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Regarding peace terms with TPF

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I'm sorry, I didn't know these guys were fighting a struggle-to-the-death against the 1 million NS alliance with 75% of the alliance in peace mode. Obviously I am clueless and TPF has secret nuclear moon base wonders.

See, it's very simple:

(note you in a general sense)

You're attacking someone.

They're in peace mode and you have a big NS advantage

You then ask for tech


You keep attacking

That means you don't want peace.

If you want peace, you can...not attack.

Very, very simple. It's like, kindergarteners can see it simple. The aggressors don't want peace, they want punishment.

That seems slightly off-base. The party which is winning overwhelmingly has offered surrender terms. It is the perogative of the losing party to choose to accept them or not. Not accepting them does not inherently put a burden on the winning party to refine the terms in anyway. They want peace on their terms, and that's how it works. According to your argument any time someone does anything other than grant immediate white peace they don't want peace.

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People like you? You mean people that stomp small alliances for giggles, and support with blood and cash others that do the same?

Attention Hegemony-alliance members: The moral highground is not yours. Please join us in the real world.

I just read it as "this was so much more fun when I was stomping small alliances with my allies over trivial issues. But now I'm on the other side of a war I don't like it and you are all big meanies and I'm going home!"

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I give your coalition a month to degenerate; the real reason you have posted this probably has more to do with moving on to your next target than anything else.

You heard it here first guys. CnG is about to fall apart and have a civil war.

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I'm sorry, I didn't know these guys were fighting a struggle-to-the-death against the 1 million NS alliance with 75% of the alliance in peace mode. Obviously I am clueless and TPF has secret nuclear moon base wonders.

See, it's very simple:

(note you in a general sense)

You're attacking someone.

They're in peace mode and you have a big NS advantage

You then ask for tech


You keep attacking

That means you don't want peace.

If you want peace, you can...not attack.

Very, very simple. It's like, kindergarteners can see it simple. The aggressors don't want peace, they want punishment.

You left out any and all actions taken by mhwak and TPF. Negotiating reps is a two way street.

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Do you get out much? You seem ill informed, so I'm taking pity and providing you with study material.

Please note mhawk being one of the bullies in the room trotted out to attempt a forced confession.

That's half the problem. These people that are completely ignorant of what happened don't even realize that Karma's response was defensive, who was in the middle of the action, etc. They form their victim worldview in complete ignorance and can't be bothered to learn.

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Press Release From High Duke Eichelberger:

If this is what TPF believe will cleanse their souls from their past sins, that if there is nothing but God's good grace that is left to them, then I can hardly find within myself the moral grounds to criticize them. If they do not want the peace terms, fair enough but what is not 'fair enough' is saying that it is insulting. For them to turn down a legitimate offer is merely their decision. No matter how 'fair' it is, it is not fair - merely biased - to say that they (mhawk) are mentally incompetent to conduct their own alliance affairs.

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I'm sorry, I didn't know these guys were fighting a struggle-to-the-death against the 1 million NS alliance with 75% of the alliance in peace mode. Obviously I am clueless and TPF has secret nuclear moon base wonders.

See, it's very simple:

(note you in a general sense)

You're attacking someone.

They're in peace mode and you have a big NS advantage

You then ask for tech


You keep attacking

That means you don't want peace.

If you want peace, you can...not attack.

I'm moving out at the end of the month. I don't need some of my furniture and want to get rid of it.

Does this imply I'm giving my couch to charity? Hell no. It means I'll give someone a damn good deal to take it off my hands.

Ahh, the sure sign of one who is winning an argument: ignoring people who refuted my nonsense and concentrating on weaker arguments to make myself feel better about it.


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Well, I was thinking that, but then TPF is still at war, so technically a few alliances are still in it.

pfff, we're still technically at war with TPF but I'm plotting RIA's destruction atm so ya karma is dead.

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But for all your talk about Karma and other tripe you really don't mean any of it. Better to have named yourselves "Cold Vengeance" and been done with it. It would have been 100% more honest.

Karma is cold vengeance, just the idea that nature itself will bring about vengeance when wrongs are done. Seriously, I know there's at least one or two semi-intelligent members in your current alliance, which as of this hour is NPO, and I know they can figure out why this whole war happened. It doesn't take a brain surgeon.

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And THIS is why I'm leaving Bob.. Not mhawk's refusal... just the immaturity that has become the staple of Bob-oltics. I have never treated anyone unfairly or with spite or vengence in my heart. I don't expect many others would agree with me but CN has really gone down in quality in the last year or so. I am not asking for sympathy for TPF. I came here of my own free will..but only knowing that mhawk was going to lead TPF and that the changes he was trying to bring would be for the better. None of us had any illusions that it wouldn't be a hard road ahead to change perceptions.. but we came anyways. Most of us who arrived with mhawk have moved on.. I have stayed to do what I can to help rebuild and pay off reps when the war was done.. My only issue is reps to PC.. they have pushed for this war against us, breaking a treaty *don't tell me it was set up to be broken by us as I specifically have friends in PC and approved of mhawk's approach to try to reconcile.. The Intent was to rebuild relations...* If they hadn't attacked us by breaking the treaty.. goading us on *general membership* in OWF.. and then attacked our protectorate, California (resolved? reps paid?) I wouldn't be complaining about our terms. I have no issue with any of the others and would love to be able to accept any of the other terms... minus the PC ones. *no offense PC but you guys have pushed the attacks from your end this war.*

Regardless.. when I leave.. it won't be to return later. I'll miss the friends I've made.. But CN isn't my bag anymore. No place for people like me anymore... I wish Bob well in recovering from this war and moving on...

oo/ TPF \oo

*as for MK.. I have always admired your AA from a distance and after Elysium whitepeaced last war.. was hoping we could become allies some day.. my hope still burns.. you are a good group.. but you need more Trace :P

PC.. I hope someday you guys come around and see "us" for who "we" are... not what we "were".

Peace out.. and may you all miss my Ribs :P

Wow, so your quitting because things are "too hard"? I guess the game isn't fun anymore when you can't continue to curb stomp, insult, and use scare tactics on alliances. Good riddance, and don't bother coming back.

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Oh, my mistake, I was under the impression that Deathcat was a member of TPF for the past year+. Was he not?

He was a member since Elysium folded into TPF. He did not delight in stomping other alliances, but stayed in TPF to be with friends he has played with for a long time. Simply grouping him as a warmonger, while convenient, is no more than a stereotype.

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Karma's slowly starting to crack, so a month would be just about right...

Dear Planet Bob sleuths: Karma alliances have been bickering and sniping since day 2 of the war. That was 3 months ago. I think they can handle it as much today as they could for the past 95 days.

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Well, I was thinking that, but then TPF is still at war, so technically a few alliances are still in it.

I honestly cannot wait till that "word" is only spoken of in the past tense.

pfff, we're still technically at war with TPF but I'm plotting RIA's destruction atm so ya karma is dead.

Really? I am on my way over.

Edited by HeinousOne
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Poor show from TPF. All C&G has asked for is what TPF initially stole from them, that is hardly asking for a lot. I was slightly gaining respect for TPF when this thread reminded me of how they used to conduct 'business as usual' with their good old buddies in the Continuum.

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You left out any and all actions taken by mhwak and TPF. Negotiating reps is a two way street.

Not if you want peace. If you want peace, it's really pretty simple: you put down your weapons after causing catastrophic damage and say "YAY WE WON!" You'll see that peace is pretty much a unilateral action you can take if you have the upper hand.

I'm moving out at the end of the month. I don't need some of my furniture and want to get rid of it.

Does this imply I'm giving my couch to charity? Hell no. It means I'll give someone a damn good deal to take it off my hands.

Or you can just burn the couch. That works out well for everyone.

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He was a member since Elysium folded into TPF. He did not delight in stomping other alliances, but stayed in TPF to be with friends he has played with for a long time. Simply grouping him as a warmonger, while convenient, is no more than a stereotype.

You vote with your feet. You can be friends with murderers all you want without living in the same house and helping bury the bodies. I like JoshuaR, nadabethyname, and other MFOers past a lot, but I think sitting around techdealing eternally is boring; I won't join MFO. I can still be friends with them without ever being in MFO.

Edited by Schattenmann
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If you believe what you just said you need to check yourself into a nut house. Its always comes down to one man's actions.

The terms offered are based on the alliance history, the fact they're being rejected in such a fashion as Mhawks is one mans martyrdom coming to the fore. So i guess you're correct in the fact this all comes down to Mhawk wanting to be the new FAN.

Just hope we get some gun pr0n and Mhawk takes tips from Mpol on announcements.

Edit - Why am i doing this at 5.16am... i cant even spell fashion

Edited by MagicalTrevor
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Woops, missed this:

That seems slightly off-base. The party which is winning overwhelmingly has offered surrender terms. It is the perogative of the losing party to choose to accept them or not. Not accepting them does not inherently put a burden on the winning party to refine the terms in anyway. They want peace on their terms, and that's how it works. According to your argument any time someone does anything other than grant immediate white peace they don't want peace.

Peace on their terms=/=wanting peace.

It's like saying I want a ham burrito. I really would like a ham burrito, but if I don't tell my Councilors in Quanda City to subsidize it, I'm not getting them. So obviously I don't like ham burritos very much.

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