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Regarding peace terms with TPF

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Or you can just burn the couch. That works out well for everyone.

Incidentally, Karma is burning TPF's couch so, ya I guess that's the other option.

And it would certainly save time and effort, I might add.

Edited by hizzy
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Terms look quite fair really. TPF has 10+ nations that are fully capable of sending out all their slots' worth and with outside aid allowed and the tech reparations in tech deal form, meeting the minimum would be easy. Just with some quick calculations it seems as if you could easily have all the reparations paid within two months.

Trying to roll the hard six?

I was reading through the read wondering when someone would mention that. :P

But for all your talk about Karma and other tripe you really don't mean any of it. Better to have named yourselves "Cold Vengeance" and been done with it. It would have been 100% more honest.

I kind of agree, that name is awesome.

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People like you? You mean people that stomp small alliances for giggles, and support with blood and cash others that do the same?

Attention Hegemony-alliance members: The moral highground is not yours. Please join us in the real world.

Schat.. Nice of you to notice me.. but I think you may want to review my 1200+ posts to get to know "ME" before spouting out your venom.. I have never shown malice nor spite nor some high and mighty attitude. I believe this "highground" you speak of is a mole hill anyways. *DC looks around and sees the top of noone's head"

and I will be joining the real world. Best of luck in yours...

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It's like saying I want a ham burrito. I really would like a ham burrito, but if I don't tell my Councilors in Quanda City to subsidize it, I'm not getting them. So obviously I don't like ham burritos very much.

Screw the burrito, I have a couch I need to sell, damn it.

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Woops, missed this:

Peace on their terms=/=wanting peace.

It's like saying I want a ham burrito. I really would like a ham burrito, but if I don't tell my Councilors in Quanda City to subsidize it, I'm not getting them. So obviously I don't like ham burritos very much.

We want peace. At the same time, we also want reps.

The person who holds the key to peace and reps won't give it to us unless we smack him silly some more.

So, we smack him silly some more.

That is not to say that we don't want peace.

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Do you get out much? You seem ill informed, so I'm taking pity and providing you with study material.

Please note mhawk being one of the bullies in the room trotted out to attempt a forced confession.

NPO and TORN started the war. NPO got punishment. TORN not so much (but that's a whole other argument).

Mhawk resigned from his alliance to fight for NPO, then took back leadership and the whole alliance joined in. Honouring treaties. They fought with us, and still are fighting. We got terms because of the war we started (or in reality because Karma wanted revenge). Why should they get terms for standing up and having nads? I don't believe mhawk "being one of the bullies" makes him a main instigator. He was there, so what?

And yes, I do get out a lot. That's why I don't post much. Thanks for asking. :)

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You vote with your feet. You can be friends with murderers all you want without living in the same house and helping bury the bodies.

He's a cool cat. Painting with a bit too broad of a stroke there. Not everyone leaves their alliance on a whim. Some stick it out and shouldn't be maligned for it.

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I think mhawk is losing his sanity, in his old age.

Either that or he wants TPF to disband or be in eternal war so he can point the finger at Karma until the end of time. I'm sure the anti-Karma parrots will assist him in this endeavour.

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These are pretty harsh terms, given TPF is pretty much been reduced from an 7-8mil NS alliance to a 1mil NS alliance. At this point, while I honestly hate to say it given I despise mhawk, I think TPF deserves much better than this -- much lesser terms or white peace. Fought long and hard earned something lesser than what's presented.

Just end the war once and for all, I think its just gotten pretty pathetic to continue it any further.

Did hell just freeze over? I never thought I would see the day you spoke in our favor. :blink:

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Woops, missed this:

Peace on their terms=/=wanting peace.

It's like saying I want a ham burrito. I really would like a ham burrito, but if I don't tell my Councilors in Quanda City to subsidize it, I'm not getting them. So obviously I don't like ham burritos very much.

Want a million dollars?

You can have it if I can paralyze you from the neck down by breaking your spine and then burn your house down with your family inside it.

If you say no, you obviously didn't really want a million dollars at all.

Do we see why this is stupid yet?

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Wow, so your quitting because things are "too hard"? I guess the game isn't fun anymore when you can't continue to curb stomp, insult, and use scare tactics on alliances. Good riddance, and don't bother coming back.

Again.. I am not here to stomp.. I make friends.. enjoy my time here at the BBQ Pit.. Nothing more..

The reason to leave.. is asshats like yourself who have no ability to show empathy but revel and delight in your immature spouting and vengeful spite.. nothing more..

my choice to leave came well before the war.. I stayed to help rebuild TPF post-war and to support my friends and allies... something I am not alone in choosing..


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Want a million dollars?

You can have it if I can paralyze you from the neck down by breaking your spine and then burn your house down with your family inside it.

If you say no, you obviously didn't really want a million dollars at all.

Do we see why this is stupid yet?

No. I want my million dollars.

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Woops, missed this:

Peace on their terms=/=wanting peace.

It's like saying I want a ham burrito. I really would like a ham burrito, but if I don't tell my Councilors in Quanda City to subsidize it, I'm not getting them. So obviously I don't like ham burritos very much.

Peace at any cost =/= wanting peace either.

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I just read it as "this was so much more fun when I was stomping small alliances with my allies over trivial issues. But now I'm on the other side of a war I don't like it and you are all big meanies and I'm going home!"

Have you ever met deathcat? Spoken with him? Gotten to know him?

I am going to go out on a limb and say NO you havent and are just pompously throwing around your twattle prejudging individuals you have zero knowledge of.

DC has never participated in one instance of political bs in this game. He has allways had a kind word to say on these forums when posting and has allways been cordial when on IRC, EVEN to people on the 'other' side.

So go ahead and regurgitate all the anti-hegemony squawk you want to all day long but get a clue before prejudging people and attacking someone for no reason whatsoever(ya know one of the things you preach was bad when the hegemony did it)

oh and blah blah blah yes Tyga your holier then thou response will be undoubtably correct and smug(figured I would respond to w/e you post now as im exiting the thread)

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I'm not sure where people get off insulting Deathcat. There's such a thing as loyalty to friends, which, amazingly enough, takes precedence over delighting in stomping pixels. I know DC has played where and how he has for the friendship's he's made, not for the silly "politics" of the game.

In any case, Deathcat is nicer, wiser, and more intelligent than at least 95% of you--he is certainly not wise enough to care about how people try to paint him on an internet forum. So I suppose that I, too, am not as wise as he is, for I certainly do care.

Edited by ayrrie
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One tech paid by TPF to PC is one tech too many. PC was treated 10x better than they ever deserved by mhawk. Mhawk made a clear choice not to roll PC when they were completely diplomaticly isolated and he was holding abundant evidence of PC recruiting numerous TPF members, he instead chose to attempt to reconcile with PC. Their repayment is a disgraceful show of classlessness.

Edited by Bob Sanders
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The reason to leave.. is asshats like yourself who have no ability to show empathy but revel and delight in your immature spouting and vengeful spite.. nothing more..

my choice to leave came well before the war.. I stayed to help rebuild TPF post-war and to support my friends and allies... something I am not alone in choosing..


Just like your alliance and her allies did for so long while you went along for the ride.

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