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[quote name='CptGodzilla' timestamp='1280017757' post='2387810']
since apparently this is something that needs to be publicly stated ...[/quote]

According to who?

Also, you held a MADP with SoL before they decided to merge. Those who raid that AA should simply stand down when asked.

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[quote name='supercoolyellow' timestamp='1280018517' post='2387820']
To save anyone curious the trouble

[url="http://www.cybernations.net/search_wars.asp?searchstring=Declaring_Alliance,Receiving_Alliance&search=Soldiers%20Of%20Legion&anyallexact=exact"]SoL wars screen[/url]
Yes yes, we have sent out messages to our members involved ordering them to peace out.

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[quote name='Sardonic' timestamp='1280019672' post='2387848']
Yes yes, we have sent out messages to our members involved ordering them to peace out.

Appropriately handled, now hopefully they peace out in a timely manner.

On a side note, remind me never to attack Aj003, apparently it takes 3 nations to tackle him! :o

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[quote name='LucasSnow' timestamp='1280029569' post='2387985']
Congrats on the Protectorate. Hope it all works out for the both of you.

This isn't a protectorate. They have an MADP and this is just a public statement saying that even though most of SoL has defacto merged into MA that the remaining members on SoL's AA are not to be attacked.

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Here's the link to the MADP, just for reference:


Even though the [url="http://cybernations.wikia.com/wiki/Soldiers_of_Legion"]Wiki[/url] says they've officially merged, I wouldn't go after SoL members even if I did tech raid, which I don't. Good show, though, by MA, posting this to reiterate for the less-informed that SoL has backup. o/

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[quote name='Alistair Thorrington' timestamp='1280019730' post='2387852']
I'm on their War Screen! :ph34r:

Don't hurt me! I'm peaceful at heart!

Wish I seen this before I just messaged you telling you to get off Lady Relk :awesome:

Good show MA

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[quote name='Thunder Strike' timestamp='1280030031' post='2387992']
This isn't a protectorate. They have an MADP and this is just a public statement saying that even though most of SoL has defacto merged into MA that the remaining members on SoL's AA are not to be attacked.

My mistake. I probably should have read it a little better rather than skimmed it over.

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[quote name='Haquertal' timestamp='1280028573' post='2387964']
Nice to see this added somewhere.

Don't forget to append to your wiki, as well.

That comment almost made me want to go take the info of our protectorate down off ICAN's wiki... would you guys come knocking on our door?? I think not.

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[quote name='Haquertal' timestamp='1280028573' post='2387964']
Nice to see this added somewhere.

Don't forget to append to your wiki, as well.

[quote name='Uralica' timestamp='1280030363' post='2387998']
Here's the link to the MADP, just for reference:


Even though the [url="http://cybernations.wikia.com/wiki/Soldiers_of_Legion"]Wiki[/url] says they've officially merged, I wouldn't go after SoL members even if I did tech raid, which I don't. Good show, though, by MA, posting this to reiterate for the less-informed that SoL has backup. o/
So the Wiki says they merged, and there's an easily located treaty announcement. Somehow I don't think appending the wiki is the issue here; I'd say it's more likely an issue of "don't forget to read the wiki."

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[quote name='Emporor' timestamp='1280047410' post='2388189']
That comment almost made me want to go take the info of our protectorate down off ICAN's wiki... would you guys come knocking on our door?? I think not.

As long as you posted it on the forums, then you're fine. It's not like I'm saying add it ONLY to the wiki, but the more places you add it is better.

Also, nice smuggo smack talk.

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[quote name='Schattenmann' timestamp='1280081549' post='2388446']
So the Wiki says they merged, and there's an easily located treaty announcement. Somehow I don't think appending the wiki is the issue here; I'd say it's more likely an issue of "don't forget to read the wiki."

When a merger occurs, the alliance in question ceases to exist. The parent alliance doesn't generally take on the treaties the merging alliance had without reviewing them. If they decide to continue a relationship the merging alliance had, they do so by announcing a [i]new[/i] treaty.

If SoL merged into MA, there shouldn't be nations left on that AA.

Edited by nippy
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[quote name='janax' timestamp='1280082839' post='2388490']
Thank you for telling them how they should handle their mergers.

What would they do without you to guide them.

[b][i]When an alliance merges into another, the merging alliance ceases to exist[/i][/b]. Argue that point instead of using your general illogical sarcasm.

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Nevermind that it's literally *never* done that way anyway. It's simply common sense that the AA would still be covered by MA during the merge, the same way all other similar situations have panned out. Sharpen up those excuses for greed, folks.

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[quote name='nippy' timestamp='1280082642' post='2388487']
When a merger occurs, the alliance in question ceases to exist. The parent alliance doesn't generally take on the treaties the merging alliance had without reviewing them. If they decide to continue a relationship the merging alliance had, they do so by announcing a [i]new[/i] treaty.

If SoL merged into MA, there shouldn't be nations left on that AA.
That GOONS has to go into e-lawyer overdrive full afterburners and twist Bob reality to breaking point to make every raid-gone-bad be everyone's fault but GOONS's says more about GOONS than it does about anyone else.

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[quote name='mythicknight' timestamp='1280083443' post='2388500']
Nevermind that it's literally *never* done that way anyway. It's simply common sense that the AA would still be covered by MA during the merge, the same way all other similar situations have panned out. Sharpen up those excuses for greed, folks.
"During the merge"? When did this merge take place?

[quote name='Schattenmann' timestamp='1280083620' post='2388505']
That GOONS has to go into e-lawyer overdrive full afterburners and twist Bob reality to breaking point to make every raid-gone-bad be everyone's fault but GOONS's says more about GOONS than it does about anyone else.
Who's twisting reality? You take offense to a simple well-wish.

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