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Looking at Ejay's threads about funniest posters gave me a bit of an idea... maybe it's garbage, or maybe it's the most awesome thing since sex with sliced bread, I dunno. But I think it would be nice to have a thread to collect funny/witty posts. This can be intentional, or unintentional, whatever really makes you laugh. Maybe it'll spawn a few "post of the week" polls later on? I know everyone here loves a good poll (lol).

A couple things; don't be a !@#$% and post your own posts from other threads. It's not witty, and if you're doing it because you actually laugh at your own posts then you're an idiot.

Don't forget to add at least a bit of content to your submission, if only to at least thank the original author for making you laugh.

PS: I know I should add an example to start, but I couldn't find anything good.

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Looking at Ejay's threads about funniest posters gave me a bit of an idea... maybe it's garbage, or maybe it's the most awesome thing since sex with sliced bread, I dunno. But I think it would be nice to have a thread to collect funny/witty posts. This can be intentional, or unintentional, whatever really makes you laugh. Maybe it'll spawn a few "post of the week" polls later on? I know everyone here loves a good poll (lol).

A couple things; don't be a !@#$% and post your own posts from other threads. It's not witty, and if you're doing it because you actually laugh at your own posts then you're an idiot.

Don't forget to add at least a bit of content to your submission, if only to at least thank the original author for making you laugh.

PS: I know I should add an example to start, but I couldn't find anything good.

Here you go for an unintentional one.

Dear Planet Bob,

I come to speak with an opinion on this here thread. Although many a bright mind have posted their own strong opinions about shaneprice's leaving of the Grand Global Alliance, and then the open trolling and dissing of said alliance, there are reasons that such a member left. Do not think that he was "kicked out" under "stupid reasons". He was let go for he committed a vile act. Shaneprice was convicted of speaking out against the New Pacific Order and also suggesting that the Grand Global Alliance "leave" OneVision. Now one may think that these reasons are "pathetic", but put your alliance in the shoes of the Grand Global Alliance. How would you take it if a member of leadership were to speak out against an ally who has stuck by your alliance since it's birth, or in this case "rebirth"? With that said, shaneprice was given the option to either leave with a partial good note, or be kicked. I, as Chancellor of the Grand Global Alliance, stand by the decisions of our leadership. Shaneprice nearly brought war to the Grand Global Alliance with his little "outburst". Think about it.

~Dephire, Chancellor of the Grand Global Alliance.

and here's an intentional one.

/A\/A\ Official Announcement


Hello Cybergins,

The beginnings of /A\/A\ had a purpose to maintain a LULZ persona politically and to show that no one needs to be afraid of not going with the flow. I want to give a special thanks to Athens for providing the support and logistical assistance for so long. They stood by /A\/A\ for a very long time. All the way back to when I was starting out in UNCE. Another Alliance made many friends along this rocky road. Possibly more enemies in certain circles, but overall I have absolutely no regrets. It's with this lack of regret and complete intolerance for Electron Sponge, that I continue on...


Let me just go back to the day that I suddenly came to the realization that /A\/A\ was no longer required to be in its current form.

It was a day that I'll never forget.

Obviously a very angry and jealous creature of the great north. This is when I decided it was time for a change. Obama is in the white house. NPO isn't #1 anymore. Everything was just feeling like the very first time

I digress...

I come to you today to announce something that has been in the works for the past few weeks. My fellow triumvirate Kia (Ebony Wings) and Stormsend have a checkered past. A past that involves a brotherhood/sisterhood in a alliance... Independent Oceanic Nations. Also known as ION.

/A\/A\ will be no more in 48 hours.

So with this, some of the government officials at /A\/A\ will be moving offices to http://cn-oceana.co.cc/forums/index.php and their irc home will be at #ion. I myself will not be joining them.

I hope to see everyone there.

o/ /A\/A\

o/ The Batteries

o/ ION

Good Luck To All..

and btw, you mess with anyone under the 48 hour limit. stuff will reach the level of the fan and make contact...

Needless to say, it was much easier to find an unintentional one then an intentional one.

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The most epic post of all time goes to... either: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?s...t&p=1165174

'Sup, G's. Check it out: Debbilyn Sundquist, tha CSB human-resources secretary, e-mailed me.

"Hi p0rkSab3r," she wrote. "This is just a friendly reminder to inform you that you have some paid personal days you haven't used. They do not carry over into the next year, so please be sure to use them soon!!!"

"CSB rekruitz don't take no personal dayz off," I wrote back. "We been through this shiznit befoe. I ain't havin' it. fappity fap all y'all an' yo wack no-workin' bullshiznit."

Or the mod's response to that thread which has been courteously provided in my signature.... http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?a...amp;pid=1165495

Edited by SpacingOutMan
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Anything from DRDavidBanner qualifies.

Some of his choice anti-ODN ramblings:

There will be a great fire. There will be great violence, but there will be freedom. Freedom from all big alliances who control CN players like puppets. There will be a man to lead them with the odds against him. There will be a great war and no matter who wins CN will change forever. True democracy will come. Small alliances will be big. The NPO will be nothing. And forever will CN be free!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I just have one thing to say to everybody," When there is fire there is smoke. And in that smoke from this day forward. My people will crouch and conspire and plot and plan for the inventible day of ODNS down fall. The day when they finally and self destructible turn there weapons on their own people. The day of the writing in the sky when your nations lay buried in radioactive rubble. When the sea is a dead sea and the land is a waste land. Out of which I will lead my people from their captivity!!! And we will found our own alliance, our own government. And we will build our own armies and our new CN world. And there will be no place for ODN members!!! Except to serve our ends. And that day is upon you now!!!
Maybe you are the children not me. Didnt you ever learn making fun of people isnt nice. Or your in preschool.
lock this mods. and ODN memeber who is god. Isnt that ant admin to say such a thing.
I also banned you. And ha to your name. You are a weak mindedm fool and old traitor. I also changed Petes name to stupid idiot betrayer. LOL
Eventually is the rebellion passes through generations it will be strong enough for war. People will ventually relize the truth of the ODN-HHM war. What really happened not just the ODN lies. And eventually people will find out the replies I got. Saying I did no something of the spying. When I was never really part of the HHM. I was told it was unoffical. I was still attacked by the evil corrup ODN. When I did nothing.

When he declared on NPO:

The rebellion has offically declared war on the NPO and will help the people against them like the NpO.

We have learned that the NPO is evil and is corrupting CN. So they should die. NPO this is what me and the entire rebellion would ike to say. Evil should be gone.

Then 13 minutes later:

If the NPO is not in this war then rebellion ends the war with them.

Yes, that was funny stuff. :P

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Oh come on. Like anyone's going to do anything at this point without someone giving them a testicular implant from the scrotum of Ivan Moldavi, Tygaland, or Electron !@#$@#$ Sponge.

I'd love to be proven wrong, honestly. But let's be real. Most of you are !@#$@#$ spineless.

The first novel took 500 pages to tell a story that easily could have been told in 250 or so pages, and the writing style made me want to dropkick kittens and then crack open their skulls and eat their tiny brains.
I've had a terrible nightmare before that Chris Kaos wasn't actually an idiot, and was a recruiter for the government, and when I went for a job interview, he brought up me being Dilber, and then told me he wouldn't hire me. Then I realized he's Canadian, and I'm safe.
Hey remember the time when Vox was like "yo tC ain't all roses and butterflies" and everyone was like "shut up Vox we're having orgies" and then when people leave Vox is like "heh" and tC is like "stfu Vox its not a secret". Good times.
MCXA couldn't figure out which side was more powerful, so they had to divide.
Because we honestly don't care, attack us and see how far you get before NPO reminds you why we don't need the WRC. :rolleyes:
Sometimes I get the urge to join GGA so that I could show them things like LC swapping and SDIs, and then be celebrated as a prophet, but I think I'd most likely be burned as a heretic instead.

Oh well, at least I'd have that sweet "level 9 plane" badge.

Dear Planet Bob,

I come to speak with an opinion on this here thread. Although many a bright mind have posted their own strong opinions about shaneprice's leaving of the Grand Global Alliance, and then the open trolling and dissing of said alliance, there are reasons that such a member left. Do not think that he was "kicked out" under "stupid reasons". He was let go for he committed a vile act. Shaneprice was convicted of speaking out against the New Pacific Order as well as IRON and also suggesting that the Grand Global Alliance "leave" OneVision. Now one may think that these reasons are "pathetic", but put your alliance in the shoes of the Grand Global Alliance. How would you take it if a member of leadership were to speak out against an ally who has stuck by your alliance since it's birth, or in this case "rebirth"? With that said, shaneprice was given the option to either leave with a partial good note, or be kicked. I, as Chancellor of the Grand Global Alliance, stand by the decisions of our leadership. Shaneprice nearly brought war to the Grand Global Alliance with his little "outburst". Think about it.

~Dephire, Chancellor of the Grand Global Alliance.

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For all time I still think Sefarst response to Mpol's topic a loooong time ago is the best.

Mpol's OP

Sefarst's response

I like the idea of a best post award or something like it, but it should have some definition like whether or not it may be replies to other posts (this implies that two people made a great post and can cause issues), to what degree you must understand the circumstances of the joke, whether the author may be important for the post. Or may other parts of the forum qualify, gameplay, RP or even the OOC part.

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For all time I still think Sefarst response to Mpol's topic a loooong time ago is the best.

Mpol's OP

Sefarst's response

I like the idea of a best post award or something like it, but it should have some definition like whether or not it may be replies to other posts (this implies that two people made a great post and can cause issues), to what degree you must understand the circumstances of the joke, whether the author may be important for the post. Or may other parts of the forum qualify, gameplay, RP or even the OOC part.

He's found the winner.

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My signature was removed, but there was one certain individual bribing moderation. He offered naked pictures of his girlfriend in exchange for an unban, but the way he did it made me cry in laughter.

That would be Darth Fetzen aka Scrapmasterfflex.

He used to be in my allianec.

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For all time I still think Sefarst response to Mpol's topic a loooong time ago is the best.

Mpol's OP

Sefarst's response

I like the idea of a best post award or something like it, but it should have some definition like whether or not it may be replies to other posts (this implies that two people made a great post and can cause issues), to what degree you must understand the circumstances of the joke, whether the author may be important for the post. Or may other parts of the forum qualify, gameplay, RP or even the OOC part.

Wow, that is rich.

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Unintentional -


Nation: Slaytanic Wehrmacht

Ruler: Slayer99

Nation Link: http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...ation_ID=161590

I was warned here for calling a player "!@#$%."

Nowhere in the dictionary could I see where this word (as opposed to the slang term "!@#$%") has a negative connotation or slander worthy of a warn. It is not profanity or even mild profanity.




1. a jet or current of water, sometimes with a dissolved medicating or cleansing agent, applied to a body part, organ, or cavity for medicinal or hygienic purposes.

2. the application of such a jet.

3. an instrument, as a syringe, for administering it.

4. a bath administered by such a jet.

In essence, I called the player a jet or current of water and that is warnable? Furthermore, a cursory search of the forums for the term "!@#$%" finds numerous hits (far too many to be listed here). Here are just a few.





The connotation of !@#$% as used repeatedly in the context of CN is "jerk." This term has been used repeatedly in the forums both to describe players and a player's actions (as opposed to !@#$% which has obvious negative connotations and would fall under mild profanity).

I respectfully request that this warn be overturned.

You gotta love it when the mods can see through your e-lawyering.

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Some ones I found amusing:

I remember you when you were in FEAR...

You were nicer then...

Still pretty cool, but you've lost that touch of "good"

At the same time though, when he was in FEAR, he knew a great deal about treaty cancellations.

Why was it necessary to post an announcement that you were NOT canceling a treaty?

I have a question for you. Why is it necessary for you to post a retirement thread every month?

Yo FOK, NADC called - they want their balls back.
You obviously haven't read your Vladimir. You seem to have some misconceptions about what freedom means. I'll give you a hint, it rhymes with bravery.
....Sponge, if you feel this way, why the heck did you kill the only alliances in CN that actually had the stones to be honest in their aggression?

Really, you've come to the Path Of the Unjust far too late.

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:D I think its self-explanatory

Edit: Spelling

Irony, anyone?

Also, its a misquote.... "did you Polar too stupid to read?" is the correct version, and I personally think that is the most epic quote in the history of CN, closely followed by Dephire's rant on Shaneprice. :D

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For all time I still think Sefarst response to Mpol's topic a loooong time ago is the best.

Mpol's OP

Sefarst's response

I like the idea of a best post award or something like it, but it should have some definition like whether or not it may be replies to other posts (this implies that two people made a great post and can cause issues), to what degree you must understand the circumstances of the joke, whether the author may be important for the post. Or may other parts of the forum qualify, gameplay, RP or even the OOC part.

That was full of win.

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