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The Following Program has been rated G

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Where did you get this from. You guys are seriously messed up. We lost 6/7 of our NS in the karma war. How would that be possible if we were in peace mode, or are you guys hampered when it comes to numerical calculations. We had fewer people in peace mode last war than you guys have in war mode this war. You sir, are a moron.

I don't believe that's the war he's referring to.

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Where did you get this from. You guys are seriously messed up. We lost 6/7 of our NS in the karma war. How would that be possible if we were in peace mode, or are you guys hampered when it comes to numerical calculations. We had fewer people in peace mode last war than you guys have in war mode this war. You sir, are a moron.

No u

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I never said anything about this announcement offended me, but please continue you passive aggressive mocking, it makes you appear oh so tough and clever.

and you calling this DoW immature makes you...what? holier than thou?

right then. i'll just disregard your posts from now on.

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Say what you want about PC, this is a brave move by a good ally. Its reassuring to see that there is still a few pairs of adamantium testicles hanging off some leaders. Good luck to all.

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I can't believe we might have a global war over \m/. Makes my insides hurt. Good for PC for sticking by their allies, and damn them for the escalation of a stupid issue.

More like a global war because Polaris tried to be 'World Police' and failed. But that's cool. We're down with Nukes.

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Seerow from a military perspective they are doing everything right. I don't know if you do see it and are being dense on purpose or if you really don't realize the strategy.

Oh I realize exactly what they're doing, however we are getting to the point in the game where wars are being fought more through peace than war, and I feel the need to criticize the action. Yes, there is valid strategy behind holding nations in peace, but when we're getting to the point where 75%+ of the the nations involved, and a higher percentage of total NS involved is in peace, it's taking it to the extreme and really defeats the point of ever having a war.

I have since looked at the actual dispositions rather than just the peace mode numbers from the stats page, and see PC is more evenly distributed than \m/ was, I was assuming that the entire upper rank of PC was going to peace like \m/ did. I'm glad to see I was wrong on that account at least. I do not however retract my statement that I feel at any given time you should have more people warring than not if you're actually at war. Or at least make full use of the nations you do have available in war mode, which PC does not seem to have done (though I'll give them 24 until next update to render final judgement on that. The initial DoW numbers just seemed sadeningly low, and I'm inclined to blame that on most of their active nations being sent to peace mode).

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