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The Christmas Miracle

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There are enough former \m/ members in this alliance that it's safe to claim the name once again. I really don't see why MK has such a gigantic issue with this.

Oh right, MK is a group of 12 year old boys that giggle at boobies and "the F word."

Really? I mean...really? I mean, not to go hypocritical on you here but how old are you again?

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However I may not have been a big fan of \m/, its not the same without WarriorConcept or Jason8 at the helm, despite my personal feelings for either.

Congrats on resurrecting another dead alliance, I guess.

You ain't never taking Jason8 away from us. Ever :V

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I love how everyone in the "new \m/" acts with such a high opinion of themselves. The superiority complex and rampant talking down to everyone who disagrees with you or doesn't find you witty or amusing is such an original thing. Why, I've never see that done before.

To be fair, this is hardly a trait restricted to \m/.

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I didn't like you last around. I hope that this time will be different.

You've kicked up enough controversy just by saying you're back. As Oscar Wilde said, "there's only one thing worse than being talked about, and that's not being talked about."

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originality itp

You treat me just like another stranger.

Read the post two above.

And as for the rest, it's still pretty much !@#$%^&* that this is "home" when RAD and then Bel Air contained the exact same members, so this has nothing to do with home, you could call an alliance the 25th dimensional vortex elitists and it'll be home with the right people in it. It's cashing in on former glory, which I might add, is also complete !@#$%^&*, otherwise \m/ would still be here, and wouldn't have folded so easily in the face of any real threat.

[edit:] two above your original post, that is.

Oh hi, Rage Co. here. Not RAD or Bel Air, just about all \m/embers. Also not to mention the former \m/embers who have joined who were not in Rage Co. or Bel Air.

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I didn't like you last around. I hope that this time will be different.

You've kicked up enough controversy just by saying you're back. As Oscar Wilde said, "there's only one thing worse than being talked about, and that's not being talked about."

That is our hope also, especially towards you guys.

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\m/ without WarriorConcept or Jason8, eh?

Good luck boys. I think you're receiving so much drama because you were a former alliance switching to \m/ rather than recreating \m/ from the start.

Nonetheless, good luck, the challenges may be difficult ahead but hopefully you can pull through.

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Oh right, MK is a group of 12 year old boys that giggle at boobies and "the F word."

Jason, you know I like you, but this comment is hypocritical and moronic.

In my opinion, dead alliances should stay dead. Theres a reason TDSM8 hasn't come back to life after we disbanded officially (we still maintained ourselves through the MK merge) and its cause some great things die for a reason, sadly enough. Also, calling MK sellouts is literally retarded. They fought through more hardships than anyone in this game save FAN and Fark. Just because \m/ chose to disband and wait doesn't make those that didn't sellouts.

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It's amusing that so many alliances feel the need to spend their Christmas Eve and Christmas relentlessly bashing this reformation by rephrasing the same thoughts post after post for 15 pages. Exactly what do you hope to accomplish? It always amuses me that people believe that by saying "you suck" as many times as they can, it becomes the truth. What exactly are you expecting, Mushroom Kingdom? If you keep telling them they aren't the real \m/, they'll change their name? They'll go back to being two alliances and the former \m/ who were at other alliances will go back to their former alliances?

I'm dumbfounded watching this all unfold considering how many reformations of alliances have come about in the past. What, is this so much worse? It's no doubt that the end of \m/ was nothing near a gracious fall. Does that change the love that a number of members have for their former alliance? They want their community back together, they want the same fun they had on their IRC and forums, and in a time when Cybernations has seen one of the most dramatic declines in membership that I can remember, they believe that this is something that can be fun. If you can't accept that, then damn, I feel sorry for your alliance and the culture you've adopted.

EDIT: Tags.

Edited by TwistedRebelDB47
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It's amusing that so many alliances feel the need to spend their Christmas Eve and Christmas relentlessly bashing this reformation by rephrasing the same thoughts post after post for 15 pages. Exactly what do you hope to accomplish? It always amuses me that people believe that by saying "you suck" as many times as they can, it becomes the truth. What exactly are you expecting, Mushroom Kingdom? If you keep telling them they aren't the real \m/, they'll change their name? They'll go back to being two alliances and the former \m/ who were at other alliances will go back to their former alliances?

I'm dumbfounded watching this all unfold considering how many reformations of alliances have come about in the past. What, is this so much worse? It's no doubt that the end of \m/ was nothing near a gracious fall. Does that change the love that a number of members have for their former alliance? They want their community back together, they want the same fun they had on their IRC and forums, and in a time when Cybernations has seen one of the most dramatic declines in membership that I can remember, they believe that this is something that can be fun. If you can't accept that, then damn, I feel sorry for your alliance and the culture you've adopted.

EDIT: Tags.

This post makes too much sense and must be destroyed.

*pew* *pew* *kaboom*

Ha ha. Your logic and even handed perspectives will purchase no ground in this ideological battle.

Down with... [checks clipboard]... \m/ and it's obviously fraudulent imposturement!

Edited by Kzoppistan
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It's amusing that so many alliances feel the need to spend their Christmas Eve and Christmas relentlessly bashing this reformation by rephrasing the same thoughts post after post for 15 pages. Exactly what do you hope to accomplish? It always amuses me that people believe that by saying "you suck" as many times as they can, it becomes the truth. What exactly are you expecting, Mushroom Kingdom? If you keep telling them they aren't the real \m/, they'll change their name? They'll go back to being two alliances and the former \m/ who were at other alliances will go back to their former alliances?

I'm dumbfounded watching this all unfold considering how many reformations of alliances have come about in the past. What, is this so much worse? It's no doubt that the end of \m/ was nothing near a gracious fall. Does that change the love that a number of members have for their former alliance? They want their community back together, they want the same fun they had on their IRC and forums, and in a time when Cybernations has seen one of the most dramatic declines in membership that I can remember, they believe that this is something that can be fun. If you can't accept that, then damn, I feel sorry for your alliance and the culture you've adopted.

EDIT: Tags.

Except for the fact that they had their community together under a different name until now. Oh they also had forums and IRC. So your point is kinda moot

Edited by Caesar833
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Except for the fact that they had their community together under a different name until now. Oh they also had forums and IRC. So your point is kinda moot

They merged two alliances together and got members from several others as well and stand to gain more former members who have scattered to alliances throughout Cybernations. Maybe you don't know as many people as I do who have stated that if \m/ were to reform, they would immediately leave their current alliance to be a part of it. I don't know about your alliance, but Poison Clan doesn't allow people outside of our alliance into our member-only forums and IRC.

So your point is kind of moot.

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