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Apologies and Thank Yous


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I come before you today humble and full of regret. At the beginning of the Karma war, or whatever it is being called, and the past couple of days I have said some unkind things about friends. This is just kind of a general apology and thank you, I will be contacting people personally whom I feel deserve personal apologies.

First, I would like to apologize to MK. I apologize for comparing you to the former hegemony. This was very off-base, and entirely inappropriate for me to do. On the other side, I would also like to thank you once again for hosting two rerolls during my time on e-ZI. I know I have thanked you before, but I feel it is necessary to thank you once again after what I have said about you. You stuck your neck out on the line and I really have not repaid you properly during this war. I wish you luck in the future, and hope that one day everyone can forgive me.

Second, I would like to apologize to ION, and more specifically, Ebony Wings, which I believe you go by now. Although no plans were ever laid out to actually attack ION to my knowledge while I was in the GGA, I should have attempted to stop your disbandment. I would also like to thank and apologize both to Ebony Wings, for listening to my venting, which has been lately inappropriate things about your ally. I hope that one day you can forgive me, because I consider you to be one of the better friends I've made during my time in Cyber Nations.

Third, I would like to apologize to CN as a whole. The past almost two years, I have pretty much been an $@! and made a fool out of myself on damn near every occasion I could. This has resulted in far too many attention whoring threads, and far too many headaches for too many alliances.

Fourth, to all of the private IRC channels I'm in, I apologize for !@#$%*ing essentially non-stop for at least a year now, if not longer.

I do not know if I will remain in Cyber Nations for much longer, but if I do, I will be doing some heavy reflecting and thinking about my behavior of the past two years, and hopefully if I do stay I will be an improved version of myself, rather than the attention whoring headache I have been for some time.

Thank you.

I don't know if it is possible in this forum, but if it is, moderators please lock this thread.

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This is quite a whiplash from statements and conduct from you just... less than an hour ago? I have a feeling the statements in this post will be regarded as being on just as shaky ground as your temper and your alliance commitments (2 in 2 days, you are making good time aren't you?).

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I know how it feels to try and re-invent yourself but to never be forgotten for your past transgressions.

CN's not very forigivng or compassionate. Easy to be hated and hard to be loved here. Losing a member is always sad to see but I'm assuming we'll see you again.

Until then take care out there.

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This is quite a whiplash from statements and conduct from you just... less than an hour ago? I have a feeling the statements in this post will be regarded as being on just as shaky ground as your temper and your alliance commitments (2 in 2 days, you are making good time aren't you?).

To be honest, even though it is a quick turnaround, I did put some thought into this. If you choose not to believe it, that's fine, but it is genuine.

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To be honest, even though it is a quick turnaround, I did put some thought into this. If you choose not to believe it, that's fine, but it is genuine.

I am guardedly optimistic, but this drama is just a spectator sport to me. Just saying what I would expect in the same situation. If you want to change anyone's minds, keep up the good work you started here.

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Well, it seems you have put quite a bit of thought into all of this JB. As many of us have seen (and many more, not) these past years have been quite tumultuous. Within the world of CN, there have been major fiasco's and triumphs. Undoubtedly it has been a trying time for quite a few. Understandably emotions often get mixed in with something that is given so much time and effort. It is hard to deny those things when your work is trampled upon or questioned. Though it didn't seem that your break(s) helped much, or maybe it did. I can only extend my best wishes for whatever path you choose in the future, as a former comrade in arms, co-conspirator and I believe an enemy on the other side.

Your words were well said, now may you keep true to not just them, but onto yourself. Best of luck, mate.

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Oceana forgave you for what you helped cause a long time ago, JB. You might have made me regret giving you that forgiveness from time to time, but I've never taken it away from you because you deserved to be let off the hook.

But there are some things that I just can't take as lightly:

1: You've spent way too much time trash-talking the Mushroom Kingdom in my general direction, apparently in ignorance of Oceana's history with the Kingdom. We've been best friends since our alliances met, and the Mushroom Kingdom - specifically, AirMe - was the one alliance willing to go to bat to try to avert the war that GGA/NPO was about to drop on our head. When that failed, they were kind enough to take in Oceana's membership and give them a home, even going so far as to sneak my reroll in under cover of broad daylight. Our alliances have shared blood, and when you trash talk the Mushroom Kingdom, you trash talk us.

2: #oceana has a reputation amongst those who have access, and one of the expectations our membership has is that we can all shake hands at the end of the day despite having a fairly diverse number of political opinions regarding CN in there. Moreover, take a look at some of the people who pass through that channel: AirMe, Tygaland, Doitzel, Electron Sponge, Archon, Schattenman - all these people are very passionate about their places in CyberNations, and are willing to bring the heat if you feel like starting a debate. They brought the heat, and at the end of the day you wanted to knife half the channel rather than shake their hands. You whined about nobody being able to see CN from your point of view ad nauseum, and generally had the entire channel on eggshells until you finally took your cross and left.

What I'm trying to get at here is that you've had a lot of people show you a lot of mercy and restraint since you left the GGA. People have bent over backwards to help you and to include you - to make friends with you - and the thanks we received was you flipping out and planting knives in our spines.

As a final note, not everyone out there is going to be as forgiving of you as Oceana has been. If you want to convince them that you've truly turned over a new leaf, I'd suggest using some actions to back those words up.

EDIT: I swear I speak English.

Edited by Ebony Wings
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An improved JB would be a great asset to the community. I hope you don't leave, having taken the thought to see what it is about your character that causes you difficulties.

As always, it seems, I must concur with Bob Janova here as he has said what I wanted to say, but said it better and quicker than I.

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Hello, JB. Long time no typo.

If I may....

Leaving is the easy road to take. (I know something about this.) Don't do it.

Join NoR and we'll beat the regret out of you. ;)

Seriously, though. Your skills would be an asset to any alliance. I hope you are able to turn over a new leaf, find a good home and prosper.

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A history of attention whoring:

Current thread

Apology to IRON for claiming they wanted to kill him(7 April 2009)

CN is dead because JB is on a ZI list (22 March 2009)

Left CN for good (24 October 2008)

Not talking to CN anymore (11 October 2008)

Left CN for good (1 March 2008)

Yeah JB you've got a long history of these threads and just as long of a history of not meaning a damn word you say in them. You wanted attention. Well you've got it now. Congrats, fraud.


Edited by Electron Sponge
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