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Announcement from the GGA

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You got rid of your only no retarded triv...


Good luck KingFuHamster :)

I echo this strongly. KungFuHamster was the only member of GGA trivum who didn't try to tell me that NPO was at war with NSO.

I'm playing the counter-coup card. DerekJones! I choose you!

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The difference here is that you did not personally sentence someone to EZI for absolutely no reason.

If GGA was truly interested in a fresh start, apologies would be a great place to start, no?

Perhaps, but could we give them a day or two at least?

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Oh, and for the record:

In the event that a council member is deemed by his/her peers (a two thirds vote of the council) to be unfit or unworthy of his/her post and/or membership in the alliance, a special court will convene to decide if s/he shall remain. This court shall consist of three Elder Statesmen and the remaining council members. A simple majority will decide the fate of the member in question.

I'd like to see that voting record.

Source: GGA Charter

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New Triumvirate

This announcement is never easy, but in the interest of having a new and open govt. I will make the following announcement.

Scotchwithrocks, and Kungfuhamster, have been relieved of their duties as Triumvirate of the GGA. This decision was made after taking into consideration the actions of these two triumvirs over the last little while. I will not delve into what lead up to these decisions as i don't personally think its fair to lamb baste them in public.

Both of them have been offered the position of Elder Statesmen and the offer will not be rescinded until they have made their decisions. Should they decide they wish to leave, we wish them well and hold no ill feelings towards them.

Now onto happy times, with the opening of Two triumvirate positions i would like to welcome firstly Descepter as the newest Triumvirate, She will no doubt do great things as Triumvirate as she has already proven herself capable in the other positions she's held. Secondly as strange as this sounds i welcome back into the fold one Mr. Shaneprice. Shane has gone above and beyond to right the wrongs and has held a very pro GGA mindset in the process. I feel this is a long time overdue, welcome back shane.

With these moves in mind, we hope to continue moving forward, away from the past that's led us to this present position. Progressively making head way. The Alliance has never had a brighter future in my mind, and i can assure you there will be more announcements in the coming days. With that in mind, please feel free to continue to pm me, or either of the two new triumvirs with your questions and concerns, we can also be found on irc throughout the day and night. :)

Furthermore our embassy row is now open, please feel free to send over an ambassador to our new forums located here

Signed on behalf of the GGA:

Degenerate108, Holy Triumvirate and Chief Protector of the Realm

DeScepter, Holy Triumvirate and Chief Protector of the Realm

Shaneprice, Holy Triumvirate and Chief Protector of the Realm

I Lol'd Nice to see you guys have a new government, Good luck in the future.


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This announcement is never easy, but in the interest of having a new and open govt. I will make the following announcement.
I will not delve into what lead up to these decisions

You done did contradict yourself there.

Edited by Ephriam Grey
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Speaking of coups and other leaders threatening Degenerate's reign,

When DerekJones tried to return to GGA after he had left the game, you instructed him to switch to the GGA Applicant AA, and then ZIed him for ghosting GGA. He had expressed no intentions to take control of your government.

So, uh,

What's your story for that?

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Does Shaneprice's reinstatement as a Triumvir signify a change in foreign policy from GGA or a change in foreign policy from Shaneprice? The reason I ask is that he was removed as a Triumvir for daring to suggest exploring other options in foreign affairs other than the NPO. Either his opinon must have changed or GGA is looking at exploring new options.

My guess is that GGA is exploring new options based on their former model. With NPO now unable to defend them, GGA needs to attach itself to another alliance for protection.

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Ephriam Grey could you please stop trying to be relevant and just be quiet on the side lines? Your days of being CN's biggest joke are over. k, thx.

I get it! That's why he's posting in a GGA thread! He's getting jealous!

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Does Shaneprice's reinstatement as a Triumvir signify a change in foreign policy from GGA or a change in foreign policy from Shaneprice? The reason I ask is that he was removed as a Triumvir for daring to suggest exploring other options in foreign affairs other than the NPO. Either his opinon must have changed or GGA is looking at exploring new options.

I still would like to see this properly addressed.

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Don't know what led up to this so I won't comment on the merits of removing him but I've always found Kungfuhamster to be a class act and respected him greatly. I wish him the best in the future.

Shaneprice: from potential GGA target list fodder to returning Triumvir. The mind boggles. :wacko:

Good luck to all involved, hopefully someone can stop the hemorrhaging alliance score.

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I've been trying to give you a second chance and will continue to do so, but more government shake-ups aren't very encouraging even though we don't know the details.

Especially getting rid of KungFuHamster, he was acting as a diplomat to MK and while perhaps somewhat noobish, seemed and acted intelligent, well meaning, and level-headed and represented GGA well.

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For all those trying to troll us to death once again: give us a damn break. Change does not come with a day. It'll take some time. Nonetheless, here you see the GGA making a big change (if you'd know what's up, you'd be damn pleased to see this), and trying to get back up...and all you can think of is: 'Z0MG, GGA ANNOUNCEMENT, LET'S TROLL!' I really doubt if you're actually thinking any further than that. To those who have remained respectful: Thank you :)

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For all those trying to troll us to death once again: give us a damn break. Change does not come with a day. It'll take some time. Nonetheless, here you see the GGA making a big change (if you'd know what's up, you'd be damn pleased to see this), and trying to get back up...and all you can think of is: 'Z0MG, GGA ANNOUNCEMENT, LET'S TROLL!' I really doubt if you're actually thinking any further than that. To those who have remained respectful: Thank you :)


The points most make regarding ShanePrice are pretty much valid. A bit biased maybe, but valid nonetheless. Nobody has satisfied the question Tyga asked. Does this signify a new change in foreign policy for the GGA? Until someone from the GGA answers, speculation is the only avenue open to the average ruler. And speculation can easily turn to mockery.

So chaosplayer4, quit whining and actually join the debate. Or go back to bawwing and make yourself a target.

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The points most make regarding ShanePrice are pretty much valid. A bit biased maybe, but valid nonetheless. Nobody has satisfied the question Tyga asked. Does this signify a new change in foreign policy for the GGA? Until someone from the GGA answers, speculation is the only avenue open to the average ruler. And speculation can easily turn to mockery.

So chaosplayer4, quit whining and actually join the debate. Or go back to bawwing and make yourself a target.

It was not ment as a baww, however, I saw people rub sand in our eyes about completely other things too, THAT is what annoys me. I can understand people have questions about this, and they are in their full right to state them. Just try to remain respectful. I'll see if I can get some gov. to answer some of them, as I don't think I hold the power to decide on this :P

EDIT: for clarifications, I ment 'lolgga' posts, references to the NPO etc. these things have nothing to do with this announcement.

Edited by chaosplayer4
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