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So, what i got from all this so far is:

[*]Legion cancels on BAPS and Valhalla and tells BAPS it is because of some new treaty they want to sign and the prospective signatory wants them to shed Valhalla and BAPS.
[*]There really is no mysterious new prospective ally who wants Legion to shed Valhalla and BAPS
[*]Legion wanted to shed Valhalla and BAPS because IRON canceled on Legion
[*]Legion was allied to BAPS and Valhalla just because Legion was allied to IRON [what is this i dont even]
[*]Legion is not too smart <== Thats all i can conclude

And on the off-chance that there is indeed a prospective ally that wanted Legion to drop Valhalla and BAPS before they would sign with Legion, rest assured, they are going to get dissed fairly roundly by most of Planet Bob when they do indeed sign with Legion. Indeed the very next alliance to sign with Legion is going to be a laughing stock [so waiting a while before signing will not help either] :)

BAPS, and Valhalla, you are better off.

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[quote name='Alfred von Tirpitz' date='18 July 2010 - 09:22 AM' timestamp='1279459326' post='2377182']
[*]Legion cancels on BAPS and Valhalla and tells BAPS it is because of some new treaty they want to sign and the prospective signatory wants them to shed Valhalla and BAPS.
[*]There really is no mysterious new prospective ally who wants Legion to shed Valhalla and BAPS
[*]Legion wanted to shed Valhalla and BAPS because IRON canceled on Legion
[*]Legion was allied to BAPS and Valhalla just because Legion was allied to IRON [what is this i dont even]
[*]Legion is not too smart <== Thats all i can conclude

close but here, i'll shuffle the deck:

[*]IRON cancels their Legion treaty
[*]Arbiter contacts Valhalla about canceling their treaty
[*]Arbiter contacts BAPS about contacting their treaty
[*]BAPS contacts Valhalla and lulz commence
[*]Legion is not too smart

[quote name='Alterego' date='18 July 2010 - 04:34 AM' timestamp='1279442064' post='2376927']
3. An old ally who doesn’t want to be associated with Valhalla or BAPS had you drop these treaties and is systematically signing with our allies and forcing them to cut links at this end.

This was along the lines of my original theory, before i spoke with BAPS and the "new" treaty partner was leaked.

Edited by Lord Levistus
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[quote name='Shoofly' date='18 July 2010 - 05:22 AM' timestamp='1279448525' post='2377079']
All this moaning about "omgwtf legion cancelled on 2 of the greatest allies evar" is making me puke. you know, its as if none of u all even read the big boards. you think baps and valhalla were the greatest allies legion could have? do you even read the comments they make about us?

Maturity is not always what you say, most times it's refraining from saying anything when can't seem to allow yourself to put a positive spin on things. Good luck to you and whomever you're new BFF Jill is gonna be next week.

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[quote name='Master Holton' date='18 July 2010 - 10:54 AM' timestamp='1279446834' post='2377062']
Without IRON we didn't have a connection to BAPS or Val. It was clear that Val felt the same way about us as Chefjoe indicated in their announcement thread.

[quote name='Alfred von Tirpitz' date='18 July 2010 - 02:22 PM' timestamp='1279459326' post='2377182']
[*]Legion wanted to shed Valhalla and BAPS because IRON canceled on Legion

Yes. IRON who are not allied to BAPS cancel on Legion. The Legion realise they now have no connection to BAPS despite us having a treaty with the Legion and never having a treaty with IRON want to cancel our treaty despite not being connected to us. Only our non treaty partner IRON kept us tied to our actual treaty partner despite us not having any connection to Legion besides our treaty other than the alliance we have no treaty with(IRON).

My head hurts

[quote name='Lord Levistus' date='18 July 2010 - 02:33 PM' timestamp='1279459963' post='2377186']
This was along the lines of my original theory, before i spoke with BAPS and the "new" treaty partner was leaked.
Untill an alliances name replaces "new" treaty partner i'll keep an open mind.

Edited by Alterego
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[quote name='dvdcchn' date='18 July 2010 - 07:52 AM' timestamp='1279435957' post='2376814']
you are wrong my friend, Val did not approach us to cancel on Legion

I know that now---not the first time I've been wrong and probably not the last. Sowwy :blush:


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[quote name='RePePe' date='17 July 2010 - 01:44 AM' timestamp='1279345438' post='2375551']
I believe my work here is done.
You quoted something that [i]perfectly[/i] supports what I said. Work done, indeed; I don't think you could disprove yourself any more effectively than you just did.

FYI: "You can't fire me, I quit" makes the quitter look bad. Specifically, petty. Just in case you were confused about that.

Edited by Style #386
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[quote name='Style #386' date='18 July 2010 - 08:22 PM' timestamp='1279502537' post='2378062']FYI: "You can't fire me, I quit" makes the quitter look bad. Specifically, petty. Just in case you were confused about that.

While it is quite refreshing that someone claims to know what I mean, more than myself, I must correct you, again. I was referring to Arb's comment essentially conveying the message, "By the way, WE cancelled on THEM, but they beat us to the announcement." Sounds quite defensive to me, especially considering there was no ill-will meant by BAPS in simply informing the rest of us of a mutually cancelled treaty. Or will you pretend to know what people were thinking, again?

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[quote name='RePePe' date='18 July 2010 - 10:15 PM' timestamp='1279505724' post='2378142']
While it is quite refreshing that someone claims to know what I mean, more than myself, I must correct you, again. I was referring to Arb's comment essentially conveying the message, "By the way, WE cancelled on THEM, but they beat us to the announcement." Sounds quite defensive to me, especially considering there was no ill-will meant by BAPS in simply informing the rest of us of a mutually cancelled treaty. Or will you pretend to know what people were thinking, again?
What you were thinking becomes irrelevant when you use well-known phrases.

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[quote name='Schattenmann' date='18 July 2010 - 09:30 PM' timestamp='1279502997' post='2378073']
Should you wish to renew your treaty, simply declare BAPS PZI wholesale, change your executive officer and un-PZI them all, then propose a MADP.

Close, t'was an MDoAP not an MDAP.

We do have this lovely lamp and Cybernations Home game as parting gifts though. :D

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[quote name='Schattenmann' date='19 July 2010 - 02:30 AM' timestamp='1279502997' post='2378073']
Should you wish to renew your treaty, simply declare BAPS PZI wholesale, change your executive officer and un-PZI them all, then propose a MADP.
You should let your alliance die watch a limited war and then suddenly stop hating someone you have hated for [u]years[/u]& cosy up to them because they threw you a [u]tiny [/u]bone. Or you could realise the order was brief, years ago, not without its own pain of eating many hundread nukes and the person who gave the order is dead & buried. Nah, its easier to only focus on the brief order that was recinded and rectified. Did you mention the cast iron DoW nah, did you mention the sanctioning of mhawk and the full nuclear retaliation, nah,that doesnt fit your version of events where the alliance died and never came back from that pzi. Wait, here we are and better friends with our enemy of the day who had the clearest DoW you will find). While the people who sat and watched that period of history and like yourself fought against us then rant on about something that was move past years ago and make out your little pretend games to topple the people you are in bed with now actually makes you some righteous %$&* who can give us $%£& about who we should have treaties with. I dont know how someone who let their alliance die while hiding and now cosies up to their worst enemy has a problem with two alliances who pounded the crap out of each other then went on to be friends years ago. The people who continue to throw this in our face only strenghten our resolve and will never achieve their aim of splitting us up. What then schatt? you watched your alliance die and fought us then watched us pounded, now you want yo break us from our closest ally for what? or do you just like sitting on your fake high horse thinking you beat NPO after years of hiding, you a coward who hid while others fought with everything they had then moved on and now think you can judge us. Id be here any day with an valhalla.They will fight with us to the end where you and your cronies would hide for years then come out, claim the victory of others and dreide those who actually fought and became friends.

Edited by Alterego
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[quote name='Lord Levistus' date='18 July 2010 - 09:33 AM' timestamp='1279459963' post='2377186'][list][*]BAPS contacts Valhalla and lulz commence[/list][/quote]
BAPS contacted their allies, actually. Not just you guys.

[quote name='Alterego' date='19 July 2010 - 01:46 AM' timestamp='1279518363' post='2378549']
You should let your alliance die watch a limited war and then suddenly stop hating someone you have hated for [u]years[/u]& cosy up to them because they threw you a [u]tiny [/u]bone. Or you could realise the order was brief, years ago, not without its own pain of eating many hundread nukes and the person who gave the order is dead & buried. Nah, its easier to only focus on the brief order that was recinded and rectified. Did you mention the cast iron DoW nah, did you mention the sanctioning of mhawk and the full nuclear retaliation, nah,that doesnt fit your version of events where the alliance died and never came back from that pzi. Wait, here we are and better friends with our enemy of the day who had the clearest DoW you will find). While the people who sat and watched that period of history and like yourself fought against us then rant on about something that was move past years ago and make out your little pretend games to topple the people you are in bed with now actually makes you some righteous %$&* who can give us $%£& about who we should have treaties with. I dont know how someone who let their alliance die while hiding and now cosies up to their worst enemy has a problem with two alliances who pounded the crap out of each other then went on to be friends years ago. The people who continue to throw this in our face only strenghten our resolve and will never achieve their aim of splitting us up. What then schatt? you watched your alliance die and fought us then watched us pounded, now you want yo break us from our closest ally for what? or do you just like sitting on your fake high horse thinking you beat NPO after years of hiding, you a coward who hid while others fought with everything they had then moved on and now think you can judge us. Id be here any day with an valhalla.They will fight with us to the end where you and your cronies would hide for years then come out, claim the victory of others and dreide those who actually fought and became friends.
Relax, Alterego. Schatt wasn't making fun of your alliance, but rather Legion.

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[quote name='chefjoe' date='17 July 2010 - 01:57 PM' timestamp='1279371420' post='2375732']
Did I pee in your wheaties at some point? lol [/quote]

You pissed all over Legion, other haters are gonna hate, you guys, it's just plain disappointing.

Posts were made by lots more then just I backing up that point, but hey you want to believe in rainbows and unicorns as your 'theory', by all means go right ahead. I sure wont stop you from looking like an idiot here on the OWF.

Rofl, all you (and your backers) have done is come in here with 0 evidence with talking points that pander to legion haters, maybe you should keep an eye more on your other "loyal" allies instead of believing in your rainbows and unicorns. Have fun playing in your own room with your helmet on.

I ENJOY it...

I'm sure you do.

Arbiter came to Val, said they wanted to cancel because they don't see a relationship.

We were already considering the cancellation as Joe says, and didn't care, so w/e.

Arbiter goes to BAPS and uses the same line, but slips in the convo and reveals that Legion is being required to cancel by their new benefactor.

BAPS is of course talking to Val this entire time.

Val preempts the cancellation with our own as we both waive the 48 hour cool down clause.

Wow, such a convoluted conspiracy, how ever do we keep track of all the players. Do you need flash cards?[/quote]

Do you need flash cards on how to bring evidence? Where are these incriminating logs?

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[quote name='Alterego' date='19 July 2010 - 01:46 AM' timestamp='1279518363' post='2378549']
You should let your alliance die watch a limited war and then suddenly stop hating someone you have hated for [u]years[/u]& cosy up to them because they threw you a [u]tiny [/u]bone. Or you could realise the order was brief, years ago, not without its own pain of eating many hundread nukes and the person who gave the order is dead & buried. Nah, its easier to only focus on the brief order that was recinded and rectified. Did you mention the cast iron DoW nah, did you mention the sanctioning of mhawk and the full nuclear retaliation, nah,that doesnt fit your version of events where the alliance died and never came back from that pzi. Wait, here we are and better friends with our enemy of the day who had the clearest DoW you will find). While the people who sat and watched that period of history and like yourself fought against us then rant on about something that was move past years ago and make out your little pretend games to topple the people you are in bed with now actually makes you some righteous %$&* who can give us $%£& about who we should have treaties with. I dont know how someone who let their alliance die while hiding and now cosies up to their worst enemy has a problem with two alliances who pounded the crap out of each other then went on to be friends years ago. The people who continue to throw this in our face only strenghten our resolve and will never achieve their aim of splitting us up. What then schatt? you watched your alliance die and fought us then watched us pounded, now you want yo break us from our closest ally for what? or do you just like sitting on your fake high horse thinking you beat NPO after years of hiding, you a coward who hid while others fought with everything they had then moved on and now think you can judge us. Id be here any day with an valhalla.They will fight with us to the end where you and your cronies would hide for years then come out, claim the victory of others and dreide those who actually fought and became friends.
Wow. : ::boop:: : pushed your button.

The CB on BAPS was flimsy. It was a rogue action that TPF and Valhalla jumped on for a good old fashioned pre-Karma roll. Valhalla supported and hid the perverted cybersex and sexual harrassment of noWedge for months or years, and actively bullied alliances for giggles before, after, and despite their experience with BAPS and change of leadership.
You referred to me watching my alliance die several rimes. I'm not sure which one you're talking about, so I'll hit them all.
-GOONS died because it acted the way Valhalla acts. As a member for a month at the time they got hit, I had nothing to do with that; I wasn't even masked as a full GOONS until November when Sara thanked me for my steadfastness and masked me.
-Purge died because it's triumvirate went against the grain. Oreo aided Starfox and/or KaiserMartens (members of their own new alliance) against an aid-scammer (Rebel Virginia). Slayer hated Martens and Starfox was a famous hegemony detractor, so Slayer--a man you made peace with after he rolled BAPS with noWedge/joeWedge--demanded that Purge expel her. When we refused, your hegemony buddies dissolved our government and installed a viceroy, and demanded we restructure ourselves.
-Purge Imperium, the restructured Purge, was dropped by TPF after I, as its leader, gave DarkMistress a piece of my mind over the GPA war. Acting once again in defiance of the hegemony you had allied to.
-Browncoats died because some short-sighted $%&@tard Browncoat didn't understand the Bubblgum plan and revealed it on the OWF resulting in its total failure. It was a bad idea, but it was working. I left and took a PZI and a Black sanction for it. What part of being PZIed and coming out of peace mode to take it do you define as "hiding?"
-TOP didn't get killed til a year after I left, so nyah.

From November 2007 until GOONS's disbandment on June 11, 2008, I was an agent of Hidden GOONS. Hidden GOONS was a multifaceted spy and subterfuge agency run directly by Alastor, GOONS gov.
Purge, as you mentioned, attacked BAPS as part of the BAPS War. At the time I was MoD, and away at the time the war started. Slayer99 told us about the war like 2 hours before it was beginning, and directed our triumvirate to participate in the attack or be attacked ourselves. When I returned, as a Hidden GOONS agent I provided BAPS with TPF's plans and whatever other intel I could get. So stick that up your pipe and smoke it.

From September 2007 when the UjW began until the Karma War I pissed on the Continuum and NPO at every opportunity. Alliances were attacked, bullied, and disbanded because of my vocal opposition. So during the period that you say I was "hiding", BAPS left its position of independence and began actively supporting the hegemony, allying one of its worst members, Valhalla.

You go !@#$@#$ insane every time I say something to you because you know how right I am. You try to discredit me whenever you can because of your guilt. You're a silly, silly, laughable little man. Anyone on this planet who saw you say that I--that goddamned [i]SCHATTENMANN[/i]--hid from the hegemony is laughing their $@! off at your idiocy. The idea that signing a trade agreement and reducing NPO's monopoly on the Red senate is "being in bed" with NPO is equally assinine. You're assinine because of it. I don't go insane because I know how wrong you are, see the difference?

[quote name='Haflinger' date='19 July 2010 - 03:26 AM' timestamp='1279524343' post='2378636']
Relax, Alterego. Schatt wasn't making fun of your alliance, but rather Legion.
No, actually, I was kinda making fun of BAPS. They let a lot of friends down when they got in bed with their rapists.

Edit: By the way, guess which alliance dropped out of the BAPS War when I took over Purge? If you guessed "Purge" collect your prize the the door. The only reason I retained control of Purge instead of letting Kharn420 take over despite his superior qualifications was because he was fresh out of NpO and I didn't want Purge to be some minion AA treatied to the sort of people that knocked it around.

And if you've got any doubts about me, feel free to scooter-poot on over to your Valhalla embassy and ask ChairmanHal just how much "hiding" I did since he spent a good many hours running interception while I tiraded across the globe.

Edited by Schattenmann
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[quote name='Schattenmann' date='19 July 2010 - 05:16 PM' timestamp='1279556179' post='2378919']
Wow. : ::boop:: : pushed your button.[/quote]
Its longer than usual but a standard reply for me pre editing. Trust me when i say this was nothing special.

[quote]The CB on BAPS was flimsy. It was a rogue action that TPF and Valhalla jumped on for a good old fashioned pre-Karma roll. [/quote]
A small group led by a gov member [ooc]running 2 nations[ooc]threatening an alliance leader, sanctioning their 3 biggest nations and nuking the alliance leader is a flimsy CB. You sure about that?

[quote]You go !@#$@#$ insane every time I say something to you because you know how right I am. You try to discredit me whenever you can because of your guilt. You're a silly, silly, laughable little man. Anyone on this planet who saw you say that I--that goddamned [i]SCHATTENMANN[/i]--hid from the hegemony is laughing their $@! off at your idiocy. The idea that signing a trade agreement and reducing NPO's monopoly on the Red senate is "being in bed" with NPO is equally assinine. You're assinine because of it. I don't go insane because I know how wrong you are, see the difference?[/quote]
You think this reaction is special just for you? ask people in BAPS if this is unique to you or business as usual for me. The only difference today was a lack of time to do half a dozen edits to lessen the tone. I feel no guilt as apparently do you for your inaction.

[quote]No, actually, I was kinda making fun of BAPS. They let a lot of friends down when they got in bed with their rapists.
Your recommendation was to run back to the friends who watched it happen some of whom turned on BAPS on the OWF during the war because they "had to" over people who had a cast iron cb and no reason to hold back. Those people turned out to be poor friends including the one we stayed loyal to to the end. Like I said our enemy turned out to be a better friend than our friends.

Edited by Alterego
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[quote name='Shoofly' date='18 July 2010 - 06:22 AM' timestamp='1279448525' post='2377079']
All this moaning about "omgwtf legion cancelled on 2 of the greatest allies evar" is making me puke. you know, its as if none of u all even read the big boards. you think baps and valhalla were the greatest allies legion could have? do you even read the comments they make about us?
We were two allies who wouldnt have left you hung out to dry because you had our word on it. Go back read Fins post and youll see that. The bs here is because you supposedly cancelled for some new treaty which I await to see. Either way if thats how Legion Gov is im sorry i ever argued on your behalf to keep the treaty but whats done is done. Enjoy your new bed partner whom ever it may be.

[quote name='FreddieMercury' date='19 July 2010 - 11:16 AM' timestamp='1279552587' post='2378848']
Do you need flash cards on how to bring evidence? Where are these incriminating logs?
Pretty sure Levi put up the log of arbiter comming to us with basically no reason just wanting to cancel.

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[quote name='Buds The Man' date='19 July 2010 - 07:42 PM' timestamp='1279564945' post='2379114']
We were two allies who wouldnt have left you hung out to dry because you had our word on it. Go back read Fins post and youll see that. The bs here is because you supposedly cancelled for some new treaty which I await to see. Either way if thats how Legion Gov is im sorry i ever argued on your behalf to keep the treaty but whats done is done. Enjoy your new bed partner whom ever it may be.

Pretty sure Levi put up the log of arbiter comming to us with basically no reason just wanting to cancel.

Here's a log for what its worth

[22:40] <The_Arbiter> we have an announcement ready to go and people think Val canceled on us
[22:40] <The_Arbiter> kinda want to clarify that soon O.O
01[22:40] <Topgun{BAPS}> Who are you planning on signing with? :P
[22:40] <The_Arbiter> you'll see!
01[22:41] <Topgun{BAPS}> Then why not say?
[22:41] <The_Arbiter> as soon as it becomes non opsec i promise i'll find you :P
01[22:41] <Topgun{BAPS}> WE are well were allies
01[22:41] <Topgun{BAPS}> Stays with high gov
[22:41] <The_Arbiter> what's it matter?
01[22:42] <Topgun{BAPS}> I could ask the samething for the 48 hr period no?
[22:42] <The_Arbiter> what's to stop you from telling anyone else?
01[22:42] <Topgun{BAPS}> My word
[22:42] <The_Arbiter> look, it's nto me
[22:42] <The_Arbiter> The_Arbiter> can i tell baps who we are going to sign with
[22:42] <The_Arbiter> <Watcher> noo[/quote]

And for the record we got no reason beyond the implication that Legion wanted to sign with someone who wanted them to drop us. BAPS and Legions relationship was generally good up to this point, we had less contact with them since the war due to LF's leaving, but had never said publically or thought privately anything bad about them up to this point.

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[quote name='FreddieMercury' date='19 July 2010 - 08:16 AM' timestamp='1279552587' post='2378848']
You pissed all over Legion, other haters are gonna hate, you guys, it's just plain disappointing. [/quote]

Wrong again, bsns as usual for you. Legion peed on themselves by pointing into the wind while doing their bsns. ;)

Do you need flash cards on how to bring evidence? [b]Where are these incriminating logs?[/b][/quote]

Here you go professor :awesome:
[22:40] <The_Arbiter> we have an announcement ready to go and people think Val canceled on us
[22:40] <The_Arbiter> kinda want to clarify that soon O.O
01[22:40] <Topgun{BAPS}> Who are you planning on signing with?
[22:40] <The_Arbiter> you'll see!
01[22:41] <Topgun{BAPS}> Then why not say?
[22:41] <The_Arbiter> as soon as it becomes non opsec i promise i'll find you [/quote]

Feel free to continue to look un-informed and ignorant, I have no problem continueing to show you the error of your ways :lol1:

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[quote name='Nobody Expects' date='19 July 2010 - 09:38 PM' timestamp='1279568288' post='2379189']
And for the record we got no reason beyond the implication that Legion wanted to sign with someone who wanted them to drop us. BAPS and Legions relationship was generally good up to this point, we had less contact with them since the war due to LF's leaving, but had never said publically or thought privately anything bad about them up to this point.

First of all let me just make it clear for everyone that that implication (though I can totally see how what Arbiter said could be read like that) is wrong. We cancelled the treaties with you and Valhalla because we wanted to, not because some outside force told us to.

Now I apologize that Arb failed to convey the reasons for the cancellation and I will gladly make that up to you if you query me (hell I'll query you the second I'm done writing this post).

@Chef - My query window is also open for you anytime if you have any questions :)

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[quote name='Schattenmann' date='18 July 2010 - 09:30 PM' timestamp='1279502997' post='2378073']
Should you wish to renew your treaty, simply declare BAPS PZI wholesale, change your executive officer and un-PZI them all, then propose a MADP.

It's worked in the past.

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[quote name='Megamind' date='19 July 2010 - 07:14 PM' timestamp='1279581279' post='2379467']
First of all let me just make it clear for everyone that that implication (though I can totally see how what Arbiter said could be read like that) is wrong. We cancelled the treaties with you and Valhalla because we wanted to, not because some outside force told us to.

Now I apologize that Arb failed to convey the reasons for the cancellation and I will gladly make that up to you if you query me (hell I'll query you the second I'm done writing this post).

@Chef - My query window is also open for you anytime if you have any questions :)

[quote][22:42] <The_Arbiter> The_Arbiter> can i tell baps who we are going to sign with
[22:42] <The_Arbiter> [b]<Watcher> noo[/b][/quote]

That is all

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[quote name='Megamind' date='19 July 2010 - 04:14 PM' timestamp='1279581279' post='2379467']
First of all let me just make it clear for everyone that that implication (though I can totally see how what Arbiter said could be read like that) is wrong. We cancelled the treaties with you and Valhalla because we wanted to, not because some outside force told us to.

Now I apologize that Arb failed to convey the reasons for the cancellation and I will gladly make that up to you if you query me (hell I'll query you the second I'm done writing this post).

@Chef - My query window is also open for you anytime if you have any questions :)

Mega, you have known me a long long time thru several diff alliances. You should know by now I didnt just fall off of the turnip truck. Read the post by Topgun of BAPS(directly above this one) is all I have to say. Arb screwed the pooch on this one, plain and simple. Anymore spin by you guys after seeing the proof in black and white is just degenerating your word and honor even more. My advice is to just accept that we(and most of CN now) know you guys pulled a jack move and arent likely to soon forget about it ;)

Edited by chefjoe
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