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Official Announcement from Citadel

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[quote name='TheNeverender' date='05 February 2010 - 04:12 PM' timestamp='1265350324' post='2160853']
That looks like a mushroom cloud, which is fitting for Citadel given that you, in the beginning, were most feared for them.
I'd assumed it was an Umbrella?

Farewell Citadel, you were something special and will be missed.


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Wow... so much to say here, and no words to say it.

Citadel, for a long LONG time you were more important to me than anything else on Bob. You were something great, something beyond great. I would have gladly sacrificed my nation for any of you, without hesitation. You had potential beyond imagination - and that potential was never realized. As others have correctly stated, the thrice-damned other treaty partners ripped the bloc apart nearly from conception.

Umbrella, I will likely never forgive you. You treated an ally worse than I would ever treat an enemy. The member nations of OG would have died for you, their ally, without hesitation and regardless of the enemy (as we're proving once again now).

Gramlins (and even Ronin), we rode together once upon a time and I will always consider you friends. What we're doing now hurts far more than the loss of infra.

FCC, my time spent with you was a blast. You took me in without hesitation and I felt at home. I dunno what happened, but watching your struggles ripped a piece of my heart out.

TOP, you always seemed to be the epitome, the excellence. I only wish you (along with the rest of us) had been able to commit fully to Citadel and make it the first priority. By holding that back, the eventual dismantling of Cit was only a matter of time.

OG, I've always loved you, although I could not remain a part of you for a time. If you could only have committed to Citadel fully, such great things could have happened...

Argent, I never knew you. As soon as you came, we were expelled. However, your words and actions during that time were a source of strength - always respectful and supportive. I thank you for being true friends.

Citadel, rest in peace. You were special.

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[quote name='Jeeooh' date='05 February 2010 - 10:42 AM' timestamp='1265384561' post='2161526']
Sad to hear. I enjoyed my time bantering in #lux, good luck to all former signatories.
I miss #lux, was a good channel.

Well, Good Luck to you all until 10.10.10! :ehm:

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I served in Argent when we were admitted to Citadel and Gramlins when we left Citadel, there are a lot of good people there divergent FA just never allowed us to roll as one bloc unit that would have been something.

and yes 10.10.10 was discussed when GRE was still in, id like to be apart of that if its still a go. :ehm:

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This pains me dearly for I once swore that I'd never leave citadel as a whole, even if my membership changed amongst signatories, I'd never leave it. But alas now it is gone. Though the paper is gone, my heart and nation still stand ready for those that were apart of it.


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[quote name='Schattenmann' date='05 February 2010 - 11:01 PM' timestamp='1265428915' post='2162840']
I blame Reyne
It takes more than one person to bring down a bloc, plenty of people made mistakes which led to this. Blaming Reyne is uncalled for...

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[quote name='Thorgrum' date='06 February 2010 - 02:30 AM' timestamp='1265423418' post='2162605']
I served in Argent when we were admitted to Citadel and Gramlins when we left Citadel, there are a lot of good people there divergent FA just never allowed us to roll as one bloc unit that would have been something.

and yes 10.10.10 was discussed when GRE was still in, id like to be apart of that if its still a go. :ehm:
afaiac 10.10.10 is still on

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[quote name='Methrage' date='05 February 2010 - 11:14 PM' timestamp='1265429664' post='2162871']
It takes more than one person to bring down a bloc, plenty of people made mistakes which led to this. Blaming Reyne is uncalled for...
Uncalled for? I call for all things in the name of cutesy comments. But, you're right, it took more than one. I also blame Sun Wukong. And I heard Ramirus didn't help and Crymson was a turd and blah blah blah.

I think what it comes down to is what's already been said by BlueLightening (I think) everyone ran out of the give-a-damn to keep it going. I don't know what you guys were saying in the last year, but I have a hard time imagining it was any more ascerbic than the stuff that Vox leaked.

Edited by Schattenmann
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[quote name='Bob Janova' date='05 February 2010 - 08:42 PM' timestamp='1265420567' post='2162504']
I hope someone will tell me what 10.10.10 is about now!
If I had to guess it'd be the rumored new Citadel with everyone from IRON to OBR named as in the running for inclusion, though 8 months is a bit long to wait to announce a bloc.

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[quote name='janax' date='06 February 2010 - 12:06 PM' timestamp='1265486790' post='2164972']
Nothing to do with announcing a new bloc. That's all I will say.


We're just planing on having a party with rather... Peculiar celebrations on 10.10.10 Nothing to worry yourselves about I swear.

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