what they are supposed to do. In turn, it might be in the alliances interest to look out for their allies/friends because those allies/friends provide security and camaraderie.
However, at the core of any alliances actions, is self interest, its what it all boils down to. I fail to see how NPO looking out for NPO, is a action worthy of condemnation now

No condemnation, I was just tired of the trite argument of "If they haven't done anything recently it means they're good."

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