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IRON Surrenders

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Some of the best people Ive met on CN were in enemy nations during this war, much love.

Im proud of the fact that we took on as many alliances as we did, and dished out as much hurt as we did.

IRON is a force to be reckoned with

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Actually, I guess it goes to show that at the end of every major war, there will be reps of large size. It is an inevitability. Still, I like seeing more alliances adopting a policy of not using reps as an instrument of revenge.

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I was there from the beginning I've fought my fair share of wars with IRON opponents, and I speak for all my MHA brothers when I say that IRON were a formidable force and that they fought bravely with honor. Most of all they didn't panic.

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Actually, I guess it goes to show that at the end of every major war, there will be reps of large size. It is an inevitability. Still, I like seeing more alliances adopting a policy of not using reps as an instrument of revenge.

Reparations is just one of the ways to punish an alliance, nothing wrong with it unless it is out of proportion with what is being punished. IRON has played a key role in the Hegemony for a long time, they deserve this and in my humble opinion more. But hey it's a start, I'm happy reps are being paid at all.

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I'm sure this has been said somewhere before, but

Violation of these terms, other than Article 10, may result in the resumption of war at the discretion of the signatory alliances.
[...]Compliance is defined here to mean, taking those actions necessary to complete, or beginning the process that will result in completion of the objectives spelled out in in Articles 1 through 9[...]

Laaaaaaaammee, I really wanted to see that. D:

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That was some cool battles, really. Reminds me to fire my SDI engineers, that thing just doesn't work.

Special kudos to Matt Miller, who was, just like Grub in the Polar war, an extremely worthy opponent. Welcome Back in the Top10 in a few days :).


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Actually, I guess it goes to show that at the end of every major war, there will be reps of large size. It is an inevitability. Still, I like seeing more alliances adopting a policy of not using reps as an instrument of revenge.

I get it! I get it!

Your post is awesome. :awesome:

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I get a kick out of the fact that once again, the people crying over the terms are not the ones living with them. Maybe some of you would have a leg to stand on if IRON's members were going berserk over this, but obviously they're not.

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The damage that was done should have been enough. Very honorable to those of you who did just waive the reps. Congrats to IRON for getting peace.


o/ Gre

o/ Fark

o/ MHA

o/ FCC

Edited by iamthey
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I was wondering when this was going to happen.

This war certaintly was devastating.

As for if the damage was enough ...I don't think so. IRON had plenty of oppurtunities to voice their displeasure with the actions the NPO and others have taken, and I am not aware of IRON doing so publicly. Therefore the reps I believe are necessary to truly deliver the lesson.

That said, I don't have any hard feelings towards IRON.

Good luck rebuilding guys, I'm sure we'll be seeing IRON up in the top 5 in no time at all :)

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Man, Those IRON guys...They were tough.

0/Iron for the fun fight.


Special shoutout to your boy, Pololand. His airforce kept my bombers on the ground, thus preventing him from getting ZI'd even with like 5 or 6 guys on him. Hell, he's managed to stay out of anarchy.

07 Pololand

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As for if the damage was enough ...I don't think so. IRON had plenty of oppurtunities to voice their displeasure with the actions the NPO and others have taken, and I am not aware of IRON doing so publicly. Therefore the reps I believe are necessary to truly deliver the lesson.

Fair, I mean I'm not going to have a public argument over the matter. Its not that I have a personal issue with RoK more so I disagree with idea of even demanding reps in the first place (Especially using them as a punishment), and considering IRON has waived reps in the past it didn't seem appropriate (especially considering the billions lost already). That being said what is done is done.

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I just want to add a special thanks to all of my IRON victims who shared some excellent recipes during this campaign. And double thanks to those of you who provided gluten-free options!

Well fought and well met, all of you.

/And the two of you that I don't get to ZI got lucky ...

Well.. You can say you have the honor of having nuked me 5 times when I smacked Procrastinator around a bit, hehe... your alliance mates burned through my infra fast in these final few days. :)

As for the peace, I'm glad to see it over, and glad to see IRON off to the post-war (hopefully without NPO, I don't really like them in my personal opinion)

o/ IRON!

o/ Fark!

o/ MHA!

o/ Grämlins!

o/ FCC!

o/ RoK and everyone else on peace

o/ Peace

Edited by Ivan V
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Fighting IRON has been the highlight of this war, well co-ordinated teams and good fighters overall. In my short time on this planet, this is the best alliance in terms of fighting that i have gone up against. No exceptions whatsoever, Nueva Vida Came close though.

It was an honor to cross swords with IRON.

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Fighting IRON has been the highlight of this war, well co-ordinated teams and good fighters overall. In my short time on this planet, this is the best alliance in terms of fighting that i have gone up against. No exceptions whatsoever, Nueva Vida Came close though.

It was an honor to cross swords with IRON.

You've never fought FAN :blush:

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