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  1. Learn the difference between there and their and then propose solutions.
  2. Well this was a waste of my time...but thanks AUT, good to know.
  3. I would guess he probably would know. And the expanded logs show a more detailed explanation of his reasoning. I have listened to both sides and personally I think you deserve whatever you damn well get.
  4. Unless it's soon and involves every bloc on the planet I won't be impressed.
  5. * What drew you to your alliance? I technically don't have an alliance (I should probably talk to AirMe about finishing off my debt...) but I liked Ronin's theme and the people * Why have you stayed in your alliance, what makes it better (in your mind) than maybe a larger alliance? Again, don't have one technically. Would have stayed if I took the game seriously and wanted to actually work in it. But they were cool, fun, and let me wander the forums freely so that was nice. * Why, in your opinion, do people "hop" alliances? They're looking for some place that fits...or their dicks and nobody likes them. * What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow? African or European swallow?
  6. Yes, you're strongly worded letter about how put out you are about their silly shenanigans has really got them running scared. They'll never step on your lawn again by George!
  7. So I got to page 2...and then I just had to post. At that point it appeared that they were merely refusing to pay 3 mil per person, which from a 5K nation is absolutely reasonable as there is no !@#$@#$ way he did that much damage, and you were not going to declare war either way. Now this may have changed....but I doubt it will have changed enough to make me change my post much. What was the bloody point of this damn post? I mean...it's blatantly stupid. First off, if you're trying to shame them or pressure them into changing their minds it's not gonna work (it's Stickmen for christ's sake!). Secondly, ya kinda look like tools, especially for the manner in which the topic was posted. And thirdly, it just makes everyone think you're a bit spineless (well not everyone but I do and I think I saw a few others posting similar things). And honestly, if they are refusing to pay outright this whole last paragraph still stands.
  8. I disagree. Yes, you may adopt a remarkably similar attitude and similar mannerisms with your character as in real life but it is still a character. Odds are you will act differently in some way. I, for example, am far less aggressive and, sometimes, matter of fact with what I think in RL. I also curse a lot more. However, that is neither befitting of a ruler (well...ok, of my personal view of a ruler) nor a welcome addition of a game. When I get emotional about something in RL I am far less likely to show it than I will here, simply because the emotions of my character are simply that, they are not truly me and it's not a real event happening (you know what I mean here, don't get all antsy about it). Yeah, in RL I still screw around a lot, I still don't take a lot of things seriously and most times I'd just as soon have fun as win and that does cross over to here. However, that's not me not making a character, just me taking aspects of myself that I like and applying them to my character. I know plenty of people who OOC are noticeably different than in game, even if the difference is only slight.
  9. That may be true, but it does not disprove his statement in the slightest.
  10. Actually I think you're the one who utterly missed the point of his post. Not the second one mind, but the first. The one you need an actual iota of intellect to understand.
  11. You forgot TDSM8. Most major alliance in the history of the CyberVerse and of Planet Bob in particular. EDIT: Hrm...thought more people were posting. Sorry for the double post.
  12. Actually I think he was making a guess as to what Cortath's reign would be like. It's one I strongly agree with.
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