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NPO lost their sanction

King Death II

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i think ODN never lost there sanction either not 100% though.
I think you're right, at least in the modern sanction race era. I wonder what kind of odds I'd have got in 2006 if I bet that ODN would be the last alliance that has never lost its sanction? It goes to show you what a strong community can do even under intense foreign pressure.

As to the OP, anyone looking at the stats objectively should be able to recognize that NPO will regain their sanction on the order of days not weeks or months.

Edited by Penguin
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We still have a lot of nukes to decom, so we've got a ways to fall yet.

Even with rebuilding decomming our military and nukes still put us in the net negative.

Plus, as the terms were largely designed to encourage people to leave, we're losing a lot of members.

I doubt we'll be sanctioned again for a few months at least.

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An alliance that got the crap kicked out it, is paying large reparations, and is rapidly demobilizing actually lost sanction!

What next, we find out that infra adds to your population?

Because clearly it isn't newsworthy when an alliance that has never been unsanctioned loses its sanction.

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The haters never got to celebrate this particular victory over us in the war, which is largely the reason our terms were so horrible. I'm fairly certain had we been unsanctioned in the fighting our terms would have been less severe.

Keeping our sanction was particularily infuriating for them.

Edited by James Dahl
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Because clearly it isn't newsworthy when an alliance that has never been unsanctioned loses its sanction.

And why would that be? Because it managed to stay clear of losing since GW I? Because it counted the largest, most powerful alliances in the game as its allies?

It's an interesting factoid, but nothing to get worked up about. NPO's stats are artificially low, that's all.

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Or they just hated you.

There's being hated and there's ruining their morning every day when they check the dropdown box.

Especially when two of their coalition partners lost sanction yet we failed to do so week after week.

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I think you're right, at least in the modern sanction race era. I wonder what kind of odds I'd have got in 2006 if I bet that ODN would be the last alliance that has never lost its sanction? It goes to show you what a strong community can do even under intense foreign pressure.

As to the OP, anyone looking at the stats objectively should be able to recognize that NPO will regain their sanction on the order of days not weeks or months.

I would have bet that none of the alliances would have constantly remained sanction from 2006 to 2009 except maybe the neutral alliance. I would have been rather wrong though ^_^

Also i think its rather funny that people are already blaming reps for NPO's drops.

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No. But they do advertise their nearly 100 spies in other alliances!

Good. I had hoped. Cause it still said so when they were in fourth (still #1 in nations though).

Edit: But it still says "most organized and efficient", how can new users know which one is really the most organized and efficient?

Edited by Nathan Flech
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This just in...

An alliance that got the crap kicked out it, is paying large reparations, and is rapidly demobilizing actually lost sanction! :o

What next, we find out that infra adds to your population?

Yes, actually, that was next. After that we're going to do a report on the effects of tech for a nation and investigate the effects of having a low population density and whether it adds to overall happiness.

I mean, damn, it isn't as if nonsensical comparisons are new to CN either, but here you are doing a fantastic portrayal of one.

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It could be even more interesting if you had actually checked this claim out before posting it everywhere!

Of course WTF passing 200 members mark after being ahead in score was just a coincidence, I love how everything who happens in CN are coincidence. :rolleyes:

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Yes, TOP's sanction is also a result of ghosts. Not everything is a conspiracy you know!

I fail to see the similarity between TOP sanction and WTF sanction, and nevertheless the first time that TOP passed 200 members was because Vox ghosts if you can remember.

do we have to take screen shots of there applications just so you'll stop saying this?

So are you saying that the last 22 members that joined your alliances in the last 2 days, including 9 of them who joined today is just an coincidence because you guys are putting so much effort in recruiting in the last days? Ok I believe in you :rolleyes:

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It will be back in time. Discuss? Well it was probably due to WTF ghosts and NPO's reps.

I like how NPO always insists that the members who leave during war were ghosts. Though, you guys will be back in sanction status, .... my guess, by the end of the year, latest.

oh wait, you meant ghosts in WTF.

... okay.

Edited by astronaut jones
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I fail to see the similarity between TOP sanction and WTF sanction, and nevertheless the first time that TOP passed 200 members was because Vox ghosts if you can remember.

So are you saying that the last 22 members that joined your alliances in the last 2 days, including 9 of them who joined today is just an coincidence because you guys are putting so much effort in recruiting in the last days? Ok I believe in you :rolleyes:

i am saying we have over 200 legit members., which is all that is needed.

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