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Pro-Piracy Act of 2009


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I think you forgot to include your alliance in the equation.

Okay, ask me which alliance I picked as the "joke".

E: For clarification.

If you're putting MK and GOONS together, as opposed to being on your side, then, by all means go ahead. We're buddies like that.

Now, I'll let you decide whi... no, I'll tell you: Bel Air is a joke. A bad one with that.

Just to be clear, how do you pronounce "FLATHOPULSA"?

Edited by potato
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Nice throwback announcement, I guess. <_<

I can't say this will end well. Then again I can't say that anyone will have sufficient gonads to set up GOONS to take a fall for it. I recall similar outrage when NSO made its announcement regarding its intervention policy, but NSO seems rather intact, as does its policy.

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You're looking for a 'good reputation' by taking on the mantle of high profile champions of tech raiding? I don't think that will work well.

Gave them a +1 in my reputation tracker which means it's at least working B).

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With this new act what are your thoughts on the possibility of causing possibly new productive players to leave the game?

While it is very easy for you to declare that they must 'grow a pair' surely the new nations must learn the ways of the game before you and your go marching into their nations?

I know if I were raided and my nation were ruined within the first few weeks of playing I'd probably not have bothered with re-rolling back then. Now however, I've learned after playing for a good 2 years that even if I were curbstomped I could re-roll and it would be worth the time to do so, and to rebuild my nation.

When you are new you lack such foresight and knowledge of the game, thus your actions would be deterring players from the game and damaging to the community.

Edited by Johnny Apocalypse
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moot point. You're offering assistance to attackers regardless of how well the defender has repelled the attacks.

I'm offering nothing, they are. And those who are defending should have found their own champions of justice to save them before the attacker did. Their own fault for failing again. So sayeth the Great Queen Spider!

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With this new act what are your thoughts on the possibility of causing possibly new productive players to leave the game?

I guess the question is what you consider 'productive'. We consider growth through tech raiding to be 'productive', while some people consider sitting in peace mode for their entire CN lives to be 'productive'.

While it is very easy for you to declare that they must 'grow a pair' surely the new nations must learn the ways of the game before you and your go marching into their nations?

[ooc]What better way to teach them 'the ways of the game' than to involve them directly? You don't learn to war in this game via osmosis...you have to get a feel for the way Admin coded this sucker.[/ooc] Rewarding nations that are willing to do things the fun way is hardly an atrocious policy.

I know if I were raided and my nation were ruined within the first few weeks of playing I'd probably not have bothered with re-rolling back then. Now however, I've learned after playing for a good 2 years that even if I were curbstomped I could re-roll and it would be worth the time to do so, and to rebuild my nation.

That's peachy. We're not talking about you, however. It takes a certain personality to accept our offer...this is the kind of personality we're looking for.

When you are new you lack such foresight and knowledge of the game, thus your actions would be deterring players from the game and damaging to the community.

You know what's damaging to the community? Daisy crowns, patchuli oil and lack of soap.

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Well, this is an original point of view.

Like other comparable original points of view ("you can't use nukes, otherwise...", "you can't stay in Peace Mode, otherwise...", etc.) it will backfire sooner or later. I'd bet sooner rather than later (but I am known to make horribly wrong guesses at times).

I thus wish the GOONS to fully enjoy this policy of theirs, while they can.

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This would have been amusing a year or two ago. [...] A pale imitation of the original lacking any new material.

This announcement has nothing to do with you, my good man. It's not about you and I'm not sure why you're trying to take GOONS' light.

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Right, I said exactly that they don't like you because you disagree with me are a bad poster.

Right, because you actually actually like to address points and not flirt with the poster you ace poster you?

Things like your following statements, where you ignore that most recruitment PMs also outline the guides and training most established alliances provide? You are one ace poster. Who wouldn't love you?

If you're going to attack try not to violate your own line of argument while doing so. Let me get us back on track, we're talking about unaligned players, those who have no access to such things.

Edited by FreddieMercury
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With this new act what are your thoughts on the possibility of causing possibly new productive players to leave the game?

While it is very easy for you to declare that they must 'grow a pair' surely the new nations must learn the ways of the game before you and your go marching into their nations?

I know if I were raided and my nation were ruined within the first few weeks of playing I'd probably not have bothered with re-rolling back then. Now however, I've learned after playing for a good 2 years that even if I were curbstomped I could re-roll and it would be worth the time to do so, and to rebuild my nation.

When you are new you lack such foresight and knowledge of the game, thus your actions would be deterring players from the game and damaging to the community.


Plenty of people have disagreed with me without being mocked.

Oh please. People who actually stayed respectful and tried to make an level headed argument were whole heartily mocked by you people like Haf, Kulo and Jyrinx.

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With this new act what are your thoughts on the possibility of causing possibly new productive nation leaders to leave Planet Bob?

While it is very easy for you to declare that they must 'grow a pair' surely the new nations must learn the ways of the world before you and your go marching into their nations?

I know if I were raided and my nation were ruined within the first few weeks here I'd probably not have bothered with re-creating my nation back then. Now however, I've learned after being on Planet Bob for a good 2 years that even if I were curbstomped I could re-create my nation and it would be worth the time to do so.

When you are new you lack such foresight and knowledge of Planet Bob, thus your actions would be deterring nation leaders from staying and damaging to the community.

FTFY <_<

I have always felt that a significant portion of those that bandwagoned against the UjP during GW IV were alliance leaders who at some point in time got hit by raiders and survived, had friends that did, or had a significant number of their alliance's members who were former raid victims.

So in that respect, the "Karma War" (aka GW VI) was in reality the third karma war.

Maybe this ends with GOONS 2.0 ending up like GOONS 1.0, maybe they become the terrors of Planet Bob. But you know what they accomplished above all right now, don't you?

That's right, we're talking about them and they are getting some quality page 1 OWRP time. Truth be told that's all they really wanted and I'd have to say, "mission accomplished".

EDIT: spelling is fundamental

Edited by ChairmanHal
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This would have been amusing a year or two ago. Now its like watching a GOONS cover band. A pale imitation of the original lacking any new material.

I guess we could say the same thing about you, except for the part about original material (which you never had).

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I guess we could say the same thing about you, except for the part about original material (which you never had).

That's a pretty rich statement coming from someone in an alliance that consists almost entirely of recycled parts. Even your alliance flag was lifted, de-colorized, and a red star put in place of the gold one.

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STA raids and they're arguably their closest ally, soooo....

Ignorant statement on my part for sure then. -_-

However STA does have a very "humane" way of doing it. It's a simple raid and in fact they have a license to raid properly. GOONS is doing something a bit different and more "GOONish" per se.

Good luck I guess, I just hope you guys don't go off making the wrong people angry with you.

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