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Third Triannual Report of the Fifth Year of Order

Sir Paul

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While these little tabloid things are cute, have you ever considered giving a serious report with actual facts (and no, I don't mean misconstrued facts)? Like an honest to god report on how things are going in Pacifica, as opposed to a bit of text that has no purpose whatsoever except to take a few jabs at those who defeated you this past war. I think it would be a rather nice and a good change of pace personally.

Spiritis inside Pacifica remain high. We are paying off the reps, but we will not sit in a corner and feel defeated: we will come out of this with our heads high.

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Most Nuked Nation (Arseanistan, 180)
180 Nukes? Ouch, that has to hurt.
Most Trolled Threads (proportional)
Um, I am thinking the GGA and GATO can argue that :P
Most Hated Player (Bilrow)
If by that you mean current player, you would be right.
Best at Scrabble (Mary, Queen of Pacificans)
Can argue with that. Beauty + Brains = :awesome: Edited by benjaminperdomo
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It was a good read. NPO has some of the best announcements in the game, if not the best. Even if they don't actually say anything at all.

I think you guys won most nuked nation of all time. 180 nukes, wow.

Edited by Gondor
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We kind of used to do that a while ago, but then we were told that we were being to boring, pretentious and stuffy. Now we're being too lighthearted? :wacko:

No no, these reports are fun. It is good to see that the NPO Sir Paul has a sense of humour.

Humorous read, thanks for sharing SP.

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Can't really claim this one until you actually begin to pay everyone. Over in my corner of the world we haven't seen a dime yet :)


Private channels ftw.

While these little tabloid things are cute, have you ever considered giving a serious report with actual facts (and no, I don't mean misconstrued facts)? Like an honest to god report on how things are going in Pacifica, as opposed to a bit of text that has no purpose whatsoever except to take a few jabs at those who defeated you this past war. I think it would be a rather nice and a good change of pace personally.


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These reports are fun to read even though they reek of propaganda. Also, to imply that Pacifica had anything to do with Vox Populi disbanding is ridiculous even in a propaganda piece considering Vox stated it would disband once the job was done.

If you call prolonging the amount of time it took to curb stomp NPO "job done" for Vox, then yeah, Vox's job was done.

However, NPO is not dead, Vox's "job" wasn't done.

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While these little tabloid things are cute, have you ever considered giving a serious report with actual facts (and no, I don't mean misconstrued facts)? Like an honest to god report on how things are going in Pacifica, as opposed to a bit of text that has no purpose whatsoever except to take a few jabs at those who defeated you this past war. I think it would be a rather nice and a good change of pace personally.

I hear such a report is available in Francograd, and is available to all NPO allies. :v:

I kind of want to take Mary on in scrabble.

Edited by Trinite
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