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What Goes Around Comes Around, TPF!


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Although it's unfortunate TPF should be in the place where an announcement like this is needed, we're honored to be able to repay what was once given so freely. TPF has had VA's back (and many others) on many occasions in the past, and we're proud we can help out in their time of need.


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Thank you to all of our Big Honorable friends... helping out our awesome little friends ;)

As a diplomat to our "protectorates" I am especially grateful for your looking out for them. They are great alliances all of them. :)

oo/ Friends *Big and Small*


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Thank you to all of our Big Honorable friends... helping out our awesome little friends ;)

As a diplomat to our "protectorates" I am especially grateful for your looking out for them. They are great alliances all of them. :)

oo/ Friends *Big and Small*


Truth be told we only did this because we were promised some of deathcats' BBQ'd specialties....

I know I speak for the whole government and membership of my alliance when I say that we are certainly honored and greatful to be a part of this effort and look forward to giving those alliances adversely effect by TPF's present situation whatever assistance and encouragement we can. OSA knows that we can only hope to a humble shadow of the protectors TPF were to us to these alliances, but we and all who have signed this resolution are committed to doing our utmost for those now in need. For their generous support in our early days as a nascent alliance we remain eternally thankful to TPF, and even actions like these taken today cannot begin to repay the debt owed.

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