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Joint Echelon, MCXA, NPO, NADC, and UBD Announcement

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But. But.. But... how will the rest of us ever get someone in senate now?!?!?! We won't have a forum to discuss, plan, or organize who we'll vote for... We're done for.

Oh, wait. We can get 2/3 voted in w/o NPO's influence. Darn.

<3 Fallen Fool, I am not sad to see this. :lol1:

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Like many said before, Archon, there were people speaking out against this crap long before you became the savior of the world.

Agora was a symbol of the NPO's greatest mistake. I celebrate its death, along with that of the crony alliances that took part in it.

With respect to you (and ES as well), and at the same time in Archon's defense, there have been quite a number of people who praised the hell out of Agora, or at the very least never voiced an opinion simply out of their ties to Pacifica, while here in the disbandment thread you have near unanimous negative sentiment towards it.

I certainly don't think Archon was referring to guys like you, ES, Polaris, etc.

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I think I must be in the minority, as I'm getting a bigger kick out of all these folks who suddenly speak with a boldness that was nowhere to be found but months earlier. To hell with the bloc - the reactions are where its at.

I'm not sure if you meant this to be offensive or not, but it doesn't come across well. Most of the folks posting here have been opposing Agora from the start. The bloc was created as a blatant insult towards many of us, and it never stopped being one. For blue team, Agora has never been anything but a pox on the team, and most of us have done nothing but ensure it would fail. I've been around for a while, Archon, and I can't think of a single bloc more universally hated than Agora.

It is telling that the only person "defending" this bloc is a crazed liar who is afraid to reply to actual informed posts. "But... but the NPO told me if I say something enough it becomes true!"

I have to say I am a tad nostalgic right now though. The old BLEU-crew is together calling out traitors and spitting inconvenient truths against baseless lies. Been fun. Too bad it'll disperse after this thread though.

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Random: just remake BLEU (minus echelon/mcxa) :P

Agora dealt a serious blow to the blue team and it will take a decent amount of time to rebuild. The blue team is fractured and the old friendships aren't as close as they might appear. However if the solid blue alliances wanted to actually listen to reason I would greatly enjoy rebuilding the greatest bloc in CN history.

You can't rush greatness though, so I wouldn't hold your breath.

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Lusitan, if Agora "was actually intended to produce economic benefit for its signatories" as you put it then;
III. Military Cooperation

A. Should any signatories find themselves in a defensive war, they may request political, economic, and military assistance from the other signatories. B. This agreement highly encourages those other signatories to come to the defense of the attacked signatory. C. Any signatory may request assistance in any sort of military matter with 48 hours notice, however that assistance is not mandatory.

indicates that this is more than just an economic bloc. You may have been tied via treaties already but this just ensures that that military bloc is strengthened. Also it would have bound new alliances who joined to honour Article III. Hence the cynicism it received that it was not purely an economic bloc and why NPO was a co-signatory. You stated that NPO being involved was a mistake and I have to agree with you. And to say I don't know the intentions of the co-signatories is true, however, to limit it to just stating that they were excited about building an new economic bloc for blue is shallow considering the inclusion of Article III coupled by NPO's presence.

But it's dead now.

You need to take a better look at your diplomacy guidebook. "Highly encouraged" is a basic qualifier on ODPs and even some ToAs. It means that signatory can back another signatory if the latter is attacked, but doesn't have to. In the case of an MDP, the word used is "must" or "will."

OK so why include it and also thats a very interesting point of view you have that certain phrases in a treaty "doesn't mean crap" to you. So can you please go through all the NADC treaties and point out what phrases written into your treaties bear no meaning. Thanks. ;)

Agora was an ODP bloc like OUT or the defunct Aqua ICE treaty, both of which have similar clauses. This type of wording is an upgrade from a basic NAP framework, which says that the signatories won't attack each other because it says that in addition to not attacking each other, the signatories should at least consider helping other out.

There are a lot of reasons to criticize Agora, but this wording isn't it.

Edited by Duncan King
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I don't think Agora was worth jack !@#$ anyway, especially not without NpO's support, so i really don't understand all the hate for something that's worthless to begin with D:

Much like with the former Continuum, it's what the bloc represents more than any actual problem or threat it poses to anyone or anything.

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Yeah, there's no way that this statement could apply to you yourself within recent months. No way at all, Mister "Karma Incarnate". Save the snarkiness for people who actually deserve it.

That would imply that I'm running around speaking out against various folks now. I didn't sit subservient all that much then, and I don't really do so now either. That being said...

I certainly don't think Archon was referring to guys like you, ES, Polaris, etc.

Weeeee have a winner. Well, really his and Sal's replies, but I forgot to quote that one, sorry.

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Yeah, there's no way that this statement could apply to you yourself within recent months. No way at all, Mister "Karma Incarnate". Save the snarkiness for people who actually deserve it.

Archon was a brilliant speaker before it was cool to do anything but "o/ NPO".

I don't see where you're coming from.

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You mean like when Bismarck came out and admitted to organizing a ring of ingame spies. I seem to recall you saying repeatedly that it was all the proof Polar needed.

I want nothing to do with this thread, and have only been directed to this post. I didn't read the rest of the thread, so I apologize if someone already brought this up, but: If you can link to the specific admission of organized spy rings, I'd like you to do so. Otherwise, Bismarck has nothing to do with this thread. In fact, whether or not you can provide a link, he has nothing to do with this thread. Leave him out of it.

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In hindsight I would not have taken this to war. We acted under the assumption that this was a NADC government action as it was quite large. Bismarck played myself and others for his own agenda and for that NADC suffered. For what it's worth, I sincerely apologise for that.

Good to know, thanks.

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Agora dealt a serious blow to the blue team and it will take a decent amount of time to rebuild. The blue team is fractured and the old friendships aren't as close as they might appear. However if the solid blue alliances wanted to actually listen to reason I would greatly enjoy rebuilding the greatest bloc in CN history.

You can't rush greatness though, so I wouldn't hold your breath.

Frostbite doesn't need rebuilt.

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With respect to you (and ES as well), and at the same time in Archon's defense, there have been quite a number of people who praised the hell out of Agora, or at the very least never voiced an opinion simply out of their ties to Pacifica, while here in the disbandment thread you have near unanimous negative sentiment towards it.

I certainly don't think Archon was referring to guys like you, ES, Polaris, etc.

I guess I always remembered Agora having a pretty poor reception across the board. It seemed that even allies of the signatories were a bit perplexed. Surely there are a few rulers who became more vocal in their criticisms of Agora over the past six months, but I'd say most people were always pretty forthright with their opinions of Agora on these boards.

I didn't think Archon was referring to "us" but I do think Agora was a poor example of the public remaining silent over injustice.

I want nothing to do with this thread, and have only been directed to this post. I didn't read the rest of the thread, so I apologize if someone already brought this up, but: If you can link to the specific admission of organized spy rings, I'd like you to do so. Otherwise, Bismarck has nothing to do with this thread. In fact, whether or not you can provide a link, he has nothing to do with this thread. Leave him out of it.

Scroll up to the Assington/Bismark logs here. I believe Assington is trying to defend his name from the word of Lady Gaga by citing relevant evidence.

Edited by Penguin
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I want nothing to do with this thread, and have only been directed to this post. I didn't read the rest of the thread, so I apologize if someone already brought this up, but: If you can link to the specific admission of organized spy rings, I'd like you to do so. Otherwise, Bismarck has nothing to do with this thread. In fact, whether or not you can provide a link, he has nothing to do with this thread. Leave him out of it.

Unfortunatly as long as people are using this thread as a "BLEU was evil" as a reason to defend Agoras actions, NADC+Bismarck are to do with it.

Edited by Raphael Beau Pre
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Scroll up to the Assington/Bismark logs here. I believe Assington is trying to defend his name from the slanderous word of Lady Gaga by citing relevant evidence.

Thank you.

I will just remind everyone, before I let you get back to your fun, that Bismarck, whatever he may have done, has not been a resident of Planet Bob for well over a year now. He was not around to see any part of Agora, and it would be a stretch to argue his place in an Agora termination thread.

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