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Over Mariehamm

7 squadrons of Ar234 bombers flew over the Aland islands in attempt to blow up all SAM, RADAR, and Radio sites. With them were 4 squadrons of Lu-67 fighters to escort them.

8 more squadrons of GLI-133 bombers and 5 Lu-67 squadrons joined the air force in the northern front, rapidly bombing all military installations.

Across the sea, 7 Ar234 squadrons and 6 Lu-67 Squadrons entered the fight between the two air fronts.

OOC: I suck at war posts, sorry.

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"Those !@#$%^&*!" She pounded on the desk and held her fists together. "How? Why? This isn't needed at all."

The news of the Nordic invasion of the Republic of Mariehamm was slow to reach Hanseastic ears and in the following hours, the Diet and the populace as a whole was extremely divided in their sentiments. Some continued to want revenge against Nordic-German imperialism that was again rearing its ugly head on Helsinki. While many only desired to turn a blind eye to the situation. They were in Australia for a reason. Away from European politics, away from the war and the destruction, it was safer this way. Sarah's own thoughts were close to that of her people. She was tired of the blocs, of the mega-states, of the domination of both the Dragon Empire and Nordland. But there was barely anything she could do at the moment. Instead, she sat alone in her office late into the night trying to figure out any route to take regarding the new war in Europe and her mind went to Albert.

Pulling out stationary, she poured her heart onto the paper. It wasn't so much for peace, as to what she firmly believed was happening.

Dearest Albert,

I have just seen the news of the recent invasion of what was once previously my homeland. Your Nordic Reich has enjoyed peace for a great period of time, even without the hothead of Mariehamm declaring war on you. I would venture to say that no such physical attack has been made by him and that this invasion is extremely unneeded. With the troops surely already on their way, I am not telling you to turn back or to sue for peace. I have witnessed the rhetoric of both the Nordic Bloc and the TEC bloc enough to know that peace is not possible. But cold war was and human death did not come from that. Truthfully my dear, I see this as nothing more than the attempts of unbridled imperialism, whether as the aggressor nation or not. But this is the world that you and I created for ourselves and I wish you luck with your campaign. But only to you personally my dear, for I still find the actions of a power that is much larger and stronger, reprehensible. Yet I am not to judge.

Stay safe.

Always True,


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Karma will be a pain in the butt for GNR, no worries, just post something supporting them for now.


"This is very interesting situation, while we support the Baron tis war was started sometime ago and now only GNR did something. We see no problems with this."

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In a training center in northern Marscurian Pakistan:

A young batch of reservists in the base for training were sitting around a radio.

This is MP Melody, and you're listening to MPM Radio, the voice of our fighting men. This next one goes out to the new tankers of the 93rd reserve corps. Keep your sights up and hatches tight boys.

(OOC: Type of broadcast is how I start all my military deployment based threads, so yes, you've seen something very close to it before. :awesome: )

"Hey, they're talking 'bout us," one of the men said, "who do you think it's from?"

"Probably Jenkins' mom," another one said, "I swear, he must get a new care package every week."

"Well, at least he shares," another one said, taking a bite out of a cookie.

"Agh, I've had it up to here with the government music," a fourth one yells, "all we get is old songs, propeganda messages and tips on keeping our guns clean." As he got up to change the station, the music cut out. An official message came over the radio.

"All active troops and reservists, the situation in Europe has evolved into a shooting war. While the Sultan has not officially chosen a side, he has ordered that the military forces be put on high alert. All troops are required to know their rendezvous points and armories, should the need arise to assemble. If you do not know your rendezvous location, your commanding officers will notify you of its location. That is all." At the end of the announcement, the music continued.

Jenkins walked out of the bathroom with his toothbrush in hand. "What did I miss guys? AND ARE YOU EATING MY COOKIES AGAIN?!"


Despite the raise in military alertness, Marscurian Pakistan is currently remaining neutral in this conflict.

Edited by KaiserMelech Mikhail I
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OOC: GNR, thats three things you have copied out of my factbook recently. Seriously. STOP COPYING MY STUFF.

This this your version of the Moskalyov DBS-LK (admittedly with a slant towards more bombs less speed) which I am using as the YF-46, you also copied the KKM gen II and turned it into med range anti ship ballistic missile instead of the short ranged version I had, and you took the Earthquake bomb MK I. (based off MOP) I also had.

I thought I'd just say this now. Also, I'm not here to derail, take it to PM (as you keep saying)



Subject: Congratulations!


Thank you for qualifying for the same level of petty evilness as baby eating rapists!

Other nations know how to take an insult, but no, your glass chin is your pride. Far be it from other nations to actually say the truth, about your racist, borderline genocidal, aggressive thug of a nation, but no, the bad Baron did. Of course, he did acknowledge the state of war you initiated by invading his privately owned manor, but was content to leave it as an object lesson. Now today, you commit further invasive actions, over what you admitted was a few words. Drunks at bars fight over words.

So, we must ask, what words were of such magnitude to make national leaders devolve into thugs and brawlers. Did the Baron insinuate that Germans are the spawn of a retard and a goat? I doubt it. No, the Baron simply pointed out the thuggery and lies of your country.

No doubt, your massive submission machine will roll over the Baron, and yet again free people will be oppressed. Then you shall claim you are a nation of Nordic people, and squash the cultures of other people living in your nation.

At least baby eating rapists are in the open about their deeds.

Edited by LeVentNoir
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We must condemn this unwarranted invasion. What have the Republic of Mariehamm done to warrant this unjustified act of aggression?
This begs of us to ask the question:

What happened to the NAP?

After the initial Strike all televisions in Phoenicia turned to the former Minister of Foreign Affairs now Public Relations Office of Phoenicia Relena.

"For too long have we tried to obtain peace with the Republic of Mariehamm, a few days ago we have detected the presence of a large force at the Border this in combination with the mass insults are not the actions of a man who wants to 'liberate Europe' a goal that has already been completed by the way, no these are the actions of a man with a personal grudge we can no longer let him oppress his People we must fight to liberate them from their lunatic Government. Therefore in cooperation with the Central Government we move to war"


In addition to recent mobilizations Army Posts across the Province received an increase in Recruits. Now was the moment for the Air Force to show it's teeth. 5 Squadrons of Ar-234s entered the Air escorted by 10 AF-1s of the former Air Force by the Phoenix Empire, these were used as they were cheaper and probably secure against possible defenses anyway. After a relative short flight the forces entered the combat when most of the others were already away to surprise the RoM Forces Defending. the force of 100 Bombers would unleash in total 800 missiles even when some would be stopped the majority would have to pass.


The Ground forces would receive Orders stating to prepare for a rapid move within a few days as the planes of the Paratroopers were being fueled so they could be deployed on only moments notice.

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Personal Message From Mad Dog Bob Denard (current location unknown, but believed to be somewhere in Africa):

Personally, I don't know enough about this war to give an informed opinion. However, it seems to me that if people wanted to bring this to the table and talk it out they would have done so ages ago.

Oh Wait.. they tried and this Baron told them to stuff it.

My official position is the same as my government's position. Europeans killing each other off in Europe has nothing to do with Africa. Let's hope this war is contained to Europe as in the past European conflicts have spilled over onto Africa's soil with little regard for the native sons of the continent.

If any world leaders absolutely feel some sort of need to speak with me I'm avaliable by e-mail at horny-mad-dog666@lulzmail.com

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How is the Republic of Mariehamm responsible for aggression against the “Greater” Nordland Reich when you are the ones invading? If “Greater” Nordland has any evidence of an impending menace from the Republic of Mariehamm it should be brought before the international community, assuming you have any evidence.

Wait. . . this invasion is because you’re ‘tired of being mocked by Uberstein in such an unworthy way’. If these leadership of the “Greater” Nordland Reich can’t handle the mockery of an old man maybe you should all consider a new line of work, because you’re all about to be receiving a whole new level of criticism from the international community.

Let’s start with the fact Scolar Visari really is a gangster, are you going to invade my country too?


From the office of Generalissimo, Generalissimo of Procinctia

Edited by Generalissimo
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"Those !@#$%^&*!" She pounded on the desk and held her fists together. "How? Why? This isn't needed at all."

The news of the Nordic invasion of the Republic of Mariehamm was slow to reach Hanseastic ears and in the following hours, the Diet and the populace as a whole was extremely divided in their sentiments. Some continued to want revenge against Nordic-German imperialism that was again rearing its ugly head on Helsinki. While many only desired to turn a blind eye to the situation. They were in Australia for a reason. Away from European politics, away from the war and the destruction, it was safer this way. Sarah's own thoughts were close to that of her people. She was tired of the blocs, of the mega-states, of the domination of both the Dragon Empire and Nordland. But there was barely anything she could do at the moment. Instead, she sat alone in her office late into the night trying to figure out any route to take regarding the new war in Europe and her mind went to Albert.

Pulling out stationary, she poured her heart onto the paper. It wasn't so much for peace, as to what she firmly believed was happening.

To the Lady Sarah,

I write to you today from the command center in Berlin. Your political analysis of this situation is--as always--spot on.

The taking of human life, always burns my heart and leaves a scar that cannot be healed with time. Peace is always an objective that I have personally striven for throughout my tenure as sovereign of Prussia. Currently, the campaign consists of aerial combat and bombardment of military sites only. We hope to crush them militarily while preserving civilian life. Hopefully, this is the only phased of the campaign required. If Uberstein does not see that his logistical and military lines have been cut--that there is no hope for his nation--and chooses to continue blindly denying calls for peace...well...may the Aesir bless the souls of the dead...may they die valiantly.

I hope to see you as soon as major combat is over...possibly in a freed Helsinki.

From my bunker with the truest of love,


Edited by Brian Reimer
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Reports from EAGLE and to an extent LIEBE came pouring into the Prussian Luftwaffe command centers almost all at once.

"Enemy defense measures have been activated"

Commanders on the ground quickly filed Code 32059GDS232405R calling for evasion and mark tactics to be placed on all sites.

The EAGLE units, which were equipped with Anti-Radiation Missiles and extra chaff charges, were ordered to first evade airborne-SAM units, then fire free-track HARMs. In theory, the electrical tracking emissions--be it radio, IR, or other waves--would be detected by the HARM's track-nav systems and instantly lock-on and destroy the SAM unit.

The Flak-AA would pose more of a problem for EAGLE. As in-flight munitions were ofcourse limited, and the destruction of SAM units was the top priority (as they are more of a threat), EAGLE was ordered to mark AA sites on their electronic tac-maps, specify if the units are either mobile or stationary, and then gain altitude to break the aerial horizon limit of the FLAK-AA.

LIEBE would naturally have less problems as they flew higher, had stealth systems and followed EAGLE. Primary objectives were changed to assure the destruction of SAM and FLAK-AA units designated by the faster and more agile EAGLE units. If a SAM lockon was to reach a LIEBE unit, evasive maneuvers were to be taken and chaff was to be deployed.

Stealth units which need not fear many AA repercussions were to continue with the primary objective of the destruction of airfields and military bases.

If an EAGLE or LIEBE unit was unable to strike an enemy target, it's coordinates would be sent to Danzig or Warsaw missile command, confirmed by satellite, and fired upon by high speed-terrestrial missile.

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Nordland's Weapons of Mass Destruction Policy:

"The Greater Nordlandic Reich is bound by charter to NEVER use Weapons of Mass Destruction (Biological, Chemical, Nuclear) in a first strike capacity. However, if any nation engaged in war with The Greater Nordlandic uses weapons of such capacity or definition again Nordic civilian or military targets, a full retaliation upon all significant targets in the perpetrating nation will be struck."

The spokes man looked at his paper and frowned.

"Let me repeat that...if any Biological, Chemical or Nuclear weapon is used upon Nordlandic citizens or soldiers, be it domestically or overseas, the nation responsible will be turned into a parking lot. That is all."

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OOC: GNR, thats three things you have copied out of my factbook recently. Seriously. STOP COPYING MY STUFF.

This this your version of the Moskalyov DBS-LK (admittedly with a slant towards more bombs less speed) which I am using as the YF-46, you also copied the KKM gen II and turned it into med range anti ship ballistic missile instead of the short ranged version I had, and you took the Earthquake bomb MK I. (based off MOP) I also had.

I thought I'd just say this now. Also, I'm not here to derail, take it to PM (as you keep saying)



Subject: Congratulations!


Thank you for qualifying for the same level of petty evilness as baby eating rapists!

Other nations know how to take an insult, but no, your glass chin is your pride. Far be it from other nations to actually say the truth, about your racist, borderline genocidal, aggressive thug of a nation, but no, the bad Baron did. Of course, he did acknowledge the state of war you initiated by invading his privately owned manor, but was content to leave it as an object lesson. Now today, you commit further invasive actions, over what you admitted was a few words. Drunks at bars fight over words.

So, we must ask, what words were of such magnitude to make national leaders devolve into thugs and brawlers. Did the Baron insinuate that Germans are the spawn of a retard and a goat? I doubt it. No, the Baron simply pointed out the thuggery and lies of your country.

No doubt, your massive submission machine will roll over the Baron, and yet again free people will be oppressed. Then you shall claim you are a nation of Nordic people, and squash the cultures of other people living in your nation.

At least baby eating rapists are in the open about their deeds.

OOC: hmm, LVN, you really need to stop assuming people are copying everything you have. When the case that is obviously not the case. My development into my varient of the ASBM or Anti-Ship Ballistic Missile was started after reading dozens upon dozens of reports from current real life Naval researchers, et cetera. As you know, or atleast I hope, the ASBM is currently being developed by The People's Republic of China. Of course, it's a modification of their current DF-21/CSS-5/Dong-Feng IRBM. It was first mentioned in 2008 in the United States Congressional Report titled Chinese Military Power 2009. You should read it..its a very interesting read. So my point is, I didn't copy it, I simply took existing technology and developed it for CNRP. I listed its development in detail, and I typed up specifications, et cetera. So if anything, I copied real life applications and applied them to my IG technology. So is that copying? umm..no. I could say the same for any technology developed in the real world. Why yes, the US copied off the Soviet RPG developed in the 1960s with their ATGMs..even though the purposes are different in nature. Technology development goes on a planned course. Eventually everyone will end up at the same path. The USSR developed HOTAS..the US applied it two years later. The USSR used thrust vectoring..the US applied it later..because it went in line with the technology being developed and used at the same.

Information for the ASBM for your reading pleasure:



Now, your "bomber". Why would I copy your flawed existance of a bomber. What you wanted to do was impossible. Super Sonic speeds plus having the thing nearly in space. The thing is impossible. Also, if you'd look in my factbook and see the date, you'd see I added it in MAY. Plus, to be honest, I developed this two years ago for an RP on NS. Good show. :D

Now what Earthquake bomb are you speaking of? Because I don't remember developing an earthquake bomb, to be honest.

Edited by Malatose
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“Good evening everyone. Tonight Europe is once again put in peril by the Evil Empire to our west. Several months ago our empire spanned the better part of Eastern Europe, the people lived peaceful and happy lives under the crown. They were provided a strong national defense, competent police force to protect and serve, and a fair justice system to punish dangerous criminals, but in one powerful blow His Majesty’s government, his laws and the ancient traditions of our proud people were instantly destroyed and Europe has since been thrust into a new dark age.

The nations of the Nordic Confederacy are notorious for their lies and misdirection’s. We know all too well how the Evil Nordic Reich shifts the blame for their misdeeds to the nations they intend to conquer and destroy. We were accused of putting 1million armed personal and five-thousand tanks on the border with Prussia and CSSR, something unfathomable even at our zenith. Now they’re doing something very similar to the Republic of Mariehamm, accusing them of starting the conflict, while they sit in Berlin pretending to be innocent victims of a “warmongering madman.” The Nordic nations promises they would not be the first to fire a single bullet, or drop a single bomb, but once again their promises are only for show.

Because of their past actions and lies I have my doubts that the nations to the west made any attempt to bring Mariehamm’s officials to peace discussions, just as they never tried to with any of their conquests. The motto of Nordland is “murder innocent people first, and pretend to care about peace later.” I find it morally detestable that any country would support these monsters over the Republic of Mariehamm. During these dark times the righteous and just people must bond together and crush the foul and evil.

Slavorussia, being an observer of the True European Coalition, has a responsibility to prevent another European nation from being destroyed by the Nords. I have called the armed forces to alert, Slavorussia will defend Mariehamm, and the men and women who serve in our military will make us proud. We will fight to keep another nation free from slavery and fascism imposed upon us by the Nordic nations in Europe.

Nordland is becoming a cancer that is spreading all over Europe, and nations like Mariehamm and Slavorussia are the cure. If Nordland wishes to continue its futile push to conquer Europe then we will be forced to push back 10 fold. The defense of honorable nations of Europe, the defense of freedom and liberty, and the preservation of our way of life is our main concern. We will not sit and wait that freedom and our neighbors freedom is threatened. We will fight to keep Europe free from the fascist hordes, no matter what the cost is we shall never surrender.

Good night God bless our allies and as always God bless our empire.”

25,000 Slavorussian soldiers are being transported across the gulf of Finland to land on Mariehamm’s southern shores.

Edited by Justinian the Mighty
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Task Force Baltic was alerted of a movement of enemy craft coming from Slavorussia over the Gulf of Finland. Months ago, Prussia declared all waters of the Baltic to be sovereign of The Greater Nordlandic Reich, and that all enemy craft in the area are to be destroyed upon first strike.

The force that was Blockading all Mariehemm waters ( http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?s...t&p=1602972 ) was immediately alerted to the presence of Slavorussian ships in the area and the declaration of war that their sovereign nation made upon Prussia. The Baltic Fleet's Aircraft Carriers buzzed with excitement as strike aircraft tookoff toward the last reported locations of the Slavorussian convoys.


Twenty Guided missile cruisers and close range surface combat ships, along with five submarines were also put in the advanced projected positions of the Slavorussian convoy.

"Fire the missiles at the radar coordinates! We must not allow them to land! Burn them! Drown them! Do what you must!"

Edit: Added picture

Edited by Brian Reimer
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ooc: If you have ships in the eastern waters of the Gulf of Finland Slavorussian costal defenses would have attacked you the moment you got near them, so let me know whats going on there. I don't know if or when Prussia claimed the Gulf of Finland as its waters, but no not gonna happen. Also I feel stupid for not looking at the map first, and realizing Slavorussia and Mariahamm share a land border.

ic: An additional 10,000 soldiers are moving north along Lake Ladoga into Mariahamm. Slavorussian commanders will meet with Mariehamm's to coordinate the defense.

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ooc: If you have ships in the eastern waters of the Gulf of Finland Slavorussian costal defenses would have attacked you the moment you got near them, so let me know whats going on there. I don't know if or when Prussia claimed the Gulf of Finland as its waters, but no not gonna happen. Also I feel stupid for not looking at the map first, and realizing Slavorussia and Mariahamm share a land border.

ic: An additional 10,000 soldiers are moving north along Lake Ladoga into Mariahamm. Slavorussian commanders will meet with Mariehamm's to coordinate the defense.

OOC: We claimed the Baltic a good month ago :/

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