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The German Empire Announcement

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Citizens of Planet Bob,

We, The German Empire, have gone through many bad times. We have lost an incredible amount of members, respected members and unknown members to the public, we have lost much strength in the past year, as well as respect. We have stood on a point that we would consider disbandment, but we decided not to, and try to improve and continue working on the Empire. This takes time, a lot of time. In the past couple of months, we have gained a little bit more activity and have created new friendships, and old friendships became lost.

In this time, we have built new forums, twice, we have fought wars, twice. Especially the last war, in which we have had a lot of trouble in getting our military running. But in this we have failed, as our Ministry of War was inactive, as well as many of our remaining nations. We were not in a state to fight a war properly, especially not against tough alliances. But we have survived, survived once again.

We are aiming to get more friends, and more members, and a higher NS. We have gained some NS and we reached the mark of over one million strength once again! But gaining new members and friends is only possible with a government. Therefore, we have done a little bit of a cleaning and we have held Reichstag Elections. So I hereby present you, the Imperial German Government of TGE:

[size="2"][center] [b] [/b][b][size="3"]The Government of The German Empire[/size][/b][b] [/b]

[b] The Kaiser[/b], President Chris
[b]The ReichsKanzler[/b],[b] [/b] Karl August von Hardenberg
[b] The Vize-Reichskanzler[/b], FranKie

[b] [/b][b][size="3"]The Ministers[/size][/b][b] [/b]
[b]Minister of State[/b],[b] [/b] Alexei Nikolaevich Romanov
[b]Minister of War[/b],[b] [/b] TBA
[b] Deputy Minister of War[/b], Hermann Hoth
[b] Minister of Finance[/b],[b] [/b] Ethan
[b] Minister of Foreign Affairs[/b],[b] [/b] TBA
[b] Deputy of Foreign Affairs[/b],[b] [/b] Adam Suttler

[b][size="3"]The recently-elected Reichstag[/size][/b]
Algar Wolfe, FranKie, Paul von Hindenburg [/center][/size]

On the topics that we've been hearing for quite a while now, we have kindly asked our former Empress Victoria to give someone else the throne, or we would have had to go and do something else. As we found that she was not fit for the job and did not posses enough qualities to rule an Empire that was on the edge of destruction.

During the war, in which we did not help our allies, The Immortals, I admit that it was a stupid thing to do, to not help them. But it would have been a dumb thing for us to help them as well since our military was not capable of fighting an alliance a lot stronger and better organised than us, and with allies. We were not prepared at all, our Minister and Deputy Minister of War were inactive, our officers were inactive. Our nations were inactive and generally unresponsive to anything. The war we fought later against GUN was unexpected for us, we decided to go in, as we would get help from another alliance almost as big as we were. And with three alliances ,we thought the war would not be a big strain on our nations, of which many did not fight.

Now I have typed enough. [/quote]

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looks like your problems run deeper than simply finding more friends/members/ns. Unless you figure out exactly why your members have stopped responding and become apathetic then you will continue to circle the drain, and finding new friends won't solve that.

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Best of luck moving forward TGE, If you ever need any help, please know you have a friend in The Prolific Empire. You know where to find us.

o/ TGE

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[quote name='hizzy' date='14 March 2010 - 04:42 PM' timestamp='1268603266' post='2225679']
looks like your problems run deeper than simply finding more friends/members/ns. Unless you figure out exactly why your members have stopped responding and become apathetic then you will continue to circle the drain, and finding new friends won't solve that.

This pretty much. In the two years I've known TGE, it seems problems always seem to be sprouting. Good luck to finding the root of the problem and fixing it. It is difficult to run an alliance but TGE seems to have one problem after the next.

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[quote name='Lord Fingolfin' date='14 March 2010 - 06:55 PM' timestamp='1268618472' post='2225899']
Sounds like you guys have a lot of problems to deal with. I'm really not sure how you didn't notice that your whole War Ministry was inactive...
Well you see the old minister (wonder who that is) was highly active on the forums but hates IRC. This became an issue when war broke out and he continually forgot to sign on to get up to date info.

o/ To TGE! May the empire stand strong.

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[quote]we have kindly asked our former Empress Victoria to give someone else the throne, or we would have had to go and do something else. As we found that she was not fit for the job and did not posses enough qualities to rule an Empire that was on the edge of destruction.[/quote]

Everyone knows there was a coup. I don't know how this is relevant, since it happened some time ago.

The only reason bringing this up makes sense is if you're trying to blame her for TGE's current woes. Otherwise, it's a red herring.

EDIT: Upon re-reading, I see you're actually blaming her predecessor. Now there's something I can get behind.

[quote]During the war, in which we did not help our allies, The Immortals, I admit that it was a stupid thing to do, to not help them. But it would have been a dumb thing for us to help them as well since our military was not capable of fighting an alliance a lot stronger and better organised than us, and with allies. We were not prepared at all, our Minister and Deputy Minister of War were inactive, our officers were inactive. Our nations were inactive and generally unresponsive to anything. The war we fought later against GUN was unexpected for us, we decided to go in, as we would get help from another alliance almost as big as we were. And with three alliances ,we thought the war would not be a big strain on our nations, of which many did not fight.[/quote]

The grammar....it hurts.

The sad attempt at justification hurts more. Where was the rest of the government? Why did no one else offer to step in? How is it that your alliance's leadership did not....oh, you know....[b]LEAD[/b]?

Edited by Ashoka the Great
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This part:

[quote]On the topics that we've been hearing for quite a while now, we have kindly asked our former Empress Victoria to give someone else the throne, or we would have had to go and do something else. As we found that she was not fit for the job and did not posses enough qualities to rule an Empire that was on the edge of destruction.[/quote]

really makes me :mad:

It was an unnecessary re-opening of an old wound, and a bad show altogether. Further, if Victoria actually [u]is[/u] that incompetent, what does that reflect upon the judgment of the one who placed her on the throne?

Further, while it would be a commendable, and perhaps even useful, [b]internal[/b] exercise for any alliance in crisis to take stock of what caused what when, this public airing of dirty laundry seems like making excuses, nothing more or less.

You know we love you, Hardenberg, but you make it so difficult sometimes.

Edited by Valdemar
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