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Players you've always admired


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[quote name='Opethian' timestamp='1282813216' post='2431648']Nobody here is using "respect" in a way that outstrips the confines of the game itself.[/quote]
John Rocker's (Remaliat's) post would beg to differ.

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I guess I'll finish up the list. The funny thing is, no matter how many people you write, you can run across someone you haven't thought of until then and then you feel bad for leaving them off.

Like the preceding list, almost all of these people have a trait (or several) that exceeds the average to a spectacular degree, so even if I don't see eye-to-eye with a lot of them, a person should respect talent when they see it.

[u]Random Interrupt[/u]
[u]Tokugawa Mitsukuni[/u]
[u]Lenny n Karl[/u]
[u]Il Impero Romano[/u]
[u]Sal Paradise[/u]
[u]Comrade Craig[/u]

Edited by Kzoppistan
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[quote name='Opethian' timestamp='1282813216' post='2431648']
Relativity isn't just a mathematical theory, you know.

Nobody here is using "respect" in a way that outstrips the confines of the game itself.

I thought this was about admiration not respect. Regardless, I find myself incapable of reducing any such feeling to the confines of the game.

Edited by Sal Paradise
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[quote name='Mayzie' timestamp='1282812172' post='2431645']
I admire myself for reading through 9 pages of this !@#$ and not seeing my name once.

I admire myself for reading the first page, not seeing my name, reading the last page, not seeing my name, and merely assuming my name wasn't mentioned anywhere else either :smug:

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[quote name='Kewlleo' timestamp='1282812304' post='2431646']
I'd have to say CmdrChobo

A man loved, respected, and even trusted by virtually anyone that knew ever knew him, be they friend or foe.

Fantastic choice...a name I haven't seen in a long time.

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[quote name='Kevanovia' timestamp='1282491082' post='2426635']
I'll say Schatt too. PH was always a good role model, as is Pingu. Hrmmm, Korlus, AirMe, Vir and Laser to name a few more.

Wow didn't really expect to see my name in this thread. Thanks Kev.

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Vinzent Zeppelin, Valek, Striderwannabe, Kaiser Martens, Myworld, Bob, Hoo, Nemhauser, Pulisher, Geopet, Toku, Shuru, Prince Arutha, zzzptm, Raasaa, Starfox. Pretty much the first ones that come to mind. I'm sure I could go for a while and if I gave explanations for every one I'd have a massive post. Most of these guys I suppose I respect moreso than admire, but I guess that's the spirit of the thread really.

*edit for clarity and adding people

Edited by Captain Flinders
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mpol and ES are the first that come to mind among the well-known, Btardia, SPH among the less known.

Maybe i should give a mention to MT and Rynka as well for being on MK's zi list with me at one point D:

Edited by uaciaut
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[quote name='kerschbs' timestamp='1282971836' post='2433591']
Chimera, virillus, airme, all played important roles in my career here. I always also really liked ejayrazz, though I never really knew him well.

Ejay is a great guy, gotta hand it to his awesomeness. Wheres he at these days?

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W_A_R of Vijar and Count Rupert of the Duchy of Grand Fenwick are not big OWF posters, but both incredibly solid rulers who would be a huge boon to any alliance and who have always been very stand up in any relations I had with them.

Mpol for keping FAN together deserves admiration

Pingu would make my list

Oh, and Vladimir Stukov II for quite a few reasons, not the least of which is having the good taste (or more likely long memory) to mention me.

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I admire Kevlar, the Sasquatch.

Edit: That actually started as a joke, but it's true. I've always thought Kevlar was among the most intelligent, driven people in CN, despite all his appearances and despite the fact that the only job I ever gave him while he was my deputy, he failed to do. Incidentally, that job probably could have turned out to be useful in the week following, when GWII broke out. Good job, Kev.

Edited by Chris Kaos
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This is quite easy for me actually. Sal Paradise for using the basic human right of doing whatever you want.
RyanGDI for teaching me that the path that [i]you[/i] decide to take is the only one right for you.
And Jens of the Desert for teaching me that there are just some people who are going to hate you for what you are and not what you do, no matter how hard you try to change. And that you just need to keep going no matter what people say.

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All my alliance mates who stuck it out through Karma and the 100 days of nuclear anarchy that came with it. You proved that pixels mean nothing compared to community and loyalty.

My Evil Overlords, I'd ride through hell with Slayer99, JBone, Mhawk or TCK.

Bama for rolling with us during Karma. (I still hate Saban though)

My friends that are bigger than the game, Peggy_Sue and Edward Curella (I miss you EC).

For people I know best from here or from our embassies, Rebel Virgina (a great diplomat and great at keeping people stirred up here).

Alterego, never shys away from stating his beliefs.

Tygaland and Pez, and many STA posters in general. We haven't always seen eye to eye in the past from an alliance point of view but they are extremely consistant in what they say and do in this game. With the amount of hypocrisy on these boards, that's extremely refreshing.

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[quote name='Masterof9puppets' timestamp='1282886006' post='2432506']
I admire myself for reading the first page, not seeing my name, reading the last page, not seeing my name, and merely assuming my name wasn't mentioned anywhere else either :smug:

You weren't. So here goes!

I admire Masterof9puppets!

Though AirMe is awesome. ^_^

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