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Address from Commanding General


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Now you're accusing me of lying huh? At least give me a clue as to what.

Did I mention names?, Shouldnt beat yourself up like that ol Mhawk. Wouldnt want to ruffle your feathers and ruin the parade. After all, TPF does need something to make a topic about next week.

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Not really. The fact that they didn't expect their CB to go disastrously along with the early days of the war say otherwise. You really need to stop eating their beef.

So I had several meetings everyday for that entire week regarding the situation. Spoke for hours with moo and their command regarding what would happen if shtf. You dismiss my experiences and story of saying they thought there was a good chance they'd lose, I'd like to hear what grounds you have to back up your beliefs besides for the karma-aid.

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Did I mention names?, Shouldnt beat yourself up like that ol Mhawk. Wouldnt want to ruffle your feathers and ruin the parade. After all, TPF does need something to make a topic about next week.

Ya you kind of quoted me and said "that makes you a liar"

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One typically dies to be a martyr, we have no such intent. Stating we will keep fighting until this is over is hardly martyrdom.

Allowing your alliance to be ground into dust so you can self congratulate yourselves on your "honor", yeah. That's not so much martyrdom as it is stupidity. Thanks for the correction.

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Did I mention names?, Shouldnt beat yourself up like that ol Mhawk. Wouldnt want to ruffle your feathers and ruin the parade. After all, TPF does need something to make a topic about next week.

What a lovely attitude.

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So I had several meetings everyday for that entire week regarding the situation. Spoke for hours with moo and their command regarding what would happen if shtf. You dismiss my experiences and story of saying they thought there was a good chance they'd lose, I'd like to hear what grounds you have to back up your beliefs besides for the karma-aid.

Let's see. The fact that history and all behavior immediately before and during the war say otherwise. Our own side weeks before the war had projected that we would quite possibly lose. Oh, and let's not forget that no one from NPO has said they attacked OV knowing they would lose. Do you really think they wouldn't have jumped at the chance to make themselves look like martyrs if they could? If NPO had actually thought they would lose, they would have either delayed the war waiting for resistance to soften or not attacked at all. If NPO really thought they would lose, why would they attack only to seek peace a day later?

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Let's see. The fact that history and all behavior immediately before and during the war say otherwise. Our own side weeks before the war had projected that we would quite possibly lose. Oh, and let's not forget that no one from NPO has said they attacked OV knowing they would lose. Do you really think they wouldn't have jumped at the chance to make themselves look like martyrs if they could? If NPO had actually thought they would lose, they would have either delayed the war waiting for resistance to soften or not attacked at all. If NPO really thought they would lose, why would they attack only to seek peace a day later?

You had a "side" weeks before the war? Weren't you still allied to them "weeks before" the war?

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You had a "side" weeks before the war? Weren't you still allied to them "weeks before" the war?

There were discussions iirc. The fact that we saw this attack on SF's sphere would be the cause of that. Also, we informed our departure of Q soon afterward. I'm sure you knew we weren't going to let NPO pick of GOD and RIA.

EDIT: If you want a more detailed run down feel free to mosey on down to Delta's blog.

Edited by Matthew Conrad
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You didn't "leave", but you sure the hell aren't fighting. (not you personally, but the strongest bit of your peacelliance)

EDFD is right on point

Im not saying its not a smart thing to do, But your current top 20 havnt seen warmode in at least the past month. Currently Nobody over 20K is fighting for you. And 2 12K to 18K are. The rest are all 11K and under. I know being in pm hurts. But posting like your fighting till your last breath is kinda well silly. Your pm'ing till NPO surrenders. Not fighting. Again im not saying none of them HAVE fought. But I know your current top 20 havnt in the last month at the very least. Its still i guess honorable. But your lower NS nations are the ones paying for it at this point. Not the top guys who im sure could recover easier. The lower NS guys are the honorable guys. o/12K and below TPF nations :awesome:

Edited by GuMMyWoRm
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There were discussions iirc. The fact that we saw this attack on SF's sphere would be the cause of that. Also, we informed our departure of Q soon afterward. I'm sure you knew we weren't going to let NPO pick of GOD and RIA.

EDIT: If you want a more detailed run down feel free to mosey on down to Delta's blog.

You weren't going to let NPO pick off their own ally RIA?

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EDFD is right on point

Im not saying its not a smart thing to do, But your current top 20 havnt seen warmode in at least the past month. Currently Nobody over 20K is fighting for you. And 2 12K to 18K are. The rest are all 11K and under. I know being in pm hurts. But posting like your fighting till your last breath is kinda well silly. Your pm'ing till NPO surrenders. Not fighting. Again im not saying none of them HAVE fought. But I know your current top 20 havnt in the last month at the very least. Its still i guess honorable. But your lower NS nations are the ones paying for it at this point. Not the top guys who im sure could recover easier. The lower NS guys are the honorable guys. o/12K and below TPF nations :awesome:

I know from recent personal experience trying to find targets that there is virtually no one in war mode with infra, and very few of them have two nickles to rub together. Short of mass aid from outside the alliance there's no hope of the fighting nations being rebuilt after the war in a timely manner. The sub 10k nations fighting are not just paying for the war, they will be paying for it months from now.

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You weren't going to let NPO pick off their own ally RIA?

The fact that they were in SF super cedes whatever worth NPO saw them as as an asset. Are you saying NPO has never let it's allies get rolled after they stopped being useful to them?

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The fact that you continue to honor your treaty and your word no matter what your allies have done speaks wonders for your character. I know we have had our differences in the past; know that I now consider you one of the few remaining honorable leaders on Planet Bob. Good luck and may you one day see peace.

Edited by Jonathan Brookbank
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We are still with you and will always remain there. Our balls are made of steel and our bodies powered by Energizers.

(Btw, I have not had people attacking me for several days now, you guys should get on that. Just sayin.)

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Join em, get back in the fight, otherwise you regret nothing.

Yeah, just a problem with that... Our surrender terms dictate that we CAN'T get back into the fight :P


Its easy to talk about honour when you have nothing else. Lets lose everything that everyone has worked so hard for because we still have our honour...ahhh, must be nice fooling one's self.

Honour means everything in a world of pixels, because nothing else is worth anything.

Edited by R3nowned
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Just my opinion, but as a veteren of TBB and Slayers unjustified war of aggression against NoV, I think TPF have regained a LOT of respect from me and others who were once its victims. I also feel that mhawk has the right idea for TPF to have a future in "leaving no man behind", a sentiment that the current NoR can applaud. However, if NPO has given their blessing for you to leave this war...take it. You have done more than enough to prove your honour and the value of the treaties that you sign. Let TPF find her own path, and think of your own members. They have proved they will follow their leadership anywhere, why not start to lead them down a road with a future? NPO in whatever way it survives will remember your efforts, your current enemies will remember your efforts for a lost cause, it has the potential for a quite rosy future for you.

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Its easy to talk about honour when you have nothing else. Lets lose everything that everyone has worked so hard for because we still have our honour...ahhh, must be nice fooling one's self.
name='R3nowned' date='Jun 24 2009, 09:47 PM' post='1639493'

Honour means everything in a world of pixels, because nothing else is worth anything.


Besides Rex, you havn't actually come out and said anything.

If you have a problem with Mhawk and TPF, you gonna voice it?

This is a new era of free speech and transparency, remeber?

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You had a "side" weeks before the war? Weren't you still allied to them "weeks before" the war?

I think I mentioned this in another thread, but yes, there was an emergency defensive planning meeting when it looked like VE might get attacked towards the end of March, and you could consider that to be a 'side'. As it turned out that was a false alarm and we went our own ways until TPF and Valhalla hit mass peace mode, signalling an impending Hegemony attack, and most of the same people came together again to talk about defence if they hit someone connected to Citadel or SF.

You weren't going to let NPO pick off their own ally RIA?

Considering they (and you) started a proxy war against SF, it seems that was a good piece of contingency planning.

We all went into this thinking we'd lose.

I simply don't believe that. Maybe the alliances that cancelled their treaties and then stalled until day 3 thought that they'd lose when they eventually got around to entering, but there's no way that the NPO would start a war that they thought they'd lose – particularly when they would have known that with their history there would be no way they would be let off lightly if they were to do so.

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Its easy to talk about honour when you have nothing else. Lets lose everything that everyone has worked so hard for because we still have our honour...ahhh, must be nice fooling one's self.

You may be right. Maybe an honorable destruction is meaningless. Perhaps we should emulate Sparta in the future, and hold on to all we can. May you live forever, Lycurgus Rex.

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all I will say is this dont pull out your guns unless your ready to shoot. its the 5th time athens threatens us in public it really is getting old.

Matthew Conrad is in Sparta, not Athens.

As far as your first statement goes, when NPO is out I am sure TPF, Echelon and Avalon will all be out very soon after or at the very same time.

I'd be surprised if that was true for Echelon. I expect Avalon to get out along with TPF.

The talks failed over some disagreement and possible misunderstanding about the terms which were:

That was Vanguard's counteroffer, which was made after a few days of war.

I'm talking about the offer Universalis made before Vanguard attacked, which was backed up by the threat of involving Vanguard. Perhaps they didn't tell you guys.

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Its easy to talk about honour when you have nothing else. Lets lose everything that everyone has worked so hard for because we still have our honour...ahhh, must be nice fooling one's self.

Actually, its the hardest time to talk about honor when you have nothing else. As it is then when self preservation instincts kick in.

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