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There are too many alliances and some of you should disband.


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[quote name='Schattenmann' timestamp='1280395370' post='2393768']
I'll tell you th e problem wit h all these !@#$@#$ alluances and here it is: Theyre all meatmarket generic turd alliances. Valhalla should disband or else Joe should give the new gnernation the keys. Bam, there ya go. These alliances that are all the same with some silly veneer trying to act unique but they are like a pathetic echo chamber. Val's Norn thing is cool but how often does it come into play? We need alliances with no SENSE OF SELF to give it up, and we need shortsighted rulers with primal des
ires to grow spines and hit the fringe.

Schatt, why are you asking other people to do things that you could do too and aren't?

To everyone, just because an alliance rests of a similar theme or plan to other alliances doesn't mean it's some cookie cut out carbon copy of an alliance. Have you ever considered the fact that if every alliance was so similar and that some alliances weren't actually doing things better there would be less? As much as I dislike some alliances, I'm not going to try and play god to disband them or say they are useless. The useless provide good cattle, an essential part of all societies. It's up to those with the vision they so believe to be right to mold the world in how they want it to be.

I'm content right now, watching someone say Asgaard should disband as we're boring or nothing new, and so are many others about their alliance around here because its nothing bad. (Although, the list would need tweaks) but for the love of god, stop thinking that because you're an alliance which enjoys being "a drama machine" or "an internet bully" that you're somehow more useful than others. It takes much more skill as a leader and as a successful alliance to avoid being a laughing stock or the butt of all jokes or known to everyone as the equivalent of a teenage girl than to become those.

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[quote name='Voodoo Nova' timestamp='1280416292' post='2393960']
You've been whining about Corinan's disapproval of Sparta all day, so you can hardly say you thrive on it.

Disapproval of me [u]personally[/u], but I can't blame you for not coming to that conclusion, it would have taken a near-juvenile capacity to connect the implications of one series of statements to another. You're doing your best.

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Unfortunately I have to disagree with Comrade Corinan on this. Sparta may not have brought us political intrigue, revolutionary policies, counter-intuitive manoeuvres, or anything else of genuine interest or significance; but they have nevertheless contributed in their own special way: by providing us with the comedic stylings of Olaf Styke.

Can any one of us honestly say that the world would be a better place without him oafishly blundering his way through threads such as this? To watch him today in his prime -- his penetrating analysis of global politics, his cutting put-downs, his laughable ego-centric pleading. It is one of the simple joys that keeps this world turning.

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[quote name='Corinan' timestamp='1280416645' post='2393963']
Perhaps all the displaced nations from the disbanded alliances could be entered into a draft, kinda like in pro sports. Of course then we'd have to figure out how to determine which alliance gets the #1 draft pick and so on.

Well in pro sports, worst record get's the first pick. Which alliance get's the number one pick? heh

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I have no qualms about playing God, someone needs to do it. Besides, another thing this game needs more of is players like myself. I say that with a completely straight face. You don't have to agree with me or even like me, but you know I bring something to the game. I rattle the cage. I incite. I make threads like this that draw people to it, for one reason or another. This game needs me and it needs the New Sith Order.

I am Cyber Nations.

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[quote name='Corinan' timestamp='1280417351' post='2393978']
I have no qualms about playing God, someone needs to do it. Besides, another thing this game needs more of is players like myself. I say that with a completely straight face. You don't have to agree with me or even like me, but you know I bring something to the game. I rattle the cage. I incite. I make threads like this that draw people to it, for one reason or another. This game needs me and it needs the New Sith Order.

I am Cyber Nations.

No, you sir, you are a narcissist.

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The assessment of NSO was a bit out of date, nothing interesting has happened on that front since the heart was ripped out of them by surrender. The old NSO maybe, but I can't see why CN needs them specifically now unless a justification of 'needing an alliance' is that a couple of their members provide some amusement on public forums.

[quote name='Schattenmann' timestamp='1280394403' post='2393755']
I submit that Cult of Justitia was not included because Dop cannot reconcile an alliance so similar to NSO but so far opposite in motivations.
Also because they're irrelevant. Come on, even if it's just a bit.

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[quote name='Kowalski' timestamp='1280418029' post='2393986']
The assessment of NSO was a bit out of date, nothing interesting has happened on that front since the heart was ripped out of them by surrender. The old NSO maybe, but I can't see why CN needs them specifically now unless a justification of 'needing an alliance' is that a couple of their members provide some amusement on public forums.

You know what, I agree with you to an extent. We haven't done anything particularly outstanding lately. We've kinda been in "rebuild mode" for a while now. Fear not, however. You haven't heard the last of the Sith. I can assure you that our heart was not ripped out in the last war. We were stomped on hard, but we came out stronger for the ordeal.

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[quote name='Olaf Styke' timestamp='1280377329' post='2393526']
Well everyone is capable of making mistakes, some apparently more capable than others, we're all human.

But not everyone suckled off the !@#$ of better alliances for years. And then when the alliances are about to get rolled for the first time you've been allied you promptly bail out on them and call them a toilet bowl.

Actually, pretty much only Sparta did that :blush:

But hey, at least you acknowledge it was a mistake. Doesn't do much good for all those who you betrayed though.

Edited by Mr Damsky
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Disband all the bigger alliances and split them up into medium/smaller size alliances and you get more politics and more drama. Again power blocs will form, but they will be from so many different points of view that you will get much more theatre play. Simply [i]wishing [/i]disbanding all the smaller alliances because you don't know anything about them is small minded. Creating 10-20 super-alliances what happens? The player who can spend half an hour a day playing gets forced out of the game while the 20 photophobiacs in the game get to run alliances. The chances then of them creating any commotion of any sort is slim to none.

So go ahead. You want drama, create a splinter faction to NSO and create the New Jedi Order or whatever. Now, I just threw a bone to you, let's see if your money is where your mouth is.

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[quote name='kulomascovia' timestamp='1280385241' post='2393680']
I believe the inherent assumption that most people on CN find drama and controversy to be exciting and that drama and controversy make the game better is actually quite flawed. Possibly people who are active posters or active followers of events on the OWF may find that exciting but I'd have to say that growing one's nation or fulfilling one's duty to an alliance takes priority for most nations. At the extreme maximum, there may be 4 or 5 thousand active forum members (for comparison, the largest number of people online on the forums was 1800 or so ). There are around 24000 nations on CN. As you can see, most nations probably do not follow events on the OWF. The standards used to create this list are based on incorrect assumptions. As such, the list in invalid.
I've yet to see a rebuttal to this and am quite interested to hear one.


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[quote name='Olaf Styke' timestamp='1280416965' post='2393968']
Disapproval of me [u]personally[/u], but I can't blame you for not coming to that conclusion, it would have taken a near-juvenile capacity to connect the implications of one series of statements to another. You're doing your best.

Ah, the personal insult. It's a classic really. When someone says something you dislike, attack the person. If that is the best you can do, bravo good sir. Maybe one day you can get off the slide and join the big boys in a game of baseball. Don't be hurt if you're picked last though, it happens to the lesser skilled players.

Edited by Voodoo Nova
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[quote name='Voodoo Nova' timestamp='1280419430' post='2393999']
Ah, the personal insult. It's a classic really. When someone says something you dislike, attack the person. If that is the best you can do, bravo good sir. Maybe one day you can get off the slide and join the big boys in a game of baseball. Don't be hurt if you're picked last though, it happens to the lesser skilled players.

Contradicting yourself by insulting the person you just chastised for insulting you in the same post. It's a classic really.

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[quote name='BamaBuc' timestamp='1280419091' post='2393996']
I've yet to see a rebuttal to this and am quite interested to hear one.


Sure. If a players main interest in the game is growing their nation and serving an alliance then it shouldn't matter what alliance they grow and serve in. Move to an alliance that's actually interesting. An alliance that's actually a mover, a shaker. Your gaming experience will be enriched.

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[quote name='mdnss69' timestamp='1280418682' post='2393994']
So go ahead. You want drama, create a splinter faction to NSO and create the New Jedi Order or whatever. Now, I just threw a bone to you, let's see if your money is where your mouth is.

The Jedi Order would like to have a word with you.

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[quote name='Corinan' timestamp='1280419700' post='2394001']
Sure. If a players main interest in the game is growing their nation and serving an alliance then it shouldn't matter what alliance they grow and serve in. Move to an alliance that's actually interesting. An alliance that's actually a mover, a shaker. Your gaming experience will be enriched.

I actually have to agree here. I think if they are not that interested in the politics of the game, their lives should be none the worse, but those who are may gain something out of it.

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[quote name='Corinan' timestamp='1280419700' post='2394001']
Sure. If a players main interest in the game is growing their nation and serving an alliance then it shouldn't matter what alliance they grow and serve in. Move to an alliance that's actually interesting. An alliance that's actually a mover, a shaker. Your gaming experience will be enriched.

I think you're missing the point in that just because that's your opinion and how you wish to rule your nation, it doesn't mean it is other people's.

Also, as far as movers and shakers go, there is never one alliance doing the moving and shaking, it changes based on numerous variables. Even the most insignificant alliance can and has created moments which would define them as such, and then gone on to do nothing ever again.

I must also say, mdnss69 has a real point. Why do you feel bigger alliances are better? Because it "cleans" the treaty web or something?

Come on... this whole plan is flawed. Let nature take its course and then take a machete and change things up like you used to do, this isn't a NSO thread causing drama, this is just someone thinking they know what's best for other people.

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[quote name='Olaf Styke' timestamp='1280416965' post='2393968']
Disapproval of me [u]personally[/u], but I can't blame you for not coming to that conclusion, it would have taken a near-juvenile capacity to connect the implications of one series of statements to another. You're doing your best.

you do realize that much of the disapproval with you is a direct reflection of your alliance. You are the leader of Sparta and are acting far more foolish than most have in this thread. The fact that people from all over CN are ridiculing you, should show you this fact.

as for your little jab at Voodoo, all i can say is, is that really your best shot? if so, hang it up cuz that was rather weak. good try though.

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[quote name='Dilber' timestamp='1280393632' post='2393741']
You have no idea why I called them my puppy, do you? Sparta has never had an original idea in their entire history. They've always followed the lead of another alliance.

Go back and check your history, son.

Nice story. I honestly don't care. Please don't call me "son".

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[quote name='mythicknight' timestamp='1280419828' post='2394005']
They're still around?


I don't know, I just wanted to point out that there was a 'The Jedi Order'. :P

@the masheen: If you don't want to be called son, son, don't make the big boys come out and correct you.

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[quote name='mythicknight' timestamp='1280419828' post='2394005']
They're still around?

They slimmed down [url="http://www.cybernations.net/stats_alliance_stats_custom.asp?Alliance=The+Jedi+Order&input1="]a bit[/url]. :awesome: And disbanded a while ago.

Edited by xoindotnler
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