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Never-before-heard Grämlins tell-all itt


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To those mentioning the MHA Treaty:

Härmlins is uncancellable, but even without the treaty and us being completely "independent" things would be exactly the same.

Also, o/ and stuff.

This. Good stuff, Boondock.

Best of luck.

Edited by Nizzle
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Argent, FOK, and Mushroom Kingdom no longer have any ties to Graemlins.

You dont understand we absolutely have ties to them its just no longer in the form of a written treaty. I know its going to be a pain in the $@! for the E lawyers going forward but I love MK, Argent I spent a long time in and FOK is pretty cool too, I dont want to be not tied to them. On the contrary, I hope this excersise makes it easier for us to be tied to all of our friends.

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The concept of "independence" is one that has long been left for dead, crumpled in a back alley with a bottle of absinthe in its hand. It warms my heart to see it attempted again. I have no doubts about the capacity of the G-men to succeed as an independent force. Indeed, I think this is exactly what they've needed for quite some time now. May it revitalize you.

Edited by Lafayette
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huh.. I think the NSO did it first, all props to them, but yeah.. let's see how this works out for you. Congratulations on freeing yourself (in all seriousness) from unnecessary treaty obligations.

I love how everyone claims the NSO did this first, and completely ignores the treaty they have tying them into Frostbite. I mean... they did do that, right? Or am I completely mistaken and they just started wearing FB sigs to look cool.

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"We don't believe in treaties, because they are dumb. We like friendships. We are just going to keep this one treaty because even though treaties aren't followed and aren't worth the paper they are written on, we were told by this treaty we are not allowed to cancel it."

Grämlins Beta: Making sense since the beginning of Revolution Ramirus.

Good edit, kind sir. ^_^

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huh.. I think the NSO did it first, all props to them, but yeah.. let's see how this works out for you. Congratulations on freeing yourself (in all seriousness) from unnecessary treaty obligations.

NSO hasnt dont squat first. other than run away

This will be interesting, Gre, especially if/when MHA does the same thing

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I love how everyone claims the NSO did this first, and completely ignores the treaty they have tying them into Frostbite. I mean... they did do that, right? Or am I completely mistaken and they just started wearing FB sigs to look cool.

They're referring to the Moldavi Doctrine. Was it really not obvious?

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Just because a treaty has no cancellation clause doesn't mean you can't cancel it.

You could have another alliance cancel as part of surrender terms, for example.

Well this is where I'd make a post about the Codex buuuuuut that would just cause even more problems so I wouldn't do something so silly.

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The concept of "independence" is one that has long been left for dead, crumpled in a back alley with a bottle of absinthe in its hand. It warms my heart to see it attempted again. I have no doubts about the capacity of the G-men to succeed as an independent force. Indeed, I think this is exactly what they've needed for quite some time now. May it revitalize you.

What he said. Picking up where so many others failed; I doubt Gre will be tempted by power the way IRON and NADC were, though.

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huh.. I think the NSO did it first, all props to them, but yeah.. let's see how this works out for you. Congratulations on freeing yourself (in all seriousness) from unnecessary treaty obligations.

When did NSO cancel all their treaties?

Well this is where I'd make a post about the Codex buuuuuut that would just cause even more problems so I wouldn't do something so silly.


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I have no idea where all the "NSO did it first" came from. NSO has treaties, and didn't invent the concept of being able to enter wars at will. The Moldavi Doctrine was more to make a point which appears to have been missed by many.

Edited by bigwoody
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You mean no one pledged to help their friends without a treaty before?

Not only that, NSO itself said, "We're not pioneering anything. We're merely putting down on paper what every sovereign alliance has the ability to do." And now it's all trumpets and pomp & circumstance in attempts to gain a bit of the spotlight.

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Come my tan-faced children,

Follow well in order, get your weapons ready,

Have you your pistols? have you your sharp-edged axes?

I have faith that we can succeed where others have failed. In part, this is because we have never been driven by power.

We've volunteered for fights which were not our own, and struggled to mitigate some that were.

If we are to uphold the principles we have claimed to believe then it is only logical to take the step which unbinds us such that we may not be drawn into wrongdoing nor excluded for righteousness.

We will each have our own ideas about what constitutes these labels but at least now we'll be in a better position to act.

The best of friends need to tell each other when they are wrong; and the worst of enemies should tell each other when they're right.

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We will each have our own ideas about what constitutes these labels but at least now we'll be in a better position to act.

The best of friends need to tell each other when they are wrong; and the worst of enemies should tell each other when they're right.

This, this just made me smile. Because it makes the point of this.

Also, Thanks Nizzle.

Edited by Boondock
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Just because a treaty has no cancellation clause doesn't mean you can't cancel it.

You could have another alliance cancel as part of surrender terms, for example.

That is brilliant.

For all you snarky !@#$%^&* who will get off on pointing out that we can't really go paperless unless we also cancel on MHA:

no u

I call that a victory :smug:

Anyway, have fun guys with this.

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