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Imperial Decree from the New Pacific Order

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[quote name='Penkala' date='20 May 2010 - 03:23 PM' timestamp='1274383421' post='2305539']
So what? I'm not some mindless drone like most Pacifica members.

Oh, by no means do I suggest that you only state the party line. I just suggested that maybe a new tactic could be used. Instead of saying that we should appreciate the mercy shown us, and telling us that we had better not screw the pooch on this one, maybe try something along the lines of: "Hey Pacifica, I hope you have learned from past actions and do come out the other side of this a better alliance. Good work paying off those reps. Don't let us down."

It's a small change, but change seems to be what everyone is looking for.

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[quote name='Maelstrom Vortex' date='20 May 2010 - 03:27 PM' timestamp='1274383651' post='2305550']
I dunno, I see a lot of ear and mouth on that avatar, but not much room for a mind in there. May I take X-Rays?

You guys are [u]hilarious[/u]. However, I can assure you, I am not a mindless drone. I know that quality is really respected in Pacifica so you may be confused as to why I state that openly.

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[quote name='ShinRa' date='20 May 2010 - 08:57 AM' timestamp='1274371044' post='2305231']
Not until they show signs that they are truly improving and developing beyond the cowards and thugs that the members of the New Pacific Order always have been. If they show signs of development, or if they disband and finally die out, then I will forget the actions they made.

As stated above the reason I hold a grudge is because the NPO has not changed. If it begins to change and develop into something better than it is now, then I will begin to forget. What was done is something which cannot be truly forgiven but that does not mean that I will hold them against you in the future if you truly begin to develop.


Neither you nor anyone else can judge whether the NPO has changed at this time; we have been under terms for 10 months. We were under terms to "pay for our crimes," as many have said. We have paid, and during that time we have not been doing anything other than paying reps; there is nothing to judge us on. From this day forward, our actions will demonstrate that we have, in fact changed. The NPO, including myself, made mistakes in the past; however, I doubt that you and I will ever agree on what those mistakes were, because, unlike you, I do not believe every single action we took were all mistakes.

The reasonable course of action is not to continue to bemoan that the NPO has not changed and never will; waiting to see what we actually do before pronouncing judgment makes much more sense, and is actually, much more credible.

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[quote name='Penkala' date='20 May 2010 - 08:35 PM' timestamp='1274384117' post='2305558']
You guys are [u]hilarious[/u]. However, I can assure you, I am not a mindless drone. I know that quality is really respected in Pacifica so you may be confused as to why I state that openly.

It is quite ironic how the perception of a party line is, in itself, a party line.

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[quote name='Penkala' date='20 May 2010 - 08:35 PM' timestamp='1274384117' post='2305558']
You guys are [u]hilarious[/u]. However, I can assure you, I am not a mindless drone. I know that quality is really respected in Pacifica so you may be confused as to why I state that openly.

Oh no you are something much worse, atleast a "mindless" drone knows when to shutup. You are just a straight out embarrasment to yourself and any alliance you call home. Apparently the idea of coherent and intellectual thought is completely foreign to you.Now how about you go to your corner thinking you had any say in our surrender terms or how you showed us mercy, I am sure every move Cortath makes he will take care not to anger you. After all dont want to face your almighty wrath now do we?

Edited by silentkiller
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[quote name='Timeline' date='20 May 2010 - 09:10 AM' timestamp='1274371811' post='2305253']
Now come on, you are going to proclaim that your "sizable and organized group of nations" are the reason you are ranked second place, I mean the TOP & Co. Vs CnG had nothing to do with you going to number two ?, or the fact that the score is based on many things, one important thing is the number of nations an alliance has, so the fact you have more then two times the number of nations that GPA has is the only reason you are above them.

please the EGO boosting of NPO twisting facts and well pretty much thinking they are above everyone else really needs to stop, you are only number two becuase in the last war you hid behind your terms, nothing more nothing less, now before you run of at the mouth claiming such things as "we respected the terms given to us" or the laughable reason, "we had no treaties to get in on the war" keep in mind that not everyone believed that NPO canceled their treaties as pure the terms, also we all know the only reason that NPO stayed out of this last war was becuase of your own selfish reasons, also that would be the reason you are number two, not NPO's banks

We hid behind our terms? Did you really just say that? Being under terms pretty much takes you out of the political world in that you need to pay your reps and abide by the terms set down by the victor; to do otherwise risks attack and further destruction of your alliance. At least, that's what I always thought. Now I find that acceptable behavior is to ignore your terms and jump into the fray whenever a war pops up while you are still under terms?

We did respect the terms given to us. We had no treaties. Did we have treaties lined up to be signed the minute the terms were over? You bet your life. It would be insane for us to have left terms without any protection whatsoever; we still have a big target on our backs. We are not stupid nor are we naive; there are many, like yourself, that during terms were looking for any infraction to attack us again. And there are many that would love to attack us now.

You are right though; it was selfish of us to have stayed out of the fracas. We selfishly wanted to protect our alliance by paying our reps and staying within all terms set down; we wanted to survive to live another day. Should we have even wanted to enter that war (which we did not), you're going to honestly sit there and tell me that we would not have been attacked for violating terms, and dragged through another long war?

It is not ego boosting to speak the facts that the stats show. What did you think was going to happen in terms of NS when we came out of terms? That we would not rearm? That we would just sit there waiting to be attacked again? Of course we all had a lot of money to buy everything all at once; the only thing many of us bought was infra and tech to pay reps; and those who did not have to pay tech (all but around 79 nations now) didn't buy that much other than economic wonders. I'm sorry that you are so incensed that we had a substantial NS jump; I'm sorry that it bothers you that the current situation places us at Number Two. But it's life; as many said to us, stop yer whinin'.

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[quote name='Petrovich4' date='20 May 2010 - 12:23 PM' timestamp='1274383388' post='2305538']
I wake from my slumber.

I move away from the mic to breath in.

[quote name='silentkiller' date='20 May 2010 - 12:43 PM' timestamp='1274384597' post='2305576']Oh no you are something much worse, atleast a "mindless" drone knows when to shutup.[/quote]

When they're told to?

Oh lawdy. Welcome back guys. [i]This[/i] is the kind of stuff I truly missed.

Edited by Sal Paradise
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[quote name='Corinan' date='20 May 2010 - 12:58 PM' timestamp='1274385516' post='2305595']
That's not very neutral of you.

Of course it's not. But you took it out of context. In that post I said one negative thing and one positive thing. They cancel each other out and hence my neutrality.

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[quote name='ty345' date='20 May 2010 - 01:16 PM' timestamp='1274386577' post='2305628']
Also, how long until you guys start a war? We need some dramaz :v:


We're busy serving tea. Would you like some? With toast or cookies?

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[quote name='Platino' date='20 May 2010 - 04:21 PM' timestamp='1274386848' post='2305635']
o/ Pacifica! ever forward!

[quote name='TrotskysRevenge' date='20 May 2010 - 04:22 PM' timestamp='1274386949' post='2305637']

We're busy serving tea. Would you like some? With toast or cookies?
Don't think I didn't notice Platino there. You're already planning something, aren't you...

Also, hai Platty.

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[quote name='TrotskysRevenge' date='20 May 2010 - 08:39 PM' timestamp='1274384372' post='2305570']
The reasonable course of action is not to continue to bemoan that the NPO has not changed and never will; waiting to see what we actually do before pronouncing judgment makes much more sense, and is actually, much more credible.

Go back and read previous posts involving Maelstrom Vortex. I have already said that my opinion of the order will grow if you show signs of improvement. Until then you have shown little to no reason to suggest you have changed at all.

As for your choices, you are correct. But considering your many actions and decisions as leader of the NPO, and the lack of any regret or pause for thought you showed in crushing so many isolated and independent alliances, I have no doubt that you regard as great deal of them being the right choices to make and very few major events as being mistakes.

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[quote name='ShinRa' date='20 May 2010 - 04:43 PM' timestamp='1274388186' post='2305660']
Go back and read previous posts involving Maelstrom Vortex. I have already said that my opinion of the order will grow if you show signs of improvement. Until then you have shown little to no reason to suggest you have changed at all.

As for your choices, you are correct. But considering your many actions and decisions as leader of the NPO, and the lack of any regret or pause for thought you showed in crushing so many isolated and independent alliances, I have no doubt that you regard as great deal of them being the right choices to make and very few major events as being mistakes.

So...you don't like tea? Is that it? That makes me sad.

Edited by Cortath
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[quote name='Cortath' date='20 May 2010 - 10:47 PM' timestamp='1274388404' post='2305666']
So...you don't like tea? Is that it? That makes me sad.
Here, have a cup from me :(

And ShinRa, be ashamed. Making a blackbird sad like that!

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When this ruler joined this great world the war was just winding down. I read and learned and was told of events that brought about the demise of the NPO. It's been long enough. The terms were harsh and the time and effort spent in paying them must have drained your enthusiasm at times. But now you are free. Congratulations on regaining your freedom and completing the terms that were imposed on you.

Good luck and best regards to all Pacificans.

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