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Confederate Scorn Accords

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[center][size="6"]Confederate Scorn Accords[/size]

On this day, the 12th of March, 2010, the independent and sovereign alliances of the North American Confederacy and United Under Scorn, with fair and rightful consideration of their new found kinship, similarities, and mutual goodwill, make consummate the fruits of their friendship and recognize the other to the fullest degree in this formal manifestation of the civility, camaraderie, and respect that the respective members of each alliance have demonstrated towards the opposite power and agree to carry on on to the ineffable bonds of infinity and the ends of the earth, or such a time as when this treaty is nullified. It is my honor, as Triumvir of the North American Confederacy, to present to you today this token of common respect, trust, and friendship, this stepping stone to diplomatic expansion, and this symbolic gesture of things to come. I am proud to say that we have been working with the government of United Under Scorn for some time, and, finding them capable, responsible, and generally much like ourselves, worked with them to express, in this Peace Intelligence and Aid Treaty (PIAT), out mutual desire to grow closer as alliances and as peers in the great game within the game that is government.
Hail the NAC!
Hail US!

Southern Hospitality and Scornful Individuality Brings us to some mighty fine Gossip

Onwards to the ineffable bounds of the horizon, and may the fates smile upon you all in future.

Triumvir of Foreign Affairs [NAC 2.0]

With regard of the mutual goal to become closer friends and allies, the North American Confederacy (NAC/NAC 2.0) and United Under Scorn (US) agree to the terms of this Peace, Intelligence and Aid Treaty.

Article I - Sovereignty
Both alliances remain sovereign and independent organizations. Either organization undertaking an action (aggressive or defensive) against other entities not included in this agreement does so independently.

Article II - Non-Aggression
No member of the NAC or US may participate in, support, or condone military action against a member within the corresponding signatory. If a member nation of either signatory alliance is found to have done this, they will be ordered to offer peace within 48 hours of the initial notification, and pay reparations equivalent to the total damages inflicted. This payment of reparations must not take place if doing so would be in violation of any other treaty, document or instrument of surrender. Defending nations are required to limit retaliation to the number and type of attacks received.
If the attacking nation refuses to offer peace to the defending nation within the specified time frame, without credible reason explaining the lack of compliance to the articles of this treaty, the attacking nation will be expelled from their alliance. Further, the expelled nation is to be considered a rogue by both signatory alliances, and dealt with accordingly.

Article III - Civility
The membership of both the NAC and US are committed to acting with civility and respect towards each other at all times, particularly in public channels, but in private ones as well.

Article IV - Financial Assistance
In the case of a conflict involving an attack on either the NAC or US by a third party, the attacked alliance may request financial aid, and the requested alliance, while not obligated to, is strongly encouraged to send available aid. Any such shipments will not take place if doing so would be in violation of any other treaty, document, or instrument of surrender or during a formally declared alliance war.

Article V - Espionage
Both alliances agree that under no circumstances should the NAC or US engage in espionage against the other. Further, should a signatory receive information that points towards a possible leak in another signatory's security, this information must be shared and discussed with the other party immediately.

Article VI - Intelligence
Neither signatory alliance shall withhold information from the other signatory alliance that constitutes a direct threat to the security, reputation, or well-being of the other signatory alliance. Additionally, both signatories shall strive to keep the other informed of non-emergency situations and general on goings as often as possible as well as to maintain a diplomatic presence on the other signatories forums.

Article VII - Termination
Termination of this pact requires one week notice. This notice is required to be given firstly via private channels. Any intentional violations of the articles within this treaty with reasonable evidence that the act was intentional may, by decision of the party not at fault, result in the treaty being considered immediately void.

[u]US Co-founders:[/u]
White Chocolate
Lord Necroseer

[u]NAC Triumvirate:[/u]
Shavar - War and Defense
Hellbilly - Internal Affairs
Rooivaulk - Foreign Affairs

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From my very first introduction to shavar, hellbelly and rooivaulk - I've had a great deal of fun. Also, our similar history and experience as alliances is downright uncanny!

Hail NAC! Here's to a bright future for both our groups.

Edited by White Chocolate
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