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Remembering Karma


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Today marks the one year anniversaries of the DoWs by [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=54736"]Torn[/url] and [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=54735"]NPO[/url] on Ordo Verde. Love or hate what happened, it was one of the defining moments for many alliances, and probably changed CN more than any other war.

My Karma story is [s]kind of[/s] pretty lame. I fought in WoTC and deleted shortly after, I came back to CN September 9th of last year. I was talking to DWthegreat the next day when I shared my VERY noobish opinion of NPO at the time. I had a lot of respect for what they had accomplished and for being number one, but it would be really cool to be part of taking them down if it ever happened. DW then told me about Karma, and I then went to go find a clean pair of pants.

I want to hear what the Karma was for all of you? What is your most exciting story about the war? What was your role in the war?

Also please don't turn this into arguing or smack talking, lets just celebrate the history this game creates.

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Just came back to the game. Having 15 channels yelling at me about GRE joining(Cause we said we would be involved then Chill said we wouldn't and it pissed people off, but that wasn't all of his fault in all fairness) and another 15 yelling at me about GRE not joining even though I wasn't government. I got !@#$ on.

I was a 12k nation and the only little GRE. I took on 12 IRON nations, only anarchied twice due to nukes, but ended up gaining more NS by the end of the war. I fought with Fark and we kicked some royal $@!. It was fun. After Karma, well Gre began "in my eyes" starting to crumble. So though Karma was fun, the next months were really hard for me and many others in Gre. My wishes are sent to all my former comrades, even those still there today, and it was real fighting together. B-)

Edited by Ejayrazz
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I believe GR was the first Karma alliance to declare war on NPO.

[quote]The Greenland Republic hereby activates Bluenited For Orange and will attack the New Pacific Order along with our allies in Vanguard.

Archon: Drai
Vice-Archon: Shamedmonkey
Minister of Foreign Affairs: Ilselu1
Minister of Defence: Virillus
Minister of Finance: Steodonn
[b]Minister of Interior: Sal Paradise[/b]
Senate: Sande, Kestral, Al, Menwearpink135, Cripple[/quote]

There's me. :awesome:

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Went into the war as 3500 NS. Declared on 3 NPO targets on blitz night, was countered by 3 MCXA nations.

Most NPO nations I fought at least knew when to turtle, but I am eternally grateful to the alliance MCXA for declaring on me, because it was a guaranteed $4 million per day from ground attacks per target, which enabled me to fund many more targets after. Didn't get put in anarchy until Memorial Day weekend, about five-six weeks after the start of the conflict, and it was because I went away. Anarchied about 8-9 NPO nations, 5-6 MCXA nations during that time. Ended up using the money I gained and the aid I had coming in to jump into the 12-13k NS range, which was, by mid-June, too high for almost every NPO nation not in peace mode.

Became a Battalion Commander toward the end of the war, and personally organized MCXA's rep payments, and continued to work my way up the Viridian ladder.

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I was King of FCC and declared war on IRON to come to the assistance of Gremlins, we didn't ask any reps though. That I won in that war makes it worth remembering. The FCC's first major alliance war and first victory.

Edited by Methrage
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[quote name='Methrage' date='21 April 2010 - 09:48 PM' timestamp='1271908073' post='2270197']
I was King of FCC and declared war on IRON to come to the assistance of Gremlins, we didn't ask any reps though. That I won in that war makes it worth remembering and declared on war on IRON on behalf of the FCC. The FCC's first major alliance war and first victory.

I used to be an ambassador to the FCC for the NPO back in the day haha, I can't think of who was running the show back then but I know Naktergal I think it was? Nak something she had a girl in her avatar she was up there in gov back in the day, not sure if she was around during Karma though.

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[quote name='Gopherbashi' date='21 April 2010 - 08:51 PM' timestamp='1271908299' post='2270203']
I'm pretty sure I had an aneurysm when Fresh texted me in the middle of playoff overtime hockey to tell me that we were cancelling on NPO.

I should get that checked out some day.

probably ;)

came in right after Karma, Still have first hand accounts though from various legionnaires on the debate over whether to cancel and extract revenge on NPO or fight with them

Edited by SiCkO
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My Karma experience began about a year before everyone else. I was watching the WoTC going down, and didn't think it was cool, so I began organizing a revolutionary front which began with MegaAros taking the AA to stage his entrance into the war, and from there it is now history. Well, the next 9 months were spent trying to kill Pacifican PR, which was surprisingly difficult given how terrible they were, there were just so many people living with blinders on. Ironically, these are the same people now outraged at Gramlins, but that's another story. When the war went down, I was pretty pleased. It was a nice relief. Then Karma began to brush us under the rug and downplay our impact, with few acknowledgments from Karma folks, aside from the aid bomb organized by Ramirus, I believe. That was pretty cool. Either way, it was an awesome war.

Afterward, I did nothing for about a year as I was so burnt out, but now I'm back in action.

Edited by Starfox101
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[quote name='StEvE nAsH' date='21 April 2010 - 11:53 PM' timestamp='1271908388' post='2270205']
I used to be an ambassador to the FCC for the NPO back in the day haha, I can't think of who was running the show back then but I know Naktergal I think it was? Nak something she had a girl in her avatar she was up there in gov back in the day, not sure if she was around during Karma though.
Nak was in TAB at the time, although she was a good member of FCC when she was one.

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a fantastic bloodbath, enjoyed every minute.

DoW'd on NPO, countered by Veritas Aequitas, GRAN, and someone else, our friends at Genesis and our relatively unknown compatriots at Dark Templar countered that counter, rode out the war with our buddies at LEO, by far more enjoyable than this last war, due to the nature of our opponents.

i remember sitting in the channel where we had finally gathered, with maybe 10 or 12 alliances, saying, this is the one to decide everything, we don't know if we're gonna win, but this is it.

good times.

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Yeah, I was in Vox. I was one of the people in Vox who wasn't a founder, yet stayed in Vox for most of the existence of the alliance. After the war, Vox disbanded and I tried some new alliances out. None of them really worked for me, so I went back to my former home when we refounded and I've been there ever since. Karma was a very important war though. Too bad that a couple of the people who fought it seemed to forget what they fought for.

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[quote name='Methrage' date='21 April 2010 - 10:13 PM' timestamp='1271909596' post='2270236']
Nak was in TAB at the time, although she was a good member of FCC when she was one.

She seemed real good, any idea if she still plays?

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Was in Legion, @ ~25k and was my first lesson on why to have a large war chest :( A lesson I have followed ever since. I went a few months ago to my NPO warring allies and saw them being all <5k NS D: It was so sad

Oh, and btw, we in AcTi 'been smuggling to Amer in Flowers his secret weapon: the plan for the QUADRUPLE break off flank attack.

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Ah, Karma ....

I was in charge of VE for the whole period from the middle of the WotC to a bit after NPO surrendered. Through the cancellation, DoW, everything. NPO DoWed our MADP ally, OV. TORN was convinced to back out, and we and OV's other allies all attacked NPO. And the Karma coalition rallied together to fight off NPO's allies. Personally, I was only lined up on one NPO nation, but I was countered by three IRON members that resigned from IRON to hit before they DoWed. And NPO got jumped on by so many people and they went down so fast that by the time I got out of nuke anarchy for the first round, nobody in range had a slot. Oh, and I proved once and for all that, despite my reputation, I am not a hippy. ;)

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