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Nevar Fergit


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Sick stats, Remembers me of my days of MoD of FOK in UJW. We had almost the most offensive wars (356) of the entire UJP coalition, only GOONS had more. While we only had 13% anarchies.

I also remember entering #Unjustmassacre and immediately knew that we wouldn't win the war because of the total mess and disorganization in the channel and on our side. I remember taking the decision to engage NTO. TPF (Slayer) was planning to hit them, but TPF was needed on the Polar front so I volunteered FOK for the job. After we (FOK 1,6 million) hit NTO (around 1,2 million) -aid- hit us (around 900k). We were beating them kinda easy and I was really afraid that NPO was going to hit us and / or superfriends. (being the only fronts were the UJP was winning.) Luckily a few days later GATO (4 million) bandwagonned on us instead of NPO using a PIAT with -aid- to declare war on FOK. GATO were really incompetent at that time, and they attacked up instead of down, and didn't fire cm's and stuff. In the end GATO was forced to a ceasefire with the help of TOP and Gremlins. With their help we also managed to get -aid- to surrender which was the first surrender in the war.

Edited by Timmehhh
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I spent several sleepless days and nights vying to do the best for my membership under my command. Entirely too much effort really, and hope was had that things would turn out well.

Then I got to watch everything I worked for and stood for turn sour and face what was surely a firing squad with no hope of escape. I did what I could to help who I could for as long as I could until I myself lost hope. That's the only thing I regret about those days, is in the end having to give up and knowing that I was letting people like Schatt down.

It was the end of an era. Maybe things are better that way, time will tell.

Edited by Tristesse
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Ah, the Unjust War. An interesting time. I was serving my ridiculously long 10 month or so EZI sentence when the war started. I knew it was an oppurtunity to get off EZI, so very early on I offered my services to Norden Verein, knowing they needed the most help. As a result, I was let off EZI. Unfortunately, my short span in Norden Verein led to me being labeled a Nazi by people such as Slayer, which wound up destroying the first Vox Populi. But, it was still a good time, and I met many friends in NoV, such as Martens, Zeppelin, Emperor B, etc

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Firstly you missed the most important flag: emot-scotland.gif

As for UjW I was getting blue balled waiting to enter whilst NPO, and finally getting the disappointment of going up against GOLD.

Also had one of the best DoW's ever from =LOST=

I remember telling you to make those lists. You did a fine job of it too, along with a few others. Did most of the work too. But yes, I was alone advocating that we declare war or GOONS, MK, or \m/ (specifically GOONS and MK so I could deal with the traitors that now resided there - yes, I was quite disappointed I did not get that satisfaction). Musso I believe wanted to as well, but I am not entirely sure. I do know that I was really alone in the government at that time, and preaching for months before that war with GOONS was inevitable (which they denied even though I knew otherwise). Despite what they said about not wanting the war, we knew about it the whole time and approved of it. We would have fought on a real front, but as Koona told me, "GOONS had a lot of nukes," and after the beating FAN gave us, the Imperial Officers didn't want anymore. I was peeved and disgusted beyond words, so I tried to lobby for attacking TPF instead. I was then informed that TPF would be defecting in three days and attacking either GOONS or \m/. Due bear in mind that this was before the controversy which erupted shortly after. Slayer used it as an excuse to bail earlier, but have no doubt in your mind that is was what he had planned all along. But yes, my vocal nature in the private channels of the NPO at the time on the handling of the war, in addition to my questioning of Moo's leadership with Umbrae (in private and confidentiality, which I do believe somehow became known to my superior) in light of the aftermath of Anthony's expulsion and his coup of Moldavi, is what eventually led to my forced retirement. Although I won't deny that I did step down, it was only after being marginalized to the point of redundancy at best, and uselessness at most, and after being told repeatedly that I "needed a vacation." But that is another story for another day.

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The Unjust war was very interesting indeed. I was in MK at the time as a Assistant to AirMe (Deputy of Foreign Affairs) because I had just merged TDSM8 into MK due to the upcoming war. In my opinion, I knew a storm was coming and TDSM8 could do nothing to help GOONS by ourselves. We just weren't coordinated. So we went to MK and thats where we were when the war started. I remember a lot about the war that were loads of fun. I remember rocking out all over MCXA nations and getting nuked when I had no nuclear weapons. Even from Nuclear Anarchy I did better at war than they did. I also remember how bad GGA was doing, which gave me personal pleasure beyond comprehension. Yes, there were some good times in the UJW.

However, there were also tons of bad times buried within that war, experiences I'd rather forget than remember. I think the worst experience for me was the propaganda and the effects it had on me. At the time, I was still quite naive in terms of this planet, and I wasn't the posted and politician that I am today. When I read stuff about how the UJW had bigger warchests, and we were causing more damage, and that we could win the war, I believed it. I also believed all the talk between UJP alliances that we were the closest bloc on Bob. I was convinced that all of them were in that war to the end. After all, we were all brothers. I honest to God believed that we could win that war all the way up until I saw the TPF surrender thread. Even as a mid-level government member I had no previous warning to that surrender coming down. I think that was the most crushingly realistic moment that I've ever had in my time here. For me, it was a house of cards falling down and the Planet Bob as I knew it disappeared after that.

In the end, the UJW changed me into the player I am today. If nothing else it solidified my convictions and ensured that I would commit to the actions that I have become known for. It was that crushing feeling when TPF abandoned us that led me to honor our treaty with BAPS in the BAPS war. It was the bond I formed while in war time MK that cemented the future TDSM8 as a CnG ally. It was remembering what happened to GOONS that kept TDSM8 in the noCB war with the decision to not seek terms until MK was given terms. I swore after that war that I would never leave a true ally behind and I would always follow a treaty, which is exactly what I've done since. On a different subject, I still miss GOONS. \m/ was never really my crowd, but the Gaymen and GOONS were my friends and my teachers. We lost a lot of good players when they died and an interesting force on Bob.

Edited by Stumpy Jung Il
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Never fergit indeed. The start of the WUT attack on GOONS pretty much symbolized the end of my HD30 career in CN. My nation got deleted on the day of the war or the day right after. Decided to call it quits with that name and adopt my pocho identity.

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Sick stats, Remembers me of my days of MoD of FOK in UJW. We had almost the most offensive wars (356) of the entire UJP coalition, only GOONS had more. While we only had 13% anarchies.

I also remember entering #Unjustmassacre and immediately knew that we wouldn't win the war because of the total mess and disorganization in the channel and on our side. I remember taking the decision to engage NTO. TPF (Slayer) was planning to hit them, but TPF was needed on the Polar front so I volunteered FOK for the job. After we (FOK 1,6 million) hit NTO (around 1,2 million) -aid- hit us (around 900k). We were beating them kinda easy and I was really afraid that NPO was going to hit us and / or superfriends. (being the only fronts were the UJP was winning.) Luckily a few days later GATO (4 million) bandwagonned on us instead of NPO using a PIAT with -aid- to declare war on FOK. GATO were really incompetent at that time, and they attacked up instead of down, and didn't fire cm's and stuff. In the end GATO was forced to a ceasefire with the help of TOP and Gremlins. With their help we also managed to get -aid- to surrender which was the first surrender in the war.

We were basically instructed to hit FOK, something I (GATO MOD) really didnt want to do at the time. You and I differ I guess on how well our deployment did. I can say that picking targets was REALLY hampered by the fact that we were pretty sure UNION and TOP would be declaring on us, so I only declared with about 1/3 of our combat strength at the time as we had no more allies to call in after that(besides NFL-our protectorate). I did make the decision to attack upwards, you guys had more nations over 30kns than us, and your nations were so overdeployed that if we had been allowed to fight more than a day, you each would have been fighting 4+ opponents, which I hoped would compensate. We agreed to ceasefire almost immediately, so I never got to enact the rest of our deployment to see if my decision worked. I seem to remember GATO scoring something like 50 anarchies in our deployment though, but my memory may be fuzzy at this point.

Edited by kerschbs
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At the time war broke, The SuperFriends was four days old. At the time, it consisted of Fark, RIA and ASC. When war broke out, we joined in on the side of the Unjust Path because of ASC's treaty with GOONS, among other less immediate reasons. I was still in a stint where I was out of government at the time, but I wound up stepping in to organize RIA's war effort anyway, along with Kaiser and with some assistance from C-zom and Emperor Whimsical. It was also the first war on the new forums so I thought I'd try my hand at saving clutter by taking all of the usual polls that pop up during war time and stick them in one topic with the multipoll feature so other people wouldn't make a million polls (it didn't really work, but the name I created in the poll for the UjP side, The Unjust Highway, stuck. I called the other side Blue Team for obvious reasons because they couldn't think of a name for themselves until ~ came out late in the war).

SF drew GGA as an opponent, one we proceeded to beat to a bloody pulp while sustaining essentially no damage ourselves, despite being on the technical losing side. That was one of the most entertaining matchups I've experienced. We managed to get out with reps so low they might as well have been non-existant and no other terms, an anomaly in a war filled with brutal terms across the board. Ultimately the experience cemented the fledgling SF and set us on the path we've taken ever since. It was hard not to take a lesson on the importance of trust and unity from that war and I think the timing of our birth had as profound an impact

on our guiding philosophy and subsequent success as a bloc as the initial membership did.

For a lot of people, the UjW represents the end of an era and is characterized by death, either of communities or enemies. For me it marks the birth of the entity that has given me the most enjoyment out of this world.

The UJW was my first major war in CN, and I am proud to say I fought alongside RIA and Fark while in ASC. The leadership of all three alliances did a fantastic job of assigning targets, getting aid out and basically being awesome. I engaged 3 GGA targets and it was basically one huge tech raid for me. it's sad that we couldn't do more to help our allies, and it was tough to do so much and still be on the losing side of the war. But as Delta said, it set the tone for all of SF, and showed we could hang in a major war. (Much better than GUARD would have, anyways, that's for sure.)

And for the record, I'm still waiting on me ASC/SF Batman sig.

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Schatt, you are one of the best writers in CN Period!!! (And I forgive you for spying on us :P)

I was pretty much an outsider at this point, and believe I was in the WTF, or unaligned, don't remember. I can say I was hoping several alliances got smacked, and didn't particularly like one side over the other due to having been curb stomped in GWIII as a member of the Legion. I did like /m\, as they had tech raided me and we had a jovial time. They were respectable, and my previous experience fighting with a few of them in GWIII was enjoyable as well.

Seerow, Gunner went inactive when GWIII started as well (He was Legion MoD.).. WTH Gunner?! ;P (Miss our old talks amigo.)

Anyways, my history lies more in the Legion from the time of pre GWII til GWIII. (Formed Challand on Sept. 15, 2006) I honestly miss those days.

After GWIII, I have been pretty irrelevant, and have been semi retired. Some day I may have the time to regain some relevance but til then I am happy with where I am, and being a crone.

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I was a bank in GOONs but didn't follow the politics very carefully. We knew things were going to hell when Dizz (wow it won't let my type his name) and 404 got banned but I don't think a lot of us expected what came. I still miss the forums and the personalities. I think we were a bit like Andy Kaufman. Funny and wonderfully unique but misunderstood and dangerously unconcerned about how far to take a joke.

Edited by Echostorm
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The UJP was a clusterfark for TPF. We were unprepared, isolated and caught between our two biggest allies and friends in GOONs and Pacifica. While Pacifica was not obviously on the other side on the run up to the conflict, it was obvious that they'd never break the OoO and side with us on the UjP. Slayer and I worked our butts off to try to forestall a conflict, reading the numbers and seeing that we'd get stomped. Then some external events happen on PB that essentially took a big chunk of the UjP leadership out of the situation and what had been set up as a Mexican standoff, with both sides pointing their giant guns at each other, well, it turned into a march to war. Where great strategic and tactical intent, with assured mutual destruction, was being played out, some of the strongest leaders of GOONs and \m/ were suddenly gone. It was one turning point of many. The drama around that event caused such a distraction on our side, with ill-conceived plans for revenge and half and no-truths being spread, that we took our eye off the ball and were fundamentally ill-prepared, as has been mentioned.

Once that Pacifica declared its intent to move aside and let the UJP take a beatdown, it was over. Sponge had won. Once the conflict started, TPF was hosed. We had no banks, none and no experience really, fighting a defensive war. Plus our morale was in the crapper, because of the feeling that we'd been done-in by a bunch of emo-kids who went waaaay over the line and essentially made it so that we were going to lose what we'd built. TPF members at the time tended to be a little older, and seeing the immaturity of some in GOONs and \m/ was really disheartening.

I mention the demographics of TPF at the time, as it also played out that we had a pretty diverse group, with some alternative lifestyle folks in our group. Again, some GOONS members particularly made the war very personal, very profane and very distasteful. Our membership was pretty pissed at some of the stuff being said, particularly on the rushes into our chan. We asked those GOONs to stop, kicked and banned them, but it kept right on coming. I sat in our UjP chan and saw Slayer tell all the leadership that if we saw another personal OOC attack we'd bail on the war. No ifs ands or buts. He also posted to that effect on the UjP boards. That was totally based on a leadership convo we'd had where two of our more influential members TBB and Jbone both said they'd coup Slayer and take over TPF if he tried to keep us in the war after more of that crap. Well, someone posted something on the UjP boards, and they'd had to have been an Admin to have done it. Game Over. We were out.

This part here is in dispute, but not for me, as I was actually there, not working on hearsay or wishful thinking. On our entry into the war, Philosopher and Dilber committed to us that as soon as TPF wanted out, they'd work with Polar to get us white peace. We knew that we'd get it, because Pacifica would insist that we got it. Pacifica didn't want to see TPF get stomped in a war we didn't want to believe in, and had a lot of distasteful parts. There was no offer to surrender before that, but we damn well knew because we trusted Dilber and Philo implicitly, that we could get out clean when the timing was right. I keep waiting for the logs of those convos to appear, because I have them, but magically, those making claims seem to have "lost" them. Or their dog ate them.

Frankly, we were shocked and disgusted that \m/, GOONs and Gen[m]ay chose to disband under the threats of Sponge. I know damn well they took Sponge at his word that they'd never get real peace. Contrary to his protestations, Sponge's threats seemed genuine and concrete. I'll leave judgment to another day on that.

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Was coordinating for R&R at the time, hit NoV with EoTRS (allies at the time), GOD, and BAPs. Our front wasn't exactly the most glamorous or well known part of the battle, but it was still fun nonetheless.

Ended up finding out about VE's reformation a little early as apparently they were drawing up target lists against us. Got to anarchy Martens, watched a treaty partner sign a treaty mid-war, and subsequently use that to break our treaty by declaring on our other ally.

Coming into this war I had only been involved in politics for a couple months, my alliance was still fairly new and had only one war under its belt. This time though, we weren't some misguided protectorate jumping into a global war like GWIII; there was actually a purpose to fight. We were allied to FOK and EoTRS, both of which ended up on the UJP side. The majority of the alliances on our side we had never even spoken to, and now here we were defending them. It was an interesting time, to say the least.

After the war, things were divided obviously. The former UJP alliances to make it out alive were now either paying harsh reps, or being shunned out in some way (there were exceptions to this of course). I found myself getting to know this side much better now, it basically laid the foundation of where my alliance as well as myself would end up politically for the rest of 2008 and early 2009.

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At the time I was in NpO and, while I don't remember too much, I do remember that:

1.) morale was at an all time high going into the war. (it dipped a bit because people lost alot of infra/tech but it was notthing major)

2.) That there was also a pretty strong undercurrent of dislike for NPO's indecisive actions, especially as the war progressed because only attacking GOLD seemed like a slap in the face to Polaris. At the time I remember many of the normal members were openly condemning NPO while the higher ups were being a bit more cautious with what they said, but nonetheless, there was a lot of people unhappy with NPO for what was perceived to be cowardice.

3.) Pre-war it seemed like we were signing more treaties than there was paper for

4.) Post-war our morale was fairly high although they alliance had shed a fair bit of NS

5.) On a personal note, the UJP was fairly fun at the beginning but as it dragged on it seemed to get stale and about a month or so after the war I had honestly lost interest in the game, believing that not much would happen for the next 1/2 year or so.

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... believing that not much would happen for the next 1/2 year or so.

And right you were!

I remember the Unjust War fondly. I received a Blue Max for my part in nearly single-handedly organizing war aid for the duration of the war, and conducting peace negotiations during the latter part of it. Fought eight nations, the ruler names of which I still have. I was honestly surprised at how well we were able to hold up against a coalition nearly twice our strength (not counting GOONS).

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I was the Deputy Minister of Truth (Foreign Affairs) for Polaris at the outbreak of the war. I assisted RandomInterrupt and Myworld in assembling the coalition that would face the Unjust Path over the summer, and I was generally present at all of the talks that would eventually become the creation of One Vision. The Unjust War was probably the most concentrated amount of fun I have ever had in this game, and I would frankly attribute that to Sponge, Hannah, Shan, DarkMistress, and the rest of the people with whom I was (OOC) skyping every day before, during, and after the conflict.

I attacked Ochocinco in the initial blitz (I had no idea who he was at the time) and I was immediately counter-attacked by \m/ nations Sarriz and Oreocookie before the \m/ declaration of war. Fun fact: of my four initial opponents, three went on to become Triumvirs of small alliances (Ocho - Heroes of Gaming, Sarriz - CMEA, Oreocookie - PURGE.) I didn't stay in touch with them, but they were generally fun and dynamic opponents, and we fought until stalemate. After the first week, I started tackling GOONS with nukes that remained that had fallen out of nuclear range (this is before the MP, after all) to absorb and spy the nukes. My nation has never been that valuable ^_^

I was in the Polar government chamber when Jason8 queried Sponge to hopelessly ask for peace, to which Sponge gave him the merciless terms demanding a personalized apology from every member of \m/ to every member of Polaris. I was on the proto-One Vision

(OOC) Skype call when the Optimus Prime Minister of GOONS (whose name is still banned on these boards, if I remember correctly) made his infamous post. Doitzel, Sponge, and I put together the coalition that would occupy #riverbed in the month before the war, before Doitzel's expulsion from the Order.

I don't really have a quality narrative of my experiences in the war; most of it was spent on (OOC) Skype and tt was a great time. I will miss those days.

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It had been few days only that I had joined CN and IRON on the same day.

For GOONs, it turned out IRON was'nt the paper tiger they expected it to be. Well, GG for them. I was just a peon, I had to cram in alot of CN stuff and read guides and bother alot of people on IRC to get my nation rolling for war. Fun times, bad ending to the war.

Edited by shahenshah
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Frankly, we were shocked and disgusted that \m/, GOONs and Gen[m]ay chose to disband under the threats of Sponge. I know damn well they took Sponge at his word that they'd never get real peace. Contrary to his protestations, Sponge's threats seemed genuine and concrete. I'll leave judgment to another day on that.

It's interesting that NPO would work to save you, TPF, but when it came to its loyal allies at \m/, people who were as much a victim of the events of August as anyone else, and in no way responsible for the infamous OOC stuff involving Bilrow, we were S.O.L.

"Fine service you gave during GW II & III, here are your walking papers."

(\m/ pokes around inside the envelope at some $100 bills) "But, we never wavered in our loyalty to you."

It was a scene out of a Mafia movie. You knew the hitman was marked for death and he'd never get to spend even one cent of that money in the envelope.

TPF lived...and served well as one of \m/'s replacements right up until the Karma War. Valhalla was arguably the other.

The crimes that \m/ were actually guilty of can be summed up as follows: some of our members were young, liked the whole faux gangster image, and liked to hang out with GOONS. That was pretty much it. We didn't host a porn site, that was GOONS. We didn't hunt down Bilrow's personal information, that was GOONS. Indeed there were a lot of crimes that people always assumed \m/ was guilty of that simply weren't true. Oh we did tech raid...so did several dozen other alliances in that era both aligned and unaligned, large and small. Indeed by today's standards \m/ raiding policy was at best moderate, in some ways rather conservative.

Regarding Sponge's threats, you only had to look at what happened to GOONS 1.0 to know what fate \m/ and Gen[m]ay would have faced had they tried to hold out. \m/ wasn't built to "go FAN" and even if we had been the sort that thought universal large warchests were important we simply wouldn't have tolerated being locked up in Peace Mode for the next year (perhaps more). Disbanding was what was best for us, and by disbanding we assured there would be enough of us around to get some payback a year later--which of course we did.

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It's interesting that NPO would work to save you, TPF, but when it came to its loyal allies at \m/, people who were as much a victim of the events of August as anyone else, and in no way responsible for the infamous OOC stuff involving Bilrow, we were S.O.L.

"Fine service you gave during GW II & III, here are your walking papers."

(\m/ pokes around inside the envelope at some $100 bills) "But, we never wavered in our loyalty to you."

It was a scene out of a Mafia movie. You knew the hitman was marked for death and he'd never get to spend even one cent of that money in the envelope.

TPF lived...and served well as one of \m/'s replacements right up until the Karma War. Valhalla was arguably the other.

The crimes that \m/ were actually guilty of can be summed up as follows: some of our members were young, liked the whole faux gangster image, and liked to hang out with GOONS. That was pretty much it. We didn't host a porn site, that was GOONS. We didn't hunt down Bilrow's personal information, that was GOONS. Indeed there were a lot of crimes that people always assumed \m/ was guilty of that simply weren't true. Oh we did tech raid...so did several dozen other alliances in that era both aligned and unaligned, large and small. Indeed by today's standards \m/ raiding policy was at best moderate, in some ways rather conservative.

Regarding Sponge's threats, you only had to look at what happened to GOONS 1.0 to know what fate \m/ and Gen[m]ay would have faced had they tried to hold out. \m/ wasn't built to "go FAN" and even if we had been the sort that thought universal large warchests were important we simply wouldn't have tolerated being locked up in Peace Mode for the next year (perhaps more). Disbanding was what was best for us, and by disbanding we assured there would be enough of us around to get some payback a year later--which of course we did.

Except a year later while others were getting their payback... you were fighting on their side. Unless I'm mistaken once again and you've joined Valhalla after the Karma War ended, but I'm pretty sure my memory isn't that rusty.

The rest of it is very nice and all. But saying you enjoyed your payback while fighting in the defense of those that killed your old alliance... it seems a bit off.

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