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This is Our Declaration of Existance


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Do you really think we are that stupid, we don't fly the TNCN alliance unless we have completed our mission and are going inactive until deleted as a sign of victory. We don't use obvious names, we are very covert. I am was a long standing member of planet bob, I have been shafted by big alliances enough...and now its personal.

Says the 3NS in peacemode guy

Wouldn't such "terrorism" strike marginally more fear and be slightly more successful if it was not announced to world at large?

But then we couldn't troll it!

Wampler was one of CN's most skillfull rogues of the modern era, he was wanted by no less then a dozzen major alliances, sanctioned on nearly every colour sphere, he had ZI's and bounty hunters on him constantly but at the end of the day no one could stop him... accept when someone recently reported him to admin and had him deleated. He's CN's billy the kid...

Why'd he get deleted tho?


Official Communique

Bel Air hereby declares itself to be in a state of war with the Terrorism Nations of CN.

We also would like to declare our immediate victory in this conflict and our thanks to those brave men and women who tazed this unruly individual.

Well done gentlemen, Mission Accomplished.


I officially love Bel-Air

P.S- I think this is like the main purpose of this thread lol

I'm just waiting for RyanGDI to sign an oDoAP with them.

Well aren't we all?

I see, I see we have our first DoW!

I cannot wait to see you try!!!!

Now if you are here to gawk and have your lulz go elsewhere, if you want to join stop by the forums: http://cnterror.tk

Oh and tazing only hurts for a second...i mean really


Try what?! I don't know of any alliances that have members at 3NS that would waste time attacking you

this is where im glad rok doesn't buy its members with big packets of new member aid... i can just image TNCN's battle plan....

1: start new nation

2: sign up with alliance that offers at least 3 mill new member aid

3: run with the dollars, go rogue and hit your target

4: post the results on the forums

5: re-roll and repeat

Nah. That would be too simple

goons.gif Bel-Air goons.gif

A Brief Announcement from the Moralist Front

The Moralist Front takes threats of terrorism very seriously. TNCN clearly possesses the capability of doing grave damage to both TMF and her friends and allies. As such, the Moralist Front hereby recognizes a state of war with TNCN. This war will end once TNCN surrenders unconditionally to the forces of TMF.

tl;dr: Terrorism isn't cool unless you're moralizing while doing it.

I officially say that TMF wins!!! :lol1:


I, Krausberg, declare on TNCN... Oh wait I can't... Oh well

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As a former e-terrorist myself, I will give you this advice.

*Pick one target alliance and one target only.

*Try and track aid packages and attack recipients to steal the money.

*Infiltrate their ranks and leak embarrassing info whenever it doesn't endanger your spies' identity.

*Don't get big enough to fight people with airplanes. They will make your life miserable.

*Don't let your emotions get in the way of your mission.

Best of luck to you.

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The Aqua Defense Initiative is on full alert for terrorist activity. We will protect ourselves from this truly grave threat. :lol1:

Seriously... Kids, don't do drugs.

Edit: Or in this case, can I have some of whatever you are smoking?

Edited by John Warbuck
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I like how the people who claim they have been longstanding members of the Cyberverse always ending up having the worst grammar.

Best of luck in this endeavor. Oh, can you terrorize IAA? We're a bit bored.

I'm not going to lie. My grammar could be improved upon a lot. The fact is I struggle to see the significance. Although I'd assume you'd attempt to improve if you wanted to be a political figure within the planet bob.

Although your grammar isn't perfect. "Always ending up," you mean, "Always end up" right?

Edited by Tick1
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Tell you what. With your skill at rapidly building a nation, get up to around 16k NS and I'll give your terrorist soldiers/citizens a new special ability: Radioactivity.

(To everyone else lolling at the low NS level w/ nukes, screw you guys, I got nuked a lot )): )

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Tell you what. With your skill at rapidly building a nation, get up to around 16k NS and I'll give your terrorist soldiers/citizens a new special ability: Radioactivity.

(To everyone else lolling at the low NS level w/ nukes, screw you guys, I got nuked a lot )): )

You should be the terrorist. That would make it more interesting...

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I was the greatest CN terrorist to ever live. You sir, are a disgrace.

I vote for Admin during every big war. He's so good he totally destroys our whole world around update, just to inconvenience us. I bet he laughs as he does it. And the best part, you never assume it's him. Ebil, ebil man.

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Dear Terrorist person, are your headquarters like Rebillon's before someone was kind enough to construct a moat and a wall for them? If they are indeed without moats and walls, i am happy to say that you shall be seeing a lot of marine traffic headed your way, particularly boats that are in various stages of capsizing, with witty comments under the images, about the boats having arrived.

(To everyone else lolling at the low NS level w/ nukes, screw you guys, I got nuked a lot )): )

O really? I had no idea, i feel for your loss :P

Also, good sir, your NS is way higher than SystemFailure's and he Nukes a person every week or so.

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So what are you going to do? Gather a handful of small nations and attack large alliances? Half the time you may just end up targeting a ghost, and in the event you do hit an actually member, they will aid him and destroy you quickly. Quite frankly this is a futile effort that can best be compared to waving around your arms and yelling as loud as you can. Really, accomplishes nothing.

Now, if you really want to cause panic I'd advise starting a spy ring. Most information, although not very valuable it may be, is enough to make people feel violated. You're up in their homes causing trouble. Or if you have the patience and the intelligence, make yourself a plant. Cause trouble in the government eventually. However, I sincerely doubt you have what it takes to pull that off. So have fun doing whatever it is you want to do. As long as you feel like you're a somebody, well, it is the thought that counts.

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So what are you going to do? Gather a handful of small nations and attack large alliances? Half the time you may just end up targeting a ghost, and in the event you do hit an actually member, they will aid him and destroy you quickly. Quite frankly this is a futile effort that can best be compared to waving around your arms and yelling as loud as you can. Really, accomplishes nothing.

You should listen to RV - he speaks with a great deal of experience on both, futile attacks and yelling loudly

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I'm not going to lie. My grammar could be improved upon a lot. The fact is I struggle to see the significance. Although I'd assume you'd attempt to improve if you wanted to be a political figure within the planet bob.

Although your grammar isn't perfect. "Always ending up," you mean, "Always end up" right?

I don't mean the silly little mistakes like what I made and what you say that you make. But not even using capital letters is a different story. :P

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