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As in, members of CNARF or from that time period? Cause I don't think Vox had a $%&@ of a lot to do with tech raiding, so if that's what you were saying I missed your point.

I think what he was saying was that CNARF and its members wanted a change the in the status quo, probably the weakening of WUT. If so, that's good with me. Although, it is hilarious thinking of Doitzel and Walford working together.

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I think what he was saying was that CNARF and its members wanted a change the in the status quo, probably the weakening of WUT. If so, that's good with me. Although, it is hilarious thinking of Doitzel and Walford working together.


Seems kind of backwards because Vox members risked EZI whereas CNARF was founded and backed by actual alliances, often with almost no risk attached, and folded as soon as they got called on their inability to actually do anything about it.

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ChairmanHal2009 to ChairmanHal2007:

Welcome to Cyber Nations.

I don't have a long to explain things, so I'll be brief. You're already figuring out this isn't !@#$%*. In about a month, a massive war is going to break out. As it approaches, you will decide that you better finally join an alliance and will pick one that is neutral in the coming fight. Instead go here: http://z10.invisionfree.com/ImperialConfederacy/index.php?

You will have 6 months to save them, after which another massive war will break out and all will be lost. There are ...det...I'm afrai....this trans..ssion....................................................................


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Oh, also:

Vinzent Zeppelin of November 2007: Watch out for threads with which spies could have a field day. Get Renolds kicked out. Tell Wartides to chill.

Vinzent Zeppelin of April 2008: Stop Kingzog.

Vinzent Zeppelin of July 2009: Stop Kingzog.

(Edit: You know your costume is great when you do a double-take at the post you just wrote.)

Edited by Vinzent Zeppelin
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I LOL'd!!!

I wonder how many Vox were CNARF era men and how happy and amazed they'd be right now at the state of the verse. o/

I was NPO. We supported GGA's anti-CNARF efforts. Furthermore, despite being anti-tech raiding myself, I saw CNARF as laughable, tech raiding while trying to take a moral high ground. Starfox was >_< and a big raider at that time. Doitzel was NPO. Sponge was NpO. And I think most others were on that side of the web as well, with a few exceptions.

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sender: terveis2009

to: terveis may8th2008

Hi, everyone knows that NoV is about to get stomped really hard, and your alliance has an MADP with them, do you think its a good idea to buy infra with ALL your warchest now? (hint, its not)


Or i would advice me to join FCC sooner, all those waisted days in other alliances... :|

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Why 76?

Because (ironic considering this topic) I am living in the past. It was my jersey number from gradeschool football through highschool. Back when I started using the internet (the days of BBS') I was still in highschool and playing. I've used Stetson76 as my primary user name for roughly 18 years now. <sigh>

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"Don't go spy hunting against Valhalla. You suck at it."

To be fair, inventing a spy out of thin air is a tough assignment.

For myself it would probably be never joining \m/ or helping found Purge. \m/ was the reason I met chefjoe and Lysdexia so it wasn't all bad though.

Edited by Bob Sanders
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To LJ of October 2007: Just withdraw the money and don't buy the flag D:

But then it never would have provided so many lols :v:

To Azaghul of July-September 2008:

Get an MP so you can keep buying nukes in the war. Resist more strongly the pressure more to pay reps off really quickly: apply the principles about front-loading rebuilding to large nations to tech producers as well and don't convert any large nations to reps. Things will still work out great without any of this, this is just your future self being anal.

Edited by Azaghul
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