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I'd just like to clarify that my post was not a statement that I thought Purple WOULD have issues with them running for senator or that Stickmen could actually WIN a senate seat, just merely giving what I see as a better interpretation of that particular screenshot than the one that Alterego provided.

Personally, I don't see the alliances on Purple having any gripe with Stickmen joining purple and attempting to run for senate. If it really is as Halflinger claims, then they won't win a seat and they won't have any problems. If Stickmen comes in and waves its allies around and threatens alliances for a senate seat, I'll eat my hat. Until then, I'll believe my interpretation of that line based off of my experiences with both Iosif Moldov and the rest of the Stickmen that I've come in contact with and say that I doubt they will be trying to get a senate seat with any overtly forceful methods.

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Grande Chandelier, it seems you have a lot to learn. This was horribly written and did not offend anyone. If you need any advice, you know where to find me.

As for iFOK, I see that you're only interested in ticking off alliances and getting a rise out of them. For that I salute you. Your reward? You are now off my List of the Ballless Ones. Congratulations. It is quite the honor.

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I read your post. I am a little uncomfortable still, having read those screens. Perhaps some were poorly worded, perhaps some were just one member's opinion. I am willing to extend benefit of the doubt, as you have always come across as straightforward and credible to me.

If you do decide on purple, I hope that you will join in the spirit of cooperation that exists here. Our unity is something that is very important to us, as it has taken a great deal of time and energy on the parts of all the major alliances and many of the smaller ones as well. It is part of what is attractive to many folks that have moved here in recent months, and something that we hope will continue to bring prosperity to our sphere.

The only screenshot that is worth mentioning is the one that could be read as "Stickmen will use our allies to ensure we get a senate seat no matter the cost [to the rest of Purple]". First of all, I don't think it was intended to read like that; I know Iosif well enough to know he's an intelligent guy, and that he knows iFOK, and indeed Stickmen, policy*. Second, even if the post were meant that way, it is from one guy, a middle-government member of one of four Stickmen alliances, and not indicative of our aims or policy.

* Let me just clarify that policy for everyone; Stickmen are not so desperate to get a senate seat that we would attack someone just for holding the seat that we desire; furthermore, we would certainly not request outside assistance from our allies in order to do so.

However, we are interested in moving to Purple. We had hoped to keep that private for now, since we had not yet made our final decision, but there it is. We are a quiet bloc, though, and we keep ourselves to ourselves for the most part, so I can't really give any guarantee that we would join any of the Purple economic blocs. Regardless, we will make an effort to integrate ourselves into Purple if we do move there.

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Most of the arguments to me seemed to say "If iFOK/Stickmen aren't moving to -color- they hate everyone on that color.

Apparently the only option is to have an un-unified alliance in order not to be discriminatory towards any color.


Most of the arguments that you can see. You saw the arguments that bad mouthed Purple and the other sphere's, the stuff that Rebecca SS'd in order to make iFOK look bad. While her plan seems to be working, for my point of view, this is all speculation on iFOK's part. They don't know what they will be doing and what they won't be doing.

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Most of the arguments that you can see. You saw the arguments that bad mouthed Purple and the other sphere's, the stuff that Rebecca SS'd in order to make iFOK look bad. While her plan seems to be working, for my point of view, this is all speculation on iFOK's part. They don't know what they will be doing and what they won't be doing.

I meant the arguments in the OP's commentary. ;)

They just seem to say if Stickmen isn't moving to a certain color it's because they don't like any of the alliances on it.

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The only screenshot that is worth mentioning is the one that could be read as "Stickmen will use our allies to ensure we get a senate seat no matter the cost [to the rest of Purple]". First of all, I don't think it was intended to read like that; I know Iosif well enough to know he's an intelligent guy, and that he knows iFOK, and indeed Stickmen, policy*. Second, even if the post were meant that way, it is from one guy, a middle-government member of one of four Stickmen alliances, and not indicative of our aims or policy.

* Let me just clarify that policy for everyone; Stickmen are not so desperate to get a senate seat that we would attack someone just for holding the seat that we desire; furthermore, we would certainly not request outside assistance from our allies in order to do so.

However, we are interested in moving to Purple. We had hoped to keep that private for now, since we had not yet made our final decision, but there it is. We are a quiet bloc, though, and we keep ourselves to ourselves for the most part, so I can't really give any guarantee that we would join any of the Purple economic blocs. Regardless, we will make an effort to integrate ourselves into Purple if we do move there.

And we would do whatever we could to ease you into it, believe me. Purple is very welcoming. I (while admittedly not of any power on purple) have no issues with anyone coming over to purple, hell I am new to it myself. So if it is purple you choose, I look forward to getting to know you all.

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You really thought I was done yet? Hardly. I have plenty more where that came from. Do enjoy the following. Especially to those handsome fellows in the Frostbite bloc. iFOK doesn't really like you much. I'm sorry to tell you that. I shall call this Afternoon Update. It's a little old, but it gets the point across.




I hope you enjoyed this issue. Until next time!


Grande Chandelier

Chancellor of Hanayome

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I'd just like to clarify that my post was not a statement that I thought Purple WOULD have issues with them running for senator or that Stickmen could actually WIN a senate seat, just merely giving what I see as a better interpretation of that particular screenshot than the one that Alterego provided.

Personally, I don't see the alliances on Purple having any gripe with Stickmen joining purple and attempting to run for senate. If it really is as Halflinger claims, then they won't win a seat and they won't have any problems. If Stickmen comes in and waves its allies around and threatens alliances for a senate seat, I'll eat my hat. Until then, I'll believe my interpretation of that line based off of my experiences with both Iosif Moldov and the rest of the Stickmen that I've come in contact with and say that I doubt they will be trying to get a senate seat with any overtly forceful methods.

Haf isn't saying they won't get one. Only that they would have to get nations part of PEACE/Pegasus/Poseidon to vote for their senator. Which is of course an option, one that likely won't go over well with purple at large, but they're welcome to try it and see what happens. ;)

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Balsamic Vinegar doesn't like us? I had no idea. Also, I assumed that line about white was sarcasm, but I suppose it might have actually been serious.

In any case, Brown is the sphere of the future, whether through NSO or one of those other alliances that are also quite capable. If you want a senate seat and have the membership to take one (which I guess you probably do) then you can go for it. So this can be taken as an official invitation to join the Brown Sphere.

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Haf isn't saying they won't get one. Only that they would have to get nations part of PEACE/Pegasus/Poseidon to vote for their senator. Which is of course an option, one that likely won't go over well with purple at large, but they're welcome to try it and see what happens. ;)

Essentially, if I view PEACE/Pegasus/Poseidon correctly, its the same thing. I doubt Stickmen would be able to get a senator on Purple without their help, but I don't think that they'll get any votes from that area without joining.

Also, update is rather old, and not very damaging. All it told me is that Iosif Moldov has changed his opinion of NSO in the last month and a half.

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well, I do believe the purpose if iFOK on green to begin with was to $%&@ with GGA (and just because i say it so bluntly, doesn't mean I was ever against that), so to move to another colour to $%&@ with the likes of valhalla (I assume that's why they'd move) only makes sense.

What's the big deal here, then?

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Ok, this is getting a little bit out of control with all the assumptions that have been made on several sides. Let me clear some things up.

First of all, it was Rebecca (the topic starter) has hacked the iFOK account of YouMaka. It seems that she has been targeting him for quite a while, as IAA can attest to. She is trying to incriminate him and the alliance that has welcomed him by selective quoting some posts that could be interpreted offensively or hostile towards other alliances.

Now let me elaborate on several things. It has been stated that we think that Purple is disorganized and is not unified at all. If you read the screenshots, we never stated such things. In my first post (the first screenshot), I said that Purple wasn’t too unified. This doesn’t mean that we think purple are not unified at all but that it is less unified than Orange, Aqua or Red. Also this is our perspective, I understand that others have their own viewpoint about how unified spheres are.

Moving to the comments of Iosif and YouMaka about NSO; these are personal opinions on our personal boards. I am not going to apologize for them, because they were ‘cherry picked’, but I do want to tell that they are just a minority speaking, and are not the opinion of the whole alliance.

I see a lot of people that misinterpret a statement of Iosif in the last screenshot. Alek of Vanguard was totally right when he said that the statement was not meant as to bully Purple alliances. He (Iosif) said that we would try to vote our own senator in. That doesn’t mean that we will use force, we will just use the combined voting power of Stickmen. In the case that Purple alliances consider this as a threat and treat us as one (for instance by attacking us), we will of course turn to our allies for help.

We will not join a sphere to destabilize it, but we don't want to be tied to a lot of blocs either. We like to be as free as possible, like we were in Green.

If you have any questions or concerns left, it’s best to find me on IRC.

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Ok, this is getting a little bit out of control with all the assumptions that have been made on several sides. Let me clear some things up.

First of all, it was Rebecca (the topic starter) has hacked the iFOK account of YouMaka. It seems that she has been targeting him for quite a while, as IAA can attest to. She is trying to incriminate him and the alliance that has welcomed him by selective quoting some posts that could be interpreted offensively or hostile towards other alliances.

Now let me elaborate on several things. It has been stated that we think that Purple is disorganized and is not unified at all. If you read the screenshots, we never stated such things. In my first post (the first screenshot), I said that Purple wasn’t too unified. This doesn’t mean that we think purple are not unified at all but that it is less unified than Orange, Aqua or Red. Also this is our perspective, I understand that others have their own viewpoint about how unified spheres are.

Moving to the comments of Iosif and YouMaka about NSO; these are personal opinions on our personal boards. I am not going to apologize for them, because they were ‘cherry picked’, but I do want to tell that they are just a minority speaking, and are not the opinion of the whole alliance.

I see a lot of people that misinterpret a statement of Iosif in the last screenshot. Alek of Vanguard was totally right when he said that the statement was not meant as to bully Purple alliances. He (Iosif) said that we would try to vote our own senator in. That doesn’t mean that we will use force, we will just use the combined voting power of Stickmen. In the case that Purple alliances consider this as a threat and treat us as one (for instance by attacking us), we will of course turn to our allies for help.

We will not join a sphere to destabilize it, but we don't want to be tied to a lot of blocs either. We like to be as free as possible, like we were in Green.

If you have any questions or concerns left, it’s best to find me on IRC.

I think NSO would rather you hate them, than like them. I mean.. embrace your hate and all that.

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I see a lot of people that misinterpret a statement of Iosif in the last screenshot.

You can explain that statement away all you like, but it certainly demonstrates a poor attitude towards purple and your intention to move there, therefore it an only be percieved as an aggressive and disruptive move at best.

Edited by Nobody Expects
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This doesn’t mean that we think purple are not unified at all but that it is less unified than Orange, Aqua or Red. Also this is our perspective, I understand that others have their own viewpoint about how unified spheres are.

Purple less unified than Aqua? I have been on both spheres and have talked to people on Aqua and Purple and trust me, Purple is way more unified then Aqua.

Edited by Ryan Greenberg
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They have a quarter of the nations of Poseidon alone, never mind the rest of the PEACE nations. In order to gain a senate seat without entering into the PEACE rotation system, they would need to either gain Purple votes from outside of the Stickmen, or have PEACE members not vote for our candidates for senate.

We never had a prob with Purple Senate at all. There's a nice rotation going on, as well as an agreement that we all think of Purple first, and any ideological differences later. It all comes down to a matter of trust. Do you trust the people in the Senate even though they might not be from your alliance? We do. Just like the rest of Purple trusted M*A*S*H to field a Senator when our rotation came around.

Purple is where we live. It's all about enlightened self-interest. We get more done peacefully than we can at the point of a gun.

However, we are interested in moving to Purple. We had hoped to keep that private for now, since we had not yet made our final decision, but there it is. We are a quiet bloc, though, and we keep ourselves to ourselves for the most part, so I can't really give any guarantee that we would join any of the Purple economic blocs. Regardless, we will make an effort to integrate ourselves into Purple if we do move there.

Cool. We like quiet neighbors. And PEACE is pretty cool too, helps out a LOT with trades. All we really ask is, let's keep the drama to a minimum, which any sane-thinking being would do anyways.

I meant to add - if any Purple Alliances want to talk to Stickmen to ease your doubts about us, you can find us at #SLCB, #Iunctus, #FOK, or #FCO. We'll be more than happy to talk.

SLCB are a bunch of nutcases. I like 'em. You'll fit right in in Purple. :D

Purple less unified than Aqua? I have been on both spheres and have talked to people on Aqua and Purple and trust me, Purple is way more unified then Aqua.

Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. OpSec, ya know. :D

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