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Alliance with the most power per NS


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You'd be a fool to say any one or two alliances have the most military power.

There are many alliances which have more pull in their area of CN than others, and thus hold the most power. But not all of it can be seen simply by looking at the alliances, nor can even the most "in the know" people realize how much power any single alliance has until all their cards are on the table. Everyone is holding an ace up the sleeve, it's all about what kind of hand that ace will make for them.

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I'm surprised at the very few mentions of Fark. Fark is definitely up there with MK here.

i would have to say it may be due primarily to the limited posting on the OWF by FARK. thus, it is hard for many of us outside of FARK or their allies to truly gauge their political power.

oh and i should note, i based my list pretty much on political power as i am too lazy to compare stats to get military power.

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I was thinking Aircastle as soon as I read the OP, but now I see it's not original :( They're still my choice militarily. Vanguard would be a close runner-up.

As powerful as NpO and TOP are, I just can't say that they're #1 per NS. TOP could make a case for being near #1 in that category if I could just see them fight an all out war (I hate to say that because people will think I'm taking the usual "TOP never fights approach") but I just have nothing to base their military power on yet. The reason I still leave Aircastle there is because even if they aren't as great as they're anticipated to be, per NS they have incredible preparation. Though I can only imagine both Aircastle and TOP do well with all their wonders and presumably large warchests.

Politically is a tougher question. If I can think of a solid answer I'll edit it in here.

Edit: Actually I think TOP wins the political one, almost solely because they have IRON with them no matter what, and IRON brings in a couple other relatively large alliances. These in my opinion are all centered around what TOP does though which gives them some rather hefty political bulk.

Edited by Drai
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That is one butt-ugly avatar you've got, Roq.

How can you not like Lady Gaga?

My answer:

Politically: RIA. For their size, they have plenty of influence. They aren't an alliance on the cusp of a sanction or anything, but Delta has done wonders with FA.

Military: Aircastle, I guess, but they haven't been tested.

Edited by Antoine Roquentin
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Apparently some people don't know the meaning of "Per NS", it means being huge is a disadvantage.

Politically, I'd say any micro alliance with a MADP to a large one.

Militarily depends on hidden stuff, but Aircastle wins if they have the warchest, coordination, and activity to back up their wonders.

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For military force it has to be a Citadel alliance. They don't have fluff, a larger proportion of their NS is tech (increased damage) and they have a lot of military wonders. I'd probably give it to Umbrella, but Grämlins shouldn't be underestimated either. TOP are seriously awesome but a lot of that is absolute power, so they don't win this one.

Politically, STA take some beating; they're a small and militarily fairly weak alliance, yet they command huge respect across the game and when Tyga speaks, the world listens. I don't think any other alliance of that size has comparable political weight.

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Politically: I'll go with Vanguard, GOD, iFOK. Lower NS alliances(well, compared to the MKs and Farks of the world anyway) that wield a large amount of political power.

Militarily: Aircastle. Also, Aircastle isn't the new OG because(as far as I know) OG was created from a group of large mostly GPA nations who decided to form their own alliance. They were huge nations when they started out. Aircastle on the other hand started off as low NS nations and made themselves into what they are today(which is pretty cool). Also, I find their approach to nation building very interesting, especially the whole "now that you're part of Aircastle, your slots and resources go to the greater good of the alliance). The whole collective thing they have going is really efficient. For second place it's Umbrella.

edit: For all of you guys listing TOP, I don't think you realize that this is political/military power per NS. :P

Edited by President Obama
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My God, Aircastle has 22 nukes per member. I think they win the military power per NS. Having all your members in the same NS range is very important.

Also, going to go with STA for most political power per NS, they are a smallish-mid sized alliance that nonetheless is close to as politically powerful as any of the large alliances. They're also one of the most respected alliances across the political spectrum.

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I'm biased, but I'll make an argument for my own alliance. Firstly, we are allied with STA, MK, & NpO...which are all mentioned in this thread. We've got many other allies as well along with a plethora of protectorates. Which equates to a lot of political clout in regards to world affairs and projected military strength, especially considering our "Alliances" our more along the lines of genuine friendships as opposed too security blankets. Not to mention, were generally regarded with a bunch of respect for our morals and history which assists us in the political realm. Furthermore, as an alliance of 123 members; our Avg NS is pretty high for alliances our size and strength. In addition, we've got a plethora of military wonders along with economic wonders in comparison to others our size. Not to forget, we are nearly half our membership size(At our peak, 240 now sitting at 124); yet we've had more NS now then in our entire history. (We were at 4 mil during the No CB War; Half that in membership and strength and then rebuild with it to where were at now.) We've also had quite the prominent roster of players whom have held a role in our ranks.

That being said, I believe my alliance is pretty powerful all things considered. Albeit, I'll concede that we aren't the strongest in the bunch...The Mushreich can have that award. :smug:

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The Umushgräm Kingdox.


On topic: Militarily, i would have to go with Aircastle, as most other people have. As Hayzell said, having your whole alliance in one strength range is awesome on the battlefront. Everyone can help everyone out, and assigning targets would be easier, i think. Not having to go through your member list and find who all is in that range, you'd only have to find someone to hit and there would be 3 people who could be on them. Not only that, but if i recall correctly they are all RL friends, so coordination would be much easier. And with all of them having 8.5k infra (WRC's too, i presume) and as much tech as they can get, along with them not spending money on infra every so often their warchests must be amazing. They would roll 4-6 people (roll them hard too) in the 50-60k range.

Political: Idk bout that stuff.

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edit: For all of you guys listing TOP, I don't think you realize that this is political/military power per NS. :P

Even per member I still think TOP is a strong contender for political, for the reasons I listed in the post before.

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