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Question for UPN


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[quote name='Xiphosis' date='15 May 2010 - 06:46 PM' timestamp='1273974381' post='2299312']
Yeah, but he doesn't have founder anymore. We got that switched over this morning, he didn't know the command [weirdly]. The ops were an attempt to get rid of founder, but Syn knows how to remove them if he doesn't want Greene to have them, so it's all good.
I concede to Xiph's greater IRC wisdom.

The people whining about whining probably haven't actually read the thread. This is simply airing a grievance about the extreme rudeness of a UPN diplomat towards the diplomats of several other alliances during dealings with a third party, with some speculating on how heavily UPN will disavow him.

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[quote name='The Big Bad' date='15 May 2010 - 09:09 PM' timestamp='1273972180' post='2299264']
I know people are bored and looking for something to do but, this has to be one of the most pathetic threads I have ever seen. Oh no, someone kicked me from a channel. Oh no, me to. Oh no, he is not even in that alliance. Oh nooooooooo... And this is coming from lulz alliances. Lame. Worse then lame. Boring. Xiph you have got to have something better than this. Don't you know of some reroll from 2 years ago that you have on perma Zi you can threaten some alliance over? Thats more your style. This? This is so micro alliance drama like. Have things really gotten this bad?

Are you honestly calling this a pathetic thread and a grab for attention after that ridiculous joke of a thread you posted about \m/? :lol1:

Edited by Biazt
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[quote name='Biazt' date='16 May 2010 - 12:36 AM' timestamp='1273988200' post='2299560']
Are you honestly calling this a pathetic thread and a grab for attention after that ridiculous joke of a thread you posted about \m/? :lol1:
Sorry to intrude sir, but how many conversations have you had with this outstanding member of the community?

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[quote name='Wad of Lint' date='15 May 2010 - 02:26 PM' timestamp='1273947987' post='2298913']
Seems to me like there's a definition problem here. The channel is obviously NOT facepunch's or there wouldn't be a problem. You are attempting to claim ownership over something that is not yours. Channels are clearly the owner of he who registered, or has gained founder. You could try to negotiate with this individual, otherwise I would recommend a new channel. CNfacepunch? Cn-Facepunch? Does it really matter? No. This is unbelievably silly.
[color="#0000FF"]Aye. Looks to me like you fellows are a little desperate looking for dirt on UPN. It is not secret that RoK has a grudge against them from CDT days, and I am sure GOD would be more than happy to assist.

You're blowing this out of proportion. Greene was trying to help this new alliance out. He kicked everyone, even his own alliance members so that Facepunch could establish and organize itself. Granted he could have explained why he kicked for no reason, but I am pretty sure he was busy helping them. I would have done the same thing by waiting for later. This is no reason to get ruffled about, however. Unless of course you have ulterior motives for trying to blow this out of proportion.

Facepunch has not complained at all. So what is the issue? Besides the fact you fellows wanted a tech farm and another ally. Too bad. Facepunch can determine their own course. And like it or not, we know you ain't the noble white knights you try to pretend to be.

Anyway, Facepunch, too yourself a favor and really look into anyone who talks to you. UPN and its allies included. They will be smeared a lot due to the fact they are currently not in power, so I doubt you'll have any problem finding someone who wants to tell you how bad they are and why you ought to side with them. Of course they will leave out their own crimes and hypocrisies. So let me know if you need a biased opinion of the other side. I can't promise anything impartial, but I can tell you that getting both extreme should allow you to sift through the lies and find something remotely close to the truth. That should help you come to your own opinions.[/color]

Edited by Rebel Virginia
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Err, IRC has nothing to do with CN and all IRC users are free to use/register whatever channel they might want? It's not like it is impossible to contact Facepunch people over CN with InGame messages or on these very forums, assuming they have accounts.


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I cannot believe this has gone on for 7 pages.

I know that you want to try and make something of this, so I'm going to make a solution.

1) Contact Greene345 yourselves. He is responsible for banning and kicking everyone, even from UPN and our allies, so if you are so hurt please go onto IRC and Query him or send him a PM in game. Posting in the OWF where he does not visit doesn't solve anything and just makes you look like you are trying to smear UPN... funny that.

2) Learn that a single member of our alliance who holds no power was simply trying to help another alliance. He may have gone about it the wrong way in your eyes but he was trying to help them set up an IRC channel and they don't seem to be very IRC smart so Greene thought it best rather than to force them all to register (which would have been quite a task) he just presumed everyone would be polite enough to leave the channel alone. Clearly he thought too good of lots of CN players.

So please let this whole thing die. The term "Mountain out of a molehill" doesn't even seem appropriate here. =/

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[quote name='Lukcia' date='16 May 2010 - 10:42 AM' timestamp='1274002930' post='2299663']
I cannot believe this has gone on for 7 pages.

I know that you want to try and make something of this, so I'm going to make a solution.

1) Contact Greene345 yourselves. He is responsible for banning and kicking everyone, even from UPN and our allies, so if you are so hurt please go onto IRC and Query him or send him a PM in game. Posting in the OWF where he does not visit doesn't solve anything and just makes you look like you are trying to smear UPN... funny that.

2) Learn that a single member of our alliance who holds no power was simply trying to help another alliance. He may have gone about it the wrong way in your eyes but he was trying to help them set up an IRC channel and they don't seem to be very IRC smart so Greene thought it best rather than to force them all to register (which would have been quite a task) he just presumed everyone would be polite enough to leave the channel alone. Clearly he thought too good of lots of CN players.

So please let this whole thing die. The term "Mountain out of a molehill" doesn't even seem appropriate here. =/
Is he still in his position in UPN? You cant say its not us it was him when you continue to have him representing you as an alliance. With some power comes some resposnability.

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[quote name='Alterego' date='16 May 2010 - 05:03 AM' timestamp='1274004215' post='2299673']
Is he still in his position in UPN? You cant say its not us it was him when you continue to have him representing you as an alliance. With some power comes some resposnability.
If you didn't read Altheus' post on this matter, let me make it clearer to you. Greene RESIGNED from MoD position when he created EN (Elite Nations) his own alliance. He then decided to return to UPN, NOT as MoD, just as a normal member, and was in the position of a normal member when he decided to help FP alliance. If they have no problem with it, why should you?

Edit: Spelling

Edited by abdur
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[quote name='Iserlohn' date='15 May 2010 - 11:44 PM' timestamp='1273981431' post='2299458']
I concede to Xiph's greater IRC wisdom.

The people whining about whining probably haven't actually read the thread. This is simply airing a grievance about the extreme rudeness of a UPN diplomat towards the diplomats of several other alliances during dealings with a third party, with some speculating on how heavily UPN will disavow him.
[/quote]This thread is a blatant, and utterly idiotic, smear campaign. If a member of UPN owns an IRC channel, then it is theirs to do with what they wish, even if the channel name is #god or #polar or #goons. If they don't want you or me or Xiph in there, then that's their call since the channel [b]belongs to them.[/b] Hell, that's not even taking under consideration the fact that the channel was held in trusteeship by Greene for Facepunch, nor does it take under consideration the fact that it wasn't supposed to be open to the public at that point.

This is so nonsensical. Anyone trying to portray it as otherwise is either too stupid to know real issues from fake ones or is being purposely obtuse.

[quote]Is he still in his position in UPN? You cant say its not us it was him when you continue to have him representing you as an alliance. With some power comes some resposnability.[/quote]The worst possible label you could give Greene's behavior is rude and if rudeness alone was the deciding criteria for the removal of an alliance mate then GOD's membership should have risen up and castout Xiph [b]years[/b] ago.

Edited by Fallen_Fool
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All I learned is: GOONs and GOD and RIA have a complaint against Greene, can't get in touch with him/he's a dick when they do, they try to resolve it, it is resolved because this thread was posted, UPN doesn't look bad because it wasn't their fault at all that Greene's an idiot since he isn't in government in their alliance?

Am I missing something or does that about sum it up?

Oh, and then everyone else complains about GOONS/GOD/RIA complaining.

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[quote name='Yevgeni Luchenkov' date='16 May 2010 - 03:33 AM' timestamp='1273998778' post='2299641']
Err, IRC has nothing to do with CN and all IRC users are free to use/register whatever channel they might want? It's not like it is impossible to contact Facepunch people over CN with InGame messages or on these very forums, assuming they have accounts.

IRC has just as much to do with CN as individual alliance forums, actually.

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[quote name='Penlugue Solaris' date='16 May 2010 - 11:51 AM' timestamp='1274025063' post='2299857']
All I learned is: GOONs and GOD and RIA have a complaint against Greene, can't get in touch with him/he's a dick when they do, they try to resolve it, it is resolved because this thread was posted, UPN doesn't look bad because it wasn't their fault at all that Greene's an idiot since he isn't in government in their alliance?

Am I missing something or does that about sum it up?

Oh, and then everyone else complains about GOONS/GOD/RIA complaining.

That's about right.

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[quote name='Fallen_Fool' date='16 May 2010 - 06:36 AM' timestamp='1274006185' post='2299687']
This thread is a blatant, and utterly idiotic, smear campaign. If a member of UPN owns an IRC channel, then it is theirs to do with what they wish, even if the channel name is #god or #polar or #goons. If they don't want you or me or Xiph in there, then that's their call since the channel [b]belongs to them.[/b] Hell, that's not even taking under consideration the fact that the channel was held in trusteeship by Greene for Facepunch, nor does it take under consideration the fact that it wasn't supposed to be open to the public at that point.[/quote]

While your last point sticks I have overwhelming difficulty in accepting that you actually believe the first point (a point also previously posed by Lintwad). You and I both know that were some individual to seize the obvious IRC names of alliances and refuse to turn them over they'd become a non-person around here. If an alliance endorsed it, every offended group would readily pursue war. I'd almost say the community at large would accept it as [i]casus belli[/i], but given the propensity of people to suspend logic in favor of their "side", I simply can't make that stretch.

For example, were alliances to pursue another large-scale migration to a new IRC server (as has once occurred, from esper to coldfront) and I rushed over first to claim all the possible Polaris-related channel names and hoarded over them, you'd be after my $@! in a heartbeat (and not just because my pale cheeks would look so very nice over your frosty mantles). That the rejected parties were concerned and offended is understandable given this was the perceived act. Greene didn't exactly do anything to dispel the perception of malice. I don't think I'd have pursued this public course of action (despite my long and storied love for public courses of action), but a smear campaign? Looks like it was a pretty legitimate complaint that was addressed, resolved, and then declared after the fact a smear campaign by parties opposed to anything related to Xippy.

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[quote name='Baden-Württemberg' date='16 May 2010 - 06:27 PM' timestamp='1274030810' post='2299962']
It's not that they are hostages. They can found a new IRC channel and call it cn-facepunch, or even #wehateupnforhavingourircchannelname, and even make a PR-joke out of it.

Whatever, let's not quarrel over an IRC name, that's kinda pathetic...

Well, I think it was more like Xiph asked a legitimate question about obvious rudeness, got the legitimate answer that it wasn't someone acting on behalf of their alliance, the rudeness stopped and it was fine, and then people said what your saying over and over again for seven pages without realizing that the matter was taken care of within the first two.

Edited by Il Impero Romano
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[quote name='Penlugue Solaris' date='16 May 2010 - 04:51 PM' timestamp='1274025063' post='2299857']
All I learned is: GOONs and GOD and RIA have a complaint against Greene, can't get in touch with him/he's a dick when they do, they try to resolve it, it is resolved because this thread was posted, UPN doesn't look bad because it wasn't their fault at all that Greene's an idiot since he isn't in government in their alliance?[/quote]
If you have a complaint against a member who doesn't use the OWF then you should go straight to the alliance leader or government in IRC or on their forums.

Posting of the OWF doesn't resolve the problem as the member in question will not reply, it makes it look a lot like smearing and it just causes a lot of hatred.

I urge anyone who feels wronged to just get onto the UPN forums or IRC and we can talk this out. Going to the OWF does nothing.

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[quote name='Lukcia' date='16 May 2010 - 02:00 PM' timestamp='1274032815' post='2300004']
If you have a complaint against a member who doesn't use the OWF then you should go straight to the alliance leader or government in IRC or on their forums.

Posting of the OWF doesn't resolve the problem as the member in question will not reply, it makes it look a lot like smearing and it just causes a lot of hatred.

I urge anyone who feels wronged to just get onto the UPN forums or IRC and we can talk this out. Going to the OWF does nothing.
[/quote]They DID go to IRC, Lukcia. That's where this problem BEGAN. Then they asked him about it and got no answer. Did you MISS all the posted chat logs on the first page?

FP, however, then came here and said the matter was resolved. And while we're still a little PO'd about how Greene handled this matter, we all accepted it as resolved. All of us. And then UPN and various other whiners came here crying foul on us for having the nerve to make public the fact that you handled a situation badly.

We made it public. And the situation was resolved. Those are the first two pages. The next five? There's the REAL smear campaign, but I assure you - it's NOT against UPN. You'll have to read through them again to guess who it IS against, however.

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