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Cybernations Fantasy Draft

Kim Jaym Il

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Lots of us. But Hoo is still cool.

The_Aut should never be in power.

AUT isn't a bad person, he is very passionate about what he believes in. And for better or worse, that is a great quality to have in a leader.

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Passion is good, when tempered by good decision making. Passion coupled with poor decisions is not a recipe for success.

I'm sure he's an ok person to talk to, but I would never want him running an alliance I am a part of. I'm sure the same can be said for me outside my small circle of friends.

However, since this is an opinion thread, in MY opinion, he would be near the top of the list of the fantasy government I would avoid like the bubonic plague crossed with Avian and H1N1 flus, topped with anthrax.

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OK I'll play but I'm going old school and corporate style:

Chairman of the Board: Ivan Moldavi

Board of Directors: Pope Hope, Electron Sponge, Pingu, Myself

Chief Executive Officer (Defense): Quercus

Chief Operating Officer (Interior): SocCarolina

Chief Financial Officer: Floyd

Chief Information Officers (Intelligence): Yenisey, Evil Cartyen

Senior Vice President Marketing (Foreign Affairs): Dilber

Marketing Directors: Sir Paul, Zunea, Cortath, Doitzel

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My personal preference list of personalities. And this is dead serious:

Emperor: Ivan Moldavi

Regent: Tygaland

Foreign Affairs Council: Doitzel, Lennox, RandomInterrupt, Archon, AirMe, and Electron Sponge.

War Council: Anthony, Bakunin's Dream, Rebel Virginia, Seerow, and the rest of the JrComm I couldn't remember. Sorry guys!

Internal Affairs Council: Cortath, Sir_Paul, Heft, and Doppelganger.

Forum Presence (Troll Squad): Chron, Jack Diorno, Z'Ha'Dum, Opethian.

Of course, the latter group does not preclude the rest from participating in said forum shenans. Its just these are the best group of folks I could think of who wouldnt have any place in legitimate government.

I realize this post is a few days old but I would join this line up in an instant. Although really, most of those names are in Frostbite already. Seriously though, best line up in the thread.

Me, Schatt, Dilber, Chimaera and Random, all in the same alliance government? Are you sure about this? Because I only see chaos coming from this line up.

Dilber is the the only would I wouldn't work with. Not denying his talent, he just operates under a different set of morals than me. The rest though looks pretty good. I have had some dealings with everyone else and they've always been good to work with.

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Passion is good, when tempered by good decision making. Passion coupled with poor decisions is not a recipe for success.

I'm sure he's an ok person to talk to, but I would never want him running an alliance I am a part of. I'm sure the same can be said for me outside my small circle of friends.

However, since this is an opinion thread, in MY opinion, he would be near the top of the list of the fantasy government I would avoid like the bubonic plague crossed with Avian and H1N1 flus, topped with anthrax.

There's a reason why I've had to build my AA from just myself. However I've not been listed at the top of the list of a fantasy government. I've just listed as being on war councils, that's just about it though. Which makes me think you're targeting me for the hell of it.

And thank you AirMe.

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Yes, it's all a big conspiracy to keep you down.

If that's what I wanted to do, I'd do more than just make a note of disagreement with anyone putting you in any sort of position of power. Climb down off the cross.

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Yes, it's all a big conspiracy to keep you down.

If that's what I wanted to do, I'd do more than just make a note of disagreement with anyone putting you in any sort of position of power. Climb down off the cross.

Give me a post where it lists me as high government in any alliance.

All I did was make a statement about Hoo and you come out with, "The_Aut should never be in power"

Quit being obssessed with me, I've never even talked to you before. :unsure:

Not that I care for your opinion, but I certainly do of others.

Edited by The AUT
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I just spit my breakfast all over the screen. Courtesy my rear. No name calling or picking on someone? HA. Well documented thread on Aqua forums there is. Gentleman to MK he was not. But yeah, for the most part he wasn't a bad guy.

Wow...I just went Yoda there for a couple of lines.

This. Hoo was a good leader there is no denying that, but courtesy was not his forte. Also, I happen to like the AUT. As was pointed out, passion and conviction help shape a good leader and AUT has that in droves.

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Ivan is pretty popular, as is Archon, and I'm completely sure both of them have many more skills than Hoo. I personally liked the man while he was head of Ragnarok, but there are much better leaders than he.

I never used Ivan or Archon's name.

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My personal preference list of personalities. And this is dead serious:

Emperor: Ivan Moldavi

Regent: Tygaland

Foreign Affairs Council: Doitzel, Lennox, RandomInterrupt, Archon, AirMe, and Electron Sponge.

War Council: Anthony, Bakunin's Dream, Rebel Virginia, Seerow, and the rest of the JrComm I couldn't remember. Sorry guys!

Internal Affairs Council: Cortath, Sir_Paul, Heft, and Doppelganger.

Forum Presence (Troll Squad): Chron, Jack Diorno, Z'Ha'Dum, Opethian.

Of course, the latter group does not preclude the rest from participating in said forum shenans. Its just these are the best group of folks I could think of who wouldnt have any place in legitimate government.

Edit: Typing is terrible as usual.

This government would be ... interesting. To say the least.

hey Random, first to 50 MDPs wins?

I really wanted Doitzel in there somewhere (he's pretty great), but I'd have no idea where to stick him.

That's what she said.

I notice a lot of people in their choices for propaganda and such haven't got a clue what it takes to build a public image, heh.

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I notice a lot of people in their choices for propaganda and such haven't got a clue what it takes to build a public image, heh.

A Minister of Propaganda doesn't really build the alliance's image... That's for the FA guys. Propaganda guys manage fun publications and the like (Tabloid Tribune, etc).


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This government would be ... interesting. To say the least.

hey Random, first to 50 MDPs wins?

I'll consider it a compliment.
I notice a lot of people in their choices for propaganda and such haven't got a clue what it takes to build a public image, heh.
Zha's an excellent hitman when you need dirty trolling, and I consider propaganda and such to be the realm of Internal affairs. Aside from that, I hope you're not including me in that assessment. <_<
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In regards to the AUT conversation:

AUT is a decent guy to talk to, and for the most part a good ally and friend. Unfortunately, he lacks serious diplomatic abilities, and is a poor communicator.

That said, he can do a very good job in specific areas of focus.

Edited by New Frontier
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Comparing the two, especially in this forum is a bit far fetched my purple friend

But I remember your apology fondly ;)

Both loud mouth leaders? Check

Both leaders of smaller alliances close tied to the NPO (at time)? Check.

Both thin skinned? Check

Both removed from office (though one was allowed to resign) after overestimating leash length from NPO? Check.

No, completely unalike. (Of course, noWedge was especially bad and VH was not at quite that level of &#33;@#&#036;%ry).

Oh and get off your knees son, the reward isn't worth the effort.

Edited by Hymenbreach
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In regards to the AUT conversation:

AUT is a decent guy to talk to, and for the most part a good ally and friend. Unfortunately, he lacks serious diplomatic abilities, and is a poor communicator.

It's called being a guy. I think I told you once I tend to prefer girls in communication positions in alliances. :P

But thank you for your compliment, you were a good ally when we still had our old alliances. But, don't forget, I was able to get Kait off your guys' back.

Edited by The AUT
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Both loud mouth leaders? Check

Both leaders of smaller alliances close tied to the NPO (at time)? Check.

Both thin skinned? Check

Both removed from office (though one was allowed to resign) after overestimating leash length from NPO? Check.

No, completely unalike. (Of course, noWedge was especially bad and VH was not at quite that level of &#33;@#&#036;%ry).

Oh and get off your knees son, the reward isn't worth the effort.

It's funny because you think NPO could have removed him if they had tried.

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Both removed from office (though one was allowed to resign) after overestimating leash length from NPO? Check.

Turn your neck around, walk and look towards the light. While it may distress you at first, with time, your vision will grow clearer. Soon, your sight will grow steady and you will be able to gaze upon all. While it may be tempting to dismiss all, that the shadows are truer than the objects you will see, fear not, for one will be able to see one's proper place and distinguish reality from fiction.

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Hmm, I see a lot of Chey mentions...interesting

Emperor: Ivan Moldavi (NSO)

Regent: Feanor Noldorin (TOP)

Minister of Propaganda: Delta1121 (RIA)

Minister of Foreign Affairs: Haflinger (Invicta)

Minister of Finance: The Arbiter (The Legion)

Minister of Defense: mpol (FAN)

Minister of Internal Affairs: Flonker (M*A*S*H)

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