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Fall Freiherr


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**In Valkurheim**

General Sonia Khulweir walked at a brisk pace through the palace of glistening white marble to her own private quarters where if the Lady Protector was in residence made in to her command post. Things were beginning to heat up in Europe again, the Nordic invasion had finally taken place of Mariehamm as the world community had figured it would, but then in an unexpected turn of events. The Slavorussians, most likely still hurting from the Slavorussian War sometime ago launched their own campaign to rid Europe of the Nordic regime. This new turn of events placed the Hanseatic province of Valkurheim directly in the middle between the two warring powers and if the war heated up anymore, the Belyorussian plains could provide excellent ground for movement on both sides. This was something that Khulweir would not let either force possess and she was sure that Lady Sarah would approve of the actions.

Sending notice to Brisbane first, Sonia then immediately addressed both Slavorussia and the Nordic Reich.

As governed by the Hanseatic policy of Splendid Isolation, the Hanseatic Province of Valkurheim is now closed to all military personnel. Civilians seeking refugee from either side are more than welcomed in our borders after personal checks. However if military movements are discovered, the Hansa will regard that as an act of war and a violation of our neutrality in these engagements.

May God have mercy on the souls of the troops that are fighting.

-General Sonia Khulweir

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ooc: If you have ships in the eastern waters of the Gulf of Finland Slavorussian costal defenses would have attacked you the moment you got near them, so let me know whats going on there. I don't know if or when Prussia claimed the Gulf of Finland as its waters, but no not gonna happen. Also I feel stupid for not looking at the map first, and realizing Slavorussia and Mariahamm share a land border.

ic: An additional 10,000 soldiers are moving north along Lake Ladoga into Mariahamm. Slavorussian commanders will meet with Mariehamm's to coordinate the defense.

OOC: Range doesn't really matter. You could easily coordinate long range UAV/AWACs with ship based RADAR to extend range. He could easily fire on you from out of your line of sight.

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Operation Red Baron

With all of the Grand Army, Navy, and Air Force completely mobilized at this point, Wästerdyskreich was prepared for war in a moment. The Grand Air Force had been flying training missions based on actual terrain where it was predicted that they would be fighting, and attempting to take out targets designed specifically to model those in Mariehamm. Most of them knew exactly what would happen, and as a result, they were very well prepared as to what they were supposed to do. They were the initial attack on Mariehamm, and their task was to decimate Mariehamm's defenses and various forces for the purpose of the ease of movement of the Grand Army into Mariehamm following a successful Air campaign.

The Grand Air Force began massive raids on major Mariehamm defensive installations, such as military bases and man made defenses. However, before the Grand Air Force attacked, roughly a thousand missiles launched from Wästerdyskreich, aimed at anti-air systems in Mariehamm. These would be the only missiles of their kind for the duration of the war, the Ministry of Defense told the Air Force, and thus the GAF would be required to take care of whatever remained after they had done their work. As soon as the missiles had stuck their targets, the air raids began. The fighters began the raids, attempting to engage any enemy air units that may exist. Strategic bombers quickly followed, whose intention was to take out remaining anti-air sites as well as clear the road, so to speak, for the tactical bombers which would follow them. A total of two hundred fighters engaged in the initial phase, followed by 100 strategic bombers, then 75 tactical bombers, and finally two hundred more fighter planes.

The Grand Air Force was on a direct communication line, secure, to the Ministry of Defense in the Alps. Each plane was given up to the minute updates on the battlefield condition, and any mistaken information found would be immediately relayed to military command in Schweiz. Every plane was equipped with a map of the battlefield below, including targets for each individual plane on the battlefield, as well as a direct satellite hotlink regarding where the Mariehamm Air Force was. Every plane was also equipped with eight guided missiles, every one of which was on the bombers were equipped with a preprogrammed target on the ground, and would launch as soon as that target was within range. Fighters were equipped with six guided missiles, which would lock onto targets determined by either the pilot or by Air Force Command, stationed temporarily in Sweden.

In the meantime, unmanned drones flew over Mariehamm land, constantly searching for troop movements and any deployment that may have been made by Mariehamm on the ground to counter the Operation in the air. The Northern Navy moved into position, at the Gates to the Baltic, where their mission was to stop any ship attempting to move through and turn it around unless it already had level 6 clearance (military level clearance). At home, the Grand Army was on level 8 alert, prepared to move out at any second. The Sea Wall had been manned, and any invasion would be promptly stopped by Wästerdyskreich forces.

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No, we never violated Mariehamm's territory. We expropiated Überstein's territories in Nordland, which are not a part of Mariehamm republic. He tried to use Mariehamm republic in order to gain back his territory there. Oh, by the way, we DID offer to return it if he finished the war. Your grasp of the situation is that of an oil-covered man in an ice rink, in the middle of the night while completely intoxicated by alcohol, trying to find a railing that will be too slippery to hold while the rest of the world points and laugh.

While the rest of the world points and laughs? Let's review what the rest of the world has said.


You're kidding, right?


We fear that Germany actually aims to kill you this time. We offer your sanctuary and anonymity in Xaristan while you continue your fight against them.

"Singapore finds it deplorable that the Nords had to resort to war instead of keeping to try any make peace with Uberstein. We still hope that you will stop attacking Mariehamm and come to good terms with them, somehow."
We must condemn this unwarranted invasion. What have the Republic of Mariehamm done to warrant this unjustified act of aggression?
Seems like someone just can't take anymore verbal insults and decides to cause massive destruction to stop their opponent from insulting them.
"Once again, war is made over petty justifications. Apparently, the world will never learn to cooperate with each other... so the best we can offer is mediation between the warring parties, and echoing Singapore's position.

Also, our borders will remain open - it is of no use to let refugees remain in the bloodshed."

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Let's continue looking.

Uberstein, one of the last bastions of freedom from Nordlandic imperialism in Europe will fall soon and yet another people and nation will be absorbed into the reich. What a shame.

If the Baron can find some way to make it halfway across the world unharmed and unaided, Arctica will glady provide shelter.

Procinctia is dramatically increasing shipping restrictions in response to the Greater” Nordland Reich’s” aggression against the Mariehamm Republic.

Any vessel having ever made port in the “Greater” German Reich will be denied access to our section of the Bering Sea; including a denial of communication bandwidth, sea routes, supply, or even emergency assistance.

Any attempt to challenge Procinctia’s maritime territorial integrity will be met with Exocet Missiles.


From the office of Generalissimo, Generalissimo of Procinctia

May I remind you that he is Finland, and you are HALF OF EUROPE!!!! That's like Mael invading me because he thinks that I'm going to bring down the Dragon Empire. It's just not happening.

OOC: Plus, didn't Uberstein say he was away for a while. I don't think he even knows this is going on.

"Also, to add to this very valid point, if mere words are a threat to the stability of your nation, you must either be hiding something, or badly mistreating your citizens to the point any glimmer of hope could cause revolution. It should also be said that you(Visari) claim in your first statement that ROM invalidated a peace agreement, now you saw that you are not breaking peace agreements because ROM broke them first. I would like a clear answer. How could ROM violate a peace agreement that they never signed? " --A random, unnamed, ADI Reporter
The Kingdom of Cochin deplores the recklessly aggressive actions taken by GNR. Responsible nations should pursue war as only the last resort and not as the first. This problem could have been sorted out with decent diplomacy.
We condemn this war. That is all.

Subject: Congratulations!


Thank you for qualifying for the same level of petty evilness as baby eating rapists!

Other nations know how to take an insult, but no, your glass chin is your pride. Far be it from other nations to actually say the truth, about your racist, borderline genocidal, aggressive thug of a nation, but no, the bad Baron did. Of course, he did acknowledge the state of war you initiated by invading his privately owned manor, but was content to leave it as an object lesson. Now today, you commit further invasive actions, over what you admitted was a few words. Drunks at bars fight over words.

So, we must ask, what words were of such magnitude to make national leaders devolve into thugs and brawlers. Did the Baron insinuate that Germans are the spawn of a retard and a goat? I doubt it. No, the Baron simply pointed out the thuggery and lies of your country.

No doubt, your massive submission machine will roll over the Baron, and yet again free people will be oppressed. Then you shall claim you are a nation of Nordic people, and squash the cultures of other people living in your nation.

At least baby eating rapists are in the open about their deeds.

It seems you should go back to English class.

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"If we would care about the opinion of someone who betrays his own people or doesn't even come up with a reason to attack we will contact Louisiana now go back to your own side of the world"

Let's translate this: "even though you're completely correct, we're going to ignore the validity of your statement and do an ad hominem attack"

also, just for kicks, you added on "go back to your side of the world".

I don't see a single Louisianian citizen in Europe, Nord, yet it was the party represented by your people under arrest for voting fraud in Louisiana. The irony is appalling.

Edited by Sargun
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Let's translate this: "even though you're completely correct, we're going to ignore the validity of your statement"

also, just for kicks, you added on "go back to your side of the world".

I don't see a single Louisianian citizen in Europe, Nord, yet it was the party represented by your people under arrest for voting fraud in Louisiana. The irony is appalling.

Perhaps you should go back to English Class as it translates to we have better things to do than consider the opinion of some unimportant nation at the other side of the Atlantic. Also if you had common sense you would realize it meant don't worry about a continent you do not even have land on.

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Perhaps you should go back to English Class as it translates to we have better things to do than consider the opinion of some unimportant nation at the other side of the Atlantic. Also if you had common sense you would realize it meant don't worry about a continent you do not even have land on.

So every nation in the world that isn't about of the Lesser Nordlandic Reich is unimportant? Indeed. Great foreign policy there.

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Our concerns over the war in Scandinavia.

The problem is not the fact that Mariehamm declared war on the Nordlandic Reich. The sole problem is that the Nordic influence is growing in the world at a steady rate. Therefore, while people may not have direct claims in Europe or while the Nords do not have direct claims in other continents. What happens in Europe will cause a great amount of distress all across the world. Mariehamm, ADI are not weak nations, but they are up against a very solid line of men and women that have been drilled in the art of military warfare since their births. Add Slavorussia into this and the war becomes much larger as the Nords are moving massive amounts of troops to combat both Mariehamm forces and Slavorussian forces. Hence for the reason that our commanders in the region have closed our borders.

For Nordland to say that people should keep their noses out of Europe is appalling for the simple fact of...oh...globalization...that I swear every world leader brings up when they feel that their opinions are better served in the situation. If you don't like the opinions of the world, then ignore them. Secondly, this whether Mariehamm had declared war first is still an aggressive war in the world's eyes for one reason. The Nordic military numbers, I believe well over a million men or if not, extremely close. The combined forces of Slavorussia, Mariehamm, and ADI do not even come close to that Spartan ideal and for the excessive force that I know will be used, as it has always been used by wars in the past is enough to transform it into a war of aggression, simply by numbers alone.

I offer Nordland this warning. Perhaps the world will not act on the invasion of Mariehamm, perhaps they will. If they do then many years and months of decisions will be solved in the next few weeks. If they do not, then you my friends are pressing your luck. People do not like your dreams of a Nordic Europe, I myself do not like this dream, just as I have adamantly opposed Canada's dream of a Communist world and Dragonisia's dream of an Asia under their own banner. If people liked this dream then there would not be so much opposition. You will not stop your attacks and I am not trying to stop you, but do not try to find innocence in this war gentlemen, for there is none.

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OOC: Woah, lots of posts.

I'll get to all of this later.

Also: Stealth doesn't work against my AA defences on the boarder due to my double-line of acoustic mirrors. I hear your planes and plot their direction and then use cannons. Wouldn't have a 100% success rate of course, but it would work.

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While the rest of the world points and laughs? Let's review what the rest of the world has said.
"If we would care about the opinion of someone who betrays his own people or doesn't even come up with a reason to attack we will contact Louisiana now go back to your own side of the world"
It’s not just the opinion of one individual, rather an analysis of facts.

The “Greater” Norland Reich’s leadership suffers from an extreme dissonance from reality if they really believe they have the world’s support.


From the office of Generalissimo, Generalissimo of Procinctia

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"If we would care about the opinion of someone who betrays his own people or doesn't even come up with a reason to attack we will contact Louisiana now go back to your own side of the world"

When the soldiers heard this, they couldn't believe their ears. After a moment of awkward silence, one of them finally speaks.

"Awwwwww Snap! They just got served!"

"Careful with the gumbo boys, looks like that was a pretty nasty burn!"

This behavior went on for several more minutes until the soldiers realized they were acting like morons.

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OOC: Woah, lots of posts.

I'll get to all of this later.

Also: Stealth doesn't work against my AA defences on the boarder due to my double-line of acoustic mirrors. I hear your planes and plot their direction and then use cannons. Wouldn't have a 100% success rate of course, but it would work.

OOC: Could you explain this more, because it is my understanding that even modern SAMs can't reach the height--with accuracy--of a stealth aircraft. Now, I could see that the Sound ranging used would be effective if there were only a few planes in the air, but since there's literally hundreds over the skies, it would be very difficult for you to range on a single craft. Maybe we could come to an agreement on a specific percentage or amount that can be effected?

EDIT: Also noticed you said border, Stealth (for me atleast) is only being used deeper in the nation for air stations, etc. Low and fast fliers can take the border regions.

Edited by Brian Reimer
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The Tahoe Republic supports our Nordlandic allies in their war, yet calls upon them to restore peace as soon as possible to Europe, avoiding civilian casualties and destruction.

Tahoe remains an open and free nation and our border or airspace policies remain the same.

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"Uberstein, after the facilities that you were responsible for and for which your nation was responsible left half the world in nuclear turmoil.. whether or not you felt yourself responsible, you created those awful weapons.. and given your continued and constant historic belligerence... any excuse you give.. falls on deaf ears. Your people, god bless them, are casualties of your own personal megalomania and insanity and those in your tight nit group of power brokers within your own state. May your end come swiftly.. and you be held accountable for the numerous atrocities your hand has been in throughout history." Stated the Triumvirate Adviser.

"If Nordland needs any assistance.. they know who to contact..."

***Classifed to Maelstrom Vortex***

Like hell you will. Nordland is a cancer, and the people they are attacking are the only ones who have dared to stand up against them.

OOC: GNR, thats three things you have copied out of my factbook recently. Seriously. STOP COPYING MY STUFF.

This this your version of the Moskalyov DBS-LK (admittedly with a slant towards more bombs less speed) which I am using as the YF-46, you also copied the KKM gen II and turned it into med range anti ship ballistic missile instead of the short ranged version I had, and you took the Earthquake bomb MK I. (based off MOP) I also had.

I thought I'd just say this now. Also, I'm not here to derail, take it to PM (as you keep saying)



Subject: Congratulations!


Thank you for qualifying for the same level of petty evilness as baby eating rapists!

Other nations know how to take an insult, but no, your glass chin is your pride. Far be it from other nations to actually say the truth, about your racist, borderline genocidal, aggressive thug of a nation, but no, the bad Baron did. Of course, he did acknowledge the state of war you initiated by invading his privately owned manor, but was content to leave it as an object lesson. Now today, you commit further invasive actions, over what you admitted was a few words. Drunks at bars fight over words.

So, we must ask, what words were of such magnitude to make national leaders devolve into thugs and brawlers. Did the Baron insinuate that Germans are the spawn of a retard and a goat? I doubt it. No, the Baron simply pointed out the thuggery and lies of your country.

No doubt, your massive submission machine will roll over the Baron, and yet again free people will be oppressed. Then you shall claim you are a nation of Nordic people, and squash the cultures of other people living in your nation.

At least baby eating rapists are in the open about their deeds.

***Classified to: LVN***

Are you just gonna sit there and berate them, or are you going to do something about it? Something needs to be done, but this needs to be an international effort.

After the initial Strike all televisions in Phoenicia turned to the former Minister of Foreign Affairs now Public Relations Office of Phoenicia Relena.

"For too long have we tried to obtain peace with the Republic of Mariehamm, a few days ago we have detected the presence of a large force at the Border this in combination with the mass insults are not the actions of a man who wants to 'liberate Europe' a goal that has already been completed by the way, no these are the actions of a man with a personal grudge we can no longer let him oppress his People we must fight to liberate them from their lunatic Government. Therefore in cooperation with the Central Government we move to war"

Oh, you detected a "large force at the border." Could it have been, *gasp* in response to your own large force at the border?

Edited by Subtleknifewielder
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GLS President Jake's personal note on GNR:

1. Has short temper.

2. Massive military.

3. Can be provoked into a war by just verbally insulting them and refusing to negotiate.

4. Considers "cold" wars as "hot" wars.

5. Very impatient and will go to war over anything they disagree with.



Perhaps you should go back to English Class as it translates to we have better things to do than consider the opinion of some unimportant nation at the other side of the Atlantic. Also if you had common sense you would realize it meant don't worry about a continent you do not even have land on.

Ever heard of globalization? We are just stating our disagreements with your declaration of war. If you have so much problems with answering our questions and listening us rant, go shut off your communication channels before you start storming other nations that only verbally insulted you.

We also recommend this for you since it seems like that you go to war over being verbally insulted and unable to deal with non-threatening rude people: http://images.amazon.com/images/P/0470037156.jpg

And last of all, here is our friendly gift for you, seeing that you need something to remind you to be friendly with other people: http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Springs/681...eJigglyPuff.jpg

OOC: I did it for the lulz :awesome:

Edited by HHAYD
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We also recommend this for you since it seems like that you go to war over being verbally insulted: http://images.amazon.com/images/P/0470037156.jpg

And last of all, here is our friendly gift for you, seeing that you need something to remind you to be friendly: http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Springs/681...eJigglyPuff.jpg

OOC: I did it for the lulz :awesome:

OOC: And a very good lulz...I know, I know, you guys don't like OOC. I'll try to keep this as the only one from me.

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OOC: Could you explain this more, because it is my understanding that even modern SAMs can't reach the height--with accuracy--of a stealth aircraft. Now, I could see that the Sound ranging used would be effective if there were only a few planes in the air, but since there's literally hundreds over the skies, it would be very difficult for you to range on a single craft. Maybe we could come to an agreement on a specific percentage or amount that can be effected?

EDIT: Also noticed you said border, Stealth (for me atleast) is only being used deeper in the nation for air stations, etc. Low and fast fliers can take the border regions.

OOC: Ah, my mistake. Seems I would know you're in the country though...then again I already know that seeing how said planes are dropping bombs. :unsure:

Now, this is my detox weekend from the schoolyear. I want to simply enjoy time with friends, play video games, and not have to give a !@#$ about anything really. So my posts until say...Tuesday aren't going to be that good.

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OOC: Ah, my mistake. Seems I would know you're in the country though...then again I already know that seeing how said planes are dropping bombs. :unsure:

Now, this is my detox weekend from the schoolyear. I want to simply enjoy time with friends, play video games, and not have to give a !@#$ about anything really. So my posts until say...Tuesday aren't going to be that good.

OOC: In that case, simply wait to reply until you have more time. According to the rules, they are not supposed to make more than one post after each time you post.

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***Classified to: LVN***

Are you just gonna sit there and berate them, or are you going to do something about it? Something needs to be done, but this needs to be an international effort.

***Encrypted Reply***

They are fully mobilized, and on the other side of the world, operating out of their home country, on a land war footing. I would have to stage a massive sea lift operation just to move more than a token force to Europe, which would be a highly expensive and for the most part worthless undertaking, due to the fact that a: in a land war, the numeric advantage is the most pronounced, b: the logistical tail of my army would be stretching halfway around the world preventing rapid resupply, and finally, c: My forces are not trained for a continental armour war. If look closely, my army is one of highly mobile heavy infantry, a force much more suited to smaller theaters, such as islands etc.

This leads me to see that my soldiers would be at a disadvantage in mobilization, logistics, terrain, standard tactics and numbers. I may berate the nords, but until they come into my yard, my bulldog of a military can only run around to the length of its chain. When the come inside that chain, they would be rendered to shreds, and utterly annihilated, but trying to attack them beyond that is stupid and futile.

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And couldn't you have just ignored Baron and let him be? He isn't that stupid on attempting to attack GNR head on. If he was, he would have invaded you guys a long time ago.

No, all he'd do is wait for us to be in some sort of trouble eventually and invade our north when he gets the chance, even if it takes years. Doing nothing would be like sleeping on the street with your pants down.

How is the Republic of Mariehamm responsible for aggression against the “Greater” Nordland Reich when you are the ones invading? If “Greater” Nordland has any evidence of an impending menace from the Republic of Mariehamm it should be brought before the international community, assuming you have any evidence.

I would suppose that Mariehamm's leader declaring war on our nation is sufficient evidence, at least for us educated people.

When the news of Slavorussia joining in in favor of Mariehamm came in, many Nordlanders cracked up laughing, while Visari would caught some FLAK. "I told you not to free them !@#$%^&*, told you they'd try something retarded."

Either way, the Slavorussians would be for the time being ignored. The Nordlanders wondered if the Molakians would march right into destruction as well. Only Odin knew. The aerial campaign continues, as cruise missiles are sent, each of the Übersteinian SAM sites are destroyed systematically. The air force would take some damage from the mobile systems, but it was still good enough so that operations could continue. The Nordheimer Bombers go back to their task of destroying the now SAM-less border fortifications. The magic of bunkerbuster rockets.

OOC: Though, once you tell me how many AA you had approximately, I'll be able to come up with an actual estimate of how many planes I lose. Just a vague number will do really, I'm not picky.

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No, all he'd do is wait for us to be in some sort of trouble eventually and invade our north when he gets the chance, even if it takes years. Doing nothing would be like sleeping on the street with your pants down.

Paranoia much? Before Cainette collapsed, we thought they were going to to try to invade us again. Cainette tried to take us over once when our military was weak. Did we try to invade them over a fear when our military was at the strongest point (OOC: IG war, inflated military :OOC)? No.

And another advice from us: http://seminoma.files.wordpress.com/2009/05/paranoid.jpg

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No, all he'd do is wait for us to be in some sort of trouble eventually and invade our north when he gets the chance, even if it takes years. Doing nothing would be like sleeping on the street with your pants down.

Of course, that presumes all those fortifications you keep making are total paper tigers, and your argument rests on the surmise that the annoying little Baron could actually hurt you. So, could he, a rather small nation actually hurt the massive GNR? Or are you lying about this to make it look like you are doing anything more than armed robbery combined with assault and battery, writ large for what amounts to a scratched pride and lack of manhood to say, "No, I shall rise above this"?

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