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Put The Blame On The Right Person

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[quote name='caligula' date='18 July 2010 - 02:06 PM' timestamp='1279479978' post='2377554']
I think they were equally at fault. I viewed the GO thread as payment for the insulting notion that out of the blue that they have no idea what they were doing as an alliance when in fact they do.

Could they have been the bigger man?
Would that have been fun?
Do either really care what we think?
Probably not.

most importantly we all got to point and laugh at someone, thats why everyone read that thread..

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My first thought upon hearing about this whole thing was "Wait, isn't Kevonovia in FAR? Who gives a 17 day member MoFA?" Thanks for clearing this up.

You meant well, but you chose the wrong party to talk to. GO is part of the SuperComplaints backed lulzsphere and they couldn't resist the urge to punk you. Next time, I'd suggest talking to someone more trustworthy.

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[quote name='Duncan King' date='18 July 2010 - 02:53 PM' timestamp='1279482766' post='2377660']
My first thought upon hearing about this whole thing was "Wait, isn't Kevonovia in FAR? Who gives a 17 day member MoFA?" Thanks for clearing this up.

You meant well, but you chose the wrong party to talk to. GO is part of the SuperComplaints backed lulzsphere and they couldn't resist the urge to punk you. Next time, I'd suggest talking to someone more trustworthy.

Good advice, Duncan King.
Except for the 'next time' part. There simply won't be a 'next time'.

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[quote name='Chief Savage Man' date='18 July 2010 - 01:45 PM' timestamp='1279478703' post='2377489']
It was hilarious so don't worry about it.


No worries mate, I mean...Rok allied \m/...so stupidity is within all of us :V

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[quote name='Schattenmann' date='18 July 2010 - 02:53 PM' timestamp='1279479205' post='2377524']
So I put the cart ahead of the horse and read this before I read GO's thread.

Let me just go ahead and revise my opinion on page 1 before we get to the point no one sees it:

GO are classless losers. You went to them representing UPN's interests, and made a proposal to them. If they didn't like what they heard, that should have been the end of the story. Their "hurfdurf UPN is desparate" thread and release of logs that are of no global importance whatsoever in an attempt to meet no goal except publicly humiliate you personally and UPN in general is an exercise in immaturity and idiocy. GO should be apologizing to you.
Damn son, you need to post more. I don't think I could have said this better if I tried.

[quote name='Duncan King' date='18 July 2010 - 03:53 PM' timestamp='1279482766' post='2377660']
You meant well, but you chose the wrong party to talk to. GO is part of the SuperComplaints backed lulzsphere and they couldn't resist the urge to punk you. Next time, I'd suggest talking to someone more trustworthy.
No need to group us all together like that. <_<

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[quote name='Ashoka the Great' date='18 July 2010 - 07:19 PM' timestamp='1279498765' post='2377970']
And now, to complete the trifecta, someone needs to make a blog post about this.

This really didn't require its own thread.
On the contrary. He could have posted his apology in the same thread, and it would have been buried on page six, easily glanced over by people tired of the trolls. Or he could make his statement anew, focus all the barbs in his direction, and (to use a cliche) take it like a man.

Even with that list of gaffes I reiterated, I personally believe Kevanovia to be the better man of everyone here today, and I have communicated as such to Peggy_Sue.

*edit: as awesome as Keve69 & his Grimace smilies are, the thread's about Kevanovia, and it would have been nice if I spelled his name right the first time!

Edited by Atlashill
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You manned up, Kev, that takes some guts and it deserves some respect.

Truth is no one is right all the time, and sometimes you need to screw up to learn how badly things could go. As long as one is able to learn from such experiences you can still come out ahead.

I am kinda insulted you never came to us for a merger though, we'd have given it more polite consideration than GO if you truly wanted to merge into Valhalla :ph34r:

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[quote name='Kevanovia' date='18 July 2010 - 01:38 PM' timestamp='1279478278' post='2377467']
,.. I do really care about UPN and I would love for it to be my hoe. ...

It's refreshing to see someone own up to their mistakes.

We were all n00bs once (some of us still are) and we all have more to learn.

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[quote name='chefjoe' date='18 July 2010 - 11:12 PM' timestamp='1279509147' post='2378223']
Wow this has been a great week and this adventure and subsequent publicity of it just puts a cherry on the top. :lol1:
You should start a new thread to elaborate on your feelings. We need to cover this from all angles, after all.

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[quote name='murder' date='19 July 2010 - 02:46 PM' timestamp='1279511164' post='2378301']
Forgive and forget Kevanovia

(and next time, aim for smaller alliances :awesome: )
Note: Read OP. He went for several small alliances first (who obviously declined...) before he went for GO. Haha. Certainly provided a bit of "O.o WTF?" and "LOLOL..." for us :P

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I think you have your heart in the right place. However, using too much of your heart and too little of your head in FA usually means someone will make sure it is chopped off. In internal matters the survival rate is usually higher.

You survived this round, let's see if you fare better next time :)

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