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[center][left][center]Since we know you're busy and have to select your CN readings, we decided to mix several announcements into one ! We're that nice in Valhalla !
[/left][size="6"][u][b][color="#ff0000"]THIRD ANNIVERSARY[/color][/b][/u][/size]


[b]Valhalla turns 3 ![/b][/center]

This was a tough year for us all… Karma hit us (but we made new friends then), old members left (but stayed close by within the AA "theZoo," and we thank them for their support in the recent war), not to mention this most recent war.

Throughout those crises, we stand united. We have never been so proud of our membership than during those 2 wars, where no one fled, no one surrendered, and everyone showed true commitment with honour and pride. New members arrived, old and new members stepped up to bear responsibilities and we're now ready to rise again.

We have gained some very good friends during our three years of existence and we thank them for their support, help, and especially their friendship itself.

We thank Planet Bob for joining us in the celebration of this special day and invite everyone to #cnvalhalla and our forum to celebrate the event with some fine mead of our own design (yeah the hidden stuff we kept for the appropriate time).

[b]o/ Valhalla
o/ Purple [/b]

[size="6"][u][b][color="#ff0000"]INTERNAL AFFAIRS DISPATCH[/color][/b][/u][/size]


We just held our election, and here are the results:

Regent: Chefjoe
Vice Regent: Bud
Security Consul: Graphix
Marshal: James Saams
Chancellor : Lord of the Dark
Emissary: Seipher Caim

We are pleased to welcome James Saams and Graphix as new government officials. They have shown great activity and a great sense of commitment to Valhalla. They beat the evil "Abstain" in an epic battle and gained their rank with great pride and honor! Lykme and Cointoss are also recognized for contributing to a great Security Consul voting race.
We want also to thank Havamil, our former Marshal, and Lord Levistus, our former Security Consul, for all the hard work they put in Valhalla in those troubled times. And yes, on the pic you'll find Kry and Kashy... We just love them too much not to put them on every pic we make <3

[center][size="6"][color="#ff0000"][u][b]FOREIGN AFFAIRS DISPATCH[/b][/u][/color][/size][/center]

There are times where you have to take tough decisions (and yes, for all of you, this is the part of the announcement you would consider the most important...)

Valhalla hereby announces the cancellation of the following treaties:

[center][b]The Exposé Accords MDoAP[/b] with [b]Monos Archein[/b]

[b]The Vikings get Knighted Accords MDoAP[/b] with [b]The Templar Knights[/b]


[b]The Jörmungand Finally loves the Vikings MDP[/b] with [b]Hydra[/b][/center]

Reasons were given to each alliance privately and we wish them nothing less than the best for their future. It's always sad to see old friendships vanish but we really think it is the best course of action, for our respective alliances, to officially cancel those papers and give a chance for a new friendship to grow.

[center][size="6"][color="#ff0000"][u][b]VEXILLOLOGIC DISPATCH[/b][/u][/color][/size][/center]


My fellow vexillologists,
We are proud to announce that we have updated our official flag... our symbol is now 100% symmetric due to the hard work of Graphix.
You may find this irrelevant but hey, it's our announcement and I'm a big fan of flags... I'm also too lazy to post the former version, so if interested feel free to check out the Graphics Shop on our home forums, where a thread has been created to display the history of our flag.

- Valhalla turned 3 !
- New Government line up
- Treaty Cancelations (Hydra, MA, TTK)
- New improved flag[/i]

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Sorry it took so long to finish the flag. We rushed it out the first time and I never found the patience to get it done right until now. :P

Also, thanks to Valhalla for putting their confidence in me for this upcoming term.

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Well, to get the record right we didnt really cancelled the HYdra treaty... we mutually agreed not to renew it 'since he had a 90-days review clause in it.

And once again, I really wish the best for MA, TTK and Hydra in the future !

[i]Nothing is really over for ever ![/i]

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[22:23] <Nevik[Valhalla]> How the **** are we still alive?
[22:23] <Nevik[Valhalla]> After 3 years?

I know right? I swear we've got more lives than a cat ;)

Happy birthday us! Thanks to friends & allies both past & present, for being there & having been. It's been a great ride so far.

Grats on the new gov. And our awesome flag :) Shiny.

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[quote name='Shodemofi' date='12 March 2010 - 01:02 AM' timestamp='1268374074' post='2223125']
Congratulations to Bud. Unless you were already Vice Regent, I don't keep up to date on my Valhallan government these days. Well...even if you were already vice regent, congratulations on re-election.
Thanks Shodemofi been VR though since Sept or so but good to see you either way :)

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WOOOOOOOO!!!!! Free mead?!?! Party time!
Happy birthday Valhalla!!! 3 years man what the hell is wrong with this planet :P

TORN wishes you a happy happy birthday. I'd like to raise my glass to you guys, here's to a great three years and to your bright future. May you always find plunder!

Also, sorry about the severing of ties, friends drift appart ect.
Congrats to the new gov. I know you'll serve your alliance well.

Finally, sexy flag!
:wub::wub: you guys.

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Grats, etc, etc...

EDIT: Didn't see the cancellation but then again, I didn't really read the announcements...


o/ TTK

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