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Which alliances are the most likely to start the next big war?

Cesar Julian

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[quote name='Rebel Virginia' date='13 July 2010 - 09:01 PM' timestamp='1279047660' post='2369475']
[color="#0000FF"]And Flak, I can think of several alliances that did more on the TOP/IRON fronts than Sparta did. [/color]

Considering MK took most of the TOP hits, I think we, of all people, would know who, and in what measure, helped out on that front. Especially considering flak is part of MK milcom. I usually have no problem with letting you talk out of your $@! about things that concern us, but it's a bit irritating (which is what you're probably going for, though) to see you contradict someone who clearly knows better.

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[quote name='lebubu' date='13 July 2010 - 03:12 PM' timestamp='1279048319' post='2369493']
Considering MK took most of the TOP hits, I think we, of all people, would know who, and in what measure, helped out on that front. Especially considering flak is part of MK milcom. I usually have no problem with letting you talk out of your $@! about things that concern us, but it's a bit irritating (which is what you're probably going for, though) to see you contradict someone who clearly knows better.
Not only am I a part of MK's milcom, I was staff for MK's highest ns battalion, meaning I was actually involved in making sure targets were hit and telling people who we needed hit. There are very few people who would know who was and wasn't helpful in that war better than me. Trust me RV, you're in over your head on this one.

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[color="#0000FF"]I'll believe some other alliance helped out majorly, such as Aircastle or some decent alliance, however, Sparta does not qualify, and I know when you're making up facts just to contradict me.

Anyway, to further strengthen to SF-CnG unity theory, it appears that there are some logs floating about concerning war planning over the last incident. I have not read them yet, but the information comes from someone who is a good word. So, sides were preparing for war with each other? Sounds like you fellows really are in love. So, as I said, in a few weeks ago some small alliances in one of those camps will stir the pot, and they will once again come to the brink of war. Will it erupt? I hope so.[/color]

Edited by Rebel Virginia
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[quote name='Olaf Styke' date='11 July 2010 - 11:41 PM' timestamp='1278906085' post='2367691']
More like we don't want any of our prodigious friends to lose, as people aligned against us generally don't win.
This is funny.

Who exactly has ever been aligned against Sparta?

I've heard a lot of people give their reasons for picking a particular side. Never once have I heard "Oh oh, if only we could kill Sparta."

Isn't ever going to happen. Not unless something fundamentally changes.

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[quote name='Rebel Virginia' date='13 July 2010 - 01:49 PM' timestamp='1279050552' post='2369547']
[color="#0000FF"]I'll believe some other alliance helped out majorly, such as Aircastle or some decent alliance, however, Sparta does not qualify, and I know when you're making up facts just to contradict me.

I'm not sure if you're being serious or not anymore. As long as Sparta attacked our nations they did far more than Aircastle did.

Edited by NorthernLights
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[quote name='Rebel Virginia' date='13 July 2010 - 03:01 PM' timestamp='1279047660' post='2369475']
[color="#0000FF"]A rabonnbar is also correct, except NOIR will collapse. It is not a solid bloc, and I doubt the remnants would side with SF or CnG. [/color]

Please, tell me more about this NOIR collapse.

[quote name='NorthernLights' date='13 July 2010 - 03:58 PM' timestamp='1279051100' post='2369563']
I'm not sure if you're being serious or not anymore. As long as Sparta attacked our nations they did far more than Aircastle did.

Your obsession with an alliance that disbanded months ago is cute.

EDIT: Fixt color tag

Edited by Daikos
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[quote name='Daikos' date='13 July 2010 - 02:14 PM' timestamp='1279052031' post='2369584']
Please, tell me more about this NOIR collapse.

Your obsession with an alliance that disbanded months ago is cute.

EDIT: Fixt color tag

You've misunderstood my intent in this discussion. I'm only trying to say that Sparta helped C&G more than Aircastle.

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[quote name='NorthernLights' date='13 July 2010 - 04:27 PM' timestamp='1279052848' post='2369600']
You've misunderstood my intent in this discussion. I'm only trying to say that Sparta helped C&G more than Aircastle.

If that's the case, I apologize. Based on previous TOP references to Aircastle had assumed you were going elsewhere... <_<

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[quote name='Ardus' date='13 July 2010 - 07:58 AM' timestamp='1278989895' post='2368910']
The era of division, the false peace that grips our world is coming to an end. The strategy of time is completed, the enemies that so required it fallen, divided, and diminished. Now is a time for action. Now is a time to shed the pragmatism that so toppled the old order, to adopt a new strength of heart and spirit to bring this world back together in a sense of order and civilization.

Come together.

Urm Karma Marketing Campaign is over.

Regarding alliances we faced, Sparta at best was average, Sparta definitely did alot better than Karma, but then, I doubt there was any performance as bad as Sparta's in Karma.

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Yeah, Sparta was incredibly necessary on the TOP front because they had so many 80k+ nations to fight TOP. C&G didn't have the upper tier to take care of TOP's larger targets. For much of the first two cycles of war we had Spartan nations filling the gaps on TOP targets in the upper tier. Obviously some Spartan nations were more effective than others, but from the ones that were engaged alongside the division I was coordinating, they did pretty well.

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The fact that people are missing is that we are not an official bloc. We're two blocs pinned together by various treaties. I don't know whats going in Athens right now. I'm pretty sure Athens doesn't know whats going on in GOD. I like CnG personally, just like some CnGers like SF. We're not here to grind you down beneath our jackboots.The most ridiculous part of this "new hegemony" is that it shows some people on both sides can't stand to be in a world where isn't one, which saddens me. Are we a unofficial power bloc? Yes. can S/G ruin your day by declaring on you? Yes.

Doesn't make us a hegemony.

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[quote name='Rebel Virginia' date='13 July 2010 - 08:01 PM' timestamp='1279047660' post='2369475']
[color="#0000FF"]Pardon me? When has the NSO ever been allied to the Legion or TOOL? We may have been on the same side of a war, but that does not make us allies.[/color]
Burn more bridges, it's good for your health.

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[quote name='Rebel Virginia' date='13 July 2010 - 08:49 PM' timestamp='1279050552' post='2369547']
[color="#0000FF"]I'll believe some other alliance helped out majorly, such as Aircastle or some decent alliance, however, Sparta does not qualify, and I know when you're making up facts just to contradict me.

He knows more than you.
You are much more probable to invent information for entertainment.

Edited by Free Quebec
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Sparta had the largest collection of 100k NS nations against TOP during the last war, but utilized only a few. Most of them sat in hippy or didn't engage anyone. It only took a few of them to fight to make a difference considering the advantage TOP had.

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[quote name='jeff barr' date='13 July 2010 - 06:47 PM' timestamp='1279061227' post='2369760']
Burn more bridges, it's good for your health.
[color="#0000FF"]So pointing out that the NSO is not allied to either Sparta or Legion is somehow burning bridges? And if you are referring to my original comment, how does my holding the personal opinion that neither alliance is an awesome military powerhouse (unlike Sparta of course) going to completely undo relations? Just because an alliance happens to be more or less positioned on the side of the web I am on does not mean I have to compliment them left and right. Nor does the fact that an alliance is positioned on my side of the web take away my right to point out truths that they may or may not find uncomfortable. The same goes for the opposite side, in the other way of course. I do not let my web dictate my opinions, as I am not loyal to my side. I have obligations only to the NSO. Nor do I believe TOOL or Legion would take offense if I were to say their military capabilities were not on par with say, FAN of 2007. I doubt they are so thin skinned as to take offense, nor would they likely argue my point. And of course they realize that a behemoth such as Sparta contributing its resources to them, when both were already dogpiled by others, does nothing to insult them. For it really was a mere observation about Sparta.

Of course you do realize I gave you more of my time than you deserve, but whatever.

Anyway, Ryan Greenberg, GOONS could very well start the next war. Or they might not. There really is no way to tell what, or even who, will trigger the next incident. The instigators seem to constantly be changing for the sole reason that there are plenty of alliances on both the sides of SF and CnG who want blood. So speculation of how it will start or who will start it is pointless. All that is certain is that it will happen.[/color]

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[quote name='Rebel Virginia' date='13 July 2010 - 09:17 PM' timestamp='1279070215' post='2369945']
[color="#0000FF"]Anyway, Ryan Greenberg, GOONS could very well start the next war. Or they might not. There really is no way to tell what, or even who, will trigger the next incident. The instigators seem to constantly be changing for the sole reason that there are plenty of alliances on both the sides of SF and CnG who want blood. So speculation of how it will start or who will start it is pointless. All that is certain is that it will happen.[/color][/quote]
I only said GOONS because they once in a while do something that gets everyone mad. Also, I agree that trying to pick who will start a war is pointless. I think people are just too bored with the game right now, we like to have fun predicting what might happen in the future.

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[quote name='Haflinger' date='13 July 2010 - 03:58 PM' timestamp='1279051072' post='2369561']
Never once have I heard "Oh oh, if only we could kill Sparta."
You must not have been listening when people were talking about when and how Sparta would burn. I've heard it quite often, more often than I care to - but then again, I'm delusional - Why would someone waste their precious time and effort gunning after such an incompetent and cowardly alliance such as Sparta? You'd probably only make money fighting our nations, anyway.

[quote name='Rebel Virginia' date='13 July 2010 - 09:17 PM' timestamp='1279070215' post='2369945']
[color="pink"]Of course you do realize I gave you more of my time than you deserve, but whatever.[/color]
You tend to do that quite often, actually - Stop spending your time criticizing my worthless bundle of worthless nations that I pretend is a worthless alliance - stop giving the members of my alliance the time of day - you are making some of the more sensible ones think they are worth something, I even have members telling me I'm competent! You are ruining all of my plans - I can't have sensible members thinking they are worth anything - I can't have competent leaders running my affairs.

Oh my, this thread seems to have shifted to talking about Sparta - It's going to take weeks for me to beat this memory out of my subordinates! I can't have them thinking we are a hot topic, now can I? Not if I want to keep anything from getting done!

As for the next war - It's anyone's guess. Just sit back, relax, and watch the fireworks, I say - maybe even light a few yourself. I honestly think GPA is up to something shneaky, though - I'm having trouble getting a positive, or even negative read out on them.

Edited by wilhelm the demented
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[quote name='shahenshah' date='13 July 2010 - 03:38 PM' timestamp='1279053507' post='2369616']
Urm Karma Marketing Campaign is over.

Regarding alliances we faced, Sparta at best was average, Sparta definitely did alot better than Karma, but then, I doubt there was any performance as bad as Sparta's in Karma.

If our performance was so terrible, why did we win?

If you're accusing Sparta of being poor fighters, I'd hate to hear what you must think of yourselves after the kicking you took from us, because you're definitely worse than we are if we managed to soundly defeat you. If I was going to lie, I'd make my opponents in to legends, at least then my defeat wouldn't look so bad. You can throw all the insults you want at Sparta, but the point is moot, every insult you throw on us returns two fold in the fact that such a supposedly terrible alliance managed to WIN. No matter where you place us in the standings, you're implicitly a grade below.

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