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Yes, the dedication of the Siberian Tiger Alliance to its allies is one of the prime reasons why we respect your alliance and hold it in such high regard. However, you can drop the condescension. Vanguard treats its allies in much the same way. However, each of our alliances have had to select a course of action here, with STA's decision equating to a firm alignment with one side of the war from the outset. If, hypothetically, Vanguard enters the war on the opposing side and we are counter-attacked, will STA defend Vanguard and enter on both sides of the war (you say we should be able to expect it)? Because, essentially, that is what many of STA's members here are demanding. If that defense doesn't materialise, I highly doubt you will see Vanguard members acting the same way over the forums. Since the beginning of this conflict, we have understood the reasoning behind STA choosing a side in this war. We did not agree with the decision, but we accepted it and did not make any complaints. All we have asked is that STA members respect the fact that we cannot possibly align ourselves to defend Polar's actions. The fact of the matter here is that STA has, for whatever reason, decided to defend Polar's belligerence. That is not something we can do, particularly as Polar have only recently been making the exact same threats to us - a fact that seems to be readily forgotten on your current side.

Before you chose a couple of minutes after they declared war on us, your ally, to announce a treaty with iFoK and FCO, and before you flat out told us you wouldn't be defending us, without even considering that you don't have to choose a side in order to defend your allies, yep. We absolutely would have defended you. Now, we don't have that option. It has been taken away from us by whatever powers happen to be on "that side" of the war, as they have made every possible move they could to ensure that we stand here, getting beaten on, with no one to defend us. Unfortunately, we now have our hands too full to be of any useful assistance. Should you need any financial assistance after the war to rebuild, we will help you, should our treaty still stand. Should you lose the war and end up being offered unacceptable peace terms, we'll fight tooth and nail to get you the most reasonable peace possible. Obviously, I assume you would do the same.

As far as refusing to defend us because you don't agree with Polar's actions and don't like that we do, you're wrong. Most of us don't. But it's moot. We defend Polar, 100% of the time. It just is how it is. Do you remember a few weeks ago when Athens nearly set off a massive world war, and you didn't agree with their actions (Vanguard gov. told me so. Not you, personally.) but your alliance was ready to roll to defend them? Yeah. It's exactly like that. That's the war in which we broke up our treaty bloc to defend you. Stop acting like you didn't have a choice. You had a choice. I don't necessarily blame you for your choice, but you're behaving as though STA essentially made that decision for you when we decided that we would defend Polar. You've known since the moment you met us that we would ALWAYS defend Polar. We made that choice the moment we signed our first treaty with them. Since you've quite recently faced a situation in which you would be defending an ally who made a decision you didn't agree with, I'm sure you understand.

Yes, Vanguard announced a treaty with iFOK and FCO on the eve of the war. No, it did not have anything to do with preventing certain declarations or providing us with an 'in' to this conflict. The fact of the matter is that Vanguard was already tied to SLCB and were obligated to defend Stickmen should they request our assistance. In terms of this war, the treaties with iFOK and FCO changed nothing.

I never said it had anything to do with preventing certain declarations, or any of the rest of your paragraph here. All I did was point out that you were mistaken when you said you hadn't disrespected STA in this conflict by showing you exactly how you did just that.

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Seriously guys, you are adorable. Keep it up. Oh, and Corinan. I do recall specifically you stating that NSO would crush GOD into tiny pieces, or something along the lines of that. Lord Boris told you to not underestimate them.





It seems you are befitting or a preceding reputation.

I await your clobbering of GOD to ensue. You seemed so sure of it too... too bad, but it's because the mean FOKkers and company declared on you, right?

At the very least, you remain consistently arrogant, which is respectable. But NSO will be dead in a ditch far before CSN will be, I assure you. :smug:

As an expert on refuting this sort of military stats bogus on which you people seem intent on continuing to spew, let me say this. GOD has about fifteen nations engaged in that many wars, with the rest of the alliance being in peace mode, including all of the upper ranks. The smaller nations they have fighting are only in one war each, while NSO members on the other hand are fighting multiple. They are in over three hundred wars. The second most engaged alliance after Polaris. So is it really any wonder that GOD isn't losing that much strength if GOD really isn't doing that much fighting? I don't think so. Overall, I'd say NSO is doing pretty well.

Anyway, I fully expect to see CSN quiet themselves in a few days once it is clear that things are not going so well for them as they think. You're still not seeing the larger picture. I continue to wish luck to my friends in STA.

Know this, if you ever need assistance (and by assistance I mean wanting some small yet rather annoying nation nuked to oblivion), all you need to do is signal FAIL there we will be.

Edited by Rebel Virginia
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Anyway, I fully expect to see CSN quiet themselves in a few days once it is clear that things are not going so well for them as they think. You're still not seeing the larger picture. I continue to wish luck to my friends in STA.

Thanks, but most of us are more than familiar with being on the receiving end of far worse odds than NSO has faced, and we all have every bit of respect for the fighting ability of STA. We'll see how things go, but I'm not sure how it's supposed to quiet us or what apparent loudness needed to be addressed in the first place.

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I fully expect to see CSN quiet themselves in a few days once it is clear that things are not going so well for them as they think.


clearly you're unaware of who CSN really is... as stated by Eagle, we have been at much worse odds than you assume... as far as quieting down goes, as long as there is a nuke in our arsenal, expect things to go BOOM!...

we're what makes YOUR world go round... ;)

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Thanks, but most of us are more than familiar with being on the receiving end of far worse odds than NSO has faced, and we all have every bit of respect for the fighting ability of STA. We'll see how things go, but I'm not sure how it's supposed to quiet us or what apparent loudness needed to be addressed in the first place.

If you're talking about the GATO-1V War, that was two years ago. A lot has changed since then. Besides, during that war all CSN did was enter briefly before turning tail and surrendering. I hardly consider that to be the remarkable showing of audacity that you seem to think it is. It is rather obvious what CSN is capable. The answer, not much at all. STA will make quick work of you. History has shown that it takes much less than what STA has in order to bring your alliance to its knees.

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If you're talking about the GATO-1V War, that was two years ago. A lot has changed since then. Besides, during that war all CSN did was enter briefly before turning tail and surrendering. I hardly consider that to be the remarkable showing of audacity that you seem to think it is. It is rather obvious what CSN is capable. The answer, not much at all. STA will make quick work of you. History has shown that it takes much less than what STA has in order to bring your alliance to its knees.

It may have two years ago, but it is still fresh in many of our members minds. Wars are not so common in CSN to warrant forgetting.

And I'll agree, much has changed since then. But some things haven't, one of which is our regard for our treaties. As we have shown before, and will continue to show as long as I have any power in the decisions of CSN, we will support our allies no matter the odds.

I would hardly call three weeks of a one sided war, "entering briefly before turning tail and surrendering". And since you seem to have made your mind up on our ability to conduct ourselves, I will simply wait and come back to this at some point in the future when hostilities have ceased.

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If you're talking about the GATO-1V War, that was two years ago. A lot has changed since then. Besides, during that war all CSN did was enter briefly before turning tail and surrendering. I hardly consider that to be the remarkable showing of audacity that you seem to think it is. It is rather obvious what CSN is capable. The answer, not much at all. STA will make quick work of you. History has shown that it takes much less than what STA has in order to bring your alliance to its knees.

Please point out where in The Commonwealth's history we have been brought to our knees by 'much less than what STA has'.

I will not quote anything, but will state I hope TOP hands GOD the beating they deserve.

Good sir, I fear you have made this remark in the wrong area. This topic is about how horrible and cowardly The Commonwealth is. A brief tangent regarding STA's displeasure with some members of C&G sparked up, but was quickly put down as not being appropriate for this venue. So, unless you are here to mock, insult, belittle, or otherwise harass The Commonwealth, please move along.

EDIT: Is... Is... The Commonwealth is horrible and cowardly.

Edited by Goose
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To be completely honest I would be utterly mortified if I ever ended up in an alliance that someone didn't hate on.

However, I will say the follow:

Our egos aren't in this war. We're not trying to prove a point or settle a grudge, or whatever. We're supporting our friends and allies, and having a fairly good time doing it, and that's about it. We kinda hope that STA is at least having a good time as well, and by all lights they seem to be.

So given that there is no ego on the line, and we aren't fighting for our very survival here, I can freely and honestly say that I am already exceedingly proud of what our boys have already accomplished in this war. Which is not by any means to say "Ha we're kicking STA's tuchus," simply that we called our guys to war, they showed up, and on short notice (and less than a full week since a complete overhaul of our military organization) put together a respectable update blitz, and have been just as good at taking their licks without complaint as they have at dishing out punishment.

So, when it comes to having a darn good time fighting a fun and respectable enemy, and to hell with whatever anyone else thinks? Yeah, we already win. We win so hard. If STA manages to rally enough to utterly crush us (which I consider honestly as unlikely as us doing the same to them)or if someone else springs to their aid and accomplishes the same, we will be utterly fine with that.

As far as the GATO-1V war goes...really? CSN entered a war they knew they absolutely could not win for a cause they didn't believe in, to honor a treaty that had been canceled but the termination clause not yet run out. All as a matter of principle, that one honors the documents you sign else you mean nothing. Clearly a more rank display of cowardice and disgrace has never been seen on the likes of Planet Bob. And yeah it was a while ago, but since I could cut off my thumb and pinky and still count the wars CSN has been in since then on one hand, well...

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Please point out where in The Commonwealth's history we have been brought to our knees by 'much less than what STA has'.

I think he's mixed up his alliances. I remember that war as well, and it ended with a white peace because CSN and others got involved because treaties were honored instead of broken. Long way down, fairly quick bounce back up. I want to say I fought for about a month.

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Okay, say we come to the aid of STA. What of our other allies - who we perceive to be on the defensive side - that are facing equally unfavourable odds?

I guess hes saying instead of sitting there preaching about how treaties work follow yours or shut up. But that is just how im reading it. I find it interesting that out of all parties involved CnG sits and watches. What are you waiting on.

Dammit i just had to defend an STAer my apologese Heinousone ill try not to let it happen again. :P

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Respectable? I'm pretty sure we had the largest blitz of the war so far. :smug:

Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.

You've at the very least had the largest on your side. Considering that one such alliance had a blitz consisting of 14 declarations, that's not really something I'd be bragging about. :v:

So, kudos to you all for actually fighting.

Edited by Chron
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You're getting soft Bud. :P

Yeah a little I guess I will say this idling in both STA and CSNs channel has been a riot both of you are showing a lot of class and seem to be having fun. All could probably learn something there.

o/ Nukes and sharing a laugh or two with the enemy.

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Definitely a spoiler alert. Also isn't Umbrella in the Citadel with TOP? If so why hasn't TOP defended their allies?

why havent Vanguard defended theres. Stickmen have been countered didnt they just sign a MDOAP with the entire bloc so basically a defacto member? Am I doin it right yet. Also Vanguard with that move you must submit to the rule of King Stumpy and join purple. So says the Paladins Of Purple under the Authority of King Stumpy.

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Hmmm... Chalaskan drops a hint and moments later GoD looks like Legion on the brink of the Dove War.

Well played, gentlemen. Well played indeed.

That'll hurt their collections, especially when we don't (or do? :ph34r: ) declare on them.

God I love paranoia. :smug:

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Dear TOP,

Please take your discussion of declaring war on GOD and how cowardly they are elsewhere. This is not the appropriate venue. We are not GOD. Yes, we are very likely their lackies (or so I've been told), but we still like to pretend that we're not one and the same.

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